On the Beach Ch. 03


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She picked up her fork and began to eat. Bill and his sister smiled at each other.

Mr. Casey, Ben, looked over his plate at me. "Give it up, son. I've been married to her almost twenty years. When she uses that voice, it's over, trust me."

I tried not to show how hungry I was but I still ate twice as much as Bill. We fetched my suitcases and I settled up with the hotel.

Mrs. Casey met us at the door. She directed us toward the garage and followed us. She held out a large plastic bag and a towel.

"James, hon, put your clothes in here, including what you're wearing. I wasn't kidding about the bed bugs in that place."

Bill started to protest.

I stopped him. "Dude, no problem."

I wasn't pissed. It made sense to me.

I sat my suitcases down and opened them. There wasn't nothing in them I cared about them seeing. I started to put the clothes in the bag.

"James, anything I can't wash with hot water?"

"No, ma'am."

When I the suitcases were empty I stood up.

"Bill, use this spray on the suitcases." She held out a can of something.

"Mom, this is ridiculous and rude," he snapped. He was red in the face angry.

"No, man, it's not. It's cool. You saw that hotel," I answered for Mrs. Casey.

She nodded. "Spray them good, don't forget the pockets and the seams, and put them in one of these bags. Seal it up tight and put it out on the back porch, in the sunshine. The hotter it gets the better."

She hadn't taken the bag from my hand. She nodded at the towel and then at me.

"Those clothes too, honey. I brought you a towel. The shower is down the hall. It's a small house you can't miss it."

"Jesus fucking Christ, mom. How would you feel if someone told you that you couldn't come in the house without stripping and showering? You afraid he's got black cooties?"

Mrs. Casey's face froze and her voice was icy-cold. "You know better than that, William. Apologize. I'd make you do exactly the same thing if you'd been in that place." She stopped, mouth still hanging open. She didn't say another word. She spun around, opened the door from the garage into the house and came back with another towel. Her eyes were still ice cold. Momma could get mad but it was the blow up kind of mad. This lady, Megan, she get mad and you could tell she was liable to do more than holler about it. She held out a towel to her son.

"You were in that place. And I sure don't want to give anyone the impression I discriminate. Strip and put your clothes in the bag with James'." She turned but stopped at the door. "James is our guest. Let him have the bathroom first, William."

Bill's mouth worked up and down a few times. I couldn't help it. Man, I busted a gut.

"Yes, ma'am," was all he managed to get out.

She went in. I turned my back to Bill and got undressed. I wrapped the towel tight around my waist and put my clothes in the plastic bag. When I straightened up, Bill had a towel around his waist.

"Bro, this is your house. You can shower first."

"No fucking way, dude. You first. You heard my mom."

Mrs. Casey had been spraying the chair I had sat on for supper when we went inside. Bill had whispered, "oh for fuck sake" under his breath. I thought she was being a little excessive myself but it tickled me so much to see white folks fussing just like my momma and I did, I couldn't help smiling.

I was walking down the hall, wearing nothing but a towel and that smile, when Jill came out of her room. Her eyes got wide and then she smiled, showing me all those perfect pretty teeth. I damn near ran back down the hallway and kissed her momma for making me take off all my clothes. I insisted Bill go first. I had to be downright pushy about it. I could tell he was irritated. At the time I figured it was over not wanting to get an earful from his momma. Now, I'm not so sure. Jill and I chatted while Bill showered. I don't know if she noticed anything stirring underneath my towel but I didn't trouble myself over much worrying if she did.

That had been two years ago.

The other day at the pool I had jumped at the chance to see Jill naked. I didn't give a shit about the 'feel of the sun on your body' and that other bullshit Mark spread around. I wanted to see that girl naked and if I had to be naked for that to happen that was fine by me. I wasn't ashamed of what I packed between my legs. I'd never gotten any complaints. The funny thing was, I'd never cared about a girl's complaints, or for that matter her compliments either. This girl was different. I kept telling my dumb ass there was no way it would work. Ben and Megan were cool, no question on that score, and Bill was the best friend I'd ever had. That made the odds worse, not better. I'd be worried, or Jill would be worried, about what Bill would think about us and that would be a big old fly, a big old black fly I couldn't help thinking, in the ointment. I couldn't shake the feeling that her parents, no matter how cool, would not dig a black man with a junkie ex-con father and a wino mother dating their only daughter.

None of it mattered that afternoon. I ditched my clothes and jumped in the pool and prayed. Later, when she said she was going to the beach I saw the look that passed over Bill and Mark's faces. I tried not to let it bother me. I told myself they would have had the same reaction to anyone hitting on their kid sister. I almost believed it.

I really did believe it, finally, when Mark tried to get his dad off my back. When Ben made it clear he might not be happy about what happened last night but he wasn't going to kick my ass out of the house I let myself start hoping. Hope is always a dangerous thing.

I began to hope that last night wasn't a one and done kinda deal.


I didn't give a shit about no fucking video games. I'd never touched one until I started hanging out with Bill. I sucked. I knew it. I also knew, and so did Bill, I could fucking kill him at any real sport. Except basketball, which pissed me off. For a not very tall white boy, he was fast, wicked fast. He hadn't beat me at one-on-one yet but I can't say I killed him either.

I played because Jill played and I loved to hear her voice directed at me, even if it was to gloat over whipping my ass. It was worth it to lose to her. In a "bros before hos" sort of way, I did enjoy it when Bill beat her. He never gloated and she never bitched. Jill wasn't a sore loser but Lord Almighty she was a terrible winner.

She did her little victory dance. I tried not to stare at the way her titties swayed under that skimpy little bikini top. I agreed with Bill, her idea about spying on her folks was not right but I kept my mouth shut. When she shed that bathing suit I was just fucking gone man. I knew Bill was pissed. I didn't blame him but those beautiful titties, framed by her tan, that little white girl ass and that shaved snow white pussy overcame any qualms I had. She could have asked me to shank her brother and I would have had to think twice. I know that sounds fucked up but it's the truth.

Feeling her shoulder against my bare skin only made things worse. My dick got all hard and my balls started to ache. When I saw what her folks was doing in the pool, well fuck me man. I felt bad about it sometimes but Megan was damn hot. I had beat my Johnson into submission more than once thinking about Bill's momma. And Jesus baby, the way they were going at it would've had momma's dried up old Baptist minister of a daddy pulling at his dick, no doubt about it.

When Jill took my dick in her mouth I wanted to grab her head and fuck her sweet little mouth but I didn't. Like I said already, she was the first woman I wanted to please. I'd had better blow jobs but I didn't give a shit. I'd trade all of them for one from this girl. I didn't want to cum in her mouth so I pulled out. I meant to turn away, jizz on the floor but she followed me and I covered her beautiful white titties with the only thing white about me. I thought I'd fucking faint when she started to smear it over her nipples. Goddamn she was hot.

I ignored that crazy, sweet white woman next door. It's one of those bullshit urban legends that black men don't know how to eat pussy. This one sure as shit did. Jill was squirming all over my face in no time.

And when we fucked. Sweet Jesus that girl was tight. She wrapped herself around my cock and for a time I thought I might be hitting the back of her throat by way of her pussy. That's how deep it felt like I was going. I came again and she did something no other chick has ever done. She pulled off my cock and took it in her mouth. I think she made me cum again, at least it felt that way.

I forgot about Bill until I saw him go inside the house. I hoped he wasn't pissed I was nailing his sister.

I woke up feeling great. I felt even better when I saw Jill on the porch, naked as last night. I was wearing a pair of shorts and a ratty old concert tee shirt no brother worth his salt would be caught dead in but I'd seen Jill wearing it as a nightshirt before. That was good enough for me.

Seeing her old man standing there had brought back all my worries and fears. Mark defending me and Ben, basically telling me to suck it up and be a man about it, relieved most of my fears. Now all I had to worry about was Bill. The only other dude I loved as much as Bill was my kid brother. I had to find a way to make this work, with Bill and with Jill. I had to.


I knocked softly on the door. I didn't say anything. If mom knew it was me and not dad she'd tell me to go away.

"Ben, just leave me alone for a while. Jesus."

I opened the door softly. "It's me, mom, not daddy."

As I stepped inside, she was scrambling to pull up the sheet, one arm covering her chest.

"Oh, just stop that mom. What the hell? You got boobs. So what? So do I. Just relax about it, already."

"Relax?" she sobbed. "Relax, after last night. Are you insane? If you aren't, I am." Her eyes were bloodshot. She had to pause every once in a while to snuffle back snot. Christ, she was a mess. "Your father and I should be in jail. Someone should call CPS. I should. I'm a teacher. I'm required by law to report child abuse to CPS.

"We're all over eighteen so save the drama. Child Protective Services, deals with children. Get a grip, mom."

"Don't you give me that smart mouth of yours, Jill," she snapped. "I'm in no mood for it. Don't tell me you are okay with what happened?"

"As a matter of fact, I am."

She gaped at me.

"It was pretty sudden but what's the big deal? It's not like I didn't know you and daddy were still doing the nasty. Jeez, mom you're still smoking hot. You know how many MILF comments I field on a slow day?"


"But what? You had sex. We saw. Big deal. The only thing you're having trouble with is admitting you got off on having an audience as much as I did."

"Jill Marie Casey, what on earth has gotten into you? I never..."

I couldn't help it. There was no way I could pass up such an easy shot.

"Jim got into me. Twice, if you count his tongue."

Her face twisted into such a conflict mask of outrage, anger, and surprise that I started to giggle, then laugh. I collapsed on the end of the bed, near her feet and rocked myself back and forth, clutching my sides and howling. By the time I got control of myself, my eyes were streaming. The look on mom's face nearly set me off again. I bit my lower lip to hold my laughter back. She was pissed.

"Three times, smartass. You forgot blowing him already? Didn't you like it?"

I smacked her on top of her bare foot, then scrambled up to sit cross-legged on the bed.

"No, I loved it. That's one of the things I wanted to ask you. Does that mean I'm a slut or something? I mean I really loved going down on him. All my friends act like they're forced to do it because otherwise they're boyfriend will dump them. They make it sound like you can't eat the next day because of dry heaving but I loved it."

Mom's face grew serious and I suppressed a smile. The best way to get a mom to be a mom is to give her the chance.

"Of course not, baby. A lot of women enjoy doing that for their man. It's always a turn-on when you can give so much pleasure to your lover."

"So do you love it?"

"Well," she hemmed and hawed. "Let's leave it at I enjoy it, okay?"

I rolled my eyes at her. Why was it so hard for people to just say what they mean?

"Did you ever suck daddy off after he'd been fucking you? Jim thought that was totally out of the box, no pun intended, hot."

"Oh my gosh, Jill. We aren't having this conversation."

"Why not?" I asked, honestly confused. "Who should I talk to? You and daddy obviously know what you're doing when it comes to sex. Should I post it online for an answer?"

"No, of course not. I don't know. It's not the sort of conversation I ever, in my life, imagined having with you."

"You think those talks should stop at 'and then the man will put his penis in your vagina. Don't forget to use birth control'?"

"That isn't what I said." Her frustration was pulling her out of her funk. "I'm not going into the details of my sex life with you but I will say what you mention wouldn't bother me in the least."

"Right on, mom." I scooted closer on the bed. "Does daddy ever go down on you, like, you know, after he cums, if you haven't gotten off yet? I asked Ed to do that once and he nearly fell on his skinny butt, scrambling to get out of the car. I mean what's the big deal? They expect women to happily swallow and smile but God forbid a drop of semen should touch their lips."

"Surely, you aren't surprised to discover that there are double-standards left when it comes to sex are you, baby girl?" She shook her head. "Again, I'm going to leave it at saying that your father is a wonderful lover who never leaves me hanging."

"Holy shit! My parents are fucking gods, or Fuck Gods, I never knew it. This is so dope."

"You slept with that Ed?" Disapproval dripped from her voice.

I nodded. "'Fraid so. I wished it could have been someone like Jim but nope I was desperate and settled for Ed."

"But, Jill, he was, not to throw stones, but..."

I cut her off. "He was a self-absorbed jock with a remarkably small penis but it was big enough to pluck my cherry and I didn't have to worry about that little milestone anymore. He'll end up changing tires at Jiffy Lube. I'm the best thing that will have ever happened to him."

"You know, modesty is not a terrible quality."

"Please, mother. Have you seen the skank he's been hanging out with? They'll be lucky if they can produce half-wits. He'll never even be able to afford a skirt for his trailer."

"Jill," she snapped. "That is enough. There is no purpose served by being cruel. It's not healthy. It becomes a habit and then you'll turn out to be a bitter nasty person. Don't let that happen to you."

"You're right. I'm sorry." I hopped off the bed. "Come on, mom." I picked her hand up and pulled her toward the edge of the bed.

"Jill Marie, let go of me."

"Nope, come on. Grab the sunscreen. We're gonna go lay out in the sun."

She jerked her hand away. "No, no way. I can't go out there, not like this, not after what happened last night."

"Don't be an ass, mom. You're too bright to pull it off. Come on. Brush your hair though. Christ, it looks like a rat's nest. I'll wait right here." I plopped my ass back onto her bed, hoping I gave off the air of one who has no intention of budging. It worked. I have always been stubborn.

"Oh, fine. If that's what it takes to get you to leave me alone. Fine."

She went into the bathroom. I ignored the sound of her taking a whiz, washing her face and hands, and brushing her teeth. When she emerged she was wearing her bikini bottom but only the bottom. I let it go.

She paused before emerging from the hall. Everyone but Bill was out on the deck. I had almost forgotten about Bill. Mom scurried past me and down the stairs. She was hunched over like she was dodging snipers in Fallujah.

She was heading out the lower level patio door before I caught up with her.

"Hold on mom. Let me get some lotion on you." I handed her the bottle. "You do your chest. Lay it on heavy over your boobies. I'll do your back. I already put on sunscreen. Bill helped me."

She turned and squirted the sunscreen into my palm. "Where is Bill? I didn't see him upstairs? I thought he was still sleeping."

"No," I replied, beginning to spread the lotion over her back. "He was up. Muriel called him over to help with some mulch and told him she'd feed him breakfast."

"Muriel?" mom moaned and put a hand to her head. "I forgot about Muriel. Oh, Jill, she basically asked us if she could, well, if she could, uh, seduce Mark. Instead of being outraged, we sent him over to her. Your dad and I thought it was sort of funny. Muriel is a wonderful woman. If you had to pick an older woman to open up the world for your son, she's the perfect choice and Mark has been in such a funk lately. But what sort of mother even thinks like that? What kind of horrible mother have I become? What on earth were we thinking?"

"Please, please, please stop with the drama. One, he didn't look like he minded and if he did, he's old enough to say so and walk away. Two, you're not a horrible mother. Three, if you were a horrible mother, it's too late now. We're mostly all grown up. Do you think the boys and I are bad people?"

"What?" she gasped, clearly taken aback by my question. "Of course not. All three of you are terrific human beings and I'm not just saying that because you're my children."

"Fair enough. Then, does that answer your question? How can you be such a monster if we turned out so wonderful? Jesus, mom, I'm supposed to be the immature one here. Get your head in the game."

I finished her back, making sure to get the lotion below the top of her bikini bottom.

"Should I do your butt? In case you change your mind?"

"No. I won't."

"Let's go then." I led the way. At the door, I stopped and turned around. Mom nearly collided with me. "And by the way, I hate you for having a nicer ass than me, bitch."

I didn't give her a chance to answer. I walked out onto the pool deck, grabbed the chair that was in the shade. The one I was pretty sure Mark beat off in while we were out yesterday and drug it, skittering on the concrete, into the sun.


I knew Jill was manipulating me. I let her. I needed someone to take charge. She was so insistent on being the grown-up sophisticate, fine, let her. I had to bite off a groan as I remembered the night before. I had been more than a little tipsy but that's no excuse. The idea of going skinny dipping with my husband, while my son was next door having his world rock by our very knowledgeable land-lady, had gotten my motor running. Honest to God, I had thought we'd splash around a little in the pool and then run back inside. By that point, I knew Ben would be rearing to nail my ass to the bed. That's all I had wanted. But then things had gotten out of control. He'd grabbed me from behind, pulled me against his body. As awful as I was feeling now, I couldn't help remembering how good he had felt.

"Ben, what are you doing?"

"Rubbing my dick in the crack of your ass," he muttered into the side of my neck.

"But, Ben. It's still light out. What if the kids see us?"

"I told them to give us some privacy. No kid wants to see their parents naked. Relax."

"Hmm, you just want to give Muriel a little show. I know you by now, mister."

He hugged me closer. "And I know you too, miss. You like it as much as I do, maybe as much as you liked eating Muriel's pussy. Besides, your secret lady lover is probably teaching your son how to eat her pussy. Are you jealous? It's been months since you've eaten a furburger and order of thighs."