On the Loveseat Ch. 21


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Imagining Jeremy's girlfriend in bed with them got Jenny to remembering that time she'd been with Sheila. Ah, Sheila!

That had been a long, long time ago.

Of course, much more recently she'd been with her sister Jessica and Jess's friend Margie. It wasn't the same as it had been with Sheila, but it had been fun. And then that wonderful, magical weekend she'd spent with Jeremy and Jess!

She wondered if that was what Erin wanted, that the two of them would share Jeremy. There was plenty of him to keep them both happy, that was for sure! He'd kept her and Jess happy all weekend.

But that had also included her and Jess being together.

Did Erin want to have sex with her?

Or just with Jeremy after watching the two of them together?

Would Jeremy try to convince either of them to have sex with each other?

Jenny was intrigued to see Jeremy with another woman again. Not being her sister could make it less tense between the two women. Not that she had a problem with Jess being her sister, but Jess was her sister!

Jenny needed someone to talk to about this. Someone that she trusted and that already knew her situation. The one person she always turned to when she needed to hash things out.


Problem was, that was what she had done when she'd jerked Jeremy off that first time. And look where that had ended up! Jess coming over, taking her spot on the loveseat, and doing just what she had done. Jenny's 'incident' had started out as an accident, but Jessica set out intentionally to give her nephew a handjob. Then she sweet-talked Jenny into letting her do it again a few weeks later! That was what had set all of this into motion.

So did she trust telling Jessica anything this time?

Jess was invested in her new relationship she had with Eric, so she would have less inclination to get involved again. But did Jenny want to reveal to her sister that she hadn't been able to stay away from Jeremy and that they were again together? Jess had been the most vocal one that things would go badly for her and Jeremy. Would she have to listen to her sister's recriminations if she told Jess about Jeremy? And what would she say about Erin's desire to have sex with a mother and son?

Knowing her sister, Jess would find it hot. At first anyway.

What she would say after that, Jenny wasn't sure.

She rose from her bed slowly, her lower half didn't recover from the abuse it had taken as well as it used to do.

Jenny finished dressing as she heard the front door open and her less troublesome children came in. She would call Jessica later, but she didn't know how much she would reveal or tell her sister.

It was actually the next day before she had a chance to call Jessica.

"Hey Jess, it's me." Jenny said into her phone.

"Oh, hi Jenny! Haven't heard from you in a couple of days." Jessica answered cheerily.

"Just been busy around here. How are things with you?"

"Never better. I'm starting to get worried about things with Eric though." Jenny could hear the distress in her sister's voice.

"Something wrong between you two?" Jenny had called for her sister's advice; she hadn't planned on having to give her own.

"Oh, no. Nothing's wrong. That's the problem."

"I don't understand."

"Everything is going so well with him that I'm wondering when the bombshell will drop. You know, the crazy ex-wife shows up, or the wife he had deserted finally tracks him down. Or that he's been on the lam from the law for years and someone sees a wanted poster of him." Jessica explained.

"Just because you've had a string of bad luck doesn't mean it'll last forever. If things are going well, accept that. If you're worried about any of those kind of things, you should talk to him about it. You two have been together long enough that he should be able to tell you about any dark secrets in his past. And if there are, then the two of you will just deal with them." Jenny said encouragingly.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Just because I've found every loser there is, doesn't mean they all are. I mean, Jeremy surely isn't, though it's too bad he's my nephew and so much younger than me." Jess's voice sounded more upbeat then.

"That didn't seem to stop you before you met Eric." Jenny chided her sister.

"I think that being with Jeremy actually helped me with that."

"How so?" Jenny asked curiously. She couldn't fathom how sleeping with her nephew had helped her sister get a guy.

"I was so discouraged with dating that I had begun to not even want to try anymore. Jeremy made me see that there was some good guys out there; I just had to keep looking. Farther than the family tree of course!" Jess joked.

"Yeah, Jeremy's great." Jenny's tone wasn't as confident as her words.

Jessica picked up on that.

"Is he still moping around because you cut him off? Didn't you say something about a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, no he's fine. He does have a girlfriend. Her name is Erin." Jenny dragged over her words.

"Have you met her? Is she cute? I bet she's cute." Jessica said excitedly.

"Yeah, I've met her. She's quite attractive, yes."

"There's something wrong isn't there? I can hear it in your voice. What is it?"

"No, no. There's nothing wrong. She's great. He's great. We're all great." Jenny tried to sound cheerful.

"I'm your sister Jenny, you can't fool me. What's wrong?" Jess's concern came through the speaker clearly.

Jenny didn't answer immediately.

"It's Jeremy, isn't it?" There was a pause on the line. "Oh no! Jenny, you didn't! Are you sleeping with him again?"

"Jess, you don't understand. I love him! He loves me!" Jenny pleaded.

"Jenny! He's your son! I know you love him and that he loves you. I've seen the two of you together. But you know things can't work out for you two. It just can't." Jessica argued. "What about his girlfriend?"

"Jess." Jenny had no more words to say.

"You both are going to get caught, you know that right? You've only gotten away with it for this long because Justin can't see the possibility of his wife and his son having sex together."

Her sister's words of warning hit Jenny harder than Jess may have intended as they had already been caught. Only that it had been Erin instead of Justin that had done so. Jenny said nothing about it because she would then have to hear Jessica say I told you so. She instead responded, "I do love him Jess, more than anyone. Even Justin."

"That's the problem Jenny."


"If it was just sex between you two that would be okay." Jessica stated flatly.

"Really? Okay?" Jenny asked incredulously.

"Well, you know what I mean. But because you love him, you are more likely to do something that could get you caught, or something that your rational self would keep your love-blind self from doing." Jess explained.

Like have a threesome with his girlfriend? Jenny thought to herself. She was finding the idea tempting the more she thought about it and now decided that she didn't want to tell Jessica about it, as she was sure her sister would advise against it. Jenny didn't want anyone telling her not to do something she herself hadn't decided on yet. She might agree just out of spite. Whether it was a good idea or not.

"You mean, like a sexfest weekend with my sister and my son?" Jenny responded instead with a jab back at her sister.

"That was quite the weekend, wasn't it?"

"You're not helping Jess."

"I can't help you Jenny. I've told you before what I thought. You've clearly chosen not to take my advice. You're flying on your own now. I am happy for the both of you. I do wish that things go well, but like most of my past dates, I can't see things turning out all right. That could just be the pessimist in me. I'm sorry."

"I suppose I knew what you'd say. I just needed someone to say things will be all right."

"I am here for you Jenny. I always will be." A pause. "I hope Jeremy can keep you a secret from this girl, what was her name? Erica?"


"I guess I should come over sometime so I can meet her. How are they doing?"

"Really good actually. I was worried when he told me about her because I knew how rough things had been for him when ..."

"When you broke his heart?"

"Don't remind me. I felt just as bad as he did."

"I know. Who was it that you cried to when you ended it? When you found out about Justin's ... fling?"

"Yes you. I just didn't want him hooking up with the first girl that came along. I didn't want him to get hurt again so soon." Jenny hesitated before she continued. "I was actually jealous of her. That was what made me realize that I wanted to still be with Jeremy."

"Jealousy? Really? You really need to work on that Jenny. It keeps getting you into trouble." She then continued. "Still, I guess I'm not really surprised. If you're happy, then I'm happy for you. And I guess I'm a little jealous of you now."

"For what?" But Jenny guessed why.

"I do miss my time with Jeremy. He is great to be around, funny, and was great in bed. That amazing tongue!"

"He's still great in bed!" Jenny corrected her. "Don't forget his big ... dick." She whispered that last.

"Oh, I don't!" Jessica exclaimed. "So now you have to share him with his girlfriend huh? How's that working out?"

"Well, it seems we're wearing him out. According to him, even more than you and me did."

"Oh, really? This girl is more of a dynamo than either of us? I really do need to meet her then!"

"You wouldn't know it looking at her. She seems sweet and innocent, very polite, nice."

"Sounds like you back in the day Jenny!" Jessica teased. "Does Jeremy talk to you about her? Like he did with us?"

"A little. Enough to know that she is, as you said, a dynamo."

"Things still okay with Justin? You had said he has been trying harder lately."

"Oh, yeah. If it wasn't for Jeremy, I would say that Justin and I are as good as we were before ... well, before Johnny."

"That good huh? Good for you. You seem to have it all then. A great husband, a great young lover, a great family."

"It still has its ups and downs. It sounds like you're good too. You just need to stop worrying about things you can't control. Eric is great. Don't try to make up something bad about him just so you don't get hurt again. You're better than that Jess."

"Yeah, you're right, you're right." Jess let her sister's words sink in. "So how's everyone else?"

Jenny talked with her sister for another half an hour, but nothing more was said about Jeremy, his girlfriend, or her awkward situation. She decided not to tell Jess about Erin's discovery of them having sex, or of the girl's desire to be with them both. She hung up her phone still undecided about what to do. She would just have to agree to Jeremy's suggestion to have a meeting with Erin and see what happened.

After talking with her sister, Jenny thought more about Jeremy and Erin. This led to imagining the two of them together. Kissing. Hugging. Groping. More.

Jenny felt a twinge at the thought of her wonderful Jeremy with another girl, but she beat that negative feeling back down into her dark inner self. This allowed her lust to blossom to fill the void left by the jealousy. She imagined what Erin looked like beneath her usually loose clothing. Jenny knew all too well what her son looked like naked! She shivered at that image. Her panties grew damp. She remembered what it felt like to watch Jeremy having sex with Jessica. Jenny replaced her sister with the cute young redhead. Her panties were now more than damp!

Jenny was surprised to find herself getting turned on by thought of seeing Jeremy screw his girlfriend. To see his firm ass rising and falling as he pumped his amazing big dick into Erin. She could almost feel him filling her leaking pussy at that moment. She was walking through the house and she faltered a step as her loins spasmed.

She was going to have to change her underwear before they leaked through her slacks. But first, she had to take care of the insistent 'itch' that was becoming intolerable.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes Justin. I just need to use the bathroom for a few minutes." She felt guilty excusing herself from her loving husband so she could go masturbate because she'd been thinking of her son and his girlfriend having sex while she watched.

Or of Erin seeing her get fucked by Jeremy. Having someone she barely knew watching her ride her son's cock like a wanton slut!

Her steps hurried to the master bath. She locked the door after she entered and fumbled with her slack's zipper in her haste to relieve herself. She pulled her pants off; her panties caught around one ankle and she left them there. Jenny spread her thighs wide, her right knee pressed against the toilet paper roll. The forefinger of her right hand was on her clit, rubbing it in small circles while she pushed two fingers of her left hand into her already sodden pussy. She let her mind run wild in its imaginings, picturing Jeremy with Erin, or remembering him entering her and the young girl staring at them.

It took two minutes for the first orgasm to cause her to shake on the toilet seat as it swept over her body, rising up from her depths until it bubbled throughout her being. But only one would not satiate her need and her fingers continued their feverish manipulations. The second climax came five minutes later and was more powerful than the first, such that she shook the small cup with hers and Justin's toothbrushes on the marble vanity countertop.

Jenny was breathless as she recovered her wits and she contemplated going a third time, the images of the two teenagers in different positions, and the memories of Jeremy and Jess with her still strong in her lust-fueled brain.

She pulled her hands from her sex forcefully, as if they might resist her control.

Her skin still tingled as she pulled her slacks back on. She went to the sink and ran the cold water, splashing it on her warm face repeatedly. Jenny looked at herself in the large mirror, at the flushed skin, damp hair ringing her face, and the green eyes that stared back at her.

Could she really agree to have a threesome with her lover-son and his girlfriend?

Obviously, she was going to fantasize about it, even if she didn't go through with it. Would she think about it while Jeremy was fucking her the next time they managed to rendezvous? Would she be imagining that it was Erin feeling what she would feel as he filled her pussy with that wonderful cock of his?

Jenny shook her head and splashed her face again trying to wash away those illicit thoughts.

She brushed at her hair until she felt almost presentable and then after wiping the front of her blouse needlessly, she opened the door to find Jeremy standing there. In her bedroom.

"Jeremy." She said startled.

His lips were on hers, his hands at her waist.

Even with just having the two orgasms, Jenny felt ready to push him to her bed and mount him right then.

Instead, she pushed him to her arm's limits. But only after their lips and tongues finished dancing for the length of one unheard song.

"Jeremy." Jenny said slowly. "Your father. Dinner's cooking. Johnny, Jojo." She added as excuses.

"Actually dad sent me to tell you he thought something was burning."

Yes, my pussy! Jenny thought. And Jeremy stood there before her with just the fire hose she needed to quench her fire!

"It's fine. It's just the seasoning on the roast." She explained, outwardly calm, but she was a maelstrom inside.

"You look a little ... um, flush, or winded." Jeremy asked, as his eyes peered at her as if he sensed her barely contained passion.

"I'm fine. Just been a hectic day." Jenny stated, then gave him a quick peck on his lips.

He eyed her as if he doubted her answer, but she saw him shrug his shoulders slightly and turn.

"I hope you made plenty tonight. I'm famished!" Jenny could hear his smile even if she could no longer see his face.

"When aren't you?" She gave him a push from behind, keeping her hands innocently on his back.

"I'm extra hungry. I have these two girls who are really wearing me out!" He teased as he led her into the living room. Jenny saw Justin glance up as she and Jeremy came into sight.

"Dinner is fine honey. Just trying some new seasoning." She kissed the top of his head as she passed her husband.

"It does smell good. I just hope there is some left for the rest of us. Jeremy was saying how hungry he is." He said.

"He was just telling me the same. Don't worry; there should be enough for the rest of us from Jeremy's scraps!" Jenny teasingly soothed Justin.

Jeremy went into the kitchen ahead of her.

"Jeremy! You have to be careful. You can't let Justin know that you have two girlfriends again. He might get suspicious." She warned him as he was about to grab a sport drink from the fridge.

"How would he know that you were one of them? He'd just think I was being cavalier with my girls again." Her son swept her into his arms, wrapping them around her back and giving her a kiss.

She pushed him away more forcefully than necessary because of her fear.

He stepped back and raised his hands outwardly in response.

"Sorry mom." Jeremy took his Tigerade. As he stepped past her though, he whispered in her ear. "Keep my belly full and I'll fill your pussy for you."

Jenny almost felt compelled to slap him for his rude remark.

"Jeremy! I hope I'm more than that to you!" Her voice was louder than she'd intended. She continued in almost a whisper with a nervous glance at the living room. "I'm not your cook, or your whore!"

"You're both Jenny. Both and more. So much, much more!" His voice was at normal volume, which made her eyes go wide.

"Shh!" Jenny warned. He dared much using her name like that!

She did have to smile inwardly at being his whore. She did love being a sexy slut for her hung stud son. And much more.

Jeremy left the room, striding across the living room past his father who never looked up.

Jenny was glad that Justin seemed so oblivious, but was also mad at him for his cluelessness.

She was also upset that her pussy was still damp with a need that hadn't been quenched. Could she somehow get Jeremy alone later to take care of her? One way or another?

Jenny wasn't able to get Jeremy alone that evening, but she did manage to get Justin to have some rare mid-week sex with her that night. He'd been willing enough once convinced and he did make her climax before he shot his load into her, rolled over, and fell asleep. But Jenny was still left unsatisfied with only the one weak orgasm he'd given her, with no foreplay or any sexual banter like she had with Jeremy. She was almost tempted to go upstairs and rouse her son to give him a go around. She knew he'd be more than willing.

Instead, she thrust three fingers in her hungry cunt and with another finger teasing her sensitive nib she gave herself a second orgasm. She was able to do so without rousing her slumbering mate, although it was nowhere as good as it could have been with Jeremy. She fell into a fitful sleep with visions of naked redheads running through her dreams.

A few days later, and more than a few masturbatory fantasies, Jenny told Jeremy that she would sit down with Erin and him so that they could discuss things. He immediately jumped to the conclusion that she was agreeing to the idea. She had to tell him more than once that she wasn't agreeing just yet, only that she was willing to talk about the possibility. His grin was still ear-to-ear. His enthusiasm was infectious and made her more willing if only just to please her young lover. She had to caution herself from these feelings. This was exactly what Jessica had warned her about, agreeing to something just because she loved Jeremy. She was a middle-aged woman and mother, not some schoolgirl smitten by a dashing college boy.