On The Rebound Ch. 03


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'You'll see soon enough Babe.' and as they walked into the bedroom and Kate saw her reflexion in the mirror all became very clear. She still had foliage and twigs stuck in the clothes and hair and her face was flushed. In short -- she looked like she'd just been well and truly fucked in the garden!

'Oh shit Lex, why didn't you tell me? I'm so embarrassed!'

'Don't be embarrassed, be proud of the fact that you're so gorgeous that I couldn't keep my hands off you!'

'Oh you always manage to say the right thing!' growled Kate 'but don't think I'm going to let you off that lightly. We have 2 hours until dinner and I intend to make you thoroughly sweaty before we have a shower.' and she wrapped her arms around her lover, pulling her down onto the bed where they kissed passionately.

Lex broke the kiss eventually and sat up, 'I have a better idea, come with me' and she took Kate's hand, and pulled her off the bed and toward a door on the other side of the room. 'we have an en-suite through there, go and have a look.'

Kate looked at her quizzically as she opened the door -- what could be so interesting about a bathroom after all?

'Oh my god, your mum doesn't do things by halves does she? Why does she need a pool when there are baths that size?' she laughed 'I reckon we could both fit in there and there'd still be room for a netball team!'

'Hmmmm, I don't want to share you with a netball team, I want to keep you all to myself' purred Lex as she wrapped her arms around her from behind 'so shall I start it running?'

They made out like teenagers as the bath filled and were both almost ready to explode by the time they climbed into the hot steamy water, covered in aromatic bubbles.

Kate took her lover's face in her hands and kissed her with every ounce of passion she had, alternating between nipping at her lips and allowing her tongue to dance in Lex's mouth.

As Lex relaxed into the hot water, distracted by the kisses, Kate managed to manoeuvre her so that she was laid back against the side of the tub with Kate between her knees.

She broke the kiss long enough to move her mouth down to Lex's stiff nipples, where she lathed them with her tongue before taking them into her mouth in turn, sucking on them hard and rasping them with her tongue; grazing them with her teeth until Lex was crying out in delight.

Her hand slipped down that smooth stomach and straight to Lex's slippery pussy where she easily slipped 2 fingers inside as far as they could go, moving them around to massage Lex's G spot until her hips were bucking in the water.

'Oh Christ Kate, that's so fucking good!' as her hips rose and fell on those magical fingers and when Kate's thumb joined in, massaging her clit in firm, sensuous swirls she could feel her orgasm reaching bursting point. Just as she was about to come Kate took a huge breath and ducked her head under the water, replacing her thumb with her mouth and sucking hard as her fingers pumped harder and faster until Lex's muscles tensed and her body shook, sending waves of water over the edge of the tub.

As her head emerged from the water, covered in bubbles, Lex pulled Kate in close and hugged her tightly against her chest where she could hear her heart thumping in her ear.

'One of these days woman, you're going to give me heart failure' murmured Lex as she kissed the top of her sweetheart's head and they lay snuggled against each other in the warm caress of the water.

She started to caress Kate's breasts, lovingly and tenderly stroking them until the already taught nipples were puckered to perfection but Kate stilled her hand and admonished her to stop or they wouldn't make it downstairs in time for dinner, so they took turns in washing each other before climbing reluctantly from the water and wrapping themselves in huge fluffy towels.

Kate was concerned that her midnight blue linen trousers and cream silk shirt wouldn't be smart enough to wear for dinner until she saw Lex drag a pair of jeans and a T shirt from her bag.

'Not making an effort then?' she chuckled

'It's just dinner at home with Mum, why would I want to make an effort?'

'Dinner at home with your Mum and her new lover, remember?'

'Like I could forget! I'll see if I like them before I decide if they're worth making an effort for.'

Just after 7pm they strolled down the stairs and Lex showed Kate into the library, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that although it did indeed contain several massive floor to ceiling bookshelves it wasn't the imposing, wood panelled room she'd imagined.

It was decorated much more like a lounge, with comfy sofas and wingback armchairs placed to gain the maximum light from the French doors or heat from the beautiful marble fireplace.

Chrissie was sat talking to two people as they entered --a smartly dressed man who looked like he wasn't short of cash and a woman casually dressed in a pair of black jeans and white T shirt, who turned around as the girls approached.

'Aunty Sue!' squealed Lex, as she ran to the woman and hugged her fiercely 'what a surprise. How are you? Are you staying long? Are the girls with you? How are they getting on at University?'

'Whooaaa! slow down Alex, one question at a time!' laughed the woman 'I'm fine, no the girls aren't here but they're both fine and I'm not sure how long I'm staying. Now questions answered, are you going to introduce me?'

'Oh god Kate I'm sorry. This is Sue, she was married to my dad's brother but she divorced him because he was a nasty prick -- Sue, this gorgeous woman is Kate, the love of my life!'

Kate was blushing furiously as Sue kissed her cheek in greeting and introduced the man as Gerald.

They sat having a pre dinner drink and all the while Lex was studying Gerald, as if he was a strange virus under a microscope. He had a slightly slimy & sycophantic air about him and Lex had obviously taken an instant dislike to him -- no wonder her Mum was nervous.

After about 30 minutes a woman came through the door and announced that dinner was ready, at that which point Gerald stood saying that he had to go and cheerfully waved goodbye to the women in the room as he left.

Lex's sigh of relief was palpable to everyone in the room and as they followed Chrissie and Sue into the dining room Kate whispered to Lex, telling her to stay calm.

Dinner was gorgeous and homely, not the al la carte fare Kate had been expecting from the surroundings (and the fact that there was a cook!); wonderfully moist roast chicken with crispy roast potatoes and steamed vegetables, all smothered in wonderfully flavoursome gravy.

The conversation was light and cheery but Kate noticed that much as Lex had chilled out considerably, Chrissie was getting more and more tense and downing wine at an incredible rate.

Lex spent some time quizzing Sue on what she'd been up to recently, as she'd been travelling to get over the divorce. Lex explained to Kate that Sue had been unfairly seen as the cause of her divorce until the truth behind her husband's violent nature came out, so now it was Sue who was welcome whilst her ex husband was only spoken to when it involved business as he owned a small percentage of shares in the engineering company.

As the conversation had gotten around to the business, Chrissie put her glass of wine down firmly and cleared her throat loudly -- she obviously had something important to say and had worked up the courage to say it.

'OK all of you, it's time for us to have a serious talk. Lex, I need you to be patient until I've finished before you say anything or else I'll never manage to finish.' Lex nodded her agreement with a concerned look on her face, while Sue was looking distinctly mused by the whole affair.

'Lex, I've had enough of running the business. I know you've never wanted anything to do with it in the past but obviously it's yours if you want it.

If you decide not to take it then I'm going to sell it. Gerald has already put some feelers out and apparently this would be a very good time to sell; the money would be split 50/50 between you and me Lex.

Either way I'm going to sell this monstrosity of a house, and I intend to spend the proceeds travelling around the world and seeing all of the things I've wanted to see but never had the time.

There! I'm done for the moment, Lex -- now you can have your say.

For once in her life Lex was struck mute and she sat there with a blank expression on her face. Eventually she started to shake and Kate was about to get concerned until she realised that Lex was laughing, and she carried on laughing until she was holding her sides with tears spilling down her face.

Eventually she managed to catch her breath enough and she walked around the table to wrap Chrissie up in a huge bear hug.

'Mum -- I think this decision has been long overdue! No, you're right, I'm not interested in the business. I have my own small business doing something I love and while it'll never make me a millionaire it keeps me in a very comfortable lifestyle without the hassle of anything bigger.

I also don't need the money from the sale of the business -- it would be nice, don't get me wrong, but I don't need it so if you do, then take it all.

The only concern I have is Gerald -- but if you love him and he makes you happy, then who am I to judge. Go and enjoy the world with him, just make sure it's on your terms.'

Now it was Chrissie and Sue's turn to laugh, they looked at each other and nodded before finally turning back to Lex.

'Urm Lex' stammered Sue 'You Mum isn't going away with Gerald, he's her lawyer. She's coming away with me.'

'Oh thank god for that! I thought he was a real cree..............' Lex suddenly realised the implications. Gerald hadn't stayed for lunch; Sue had.

'Are you telling me....? are you two...? you're not....? you've got to be shitting me!' and she sat down heavily on the floor in shock.

Chrissie sat down on the floor with Lex and stared into her eyes ' Lex, your old Mum has found love somewhere she never expected it. Sue and I are very happy together and we'd like your blessing, but Honey, we're doing this whether you approve or not.'

Kate watched, stunned as Lex and her mum stared at each other in silence, with Sue sitting holding her breath and barely daring to look at the scene before her.

Finally Lex stood, helped her mum from the floor, pulled Sue from her seat and hugged them both to her fiercely 'don't be ridiculous, how could I possibly disapprove? I admit it was a hell of a surprise, but if finding Kate has taught me anything it's that when you find that special person you have to go for it with everything you have, of course you have my blessing!'

Kate was pulled into the hug and soon all four women were hugging, laughing and crying all at the same time.

The rest of the evening was spent in discussion about the sale of the business and Chrissie and Sue's travel plans, with Lex and Kate promising to join them in several countries for a holiday and Chrissie promising that they would come home occasionally and stay with Lex and Kate.

When Kate and Lex decided to go to bed Kate asked Lex how she was feeling.

'Kind of stunned really. I was certainly bloody shocked -- I wouldn't have expected either mum or Sue to enter into a lesbian relationship, let alone with each other, but much better that than that nasty Gerald man!

Mum's been lonely for a long time and Sue had a rough deal with her husband, I'm pleased that they've both found happiness together.'

Kate cuddled into Lex's side and nuzzled her neck 'I wonder if they're as happy as us?' and soon both girls drifted of to sleep.

In the morning Kate woke to find she was alone in bed, so after waiting a while to see if Lex was coming back she got up, took a shower, got dressed and went down to the kitchen where she found Chrissie and Sue drinking coffee.

'Ah -- there you are. Lex asked me to give you this' and she handed Kate an envelope. Inside was a short note in Lex's neat hand writing and a small key.

The note read "meet me where we played yesterday, Lex xxx"

'What's she up to?'

'I have no idea love' responded Chrissie 'but that's the key to the golf buggy'

as Kate walked out of the kitchen she was sure she could hear them laughing and couldn't help wondering if the joke was at her expense.

She jumped into the buggy and headed toward the stand of trees where they had watched the deer the previous afternoon, her thoughts returning to how Lex had teased her and brought her so much pleasure.

The slow buggy had Kate screaming inside, desperately willing it to go faster, eager to find out what Lex was up to.

Eventually she reached the edge of the trees and crept through the bushes as before, until finally she could see flashes of colour in the clearing ahead.

As she watched, Lex paced back and forth gesticulating and talking to herself, stopping abruptly as she saw Kate approaching.

'Is that a private conversation or can I join in?' quipped Kate before gasping in surprise.

Lex had laid blankets on the ground and a picnic breakfast of coffee, yoghurt, fruit, croissants and jam was spread out.

'Oh Lex, this is so sweet!' and she threw her arms around her lover and kissed her deeply. 'I was kind of cross when I woke up and found you missing but this is so lovely I suppose I better forgive you.'

They sat on the blankets kissing and caressing until Lex drew back and said that if the didn't eat soon the coffee would be cold.

After a few minutes of eating Kate asked 'What gave you this idea honey?'

'Well, I know how much you like being outdoors, and I know how you love a good breakfast, so I thought if I combined the two I'd be in your good books!'

'Lex, you're always in my good books, what are you up to?'

'I spent a long time last night watching you sleep and thinking. Mum and Sue are really lucky to have connected like this at their time of life, I really hope they have a fabulous time.

I remembered what I said about finding someone special, and I remembered what you said about them being as happy as us just as you drifted off to sleep.'

Lex's tone had turned serious and her confidence seemed to have left her, and as Kate touched Lex's chin to turn her head she could see the start of tears in those cobalt blue eyes she had come to love.

'Honey what's the matter? you're scaring me!'

'Kate, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. I loved Sandra, but the depth of feeling I had for her was nothing to how I feel about you. You're in my head night and day, I can't stop thinking about you. I don't ever, ever want to lose you.'

'Why would you lose me?' choked Kate 'honey I love you too, surely you believe me when I say that? I don't ever want to be apart from you.'

'I was hoping you'd say that' Lex smiled crookedly, tears coursing freely down her face as she turned to kiss Kate 'My beautiful Kate, will you marry me?'

Kate squealed and threw herself at Lex, sending them both crashing down onto the rug and speaking in between planting kisses all over Lex's face 'Oh my god YES' (kiss), yes (kiss) of course (kiss) I will (kiss)' until finally kissing her full on the mouth and allowing her tongue to do the answering for her.

Lex was holding her so tightly Kate could barely breath until she slipped a cold hand under her shirt and tweaked her nipple, causing her to break her grip so that she could pull back a little to gaze into Lex's face.

'God I love you Lex, I was so worried, I couldn't imagine why you'd be so worried and nervous!'

Lex looked at Kate shyly, 'I was terrified Kate. I though I might be rushing things and I don't know what I'd have done if you'd said no; what would I have done with this?'

The diamond solitaire that Lex pulled out of her jeans pocket was beautiful and Kate's eyes were wide as Lex slipped it onto her finger.

'we may need to get it adjusted slightly. It was my mum's engagement ring; she found me pacing the kitchen this morning she made me tell her what was up. When she heard that I wanted to propose she gave me the ring and said she couldn't think of a nicer person to wear it.'

'Oh Lex it's gorgeous! no wonder they were laughing as I left the house -- they knew what you were up to!'

'Are you sure this is what you want Kate? I'm not rushing you into this am I?'

'Lex I love you. You're the most wonderful person and I pinch myself every day, wondering how I got so lucky. Yes, I'm sure and no you're not rushing me. If you'd have asked me 2 months ago I would have said yes and I love you more everyday, so my answer is never going to change my love.'

Quickly they packed up the breakfast things and headed back to the house to tell Chrissie and Sue (who were waiting anxiously in the kitchen) the good news.

There were hugs and kisses all around with Sue stating 'Well -- this has been quite a weekend for announcements!' and causing them all to laugh.

As Lex drove them back to the cottage she could feel Kate's eyes burning holes in her. She turned to look at her, noting the mischievous smile on her face, but also seeing the look of utter love and happiness, which caused Lex's heart to swell.

'What are you thinking Hon?'

'Do you really want to know? I warn you that I'm thinking very dirty thoughts right now, I don't want to distract you when you're driving.' and her hand reached out and planted itself high enough on Lex's thigh to make her breathe in sharply but low enough to still be decent -- just!

'Hmmmm, yes I think I want to know.'

'Well, I was thinking that when we get home I'm going to show you just how much I love you.'

'And how do you propose to do that?'

'First, I thought I'd undress you slowly, kissing all of the bits that I uncover along the way. Then I thought I might spend some time licking and sucking your nipples, just to make sure you're good and ready, after that I might spend some time tonguing your clit; just for 2 or 3 orgasms you understand, cos then I thought I'm going to fuck you senseless with your favourite strap on until you're too weak to stand up!'

Lex turned to jelly just at the thought and put her foot down -- this was no time for a leisurely drive through the lanes.

When they reached the cottage they left their bags abandoned in the Jeep and sprinted for the front door, both eager to carry out Kate's plan.

They ran straight for the bedroom but when Lex started to get undressed Kate stopped her 'Hey, weren't you listening? I told you how this was going to work.'

There was no doubt as to who would be in control of this session, Kate had taken the lead and Lex was just going to have to lay back and enjoy!

Kate was true to her description and as she slowly lifted Lex's T shirt up she kissed every inch of her tummy as it was revealed to her, but ignoring the unfettered breasts. Once she'd lifted it over Lex's head she took her right hand and kissed from the tips of her fingers to her shoulder turning the arm over and kissing down the inside from armpit to palm and then repeating this treatment on the left arm

She glanced up noticing how Lex's nipples were getting tight and smiled to herself, knowing that her teasing was going to result in Lex having the most amazing, screaming orgasm -- eventually!

Standing behind Lex she bent down and kissed along the waistband of her jeans as she reached around the front and flicked the button open.

She kissed patterns on her back, smiling at the change in Lex's breathing and the goose bumps that were starting to appear on her smooth skin as she kissed across the tops of her shoulders and nibbled at the back of her neck.

She licked her way around the left ear and the side of her neck, audible moans now rumbling from Lex's throat as her desire was rising, and as she kissed down her throat and in between her breasts there was no mistaking the hiss of anticipation, so she relented and licked first one and then the other nipple before taking them into her mouth in turn and suckling.