On the Road Ch. 01


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After a few months of re-reading his stories so many times that I had memorized them, I finally decided to email him. I created an email ID with a fake name and wrote to him about how much I enjoyed his stories. He wrote back, thanking me. Since my ID was on gmail and his ID was a gmail, we automatically got added to each other's chat list. And one night, he saw me online and pinged me. Dave lived on the East Coast in the US. I told him a bit about me. And we started chatting. And we kept chatting.

We were chatting nearly 4-5 hours a day. I'd chat with him from work when it was night for him. I'd get done with dinner early, so I could go online and chat with Dave before he had to go to work. I told him my real name, told him everything about my life. Started sharing my fantasies. He started encouraging me to live some of them out. Take baby steps in exhibitionism. But my reply was always the same - "It is easy for you folks there. In India, it is impossible for a girl like me. I'll get raped or arrested." That didn't stop me from sharing newer and newer fantasies with him. -------------------

Dave and I started chatting 6 months before our road trip. The events that eventually led to the road trip started three months back. Ever since my break-up with my ex 2 years back, my parents had been pressuring me to get married. They were not too conservative, but at the same time, conservative enough to feel slighted by the taunts from relatives and family friends about my broken engagement. My dad, already very upset and angry at my break-up, had insisted I start meeting guys for an arranged marriage right away. But I had resisted, saying I wanted to find someone on my own. After a lot of arguments, we finally reached an agreement that I had 2 years to find myself a husband. If I couldn't, then I'd have to agree for an arranged marriage.

And like I said, I never found any worthy guys on my own. Maybe I was too obsessed with erotica, too caught up in my fantasies. Whatever the reason, as the two years drew to a close, my parents reminded me of the agreement. And since my dad already has some blood pressure issues, not wanting to upset him further I agreed. The whole process took about a month. The third guy I met was the one my wedding was fixed with. He was a decent looking boy from a good family and with a good job, you know the typical ideal arranged marriage match. I was sure I'd be happy with him. But I wasn't sure how our sex life would be. It is always a lottery in arranged marriages, isn't it?

On the day that I was going to tell Dave about my wedding being fixed, I logged in and saw this email from him -

"Dear Pooja

I have really enjoyed our chats over the last few months. But lately, we are getting very repetitive. I think we should end this friendship here while the going is good, and before it descends into monotonous boredom. Hope you agree.

Unless of course, you are interested in spending some days with me. I could come over to India and we could go on a short road trip. And if you are interested, I could help you live out some of your fantasies and broaden your sexual horizons. We'll be in distant towns where no one will know you. I am big and strong, so I can protect you if things go out of hand. And I have experience of such things here, so trust me, I can take precautions to make sure we don't get in trouble with the police. If you are interested, let me know and I can apply for a visa to India.

If not, let's say our goodbyes and wish each other best of luck for the rest of our lives.


That mail left me a bit shocked and also intrigued. I had almost taken it as a given that Dave will be my friend forever. My sounding board for all matters sexual. And here he wanted to end it. Well, not entirely. He gave me an option which was impossible. A roadtrip through India? What an idea! It was too risky even with him around. I decided not to reply to the email for now, and logged off.

But as I thought about it more and more, I thought... why not? As my ex had reminded me, I had led a very vanilla boring sex life. And I was getting married soon. Why not take this trip? Why not live out my bachelorette-hood before committing to marriage? After a week's introspection, I finally told Dave yes, I was ready. He applied for a visa to India and booked his tickets. We agreed to a 2-week trip.

The next step was giving my parents a convincing story about being away for 2 weeks. Luckily, Dave was coming in the month of May, when many adventure groups in Bombay and Thane go on 2-week-long trips to hike in the Himalayas. I told my parents I wanted to go on such a trip. First they refused. The wedding is just a few months away, they said. No question about it, you can't go away for 2 weeks, they said. But then I pleaded and guilt-tripped them. In a manner similar to Kajol's character from DDLJ, I finally got my parents to agree to let me go.

So a few weeks later, my parents were at Kalyan station, seeing me off with a group of fellow hikers on a train to Delhi, from where we'd go to the Himalayas. As the train started rolling out of the station, I went to the hike organizers and told them I would get off at the next station. I could not go on the hike because of some "personal reasons", and that I was not asking for a refund. They were puzzled, but said goodbye to me.

I got off at Igatpuri station and took a taxi to the Mumbai International Airport. A few hours later, Dave's flight landed. As I stood outside the gate, my eyes were fixed on the closed circuit TV screen that shows passengers walking towards baggage claim. As I saw and recognized Dave on the screen, the enormity of the situation really hit me for the first time. He was here! I was going on a road trip with limitless possibilities with a guy I barely knew and had never met. Was I crazy? I almost decided to run away when suddenly, I saw Dave walk out of the door with his baggage trolley. He scanned the crowd and spotted me instantly. He then gave me a broad and cheerful smile. A smile that melted away any doubts that I had.

Half an hour later, we were in a rented car, Dave managing the Bombay traffic with surprising expertise, and on the way to Agra. And that's how it had all started --------

Now back to real time. Dave was driving silently, and I was sitting there sulking. He was puffing on his B&H and I was smoking Gold Flake, my first cigarette after many months. Dave kept glancing at me every few seconds and said.

"You did good back there. Why the long face?"

"Why the long face? Of course I did good. But what about you?" I said, slightly upset.

"Huh? What about me?" Dave asked, puzzled.

"That guy sprayed his cum all over my tits, and you did nothing. You just stood there laughing. And gave him money! I thought you are here to protect me if a situation goes out of hand!" I almost yelled.

Dave kept driving in silence. A couple of cars passed us, honking very loudly.

"Alright, as far as the money goes, I think the poor old man needed it." Dave said in a serious voice. "As far as my doing nothing and protecting you.... I will do that if things go out of hand. This situation had no way gone out of hand."

"What??" I said incredulously.

"Firstly, all i told you to do was flash the guy for cigarettes and water. You are the one who agreed to three minutes. You are the one who let him touch your tits. You are the one who told me that you are letting him touch you. Now, an old man who probably hasn't seen a pretty woman's tits since Kennedy died, is allowed you feel up your huge ones. And you are shocked and outraged that he shot his wad all over them?"

I stayed silent. A couple of more cars passed us honking, and then one pulled up next to us.

"What's their problem?" I said.

"Hahaha, you really don't know?"

That's when I realized. I was still in my bra! I had been so upset about the old man spraying my tits that I had forgotten to put on another t-shirt or top. So a lot of drivers that passed us had seen me sitting there, my huge tits in a tight bra, and had honked in appreciation. And now this car had pulled up next to us.

"Oh shit!" I said, and immediately crossed my arms over my chest. Dave started laughing.

"Come on, they seem like nice kids. Give 'em a peek. Make their day."

"Nice kids?" I said and looked at the car still keeping pace right next to ours. In it were four young boys of college-going age, two in the front and two in the back. They were all staring at me with their mouths open. When they saw me look at them, one of them let out a loud wolf-whistle. I showed them the finger, and kept looking straight.

"Pooja," Dave said. "Show them your tits."

"What?" I said.

"Trust me. Show them your tits. But just flash them. Lift your bra up for a second and bring it down." he said.

"Are you crazy?" I said. "What if they force us to stop and...."

"Pooja." Dave said in an angry tone. "This is not gonna work if you keep second-guessing me. Leave the consequences to me. You have 10 seconds after I finish talking, to flash them. If you don't do it, I turn the car around, drop you home, and this trip ends."

Dave didn't really give me a choice. I stared at him for two seconds, and then did as he said. Sat up straight, pulled my bra up, flashed them for a couple of seconds, and brought the bra down.

The boys in the car went crazy. Whistles, catcalls, honks, claps, you name it. Then they started shouting "Once More! Once More!". I looked at Dave and he shook his head. He then sped up the car, and said to me,

"Put on another top".

The boys in the car tried to follow us. But Dave had rented the most powerful car available for renting, and their piddly little hatchback could not keep pace. In ten minutes, we had lost them. ----------

We had been driving for half an hour after I flashed the college kids when Dave said,

"We are kinda low on fuel. Must stop for it."

A while later we passed a petrol pump and I pointed it out to Dave but he said,

"Not right for us."

With that cryptic quip, he kept driving. We passed three more petrol pumps which Dave ignored, and I started getting the feeling that wherever we stopped, I would have another task to complete. Finally, Dave slowed down when he saw saw a small empty looking petrol pump. He stopped the car 100 metres away from it, and said to me,

"Get naked. Completely naked. And don't question my orders from now on or this trip ends."

I opened my mouth to protest, but then complied. Took off my top and bra, unbuttoned my skirt and slipped out of it, and finally removed my panties. I threw all my clothes in the back seat, and saw Dave staring at me with a smile on his face.

"Okay good, now put on your sunglasses, stretch the seatback, and just sit there still as if you are sleeping." he said, and I did as I was told.

Dave started the car again and pulled it into the pump. The whole place was empty. No car there apart from ours. There was a small office which seemed empty too, apart from one guy who came running out. Through my sunglasses, I could see it was a young man, probably no older than me. He walked to the pump, and came up to the driver's window and said,

"Yes Sir?" that's when he noticed me, lying there naked, and his mouth opened wide.

"Good evening. You speak English?" Dave asked him cheerfully. But he kept staring at me in shock, so Dave repeated his question and snapped his fingers.

"Yes Sir. Little little Sir." the man replied.

"Full tank please." Dave said and the man nodded. He very reluctantly walked back a couple of steps, took out the fuel nozzle and put it in the gas tank. After the fueling started, he moved to the front and started staring at me again. This was the first time someone had seen me fully naked, apart from my ex boyfriend, so I felt my face started to redden with shame.

"What're you lookin at dude?" Dave asked him in a gruff voice. That scared him and he took a couple of steps back. The man probably weighed half as much as Dave, so he didn't want to piss him off.

"Sorry sir." he said sheepishly, turned around and started staring at the fuel display.

"HAHAHA!" Dave's laughter boomed across the car, "Don't be shy, young man. Just admit that you were checking out this hot naked chick right here."

"Sir?" the poor guy said, probably confused and unable to decode Dave's American accent completely.

"You.... looking.... her?" Dave said pointing at me.

"Sorry sir." the guy said, now almost shivering in fear. That turned to full scale panic as Dave opened the door and got out of the car. The guy started saying "No sir, sorry sir, no sir, sorry sir! galti ho gayi (i made a mistake), sir!"

Dave realized the guy was terrified, so he said,

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Relax!" and Dave lifted both his hands in front of him. "Relax! OK? Understand? Relax?"

The guy nodded his head nervously.

"Haha! There's that Indian head-waggle, side to side. You guys have a funny way of nodding." Dave said, and stepped closer to the guy. Dave then put his big arm around his shoulder and said gently, "Come, come."

The guy mutely walked as Dave lead him around the front of the car and to the passenger door. Dave then took his arm off the guy's shoulder and opened the door, giving me a start. The guy must have realized I was not asleep, but just pretending to be. I thought about ending the pretense, but Dave hadn't ordered me to do so, so I kept sitting, stretched back.

As Dave opened the door fully, the guy got a complete look at my naked body. My big firm tits, very slightly hanging outwards as I lay back. My nipples, I realized, were fully erect even in this oppressive heat. I had kept my legs slightly open, so the guy also got a glimpse at my shaved pussy.

"Isn't she beautiful.... what's your name?" Dave said.

The guy stared at him.

"Name! Your name?" Dave said, pointing at him.

"Sir, Balu." the guy said, pointing at a small nametag on his shirt that was in Hindi.

"Well, Balu, whatdya say? Isn't she the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" Dave continued.

"Sir, yes. Beautiful sir. Bahut (very) beautiful." Balu said. As I looked at him through my sunglasses, I noticed that Balu had developed a rather visible erection in his pants.

"Well, go ahead, then. Touch her! Fer cryin' out loud! A naked girl is sitting here, stretched out in a car at your gas station, and you ain't even gonna touch her?" Dave said very rapidly. Balu obvious had no clue what was said and he stared at Dave blankly.

"Damn!" Dave said, "I shoulda taken some Hindi lessons before coming here."

And then Dave bent forward, and put the outstretched fingers of his hand just above my breasts. He gently moved it downwards with a magical touch that gave me goosebumps at once. This was the first time that Dave had really touched me, apart from the hugs at the airport, I noted to myself. He caressed my boobs and my stomach like that, lightly, and then grabbed my left breast.

"See? Touch. You. Touch." Dave said.

"Me Sir? Pakka (sure), sir?" Balu said, his erection now at a peak.

"Fuck her?" Dave said, misunderstanding what Balu said. "HAHAHA. You move fast, don't you? No, you can't fuck her. Even I ain't fucked her yet. And no one's gonna fuck her until she's begging for it. Just touch. Touch."

Balu tentatively moved forward, and reached out his hand. He was about to grab my boobs, but probably felt nervous and changed course at the last minute, and kept his hand on my shoulder instead. I could smell the grease and petrol on his body. He moved his hands up and down my shoulder and arms. Then he lifted his hand and put it on my thigh. He still seemed unsure about touching me in any private places.

"Pooja, help him, won't you?" Dave said from behind him.

I sighed, and reached down with my hand, lifted his up and put it on my breast. He looked at me surprised, and I smiled at him. That seemed to embolden him a bit. He now brought his second hand into play as well, and started massaging my big boobs, slowly at first, and then harder, and then finally, too hard, making them hurt.

"Itna jor se nahi (Not that hard)" I said to him. But by now, Balu seemed to have lost any worries or inhibitions.

"Chup be saali randi chinaal (Shut up, you whore slut)" he said in a derisive voice. "Yeh tagda gora to badey jor se dabata hoga din raat tabhi toh itney badey huey (This huge white guy must be pressing them hard night and day, which is why they have grown this big)"

I was about to say something sharp in response, when the fuel nozzle made the hard clicking noise, indicating the tank was full. Balu immediately straightened, and ran to the other side of the car. He took the nozzle out, replaced it on the pump, and literally sprinted back towards me, and started playing with my boobs again.

"Balu." Dave said.

"Yes sir?" Balu said, turning his head back, but his hands still assaulting my tits.

"How much money?" Dave asked.

"1866 rupees Sir" Balu said.

"How about you let that go, and we have Pooja here give you a blowjob?" Dave said with a wry smile on his face.

"Sir?" Balu asked, unable to comprehend what was said.

"Tell him Pooja." Dave said.

"Dave, I am not sure...." I took the sunglasses off and started protesting.

"Pooja!!! What did I say about.." Dave said in a raised voice.

"No, listen Dave. I am not disobeying. I am just saying that's a lot of money, and the guy will probably turn it down." I said.

"Just ask him!" Dave said. So I turned to Balu and said,

"Suno, agar uss paisey ke badley mein main tumhe..... (Listen, if instead of paying you, what if I...)" and I paused, struggling to find a hindi word for blowjob "tumhaara moonh mein loon, toh? (what if I take your dick in my mouth?)"

"Sirf moonh mein leney se kya hoga (What's so great about taking my dick in your mouth?)" he asked, puzzled. "Paisey bahut jyada hain (The money is too much)."

"Moonh mein lekar choosungi (I'll take it in my mouth and suck on it). Jab tak tumhara mere moonh mein.....ho na jaaye (Until you are...done in my mouth)" I said, realizing that I did not know the Hindi words for blowjob or for cumming.

Balu finally got what I was saying and looked at me for a while and then looked at Dave. ------------ Balu let go of my boobs and stood up, thinking about my offer. I could understand his dilemma. I am sure he didn't get paid too much more than 2-3000 rupees. Letting go of our whole bill would hit his earnings too much.

"Tumhaare jaisa maal toh maine zindagi mein nahi dekha (I haven't seen a hot babe like you in my whole life). Par phir be utney rupaye... mere poora pagaar jitna hai (But that much money... it's almost as much as my month's pay). Maloom nahin, sochna padega (I don't know, I'll have to think)." he said.

I translated what he said to Dave, and then added very fast so Balu wouldn't understand,

"Dave, are you gonna pay him in the end anyway?"

"Yes, I probably will." Dave said.

"So why create this dilemma for him? I'll just blow him and get done with it." I said.

"No, Pooja. that's not how we play the game. His dilemma is the fun part. It needs to mean something to him." Dave said, smiling.

Balu stared at us, not really understanding what we were saying, and then said to me,

"Agar sirf choosegi, toh 50% discount doonga (If you just blow me, I'll give you a 50% discount). Agar chudwayegi, toh poore fokat (If you let me fuck you, then it's free)." he made his counter offer, which I translated for Dave.

"Hmmm...okay." Dave said and thought for a few seconds. "Tell him, this is how it will go down. You suck him, while I fuck you, so he gets to see you being fucked. And for that he gives us 75% off."

I stared at Dave. He was proposing a threesome with this guy! Until this morning, I had only ever had mostly missionary sex with my boyfriend. And now I was going to get fucked by a guy I had met in person only today, while blowing a guy I had met ten minutes back! The sheer scandalousness of the situation had stunned me, as I sat there, naked.