Once a Bully, Always a Bully…

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A road rage incident leads to life changing events.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 06/26/2022
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When people I talk to think back on their youth, most of them have horror stories of middle school. I myself, I had an extremely rough time fitting in, and like so many others, I was bullied on a regular basis. Name calling, false rumors, and physical aggression were all a part of my daily life, unfortunately, I was always on the receiving end of these things. I look back on middle school as a time I want to forget entirely, but I can still hear the insults playing in my head. The faces of bullies that once tormented and took complete control of my life, still haunt me.

When I got to high school and people started to become more mature, I was able to relax a little. On top of that, I was able to rebuild my self esteem and stop living in fear. As time went on, I grew into an adult, I swore to protect myself against any bully I might encounter. I wasn't going to take any crap from anyone, win or lose. For the most part, I was able to fend for myself, and those who tested me, quickly backed off. Anyone who resorted to name calling, just became laughable to me. No one could get to me no matter how hard they tried. Or so I thought...

There was one particular day that changed my life forever. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Every visual detail, and every word that was spoken. The memory replays in my mind constantly. It was a horrific night and as traumatic as the events were, I am eternally grateful for everything that followed, and wouldn't have it any other way.

It was the evening of December the 5th, 2015. I was 21 at the time. I was working the late shift at a local diner and had just gotten off. I was on my way home, but decided to make a quick stop to pick up some food. When I veered off to my right to take the exit, an aggressive driver cut me off causing me to slam on my brakes. I laid my hand down heavy on the horn in retaliation. The driver immediately stuck their hand out of the window, gave me the finger, and sped off. A mile or so down the road, I caught up with them while they were caught behind another vehicle. I felt the urge to get even, so I cut the car off and slammed my brakes. Naturally, they honked, and this time, I flipped them off. After getting back at them, I got back over into the lane I needed to be in and turned off into the parking lot of the restaurant.

I was still a little heated from the road rage when I parked, so I sat in silence for a minute. I started to freak out a little bit though when I began to see a car's headlights in my rear view mirror, followed by a loud honk. I quickly realized it was the same car. Still enraged, I decided to step out of the car and approach the driver on foot. As I neared the vehicle, a man got out of the driver's seat and started approaching me as well. So I shouted "Are you following me?"

"Ya, I followed you, bitch." He shouted back. "Who the fuck do you think you are brake checking me?"

"You cut me off, asshole," I responded. "Don't be mad if you get put in your place for being a douchebag."

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want, and you better watch your tone talking to me like that little faggot!"

The F word randomly brought back memories of middle school, and it was at that moment I realized I knew him. James Bradley, one of the biggest bullies in the school. He used to push me into lockers and tell everyone I tried to come on to him. Here I was face to face with him again. As much as I wanted to fight him, he was still much bigger than me and I would most definitely lose. It didn't stop me from running my mouth though.

"I remember you," I told him. "You're that jock prick that made up all that shit about me being gay. I see you still haven't grown up."

He laughed then replied, "well look who it is. You got some facial hair now and some hair on your balls so you're thinking you're tough now? You got a lot of nerve talking to me like that. You think that because you're all grown up now and haven't seen me in a few years that you're not my bitch anymore?"

I tried to reply as savvy as possible. "You think I was your bitch because you spread a couple rumors about me? What other pathetic lies did you tell yourself to make you feel better about yourself?"

"Oh I'm lying to myself? Come on, we both know damn well that wasn't a rumor. Deep down you know you're a sissy cock sucking faggot."

As much as I thought I had the situation under control, his name calling got under my skin, and I took things a step too far. "Says the guy that buys a sports car to make them feel better about their dick size. Fuck you and your shitty car," I told him and then walked over and spit on the hood of his car.

He goes quiet and I can tell I just made a grave mistake. I quickly attempted to get back in my car, but he walked right behind me. In one fast move, he grabbed my arms, wrapped them around the back of my head and slammed me face down on the side of my car. "I know your faggot ass did not just spit on my car. I'm gonna have to beat the shit out of you right here in this parking lot."

"Fuck you," I responded, trying to break free.

He slammed me down to the ground with my face to the concrete, "hold still," he shouted while restraining me. Seeing as though he had me pinned down, I had no choice but to listen.

"Let me go," I begged as I slowly gave up and stopped fighting back.

"Shut the fuck up and listen," he said. "You know, you might just be too easy to beat up. I mean, you're clearly a sissy bitch who can't defend themself, so I'm going to give you a chance to apologize and save yourself from the ass whooping of a lifetime."

Frustrated, I gave in. "Fine, I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for spitting on your car."

"That's a good start, but you've got a lot more to be sorry for than that."

I took a deep breath and in a soft tone, replied, "I'm sorry I honked at you, brake checked you, and cussed at you."

"That's better, now apologize for being a faggot in denial."

Annoyed, I replied "I'm not gay, James..."

"Oh I'm sure you believe that you're a normal heterosexual man that is attracted to women, but you're a beta bitch," he said. "If you were a real man you would've fought back even if you knew you'd get your ass beat. You didn't though, which makes you a pussy beta bitch. So know this pussy; when you're in the presence of an alpha male like myself, you're whatever I say you are. Now, last chance to apologize or I'm gonna fuck you up."

"Okay okay," I reluctantly replied. "I'm sorry I've been in denial about being gay."

"Who said anything about gay?" He replied. "If someone's gay, that doesn't mean they're a beta bitch like yourself. Shit, there are plenty of gay men out there who would stand their ground instead of pleading for mercy like a bitch. I want you to admit that you are a sissy faggot."

"Sorry, fine... I'm a sissy faggot."

He laughed again, "you are so weak, that's why you've always been my bitch."

"Please, just leave me alone," I replied.

"Hmmm... I might let you go, but first you gotta do something. Tell me you're my bitch."

I told him what he wanted to hear. "I'm your bitch, okay."

"That's right you are. You were my bitch back then, and you're my bitch now." He continued, "so here's what's gonna happen, I'm going to let go of you now, but this isn't over yet."

I felt him dig into my pocket for my keys and wallet. He took them out and let me go. "Get up on your knees," he ordered.

I boosted myself off the concrete then turned and faced him. "What do you want with those?" I asked

"Just holding onto them for now," he said. "If you want them back, you're going to have to do something for me first."

"James please, I've apologized and told you what you wanted to hear. What else do you want from me?"

He pulled out his cell phone and started recording me, "tell the camera what you told me a minute ago."

"Come on man, please don't do this," I begged him.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Now look at the camera, and say it," he replied.

I took a deep breath and repeated, "I am a sissy faggot."

"What else?"

"I am your bitch.., and always have been."

"Interesting," he replied. "So tell me something... If you're a sissy faggot as you claim to be, you must like sucking cock?"

I replied, "Well, I have never sucked anyone's dick before, so not sure how that would be possible..."

"You haven't? Well that's not okay sissy. You're a beta bitch, and you should be submitting to the will of your alpha male," he said. "Sounds to me like you have some catching up to do, and seeing as you're my bitch. You can start by sucking mine."

"What! Are you joking?" I replied. "You're accusing me of being a faggot, and you want me to suck your dick?" I asked facetiously.

"Hey!" He shouted, causing me to flinch and quickly stop talking. "You better check your tone when you're talking me bitch. Now let me explain something to you. In the animal kingdom, an alpha male asserts his dominance by fucking the betas sometimes, and that's the situation here. I don't see any pussy around and this alpha man that stands in front of you wants some release. Seeing as you're my beta bitch, you're gonna have to play that part, because that's what sissies do. You see, I can close my eyes and pretend you're a slut, which is totally straight on my end. You on the other hand... Well you'll have a dick in your mouth, so there's no pretending for you. You're gonna have to take it like the bitch you are, understood?"

"Dude, I am not sucking your dick," I firmly responded.

"Oh yes you will, and if you don't. Not only am I going to beat your ass. I'm gonna post this recording online to show the world, starting with your friends. Oh, and It's also the only way you're getting your wallet and keys back. So what'll be sissy?"

I looked down, frustrated, and feeling completely trapped. Was it worth getting my ass whooped to tell him no? One thing was for sure, if I gave in, I would lose my pride and dignity... Then again, that would just be a personal battle and no one had to know. As long as he kept his word and it remained a secret, I would just have to heal mentally. No one would ever know that I admitted those things then caved and sucked a penis. So if I chose the latter, he would post videos and everyone might think my confession was real, and that to me was starting to seem much worse.

"I'm waiting bitch. What's it gonna be?" He asked while I was trying to think.

I quietly responded looking down at the ground with my head in shame, "fine... I'll suck it"

"Wise decision," he replied. "We need to go somewhere more private though. "Those trees over there look like a good place. Stay close and don't try anything foolish."

We started walking to a small wooded area at the far end of the parking lot. When we got there, we went behind a large tree that blocked us from the view of anyone that might randomly drive by, even though it was late at night and the roads were fairly empty.

"On your knees," he ordered.

I dropped down to my knees in front of his crotch, trying to avert my eyes from the faint bulge in his sweatpants.

"Have you ever actually seen a real man's cock before?" He asked.

"Ummm ya?" I responded as if it wasn't obvious to him that I too had a penis.

"Oh I don't think you have. Let me show you something, pull yours out real quick," he ordered.

"Okay...," I replied, then unbuttoned my pants and pulled my penis out like he asked.

"Wow, what a joke," he said. "Without even seeing it prior, I already knew it was tiny. Betas always have small penises, it's only natural. Now put that pathetic excuse for dick away and let me show you what an alpha cock looks like."

He dropped his sweatpants to his ankles and I could now see very clearly the bulge in his boxer briefs. Then slowly, he reached into the hole in the front of his briefs and pulled his thick shaft out inch by inch.

My eyes immediately lit up at the size of it. "Ha, there it is," he said. "The look on every bitch's face when they see an alpha dick for the first time. And guess what, that's what it looks like limp, just wait till you see it hard."

His penis rested flaccid in front of my face. It was at least seven to eight inches long and two inches thick. I was starting to wonder how he even expected me to fit it into my mouth.

"Well what's the hold up, you just gonna stare at it? Get to work, but take it slow. You can start by stroking it a bit first."

I took a deep breath, reached up and touched it. It wasn't that weird to touch considering I had masturbated plenty of times, but naturally it was much bigger. Slowly, I began to wrap my hand around the bottom of the shaft and started lightly stroking it. "There you go," he said, and I could start to feel his veins pulsating. Then little by little, I felt it start to get hard. It began to twitch and I watched as it grew inch after inch. He must've been 10 to 12 inches long.

He started to record me again. "This is only to make sure you do what you promised, but you have to do what I tell you and you have to tell me what I want to hear when I ask, got it?"

"Fine," I replied.

"Good, now look straight at the camera and tell me, what do you think of my cock? How does it compare to yours?"

"It's very big," I responded. "Bigger than mine."

"Tell me sissy, how badly do you want to suck it?"

"I really want to"

"That doesn't sound very convincing," he said.

"Please, I really really want to suck it badly," I told him, trying to act genuine.

"That's better, now go ahead and kiss the head," he ordered.

I closed my eyes and leaned forward, but he stopped me. "Eyes open, no pretending it's something else," he yelled. So I watched as the head of his penis made contact with my lips. I puckered up and smooched my lips on the tip. I could feel a small drop of his pre-cum rest on my lips. "Good, now start sucking, but just the tip."

I opened up and wrapped my lips around the head of his penis. The texture of his circumcised head was impossible to ignore. No matter how hard I tried to pretend it was something else, my mind knew damn well what it was.

"Work your tongue underneath the tip now and keep stroking with your hand," he ordered. So I reluctantly stuck my tongue out and I could instantly taste his pre-cum. With my right hand, I continued to stroke the bottom of his shaft. After a few minutes of that, he made the order I feared the most, "that's enough fooling around faggot, get that cock in your mouth and suck it!"

I started to tear up a little at how degrading it was, but I knew I didn't have a choice. I struggled to open wide and get my mouth past the head, and as I started getting the shaft further into my mouth, I could feel the tip hitting the back of my throat. When I looked down, I could see that it wasn't even half way in.

"Keep going," he said. I tried to fit more in, but I began to gag. My mouth was salivating, and I started drooling.

"Mmm, nothing wrong with a sloppy blow Job, but you need to relax your throat muscles and get it in there. I want to see my cock pushing out the front of your neck."

I tried and tried to relax, but every time I thought I had it under control, I lost it, and slobbered all over it.

"Relax bitch!" He shouted at me.

Barely able to respond with his giant dick in my mouth, I tried to reply, "I can't."

"Oh well then," he said. "If you can't relax your throat, then you're shit out of luck. Because this cock is going all the way down your throat no matter what."

He grabbed the back of my head and began pushing my head further towards hmm. I tried to stop him, but he was too strong for me. The next thing I knew, his cock was way past my tonsils, and my lips were touching his pelvis. I could feel my throat being stretched wide open.

He held his cock down my throat as long as I could take it without throwing up. When he pulled back out, he laughed at me as I struggled to catch my breath. Just when I thought I was regaining control, he shoved it back in. He repeated the process over and over again. Eventually I had no choice but to relax, but each time he passed my throat, I felt a punch in the back of the head, like he was purposely trying to knock my brain cells loose.

After ten minutes of exhausting sucking and gagging. He started to slow down, but it was only because he was getting close to climaxing. "That's it, keep sucking that cock bitch," he moaned. "You want some of this warm sticky cum don't you?"

I don't know how it had slipped my mind, but I had completely forgotten about ejaculation. I figured there was no way he would cum from me. I had never given a blowjob before, so if he was serious, he must've just been super horny. Deep in my fear though, I forgot that he had asked me a question, and he shouted, "I said don't you bitch?"

"Please no," I whimpered.

He pulled it and grabbed my cheeks tightly. "You don't tell me no. I'm the alpha here and you will take what I give you. I haven't busted a nut in over a week. That means there's a big load coming your way. Now when I tell you to get ready, you stay still and look straight up at it with your mouth wide open. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," I replied, with yet another round of tears. I quivered in fear every time he spoke. I had no choice but to give him what he wanted.

He made me suck for another five minutes or so, then pulled out and started jerking off in front of me. Within no time, the moans built up and I knew he was having an orgasm when his legs started to twitch. "Get ready bitch," he said.

I looked up and stared directly at his massive throbbing member which stood a little less than a foot away from me. I opened my mouth and waited.

"Here it goes comes bitch, don't move a muscle," he moaned. Then he stopped stroking. I watched as the head of his penis expanded and just like that, the first shot fired, landing directly across my forehead. Then he got closer and fired another shot right into the corner of my left eye. I immediately closed my eyes but he yelled at me the second he noticed a blink. "Eyes open I said!"

I struggled to reopen my eye as the sperm was sticky and almost immediately acted as an adhesive, but I opened my right eye as wide as possible. After a few more shots hit my face, he shoved his penis back into my mouth and kept cuming. Rope after rope landed on the tip of my tongue. The taste was salty and the texture was thick.

I started to gag again, but not because the taste was terrible. I just couldn't mentally pretend it was something else. I knew very well what seimen smelled like, and the source was still staring right at me. I wanted to spit it back out, but my face was still pointing upward. I figured I would just hurry up and swallow it, but he stopped me before I could. "Hold it in your mouth, don't swallow it, and don't even dare think about spitting it out. Just keep your mouth wide open. I want to take a couple pictures here," he said while shaking the rest off over my face.

He pointed his phone at me and snapped a couple photos of my face covered in his thick white cum. "Okay faggot, now you're on video. Don't worry though, nobody is going to see this as long as you follow my directions," he told me. "Now I want you to shake your head yes or no, got it?"

I shook my head yes, then he continued his questions. "Are you a cock loving faggot?" Did you just suck your first cock?" "Did you enjoy it?" "Is that my jizz all over your face and in your mouth?" All of which I knew he wanted a yes to.

I wished that he would've just let me swallow and get it over with, but it only got more degrading. "Are you excited to swallow a man's cum for the first time? Don't shake your head this time. Gargle it in your mouth to show me how eager you are to swallow?"

I reluctantly gargled it as instructed. The salty taste just spread throughout my mouth, and was probably half mixed with my saliva at that point. Eventually though, he let me do it. "Alright, give it a good gulp faggot. Make that load disappear," he said. So I took a breath and swallowed it down.