Once a Wife, Now a Concubine


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Leaving Art in the shower, Rita went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. She did not feel "fucked" like she did with Mike or the boys, she felt completely satisfied, fulfilled. Humming a lively tune, wearing only his dress shirt, she felt as if she were floating a couple of inches off the floor. Just as she removed the baked potatoes from the microwave, he came into the kitchen wearing only a t-shirt and boxers, "You sound happy. How do you feel, m'lady?"

Rita stopped and looked at him, smiled big, "Oh m'lord, I feel great, better than great, I feel fantastic, couldn't be better. How do you feel?"

Art drew out a bottle of wine from the rack and as he opened it said, "I feel very good, yeah, more like fantastic. You my dear Rita are a great sexual partner and a great person. I think we had some deep sexual intercourse this evening. I'm convinced that your ex-husband must have lost sight of what he had. I know what I have in you and I promise that I will never let you go. I will also promise you this, Rita, like my wife, you are both mine until you die. I promise you something else, my lovely little concubine... I will literally destroy anybody that tries to in anyway come between you and I." He poured them both a glass of wine and handed her one.

Still standing in the middle of the kitchen, Rita accepted the glass of wine, took a sip, then looking right at him purred, "Those are three promises that I have no doubts you will keep. You who possesses everything about me, I promise that I will never forget the fact that I have nothing to give another. That I need your permission to allow anyone to get past a hand shake."

Art brought his glass up and met hers with a "clink", "Good, something else I want you to never forget. .. I will always be here for you Rita, always. Another thing, my dear concubine, I didn't plan on you calling me master, my lord or anything like that. But, I have to admit, I like it. However, you don't have to do it, if you don't want too."

After their toast, she smiled and purred, "I love you my lord Art Hamilton, with all my heart... Now master, please light the candle, move that bottle of wine to the table and take a seat. Let me get this dinner on the table."

The lovers chatted and laughed during their dinner. Then she brought up the lunch with his wife Pattie that next day. He said, "She is really looking forward to it. As skeptical as she was in the beginning, on the way home from dinner the other night, she told me that I had made a good choice. That you two decided to become best friends... She's never had a best friend, lot of acquaintances, we have a party list that doesn't quit."

"Neither have I..." she said in a low tone. Then repeating herself in a more audible tone, "Neither have I... But, I am certainly looking forward to our lunch tomorrow. We are gonna have lunch here. Then we will diagram the living room. Annd then, and then m'lord, we will go out a find some furniture for it. Pattie's the one that told me where to go for the bedroom set. You like?"

"Oh yeah, I like. Especially with you spread out on the bed, nude... It's one very sexy bedroom, that turned me on something awful, yeah I like a lot... Oh, and by the way, Pattie's favorite lunch is spinach quiche with a glass of Chardonnay."

"Thanks for the tip, I make a mean spinach quiche I know that she'll like. And, you filled my wine rack. So, you know I have a couple of bottles of Chardonnay down there. But, I promise we won't drink it all, tomorrow."

Art laughed, "Well, I'm sure glad to hear that."

Laughing with him, Rita then said in a serious tone, "Ah, I would like to change the subject. Something on a serious note. Ah, you and Pattie knew all about me including that Halloween party when you arrived at the frat house that Sunday afternoon, didn't you?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Did you know that I replaced Christine Canfield as the white queen, because her husband came for her?"

"Yes we do. You should know that Pattie and I are very good friends with the Canfield's. Ted was the basketball coach at the first high school job I had out of college. Chris and Pattie are friends and Ted wrote a great letter of recommendation that I'm sure went a long way in helping me get the job I have right now."

"Oh OK, well, Christine and I worked together a lot when I was a parent volunteer in the sports program. We both have sons named Ryan and they were both basketball players. Ah, I was just wondering if you knew how she was doing? I caught just bits and pieces of it all. But, it seemed so contrary to the Christine that I know."

"She's better now. We had them up for a house party last Saturday. They are going to get passed it, still married, even stronger. But, Ted keeps her close. At dinner when the wine was being poured, she asked him if she could have a glass. He told her that she could have one and no more for the rest of the evening. She stayed right with him all through the party. Yeah, he keeps her close. Pattie called her that Sunday after the frat party, while I was at that meeting in the frat house. Pattie said Chris was a real basket case. That they talked for about an hour, through which Chris cried a lot. About all she could say about it was that she was still Ted's wife and that he was not going to file for divorce. But, I guess he really put her through the ringer. Ted told me that he knocked the slut right outta Chris. He used that word I don't like very much and that I've never heard him use before, but anyway..."

"Chris is such a sweet and genuine person that I just never thought would ever get involved in something like that."

"Yeah, I know what you mean by that. Maybe, somewhere along the line you'll get to ask her yourself. Right now, we are just trying to support the whole family and help them get passed it, intact." Art paused, then placed his hand on her forearm, "Rita? One more thing. You told me that your ex-husband said that he thought you were fat and ugly. Well, Pattie and I agree that you are not fat and you are certainly not ugly. You are a very attractive, sensual woman."

As tears weld up in her eyes, she whispered, "Thank you and Pattie. I needed to hear that from you guys, I really did..."

After dinner and a little more conversation, Art helped Rita clean up the dining room and kitchen. Then he led her back to the bedroom and spent the next couple of hours showing her more of what a man could do to pleasure a woman. He also gave her an advanced course on what a woman could do to pleasure a man. The former work-a-day housewife had fully emerged from her pumpkin shell. She was now fully and entirely Art Hamilton's concubine.


Saturday morning, eleven AM, Rita opened the front door of her condo for the blond haired, blue eyed Pattie Hamilton. Hair meticulously styled, fingernails professionally done, rocks on her left hand sparkling in the intermittent sun light, even in casual clothes it was obvious that she was well-born, married to a relatively high paid man. "Right on time, Pattie. How ya doin'?" Rita asked as she took Pattie's coat.

Except for the similarity in height, the two women were physical opposites. Rita with her "hour glass" figure, long black hair and Mediterranean complexion. Pattie, even after three children was still a 34C at best, 26 inch waste and 34 inches around her hips and ass. All covered with angelic white skin. In the sun, Rita turned copper tone, Pattie turned red. However, mentally to two women had already found quite a bit of common ground. In the near future, the two would find themselves best friends, joined at the heart.

Coming close to finishing their lunch, Rita rose from her chair, "More coffee, Pattie?"

"Yes, I would, thank you." When Rita returned with the coffee pot, Pattie leaned back in her chair, "Rita, this has got to be the best quiche I have ever had. Art says that you are a great cook. Well, if this is any indication, wow, I certainly agree."

After Rita poured them both more coffee, she said, "My mom is full blood provincial Italian, born on a dairy. She taught me how to be a wife, including how to cook. I used what she had taught me and tried some domestic dishes like this."

"It's remarkably good. How are you at cooking turkey?"

"I did it for nineteen years, no complaints..."

"Good, very good. You know, next week is Thanksgiving. We would like it very much if you would come to our house and cook the dinner, I'd help. That's unless you have other plans?"

"Other plans, yeah sure." Rita chuckled, "If that includes a lonely dinner for one a some coffee shop, then yeah, I have other plans..." Rita looked right at Pattie, "But then again, I can't think of any place I'd rather be on this Thanksgiving then cooking dinner for the Hamilton's."

"So, can I take that as a yes?"

"Sure, I'll even help you eat it."

Pattie laughed, "You betcha... We plan on having you share our table. Why don't you come over after work on Wednesday and plan to stay through the weekend. Art said you know the Canfield's. They are coming up for a visit the day after Thanksgiving. He said that you were aware of some of the recent events and that you and Chris had worked together at the high school."

"Well, count me in, Wednesday after work I'll be there. But yeah, Christine and I worked together when I was a parent volunteer. One time two players missed the bus, my son was one of them. So, she and I drove them to the game about a hundred miles south. We had a lot of time to get to know each other. For some reason, I wasn't surprised that Nicole Williams got involved with something like that, she seemed really bored with her marriage. But Christine? Not the person I know..."

"Yeah, that's the way I looked at it. But well, I'll let Chris and Ted fill you in."

"Thank you Pattie. They're a neat couple of people, so I would really like to hear it from them. Ahh, not to change the subject or anything, but ah, Pattie? Ah, did you know anything about how much I am worth?"

"Ah, not really. Ah, Art keeps me informed about what we are doing, investment wise, like this condo complex, and his stock market moves and he mentioned that you came out well, financially in your divorce. But, he didn't get specific."

"Pattie..." Rita place her hand on Pattie's wrist, "After the forty grand I put down on my beemer and according to Rick Colson, you guys' C.P.A., I'm worth a net eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Historically, that makes this a unique concubine experience. According to Art, my net worth is about forty percent of my master's. That son of a bitch that I was married to... Damn him, I ask if I could quit work eight or ten years ago. He said that we still needed my income, we didn't, that bastard..."

Pattie leaned over toward Rita, "I'm sure that really pisses you off. But, you're gonna get the last laugh. Art tells me that you can retire in a couple of years. That you won't need the money and it's obvious that you don't need what you are earning right now. So, he plans to give me a certain amount every month that he calls my mad money. He says that he will match what ever you get and that you and I can go out and spend our money any way we want too. Not being much of a night person, I thought we could just go shopping and check out the chic, expensive restaurants for lunch. We could check to see if any of them make a quiche anything close to what you do."

"I am definitely up for that. It sure sounds like an idea your husband, my master would come up with and I love it. Gawd, I love him."

"So do I." said Pattie, ever so sweetly.


Returning to her condo after furniture shopping with Pattie, Rita's cellphone rang. It was her ex-husband, Paul Walker, "Hi Rita, how ya doin'?" he asked cheerfully, almost out of character.

"One helluva lot better, now that the divorce is final. So, whadyawant?"

"Ah Rita, you don't have to be like that. I was just callin' ta see how you're doin'. How's that new office working out for you?"

"My man pulled some strings and I got a jump of two pay grades, I'd say I'm doing fantastic. They made me the assistant manager. Anyway, why the call?"

"Mom ask me to call and invite you to Thanksgiving dinner."

Rita laughed, thinking, "Why would she do that?" Then said, "Tell your dear mother that I'm sorry, I have other plans. I've been invited to spend it with the Hamilton's."

"Oh, is that the guy that made you his concubine, or should I say, his personal whore?"

Rita laughed again, thinking, "You sorry sack o' shit." She answered him with, "Ya know? That shows me clearly the difference between two of you guys. You on one hand, treated me like your housekeeper slash whore, who actually paid you, in the form of my entire income, for the privilege of living with your cheatin' ass. On the other hand, there's my man. He loves and respects me as he does his own wife. Who, by the way is now my best friend and just left after a really fun lunch and some furniture shopping. My man has made me very aware of my present financial condition and put me with his own C.P.A. Oh, and by the way, my man helped me pick out and negotiate the purchase of a brand new version of that B.M.W. I've always wanted., such a fun car to drive... So, bottom line... And, I know you always want to hear the bottom line... Well, it goes like this.., I'm not part of your family, because I'm not your wife anymore. Annd, most importantly, I don't love you anymore. So, good bye Mister Walker, have a good life without me..." With that she terminated the call and went looking for the customer service number for her cellphone provider, so she could change her phone number, thinking, "Once I loved that man more than life itself. What happened to that loving, caring man that would go to such great lengths to keep his promises? What did I do? Or, not do? Oh well..."

Once she had made the changes on her cellphone, Rita booted up her computer. Rick, her C.P.A., had set up a generous internet trading account for her. Then he taught her how to play a fun trading game called Shorting the Stock Market. The high flying New York Stock Exchange had become her favorite. As she waited for the computer to boot, she pondered her current status. Did she have much of a future as Art Hamilton's concubine? Rita did not have the slightest idea. So, she decided to take life one day at a time. As to looking into the future, she would look as far as Thanksgiving and the covering of her short sales in the stock market. Logging onto her trading account and looking over her short positions, she thought, "Ya know Rita? As of today, life is good. Who knows about tomorrow."

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VapspegeoVapspegeoover 6 years ago
What's the difference

Her husband fucked someone behind her back. Then she uses that as an excuse to fuck over her daughter and son. Now she wants to a honorable whore, then she fucks a frat house and becomes a ass whore. Damn she still doing the cooking and cleaning, so if the husband just fucked her in the ass more she would've been happier.

(rewrite your idea doesn't make sense)


usnret59usnret59about 7 years ago

Enjoyed the store

devildog26devildog26almost 14 years ago
Well developed characters

The main characters were well developed. The story itself strained credulity. I enjoyed "The Stolen Wife" more.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 14 years ago
You actually made me....

....like the cheater way more.Nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Life is Good...

...eventually! Sad she catered to the ass for 20 years but as it turns out she will be fine.

She continues to get more and more fortunate with her status in life, emotionally and financially...and...sexually! I like her and enjoyed her and am elated at her good fortune and where she is now and is going.

Thanks for a good story!!!

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