Once Again Pt. 03


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She chuckled, "It was Tampa, and I have no plans of returning. The cardiologist I've been working for is originally from Sioux Falls, working here will put him closer to his aging parents. He starts on Monday, as do I. You and I will be in the same hospital again."

My brain was on tilt, "I'm confused. Why would you think you were going to come here and waltz back into my life? All you've ever done is hurt me. I won't go through anymore of that. On second thought, you should get a ride with Brenda."

Her face was sullen as I walked away, never before had I turned my back on her, in the past I had let her kick my heart around and like a fool go back for more. Diving home the last thing I wanted was to be alone, yet here I was, good old Bobby boy all by himself. I had no one to blame but myself, she wasn't going to change her character flaws and deep down I had always known it. Nope, I felt nothing but pity, her true nature would expose itself and she'd be off with the next guy soon enough.

Life at work was tense. I saw her almost every day at some point or another, we were cordial but that's where it ended. By months end I was sick of it and started looking for a new position, with mom gone there really wasn't anything holding me anymore. My sisters had busy lives and I barely saw them though they lived only a few miles from me. Karen continued trying to gain my favor one more time, all to no avail. Within six weeks the old Karen began to emerge, this time with a young guy in the lab. He was solid and seemed to be in command when I saw them together, maybe he was the one to finally tame her silly ways.

His name was Sylvester, not a name often associated with a black man, everyone knew him as Sil. His mom was a college professor and his dad a phlebotomist, just like Sil. They'd been a couple for a few weeks when out of the blue Sil appeared in my office over lunch. We greeted one another, he wasted no time getting down to brass tacks.

"I'm sure you're aware I've been seeing Karen and I'm here to ask if there's anything between you two. Your name seems to come up in a lot of our conversations."

I leaned back in my chair, "Nothing beyond past friendships working together. I loved her at one time, she discarded that and now there's nothing left beyond a cordial hello from time to time."

He nodded, "Yeah, she said she treated you pretty bad and that she wasn't much of a friend at times. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't in competition with some ghost romance waiting to spring from the closet."

I stood to shake his hand, "No worries there Sil, she's all yours if you want her. One word of advice, keep a tight rein on her, she tends to lose focus when it comes to relationships."

He nodded once more, "Yep, I noticed. I'll keep your words in mind and thanks."

I stopped him at the door, "One more thing. I don't plan to stick around much longer, you won't have to wonder, she'll be all yours."

He put up his hand in a stop gesture, "Whoa man. Wait, you can't leave. ICU needs you. Besides, where would you go?"

I shook my head softly, "Nah, there are at least three other people qualified to take my position. As for where I'll go. No idea, I'd like to find another small hospital. Big cities and I don't get along very well."

He laughed, "I gotcha man, I'm the same way. That's how I ended up here. I love it. Say, if you want some ideas let me know, my brother is a headhunter, he's always looking for people to fill positions nationwide."

I contacted his brother but nothing I was interested came my way, most were in big cities with big hospitals. In May two things happened, first Sil proposed to Karen, and she accepted, second, I received a call I never imagined would come my way. Sipping a beer on the porch late at night with Shep lying at my feet and the fireflies putting on a show my cell rang, without looking I put it to my ear and spoke.

"This is Bob."

The line went dead, and I chalked it up to a butt dial from someone. Two minutes later it rang again, this time I looked but didn't recognize the number.

"Hello, this is Bob."

"Bobby, this is Addy. I'm in town, would you have time to see me tomorrow or the day after?"

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, "Yes, I can meet you for coffee at the hospital cafeteria around ten if that works for you."

"Thanks Bobby, I'll see you at ten. Have a good night. Bye."

Adelade, how many years had it been? She was being married in a few months, I wondered if her fiancé had come along. With all that had gone on over the past six months seeing Addy would surely brighten my day. Standing in the entry of cafeteria I looked around, scanning to my left I saw her walking to me. A bright yellow sun dress with white polka dots about an inch in diameter, sleeveless and stopping mid-thigh. I quickly glanced at her left hand, no ring. When she was a foot away her arms went up and wrapped around my neck, as her lips met mine I encircled her waist with my arms. Her slender body was tight to mine as she stood on tip toes.

I didn't fight the kiss in the least, it was as though it was supposed to happen this way, in front of the entire cafeteria.

As she settled back on her feet she smiled up at me, "Hello Bobby. I've missed you so much. You look good, this country air suits you fine, that's plain to see. Come sit with me, we need to catch up."

Holding my hand firmly she dragged me along to her table in the corner, the entire room full of eyes were upon us, it didn't faze her a bit. I lifted her left hand and gave her a quizzical look.

"It's off, not going to happen. It became evident he was still enamored with an old flame. I had no intention of spending years wondering if he still pined for her and called it off. Kind of like you and Karen, she told me you walked away from her. Is that true?"

"I'm not proud of how it happened, but yes, I'd had enough and let her know I wouldn't be her door mat any longer."

She was smiling from ear to ear, she leaned forward and spoke in a hushed tone, "Good, because I'm staking my claim. Mama straightened me out one evening as I was moping around the house. She grabbed my arm pulling me next to her and with the voice only a mother can use she said "sit". Our one-sided conversation went like this."

Pointing a finger straight ahead like I'd seen her mother do she started, "Why are you moping around the house? You need to snap out of it, he isn't worth the effort. Go find that white boy you brought home for Christmas, him I liked. Even though I knew the two of you were screwin up a storm at the hotel I still liked him. He has integrity."

I was chuckling to myself, "Yup, we did have a good time in the sack didn't we? Is that what you came here to tell me, that the wedding is off?"

An impish grin came over her face, "Yes, sort of. I came to tell you that and to ask you to marry me."

Shock, shock, and double shock. It obviously showed on my face. Taking my hand in hers she kissed it and smiled.

"I told you a long time ago I like this 21st Century stuff where women don't have to wait for guys anymore. It'll take you too long to ask me, so I decided to take the bull by the horns. So, will you marry me or not?"

I stood pulling her up with me, as her back was to the wall I held her tight while we kissed, it also afforded me an opportunity to slide my hands under the dress and cup her ass cheeks without anyone seeing. Her panties were soft and silky. Breaking the kiss I whispered in her ear,

"You bet your sweet ass I'll marry you. But what about your parents, I have no desire to live in Boston."

"Not an issue Bobby, their practice was bought out by one of the larger medical groups and they're gonna retire. Never in my life did I imagine them buying a small farmette kind of place where they want to have a vegetable farm. They don't know squat about stuff like that, but then again, they are physicians, they'll learn. The medical group paid them gobs of money for their practice, so they're set for life. It'll be fun to take our babies to Ollie and Nana's farm. Don't you think so?"

I was befuddled, "Seems you have all of this planned out Addy. Am I allowed to have input?"

Squeezing my hand she cringed, "I'm sorry baby. Yes, of course you have input. I'm just so damned excited you aren't already married. Bobby I want to have your babies, lots of them. I don't wanna work anymore after my sixth month, I want my job to be a mommy from here on. We need to get married though, mama will put up with a lot, but not having kids out of wedlock."

"Where are you staying Addy?"

"I'm at the Sunset Motel, really nice lady, I like her."

"That's my aunt. We can swing by and get your stuff after I check out for the day. Will you stay with me Addy? I have an extra room if you don't want to be in bed with me right away."

"Not a chance handsome. I'm in that bed with you, and we damned sure won't be sleeping, at least not tonight."

She caught an Uber back to the motel and waited for me to pick her up at four. I took the rest of the week off to be with her, we had a lot to take care of quickly. We went to supper at a local hospital hangout type diner and chatted for almost two hours before we noticed the sun was lowering. Pulling into the driveway dusk was filtering over the land, but it was still bright enough to illuminate everything. Seeing Shep amble over from the porch she bent to scratch his ears as he sniffed and let her know he approved. Once she had formed a relationship with him he did what he normally does any longer, he walked to the porch and lay down on a pile of old blankets next to the swing. At 14 he was allowed to lay anywhere he wanted.

I grabbed her bag and face case leading her up onto the porch and then into the house. Holding the screen door for her she commented that the interior door was open and asked if I'd forgotten to close it.

"Nope, didn't forget. I don't close the doors unless it's cold or gonna rain, and even then it depends on which direction the storm is coming in from. No need to close the doors when it's so warm, better to have the breeze blow through."

She looked at me wide eyed, "You don't lock doors much less close them and you feel safe?"

"It's been this way since forever Karen, I don't personally do this any longer, but I know lots of folks who leave the keys in their vehicles all the time unless they go to town. Everybody knows who and who isn't from Sween's Valley, if they see a strange vehicle they investigate. That's just the way it is. Are you sure you want to be in my world?"

Walking to me she kissed softly and spoke equally as soft as she pulled back looking into my eyes.

"I should have come to you long before this. If you want me as much as I want you I don't care where we live. Baby, I'll follow you anywhere but to hell."

"I want you Addy, as much as I ever did, if not more. This is gonna take some time to adjust for both of us. Maybe we should sleep on it and talk more tomorrow."

She looked at me and spoke like I'd heard her mother speak, "We are not sleeping on anything mister. You're going to make love to me until we're worn out and then we'll sleep until it's time to wear each other out again. Got that?"

I nodded.

"Good, carry me to bed and undress me. I need you inside me Bobby, deep and strong at first, then you can have me any way you'd like. I need you baby, you and nothing else."

Lifting her arm above her head I held it still while she pirouetted fast enuf to cause the dress to lift exposing the bright yellow panties. She was all smiles as I scooped her in my arms and walked down the hall. Unbuttoning her dress those perfect little orbs of pleasure seemed to jump out at me as I caressed and played. She continued unbuttoning as I molded her breasts into perfect cones anticipating my lips being on them anytime now. When it was completely unbuttoned she let it drop, in sheer yellow panties she turned slowly and then reached for my neck pulling me into a kiss.

"Do you like baby? I knew your favorite color was yellow and wanted to please you. Knowing how much you like my beaver I left it natural. Can I have a tongue bath tonight? My former lover didn't want to do that."

"Mmmm, indeed you can my precious. Take those panties off while I lose these clothes."

She grinned, "No. Get naked and you take my panties off. I want you to unwrap me. I want to be a postage stamp tonight, you have to lick me before you stick me. It's something mama said that made no sense until I thought about the fact that stamps weren't always self-adhesive. So, can I have your tongue first?"

I didn't answer verbally, I simply pushed her backward until her knees hit the mattress and she collapsed on the bed with her legs draped over the edge. In a flash I was on my knees with my face buried in her hairy succulent pussy, I was lapping like a kitten with a bowl of warm milk. Her breathing grew shallow and her body began to tense, a classic Addy orgasm was overtaking her. She let out a scream and sat halfway upright while her lower body convulsed. I pushed her back and as I did her thighs clamped to my head, I wasn't doing too well in the breathing department. Pushing her thighs apart I gasped for air.

"Oh baby I'm sorry." She muttered. "I couldn't help myself. I have missed that tongue desperately, never again. Feel free to dine at the Y anytime you'd like sweetheart. Stand up so I can suck you."

With my dick between her delicate fingers she guided it to her mouth, licking the tip and then encompassing the head with her soft warm lips. Though it had been a few years she remembered absolutely everything that made me want to cum in her mouth. Just as it began to build up internally she pulled back and lay down scooting to the center of the bed.

"Come over here and fill my pussy. You can cum in my mouth tomorrow, tonight I want every last drop of baby seeds inside. I won't ovulate for another few weeks, but I intend to have my pussy used to taking your cock by then. I want a baby right away. Can I have a baby?"

"Yes love, you can have a baby right away. We should practice, you know what they say, practice makes pregnant. We'll keep running that play over and over until there's a little one growing in your tummy."

As I hovered over her slender body she slipped her hand between us, grabbed my throbbing cock and pointed it directly at the opening of her vagina. When our skin made contact she pulled hard and lifted her hips. I was halfway in with the first stroke, the second one found our pubic hair meshing. My balls slapped against her ass, she giggled and pulled me down for a kiss.

We started with slow, deep, full strokes, she was making all kinds of soft encouraging sounds.

"Yes Bobby. Yes, she's yours baby. Fill her with sperm and claim her. Mmm this is so good Bobby. Fuck me, put a baby in me."

Twenty minutes later we finished in a flurry, her yelling as I slammed one last time and began to spew every ounce of sperm my balls had at the moment. Her pussy was softly milking me dry, she had obviously been doing Kegel exercises because in less than a minute I was on my way to another hard on. I began to stroke slowly, she pushed me up off her body and stared between us at my cock sliding in and out. Smiling she whispered, "Good boy, give me some more sperm."

We didn't last as long nor did I have the volume of semen I had previously, but we enjoyed every stroke. I had her wrap her arms and legs as I rolled over, with her on top she lay on my chest with my cock still inside. When I finally dropped out she whined.

"Ooomm, I wanted that to stay in me all night. We should sleep, I love you Bobby, with all my heart. Karen was a fool, I won't be, I'm yours forever... and you're mine. G-night husband."

She turned her head sideways on my chest and fell asleep instantly, I was still processing the day. So much had happened so fast, yet I knew in my heart everything she said and we did was right. When I knew she was sound asleep I gently rolled her to my right and held her in my arms. I pulled the covers over us and found sleep as well.

I had the early morning chores done, coffee made and was sitting on the porch swing when the screen door opened. Addy walked out in a long T and I assumed underwear of some sort beneath it. I grabbed a blanket off the back of the swing for her to cover with as she sat next to me.

"Do you still take your coffee with cream?" I asked. She nodded.

Returning with her coffee she thanked me and then got a mischievous look on her face.

"Do you still take your coffee the way you used to say you liked your women, hot and black?"

I laughed, I hadn't used that comment in years. "Matter of fact, I do. The hotter the better. Are you hungry or do you want to sit a spell?"

Looking around as the sun began to shed brightness across the land she sighed deep and looked at me.

"This is wonderful. I could sit here a lifetime and never tire of it. No wonder you had such a hard time living in the city. I can't get over how much brighter things look and how fresh the air is. I slept like a log, no sirens, no traffic, nothing but stars and a light breeze barely moving the curtains, feeling the breeze across my face was lovely. I could get used to being snuggled in your arms with the covers pulled tight to my neck."

"It isn't always like this, we get cold weather and some snow. Not like Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Dakota's, but it can get pretty cold at times. I'll find a car with seat heaters for you, believe me, your butt will be grateful."

It was time for a refill on coffee. "Would you like something to eat as well?" I asked. "I picked up fresh bagels yesterday morning. I can toast one if you like or you can have it with cream cheese."

Taking my hand she kissed it, how I craved the attention she had always shown me without realizing it until now. "Plain with cream cheese, don't toast it."

I glanced toward the porch several times as I prepared the bagel and poured fresh coffee. She was looking all around with a grin on her face, Shep took advantage of my absence and made his way to her for another ear rub. With his head on her lap he made soft groaning noises, when he heard me open the door he lifted his head and ambled back to his blankets, tail wagging slowly.

I looked at Addy, "You've made a new friend. I hope you know that he's going to expect that every time you sit from here on."

She chuckled, "That'll be okay with me."

We'd been silent for several minutes after we'd eaten, she was looking over the landscape, I was checking out the height of corn that had come up just a few weeks prior and watching a bull breed a heifer in heat in the pasture north of the barn. I only had about 30 head of beef, but that was plenty considering my position at the hospital. The sun was now high enough that it was no longer in our eyes, turning my body toward hers I broached the subject I needed answers to.

"Can we talk a bit? I need to ask a few things." She nodded. "Addy, are you absolutely sure this is somewhere you can adapt to? You've lived your entire life in a city."

She nodded and took my hand, "Mama told me something I knew but hadn't considered. It isn't very 21st Century so it sort of slipped by me."

I was curious, "Are you gonna share it with me?"

"She told me that when a woman finds a good man she goes where he goes. Most men don't generally relocate except for employment, so if he has a good job and takes care of you and his kids, then who cares where you live?"

I could see the excitement on her face, "I'm telling you Bobby that was the brick between the eyes I needed. She was right, if he loves me, takes care of me, is a loving husband and good daddy, what did where we lived have to do with anything? I sat in my room two whole days not budging other than to eat and use the toilet. At the end of those two days I knew the one man who would never treat me with anything but love and respect. I'm sure there are others, but I wasn't interested in looking for them, I was only interested in finding you and hoping you hadn't gotten married."