Once Upon a Fantasy Ch. 13-14


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"Are you having second thoughts about marrying Kurt?"

She nodded. "Yes. I think I've made another mistake and I don't know what to do about it."

I could see the beginnings of tears. "Tell me about it."

"He treats me like a maid and a ... a ... whore. I'm there to cook, clean and give him sex. He doesn't respect me and likes to rub it in by talking about you."

"What about me?"

"He calls you a wimp and worthless in bed or I wouldn't have left you. He thinks of himself as a 'real man' and I should be on my knees thanking him every day for taking me away from you. I'm still trying to understand how I could have been attracted to him. I must have been out of my mind."

I sighed as I listened to her tale of woe. I wasn't surprised at Kurt Howell. After his little display at the awards banquet, Andrea's description of her life with him fit with my opinion of him. I felt sorry for her, but I couldn't see how I could help her. As far as our marriage went, it was over and done with. I was committed to Kim and nothing was going to change that.

"Is he hitting you?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"No ... no ... he hasn't done that. The abuse is mostly verbal."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want my old life back. I know that's impossible now, but I can't go on pretending that I'm happy or satisfied with how this has turned out. I'm probably going to have to leave him and file for divorce. Won't that be great? Two failed marriages in a year. What a mess I've made of things," she moaned, tears now evident.

I didn't know what to say about her situation. I did feel sorry for her up to a point, but the problems she was facing were all of her own making. No one forced her to cheat on me. No one held a gun to her head to make her marry Kurt. She just went from one bad decision to another without pausing to consider her actions.

"Andrea, you have to do what you think is right. I'm sure you've learned a lot about yourself in the last couple of years. Find yourself a job and become independent once more. You can do it. You're smart enough."

Again, looking down she nodded, not saying anything.

"If I hear of something I'll let you know," I said, wondering if I would.

"You would. You'd do that for me?"

"Yes. I won't leave you out of our children's lives and I want you to be able to take care of yourself. A job would give you some purpose in your life."

"Thank you, Norman. You're a good man. I just wish I'd remembered that sooner," she said sadly, rising to leave. "I hope your operation goes well. Good luck ... and thanks for listening to me."

"Good luck to you, Andrea."

It was barely fifteen minutes later that I had another visitor, this one a pleasant surprise.

"Hello, Walter, how are you?" I greeted my mentor.

"I'm well, Norm. I wish I could say the same for you. I understand you're in for some more surgery."

"Yeah, I'm afraid so. It just had to be the same knee that got hammered. Lucky me, huh."

"You'll be fine, Norm. The surgeons in this hospital are the best. Doctor Demby replaced my hip a couple of years ago. The new one works like a dream."

"Good to hear it. Demby is my surgeon too. I'm scheduled for tomorrow, so I won't have long to wait. I'm dreading having to go through the physical therapy all over again."

"Yes, I can imagine you are. However, you're young yet and in good condition. You should come out of this in pretty good shape."

"I don't know whether I told you or not, but I'm getting married in February."

"Really! Congratulations. Do I know the lady?"

"I doubt it. Her name is Kim Penny. She's a widow and I've just hired her to work at Highland. She's going to be on outside sales to contractors and developers. She's already got an order for a townhouse development."

"I'd like to meet her when the opportunity arises. She sounds impressive."

"When you see her you'll know just how impressive," I grinned. "We'll be having our usual pre-Christmas party at the store on the afternoon of the 24th, so please drop by. I know a lot of your old friends will be there and they'd love to see you."

"I'll do that."

We chatted about business and our families for a few minutes before Walter had to leave. It was a real pleasure to see him and it reminded me how lucky I was to have him as my backer and friend.

One hour later, Kim arrived fresh from her day at the office. She had been filling in during my absence. After the usual kiss and pleasantries, I decided to broach what might be a touchy subject.

"Kim, I have a hypothetical question for you.

She looked at me quizzically. "Go ahead."

"What would you think if I hired my ex-wife to work at the store?"

"Oh. That's a surprise. Are you asking me if you think it would change our relationship?"

"No ... I'm asking you if you would be upset with her working there. She used to work on the counter when I first joined Highland. That's how I met her. She's already regretting her marriage and is thinking of getting out. I guess Kurt isn't the handsome prince she was expecting."

"Looks like you had him pegged right from the start," she frowned.

"Maybe. Anyway, do you have any problem with my offering her a job?"

"Is it a real job? Do we really need someone?"

"We will. Carolyn is pregnant and may not come back after her maternity leave. We can always use a responsible person on the counter."

"It's your business, Norm. You have to do what you think is best for it."

"That's all fine and dandy, but hiring Andrea is a different issue. I need you to understand that it won't change anything between you and me. And just to correct you, it's our business. We're in this together, remember."

She smiled. "It feels good to pull your chain once in a while. You were really worried about how I would react, weren't you?"

"So, it's okay with you?"

"Of course it is. I think I know you well enough to feel secure about us. If it's something you want to do, then do it."

I reached for her hand and pulled her to me.

"Thank you."

I'd only been awake for an hour when I had my first visitor.

"How do you feel?" Kim said, smiling at me.

"Goofy. I guess the anesthetic hasn't worn off yet."

"The doctor said everything went as well as they had hoped."

"I wonder what that means."

"Don't worry, love. I'll be right there with you for your physical therapy."

"God, I'm glad you're with me. It would be so easy to get depressed and lose confidence that I'm going to be better some day."

"I hope you feel that way when you're doing your exercises. I'm going to be with you to make sure you don't take any short cuts."

"I'll be inspired by your presence," I kidded.

"We'll see. You may be cursing me if I push you too hard."

"I'll grit my teeth and mumble incoherently."

She leaned over and kissed me again. Somehow, I knew no matter how hard it was going to be that she would help me through it. I had a feeling I was going to need all the support and encouragement I could get.

Physical therapy was harder and more painful than I remembered. Perhaps it was the nature of the surgery and the consequences of the previous injury, but I had a hard time doing even the simplest things with my leg and knee. They had an electric device that very slowly and gently bent my knee until I pushed a button to stop it. At first it didn't get very far before the pain was too much and I stopped it.

Twice a day I was going to have to endure that torture until they could get the knee to bend at least 90 degrees. Until I could do that, I wasn't going to be discharged. In the beginning I could only achieve about 60 degrees. I had a long, painful way to go.

Kim tried to be with me for each session, but it was impossible during the week and Saturday when she was busy at the store. With the exception of visitors during the day, the time between physio sessions seemed endless. To make matters worse, they wouldn't allow me to have my cell phone. How was I supposed to communicate?

My parents, together and separately, were regulars, as was Len Murchison. Len kept assuring me that the store was not in imminent danger of closing its doors in my absence. He did reveal that Kim was working six days, Monday through Saturday. I didn't know whether to be upset or proud.

"Len, I've decided to hire Andrea to work on the counter to replace Carolyn when she's away on maternity leave. She's done it before, although not for a long time. I'm sure she'll be able to pick it up again with a little training from Carolyn. You have any concerns about that?"

He shook his head. "You know her better than anyone. She was a good employee when she was here, so I don't expect any problem with her getting back into the flow of things."

"Okay. I'd give her a call but they won't allow cell phones in here. I'll have to wait until they let me out before I call her."

"You want me to contact her?"

"No. This is a bit touchy. I'd rather handle it personally."

"Sure," he said with nod.

It took four days and seven sessions before I could stand to have my knee bent over 90 degrees. My reward was to be given a stern lecture of do's and don'ts by my nurse before being released. The most important warning was against trying do too much too soon. I couldn't rush the process without doing more harm than good. I would be returning to the hospital daily for further supervised physical therapy just as I had after my first injury.

Kim picked me up after work on Tuesday and our first stop was to fill a prescription for pain medication. I already had crutches from the first accident and I could rent a walker from the Red Cross along with a special elevated toilet seat which was an absolute essential I discovered the first time around.

It also put an end to our separation. Kim and Deb moved into my house on the premise that I would need their help with all sorts of mundane things, not the least of which was transportation.

"I knew I'd convince you to move in with me," I smirked when we had a private moment.

"Kind of a drastic way to pull it off, don't you think?" she said showing a faint smile.

"True, but you're worth it. I'm sure I'll get better sooner with you around."

"We have some things to discuss, Norm."

"Like what?"

"Like will the wedding still go ahead as scheduled?"

"Damn right," I spat. "If I have to show up in a wheelchair it will."

That brought a big smile to her face. "Good. That's what I wanted to hear. But, what about our honeymoon?"

"I've already booked the cruise and the flights. I may not be in perfect shape for the dance floor, but I should be a lot better by then."

"It isn't the dance floor I was worried about. I was thinking about all the extra-curricular events I was looking forward to," she grinned.

"Don't you worry. We'll be practicing regularly and I promise you won't be deprived. I've even arranged to rent a rough-road wheelchair for when we go ashore. Nothing is going to keep me from enjoying my honeymoon, lover. Nothing!"

I got a big hug and a promise for some later fun from my fiancée. Apparently I satisfied her that I was more than ready for the big event.

Kim and I hadn't made love since the night of the accident and I wanted to make up for that. It would be a careful union and we would be limited in the positions we could try, but no matter what, I intended to try.

It was perfect. I had strict instructions from Kim to lie on my back and relax while she did all the work. My God, that woman was attentive. She began with oral sex, just as we usually did. She brought me off in no time at all, pretty much as I expected. Then she moved up over me all the way to my head before lowering herself onto my mouth. I needed no instructions. I knew exactly what was required.

She was holding onto the headboard, partially for support and partially to maintain some sort of control while I brought her to an orgasm.

"Enough, Norm, enough!" she cried as the wave swept through her.

I was erect again and I pushed her down until she reached for my erection and in a single fluid move, mounted me. I tried using my hips to drive up into her but to do that I put pressure on my knee and the pain was too much. Kim would have to do all the work. She did and I didn't hear a word of complaint.

She tantalized me with her breasts, dragging them across my mouth as I vainly tried to capture them. I was lasting longer than I expected and Kim was happily taking advantage of that. After a while, she lowered her body onto mine, taking care not to put pressure on my leg. I had her butt cheeks in my hands, pulling her onto me as she used her hips to move. I almost tried to flip her over before I remembered that was a no-no. Who cared? Not me. I was in heaven again.

"We've been going without for too long," I whispered.

"Not any more. I'll be here every night. We'll make up for lost time," she chuckled.

"I have a feeling therapy is going to go a lot better now."

"It's called the incentive program, Norm. You make progress so that we can make progress in bed."

"Oh ... now that's what I call incentive. You'll have to describe in detail all the rewards for my progress."

"Wouldn't show and tell be better?"

"Oh yes, definitely better."

"I don't remember being this happy," I whispered between kisses. "I love you, Babe."

"And I love you. We are going to be great together."

"Count on it."

"Hi Andrea, it's Norm. Can you talk?"

"Yes. Kurt's at work."

"If you are interested in a job, I have one for you. Your old job on the counter."

"Really? Do you really have an opening?"

"Yes, this isn't a make-work project. One of the girls on our counter is taking maternity leave sometime in January and I need a replacement. She's hinted that she might not come back to work. If you're interested, I can have her show you what's required. It's probably changed quite a bit since you were here but most of the same procedures are in place."

"Yes ... yes, I'd be interested. Thank you, Norm. What should I do next?"

"I've already talked to Len and he's aware I'm offering this job to you. If you see him, he'll introduce you to Carolyn and she'll show you what's required."

"That's wonderful, Norm. Thank you so much. I really hope I can do that job for you."

"I'm sure you'll be fine, Andrea. I won't be back at the store until after Christmas except for a quick visit or two. Len's looking after things for me, so if you have any questions, he's the guy to see."

"Yes, of course. I'll try and see him this week ... and thank you again, Norm. This is really important to me."

"You're welcome, Andrea. Good luck."

I hung up and sat back in my home-office chair. I wondered if I was doing this for the right reasons. I had every excuse to be angry with Andrea but somehow I just couldn't bring myself to be vindictive towards her. Perhaps it was the sense of good luck that befell me when I met Kim. Perhaps it was because I didn't know how to hold onto anger. Perhaps, though, it was my hope that I could find a way to have Candy and her mother reconcile. If I had everyone thinking good thoughts, maybe I could make it happen.

Len called the following evening. Andrea had come in and reintroduced herself and he took her to meet Carolyn Van Horne. They spent over an hour together before Andrea returned to Len's office.

"She told me she was confident she could pick up the new parts of the job, Norm. Most of it was knowing where to look on the computer. I think she'll be fine. She certainly wants the job all right."

"Good. Then it's settled. She can start next week. We can always use some Christmas relief."

"Speaking of relief, Kim is doing a great job here in the store. She's made a difference already. The rest of the staff really like having her around."

"Glad to hear it, Len. I was pretty sure she'd do well, but then I'm biased."

"One other thing you should know before I forget. Andrea gave her address and phone number at her sister's house. You know anything about that?"

"Not for sure, but I have a hunch she's leaving or has left her new husband and moved back in with her sister. All was not well in paradise."

"You think that could cause us some problems?"

"I hope not. I'm counting on her being able to do the job and keep her private life away from the store. We'll know soon enough."

After I'd hung up I wondered if there might be some repercussions from Andrea's decision to leave Kurt. Maybe she was just trying to get his attention. If he was smart, he'd change his ways. I didn't hold out much hope for that. He didn't look like the type to repent.

To Be Concluded

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Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 7 years ago

Thanks for the offering.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

I have to repeat my feeling that while I would never come between my ex and the kids, if they didn't want anything to with him/her I would certainly not push them to reconcile, in fact I would do an invisible fist pump and a silent "YES!"

boatbummboatbummalmost 7 years ago
I'm Still Puzzled About Andrea

The lame explanation she gave about leaving Norm doesn't fly, IMO. Also why she gave up custody so easily. Maybe we'll find out in the final segment. ;-)

NSWboy101NSWboy101almost 7 years ago

Followed this from the start, very nice

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thank you for returning to Literotica. As always 5-Stars

Another great read. Keep them coming and thank you.

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