Once You Swap Black Ch. 03

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Our protagonist finds harmony in the final chapter.
7.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/28/2023
Created 06/15/2023
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Personally, I hate these preambles giving away some of the main events of the story but be noticed that there will be explicit and pornographic descriptions of bi-sex (mmf) and gay sex in the story.


Her eyes were round and her forehead wrinkled as she was raising her eyebrows in astonishment. The suggestion I made to her had to sound crazy. She leaned in very close to me at the prison's visiting room table and asked in a whisper if I was somehow forced or blackmailed into doing such a proposal to her.

"No no, it's nothing like that. My cellmate is just someone I had gotten to know really well and you and I can help him out if we want." I told Amy. And in many more words, I assured her that I would never do anything that would put her in some sort of danger.

"But a strange man? Living with me maybe even for three months before you will come home? Are you really sure about it?" she shook her head at it.

"Well yes. And I didn't mention it yet but he is black." I added as I knew it had to be said.

I would have paid a thousand bucks for all of her thoughts as I saw this new information sink in. For a moment she then thought that I was pulling her leg. In her opinion, I just could not be serious about such an outrageous idea considering our history. When she realized I was not kidding she nervously laughed about the whole idea and still resisted,

"Honey, please. Are you sure this is a good idea? And I have to ask do you have some sexual angle in this? I mean the reason you are here in the first place is that you had this thing for a black woman and everything that came with it."

I must have blushed when she mentioned sex but if she noticed she did not say anything. As calmly as possible I explained to her that first and foremost I thought that Xavier really needed our help. And I did not mention anything about sex but I did comment that he was a really nice guy and she and he would probably get along really great. After all my reasoning she promised to consider it.

Why did I do it? During the months I had spent with Xavier it had become absolutely clear he had formed a fetish-like interest in Amy. He had never seen her in person but looking at her pictures was one of his favorite thing to do whenever I was fellating him.

To myself, I explained it so that Xavier just really needed help but some small forbidden compartment of me probably wanted something to happen. Even Xavier had asked me if I was sure about this when I told him. But he did not require as much convincing as Amy. He also thought that it was much better for him to start a new life than to return to his old ways. Boldly he even stated that it would be good that he would be there making sure Amy would not feel lonely.

After we agreed on it he just thanked me elaborately and even gave me a small daytime kiss on the lips which was still a rare occasion between us. And then when the lights were out he gave me a hard fuck with his powerful cock making me bite the pillow.

On Xavier's last night, he had fixed us a hall pass to the conjugal visiting area once more. There he made love to me. Both of us favored some sort of doggy-style position but during that night, we spend a long time in missionary just kissing and embracing each other. His cock was naturally inside of me the whole time but it was still much more sensual fucking than we would usually do.

Amy had finally agreed to the plan and I tried to visualize how the two of the most important persons of my life would meet outside the prison walls. She would be there picking Xavier up.

I was able to restrain myself in the daytime but when the evening came I masturbated thinking of them. There were no longer any excuses for me. As well as I had accepted my lust for black cock I was starting to accept the fact that it excited me a lot thinking about some big and powerful man taking my girl from me.

There had been no open discussion about it either with Xavier or Amy. I did not give them permission to do it or anything like that. And I had not told them I fantasized about it constantly. But to myself, I was no more lying. As some part of me was gay so was some other part a cuckold.

In my mind, I was sure that Xavier would at least try to get into Amy's bed. That was part of why I loved and lusted for him. He was THE alpha male. As weird as it is I expected him to make a move on my girl.

About Amy, I was not sure. There was a decent chance she would like Xavier a lot as he was a gorgeous man and intelligent enough to make a good conversation. But maybe she would resist the temptation, who knows? It all depended on what she thought about my motives for sending a big black man to live with her.

My final guess was that she would not go for it if she didn't think that it was something I would approve of. But if there was even a small part of her estimating that it was something I wanted there was a chance she may go along with it. Based on all the times we had role-played and talked about Booker while having sex it had to be evident to her that the cuckold fantasy was something I enjoyed.

Now that Xavier was gone I could no longer suck and fuck his cock each night. I had to settle on tugging my penis while visualizing them fucking at my house. In my bed. Maybe Amy would be between his legs sucking him off just like I had done for such a long time.

There still were some feelings of jealousy involved in it all. And it went in all directions. Thinking that Amy would prefer Xavier's cock and love-making skills better than mine was painful but also when I thought that I could never give pussy to Xavier as Amy could was just as horrible thought. My worst nightmare would be if they would fall in love with each other and I would be left alone. But most of the time I thought that no matter what happened they would always love me in return.

The fresh fish status did not suit me anymore and I had now some contacts and even some sort of inmate friends. Still, I did wonder if I would have to watch out for potential rapists. Some inmates probably had guessed correctly that I and Xavier were doing it but it was a private thing between cellmates and I was not a publicly known prison bitch. So I expected that nothing would happen on that account.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. The gangbangers from the very first days of my imprisonment cornered me in the yard. What they had to say to me was pretty much the same as they had said to me before. They even sneered at me asking if I remembered them and stating that my boyfriend was not there to protect me anymore.

Once more I had no idea what to do about it. And strangely enough, once more I was saved. As they were bullying me and telling me to meet them in the showers that evening a skinny American-Italian guy called Mickey "the Stick" came to us. Widening his hands he talked to us all,

"Boys, boys, boys. I'm afraid there has been some sort of unfortunate misunderstanding. Xavi may have left the building but you nitwits are sorely mistaken if you think his boy here is a free game. Oh no not at all."

The gangbangers basically bowed to him and crawled away as fast as possible. Apologizing many times that they did not know and they were sorry that they had disturbed Mickey's peace like that.

One doesn't need to be a genius to guess that Mickey was quite high in the prison hierarchy. One could even say he was connected and I knew it just as well as everyone else. I was very surprised to even be in his presence as he had never spoken to me before.

I must have looked dumbfounded but Mickey just laughed and asked me to walk with him. He told me that Xavier had asked him to see that nothing happens to me when he is away. Mickey had always liked the big fella and had won big bucks in the betting when Xavier was fighting so he had decided to take the job.

We discussed this and that and based on Mickey's stories I was a little disappointed that I had never seen Xavier fighting. He was treating me so friendly and was in such a good mood going through all the good fights he had seen I decided to push my luck with one thing. It had been bothering me for a long time.

I presented the issue with as much respect to him as possible basically putting myself out there and asking for his help. Now it was Mickey's turn to look surprised and he had to ask if he had heard correctly,

"Are you serious? But you don't even know him?" he shook his head trying to understand. Then he made some shadowboxing movements in the air and smiled at me.

"Fine, I like you. You can consider it done."

He offered his hand to me and for a small moment I was thinking if I was supposed to kiss it or something but we just shook hands like old friends and then he went on his own way.

The next day a young guy came running for me. He was flustered and before he would make a fool out of himself I asked him to join me in my cell. He looked better. There was no more makeup on his face and taking into account the circumstances he looked relatively decent.

The crying boy from the prison bus thanked me with many words and hugged me sobbing. He didn't understand why I had done it but was extremely grateful he was now free from his tormentors. I told him to get his shit together and man up and this time he did stop crying.

"Listen to me. I know it must have been hard for you. So when I saw an opportunity to help I grasped it. Just remember that whenever later in your life you have a chance to help out someone even if you will not gain anything you should do it." with these words I dismissed him. I was not going to be his new best pal I just figured he must have suffered enough.

Xavier had been added to my family member visitor list and since the drive to the prison was quite a long trip he came there together with Amy. He looked so good and healthy smiling to me with his perfect white teeth. He had not looked bad inside the prison either but there was a lightness in his step that could only be the result of the freedom he was experiencing.

Amy also looked smashing. She always wore something sexy as she knew I liked it and this time she wore a summer dress that did not disappoint. It had this square-shaped décolleté and half of her ample boobs were bare. My penis was hard just from sitting there at the table with them. Thinking of how good they looked together.

More than their looks I appreciated their friendship. They were acting like old friends. Amy made us laugh by telling us how she had thought that I had lost my marbles when I asked her to take Xavier into our house. But now that she knew him better he was just as nice as I had told her he would be. And he was now officially a welcomed guest in our home and free to stay as long as was necessary.

Xavier told me he had found a job at the local sports center. He acted as a fitness boxing instructor and gym trainer to individuals and to various groups. Also some circuit training style group exercises and so on. He even was studying pilates and was about to get a certificate for teaching that as well.

"There must be a bunch of ladies there asking for private tutoring." I teased him and could see Amy looking at him with interest. He laughed at that and told that he was trying to set himself up professionally and was not there to pick up girls. Amy seemed to like the answer.

The time was up and when they left I noticed Xavier opening up the door for Amy and then without thinking too much of it sort of guiding her to the door from the small of her back. It was a light touch but such an act of closeness between them that it aroused my thoughts to the maximum.

Were they lovers? Had it already happened? I almost wished I could ask them but it was somehow too late for that. I had never been honest about me and Xavier to Amy and in my mind, I thought that I had cheated on her first. That was if she even was cheating on me. And could she even cheat me if I wanted it to happen? And did I really want it to happen or would it be like it had been with Booker? Would I regret it once the excitement was over? So many questions and zero definite answers.

Some new photos of Amy arrived to me later that week. She looked awesome wearing an extremely sexy lingerie set in them. She also had an adorable and seductive look on her face in most of the pictures. To my eyes she looked like she was horny - she definitely had a "fuck me" expression as she stared at the camera and beyond.

One thing was different. The pictures from before had been taken by herself through a mirror or with a selfie stick. Now these looked to be more professionally taken and there had to be someone outside the pictures who had taken them. She had some girlfriends she might have asked for such a thing but it also could have been Xavier. If it was him, part of those lustful expressions on Amy's face was maybe because of him.

I masturbated furiously to the pictures. Wishing Xavier would send me similar pictures or maybe even more daring ones, for example displaying his erect cock, I came.

Finally, my time in the prison was up. They both were waiting for me and after I hugged them warmly we drove back home. Xavier was driving and told us to go together to the backseat.

"You two have been separated long enough," was all he said, and then Amy was making out with me in the backseat. Things were heating up quite fast. She even squeezed my cock through my pants. Xavier looked into me in the mirror and was smiling.

At home, there was a welcome home ribbon on the front door and some cake and drinks to celebrate the occasion. I could see that our guest room was now Xavier's room. A brief peek in there made me ponder whether the stuff in there looked like they had just been moved there yesterday. Or was it just me imagining things?

We had a nice evening but then Amy excused us to Xavier for the night and took me to our bedroom. There was nothing I could do to stop the tears of joy when I hit the bed and Amy followed me. I was over emotional and we kissed and embraced each other. She removed my clothes with haste and sat on my erect cock closing her eyes and letting out a sigh of satisfaction.

It was a wonderful feeling to be back at home. She rode me and fingered her own clit. After she came she collapsed on top of me kissing my face all over. Then we rolled over and I was making love to her in missionary. It was so sweet. I had plenty of sex in the prison but the last time I had penetrated someone with my cock was a long time ago.

As she already had an orgasm and she was somewhat studying how I was bouncing on her arms and between her legs. She asked me to slow down a little and smiled so lovingly. She told me how good I felt and how much she had missed me.

Then she had something playful on her mind. I could tell. Often when we role-played she looked like that if she had something particularly juicy to tell or something special to try out.

"Honey I love you and I'm so glad you are back. I want to ask you something," she said.

I told her to ask anything as I was enjoying her body. Still going in and out of her pussy at a slower pace.

"You promise to be 100 percent honest with your answer, right?" she wanted to make sure. I had some idea where it could be going and decided to tell her anything she would ask.

"Xavier persistently refuses to answer me but now that you are home I must know. Were you two lovers inside the prison?" she asked with a smile suggesting she already knew or at least had guessed the answer. I still did not know how to tell her,

"What? What do you mean? Lovers?" I was not ready for the question and did not know what to answer. She put on a serious but smiling face and slapped my ass giving some speed to it,

"Don't play coy with Mami! I mean did our friend stick his big black dick into your ass?" she was now in some very raunchy character and reached around my ass pushing her fingers into my hole roughly and continued, "Did you let him put it in here? Answer me. I want to know did you let him fuck you?".

Gasping and running away from the finger attacking my asshole I fucked her harder. Had she used the word big black dick? How did she know what sort of cock would Xavier have? And why did she assume I was the one giving my ass away?

"Did he make you his girl? Did he?" she went on and was now roughly going in and out with her finger.

"Yes! Yes, he did! He made me his girl. He fucked me every night with his BBC. And I liked it." There it was. I had said it. My orgasm was getting closer and I fucked her faster. She didn't stop but abused my ass even more with her fingers and continued to play,

"Oh my god, I knew it. You were his prison girlfriend. You took him every night? What a slut. My boyfriend is a slut for black cock! Cum for me baby!"

And I came. She slapped my asscheek with her hand and the other hand was still working on my hole. I could see it in her eyes she really was not angry or anything but playing with me. Making me cum by harnessing my deepest desires.

We both had such wonderful orgasms that we were just laying there exhausted. Resting on each other. Me on top of her. My cock softened to some extent but was still inside of her. She was slowly caressing my ass muscles. Squeezing and massaging it with care.

"Has your butt gotten bigger? It feels more round and firm. Don't say you have a better ass than I do." I blushed furiously at her words. It was true Xavier had made me follow his special workout routine. On top of that for the last three months he wasn't there I had really punished my ass in the prison gym. Wanting to make sure it was in perfect shape for Xavier if he still wanted it.

Gently we caressed each other into the night. It was getting late but I told her the overall story of me and Xavier. She listened intensively. At the end of it all, she thanked me for trusting her and for sharing my story. She looked at me with hazy eyes and kissed me. Then she asked me if I wanted to go and see Xavier in the guest bedroom.

Lifting my head I stared into her eyes,

"Are you sure? You would not mind?"

She told me she wouldn't. And if that was what I wanted I should definitely do it. She was satisfied with her share of me and would go to sleep but it was up to me if I wanted to be welcomed home by him as well.

I swallowed hard. I had already admitted to her that I and Xavier had been lovers but going to him and probably having sex with him right there in the next room would make it so much more real. Furthermore, I was not completely sure if Xavier would want me. Maybe he did consider his gay side to belong to prison.

But for me, there was only one thing to do. Kissing her lovingly I tugged her into the bed and left to the other room. As it was late I noticed Xavier was already sleeping. The room was dark and I left it like that. Then I approached his bed on my fours and climbed into it from the end where his feet were resting. As I removed his blanket I found him naked.

It was a very familiar thing to do. The bed was maybe somewhat softer and wider than the prison bed had been but the room was dark and his cock was as beefy as ever. Carefully I took it in my mouth not wanting him to wake up too soon. It was growing in my mouth and as he reached his hand to my head I could hear him mumbling half asleep,

"Mmmhhh, Amy."

Someone else could have been pissed by it but I was just excited. Did he really think I was her? Had she done something like this to him? Or was it his old fantasy about her? Whatever it was his cock was now fully hard and I let my lips run on its surface with joy. Up and down my head went and he added another hand on my hair and pushed his hips upwards.

I gagged and thought I was out of practice and had some work to do before I could deep-throat him properly again. In the manner he and his kingsize cock deserved. He woke enough to know it was me and murmured something that sounded "Good Girl." and forced his cock deeper.