One Last Gangbang Pt. 02


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I sort of chuckled and questioned at the same time, "I know Junior's name is Walt, but are the other guy's names really Tank and Moss?"

"That's another reason I call them yahoos. They still go by names we made up as kids."

I was laughing, "I can only imagine what your nickname was. Tell me."

Shaking his head he made a huffing sound, "Nah, that ain't gonna happen. Too embarrassing."

I moved close enough to snake my arm through his. Pulling myself tight enough that I knew he could feel my breast pushing into his hard as rock triceps. I looked up and said in a sugary voice.


He spoke as he hissed through his teeth, "Damn you girl. You know how to push my buttons. Okay. It was Toad when we were young, but they changed it to turd when I started working with my uncle. I hated that."

I must have had a bewildered look on my face, He shrugged and blurted. "Turd. You know plumbers are called turd herders. Right?"

I squeezed his arm again and softly laid my head against his shoulder, "I didn't, but now I do."

We walked around where he showed me the other outbuildings and then the house. It was obvious why he was going to sell it as soon as his mom left. It looked as outdated and worn out as it was old. Had it been taken care of it would have been a cool place to own. Considering the condition it was in the only realistic thing to do would be to raze it and start over. I was asking about how the money would be split when he sold, just out of curiosity.

"It won't." He responded. "I own it. I bought Ma out four years ago. I only had two brothers, one is in California. Some kind of IT guy with oodles of money and wants nothing to do with the farm. The other never made it back from Iraq. So, it's me. If I get close to what I want when I sell I'll have a tidy sum of money after the balance is paid off. The woman I marry won't have to work if she doesn't want to. I remember the best part of my growing years was that Mom was always home when we got there. Have to admit, there's something to be said for stay-at-home Mom's."

He quickly looked at his watch, "Eleven thirty, time to get you home."

On the way to my place he asked if we could go out that evening. I declined telling him that I needed to finish packing and get things ready for the trip. We were in the process of parting with a long affectionate hug when I decided to up the ante. I stood on tip toes and kissed him softly.

"Thanks for today Les. I enjoyed every minute of our time together, especially the farm. I learned a lot. Think of me while I'm gone. Bye."

I was having feelings that I'd never known before. I quickly went inside, closed the door and sank to the floor with my back against the door. As I slid down a million thoughts were racing through my head. The one that spoke the loudest was *the woman I marry won't have to work if she doesn't want to*. That particular statement told me almost everything I needed to know to continue seeing him. I came back to the thought about being by his side and not tagging along behind. I smiled as I envisioned seeing him say to whomever, *yes, this is my wife Karen and our four kids*.

Where the four kids thought came from I didn't have a clue, but hey. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be and I was fine with it. Sitting at the table finishing the grocery list something else came to mind. He didn't know about the money I had offshore and invested. I wasn't about to tell him either until I heard him say, "I Do", and a wedding ring on my finger. I was on cloud nine, I did the shopping as if I were floating. One thought followed the other all afternoon. None of them bad.

As I was packing I picked up a pair of sexier panties in my drawer and held them to my body wondering what he would think about them. They were almost transparent, nothing was left to the imagination. Nothing between him and playland but a very thin piece of fabric. I was looking in the dresser mirror with a grin on my face. *Yeah, he'll like them*. I thought.

I had further to drive than Elvis and his family so I left a day earlier than they would. I wanted to be at the resort with everything taken care of by the time they arrived. As I headed east through Iowa and Illinois I had an entirely new appreciation for the wide open spaces. The seemingly endless fields. It was already warm enough in areas that I saw people tilling the land in anticipation of planting.

I was all smiles when Elvis and his family arrived. They in turn didn't recognize me right away. The facial changes had obviously been successful. Imagine my surprise when I saw the size of SooLin's tummy. She had a baby bump that looked huge on her tiny frame. I called out her name and she instantly knew who I was. As we hugged I pushed her back. "I thought you guys were done."

She smiled, "So did we. Somehow one of his little soldiers made it past the pill and here we are. It happens you know, no sense complaining. Besides, Elvis will finally get his boy, he's ecstatic, he won't be completely outnumbered anymore. Marie will be twelve next birthday, he's not looking forward to a house full of girls having their period at the same time. Truth is, neither am I but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. And before you ask, I'm due in two months."

The next five days were the best of my life to that point. I determined it was the closest thing to what a family was like than I had ever known. It was our last night at the resort, we'd arranged for a sitter to be with the kids as we went for dinner in the resort restaurant. I could tell Elvis had something to say but was holding back, it was SooLin elbowing him that made him speak.

"We've decided what the babies name is going to be. Karl, with a K. It's the closest thing we could get to Karen."

I broke down in tears. I felt so special at that moment. When I had dabbed my eyes dry I looked up to see both staring at me. I shrugged and said, "What?"

SooLin spoke, "How about you? Have you found a guy yet? It's been over a year Karen. Aren't there any good-looking guys in Nebraska?"

I nodded and told them about meeting both Junior and Les. I told them about my date with Les and that I really liked him but given my past I was guarded. Elvis looked at me and said something profound, so much so that I thought about it as I tried to sleep that night.

He put that huge gentle hand on mine as he had done hundreds of times in the past, looked in my eyes and said.

"My grandpa used to say this, and I think it applies to you Karen. If you live in the past, it will cost you the future. Think about it. If this guy is as nice as you say he is maybe you need to give him a chance. He ain't payin' for you ya know."

As I lay in bed that night Elvis' words ran through my brain like a newscast, over and over and over. Is that what I've been doing? Living in the past? Seeing men as someone who I sold myself to? Is that why I was having such a hard time letting my guard down with Lester? I wasn't ready to screw his brains out just yet, but perhaps I needed to let him know that I liked him. Just as he likes me. I certainly wanted a future, a husband, a family, a daddy for our babies. A man who saw me as he did, no other woman on earth. It seemed crazy as the thought rolled around in my head, but I wanted someone who didn't only love me. I wanted a man who adored me.

I saw Elvis and his family off the next day. Got checked out, paid all the bills and then headed for Indiana. I had called Cara during the week to see if it was alright to stop for a quick visit on the way home. I had stopped for a potty break when my phone began to ring as I was walking to my car. I looked at the screen. It was who I wanted to talk with the most at that moment. Lester.

"Hi Les. Wow, this worked out great. How did you know that I was at a rest stop?"

"Oh. Hi Karen. I wasn't expecting you to answer. I was going to leave a message. Your voice took me by surprise. Are you on the way home?"

I was sitting in my car by that time and had a bit of privacy. "I am. I'm planning to stop in Indiana to see an old friend, I should be home Sunday afternoon. I'll be hungry. Where are you taking me for dinner? Someplace with cheeseburgers and onion rings, or a fat juicy steak. Oh, and I don't want a whole beer, but I'll share one with you."

The phone was silent for what seemed like an hour but was probably no more than five seconds.

"Les? Are you still there?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. Your answer took me by surprise, that's all. I would love to take you to dinner no matter where you want to go. If it's cheeseburgers and onion rings, then that's what we'll do. Marv's Tavern over on Maple Avenue has great burgers and fries or onion rings to die for. If you want a steak, I know the perfect place. Whatever you want, let me know when you get home?"

"Will do. It will be good to see you. Bye."

I pulled into Cara's driveway just before five. She and the kids were out the door in a flash. Hugs were in order. When the kids were finished it was a moment for Cara and me to hang on to one another and shed a tear of happiness. Pulling back and taking my face in her hands she smiled.

"You look great Karen. I'm so glad you decided to stop. I'd have been hurt if I knew you came so close and didn't stop in. The kids want pizza for supper. Do you mind? I'll order right away if you're ready to eat."

Putting my arm through hers as we walked to the house I said, "Famished. Pizza sounds great."

Looking around after visiting the bathroom I noticed something was missing. Something was off balance.

I looked at Cara.

"Where's Paul?" I asked.

Her face was sad. Before she could speak one of the kids piped up, "Daddy doesn't live here anymore. He moved far, far away. We never see him. But its okay, Mommy has a boyfriend and he's really nice to us. And Mommy."

She gave me a shy grin, "We'll talk after they go to bed."

We had pizza, played a kid's game of some sort. Something I had never heard of. I was conned into reading them a bedtime story and they were off to bed. Cara made hot chocolate for us. Sitting at the kitchen table I looked her in the eye and muttered.

"Spill. I want all the details."

"Within three months after you left Paul decided he was wasting the best years of his life tied down to a family. He was moving to Europe and going to work on the oil rigs in the North Sea. He had apparently been planning it for some time because he already had his work visa before he informed us he was leaving. I told him to leave and never come back. We signed divorce papers before he left and seven months later, I was no longer married."

I needed more. "Okay, so what about this boyfriend?"

"Oh Karen. You would love him. His name is Stan. He works for the Army Corps of Engineers. Presently they have him moving from job to job but in July he's moving to La Crosse, Wisconsin permanently. And we're going with him.

"What will he do in La Crosse?"

"He'll oversee the locks and dams along the Mississippi River. Karen, we're so excited and it's like the kids said. He adores them and treats them like they were his own. He's never been married so we're going to do that before we move. As far as Paul is concerned, he's already signed away his right to contest the adoption of the girls. Which Stan wants to do. I hope I never hear from Paul again."

We talked about everything and nothing until she stopped and looked at me.

"What about you Karen? Do you have a guy?"

I smiled, "I'm workin' on that. Big tall hunk of a farm kid who works for the city. I called him a kid. What was I thinking, he's 34 and like your guy, never been married. If what I think will happen, happens, that will change. And I'll be Mrs. Lester Haass. After that I want babies and a house with a picket fence."

I slept like a log in her spare bedroom. It was dark, quiet and I was plumb tuckered after my week of activities. I wanted to be home by late afternoon so with a tearful goodbye I drove away at six thirty the next morning. For the first time in my life I was excited about getting back to a guy I thought I could love unconditionally.

This story has taken on a life of its own. The initial three-part story has become more. I'm writing a part four which is all but finished. If I'm not able to wrap it up in an unhurried manner, there might be a part five.

Thanks for the encouraging comments. They're greatly appreciated.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I have read the first two chapters and that is where I am stopping. No real adversity/struggle in the story to keep it interesting. Just flat.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

nope, romance and gangbangs? Pretty much polar opposites of each other. Nobody wants a cum dumpster for a love interest. Just gross.

ArkSoutherngentArkSoutherngent8 months ago

Another Great Chapter

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I enjoy romances and read for the story line. I feel you are doing all the things to make a good story. 10K range per chapter. Good plot. Good character development. NO glaring errors.

Just amazed at the negative comments considering the quality of the story.

The Hoary Cleric

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wonderful, 10 stars here, too. Karen may be headed to change her name... Mrs. Karen, then MOMMY. A loving husband meets a loving wife and they have a loving family. AS of now, she's a whore no more. This may be not totally fiction...EXCELLENT SERIES!!!

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