One Neighbor Ch. 11


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She squealed when her dad surprised her. He had been out front waiting for me to return with her and Jason. When she realized it was her dad lurking in the shadows, she gave him a brief kiss on the cheek before going in the house.

I cringed, hoping Ralph didn't smell the cum on his daughter's breath. He waved me over. Glancing around to make sure we were alone he quickly began his animated dialog about what had happened a bit earlier with Ted.

"Gary did you see what Ted was doing?" he blurted.

"Ah well I'm not sure what you mean," I responded playing the dumb innocent friend who maybe was not paying attention.

"SHIT!" he bellowed before catching himself. He looked around to make sure we were still alone. "Sorry, but I mean well shit," he said much quieter this time, through clenched teeth. "He had a hard on and he was pressing my wife's hand on his hard on and rubbing her hand up and down his fucking hard ON!" The last bit blurted which caused him to glance around again.

"Well I guess I missed a lot of that," I lied. "But hey," I chuckled "Maybe I should have warned you. Ted gets excited very easily and well, it's not unusual for him to get a hard on. Shit you should see him around my wife," I added.

Ralph's mouth fell open, "Does he rub HER HAND against his cock too?" he loudly whispered through clenched teeth.

I laughed. "Well I am not sure," I lied, "but it would not surprise me if he has tried. Look Ted is really a great guy and he would give you the shirt off his back. He and I go back a long way. We do a lot of business together. He gets excited easily and I am just guessing here, but I would imagine when he saw your wife's nipples poking through her dress..." I paused and shrugged my shoulders.

Ralph was now confused. He stared at me for some time. Then blurted, "Well I just couldn't believe what he was doing," he finally said.

"Did Gwen say anything?" I asked.

"Pshhaw, she wouldn't say anything. I could see by how red she was that she was embarrassed, but shit she wouldn't say anything," he half chuckled. "I mean hell he probably could have pulled that damn thing out and Gwen still wouldn't say anything," he added.

I laughed. "You know it's funny, but Debbie is the same way, she blushes at the drop of a hat, but keeps her mouth shut and never tells me if anything like that ever happens to her either," I chuckled shaking my head.

"So do you think your wife has ever done anything with ah, well you know, Ted?" he asked clearly excited at the prospect.

I chuckled, "Well I trust that Ted would never force himself on her, but like I said, I would not be surprised if after a few glasses of wine or booze if she may be played with his big cock a time or two when I was out of the room," I laughed, seeing that this idea was really exciting Ralph.

"But Ted is a good guy. He definitely does not get embarrassed when he gets a hard on. I think he likes to show that log of his off," I laughed.

Ralph laughed. "Well Gwen certainly got a good feel of it tonight. I still can't believe he was doing that. I mean he had her hand squeezed around his cock as he was supposedly looking at her ring, and he was basically jacking himself off with her hand," he snorted. "I mean what kind of guy has that much nerve to do that in front of her husband?" he added.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I guess I should have given you a heads up. Ted gets excited, but he is basically harmless, and he would bend over backwards to help you if you needed it," I added.

Satisfied that I had calmed him down and reassured him, I told him not to worry about Ted and bid him a good night.

When I walked into our home, Ted was pulling his cum coated cock out of my wife's cum filled cunt.

"Ted told me what he did to Gwen and I sort of gave in to his advances," she whined. "I guess I got carried away," she added.

"I would say so," I chuckled as Ted stood and moved up so my wife could suck his black cock clean of the cum coating it had.

He pulled his sweatpants up and I filled him in on the conversation I had just had out front with Ralph. Debbie listened intently before padding naked down the hallway and going into the bathroom to clean up.

"I think I know exactly how to deal with good old Ralph," he chuckled. "And I damn sure know how to deal with his skinny wife," he laughed as he rubbed his cock through his sweatpants and left.

That next day I had to go into my downtown office to pick up some supplies and files. When I finally got back home, I was surprised to see Ted's car parked out in front of Ralph and Gwen's place.

"How long has Ted been next door?" I asked Debbie as I went in.

"Oh a little over two hours or so," she grinned.

"Hmmm, I wonder what's going on," I chuckled as I peered out the window. "Is Pamela there too?" I asked.

"No," she replied. "She and Jason left before Ted got there. "I think she is helping him mow lawns," she added.

"Well I am sure I will hear all about it from Ralph," I laughed as I went into the kitchen to get me a beer.

I stepped out on our deck and settled into a lounge chair to enjoy my beer. A short while later, Ralph burst out the back door. He spotted me and signaled for me to step over to the fence. He was visibly shaking and breathing rapidly.

"Hey ya buddy," I said cheerfully. "What's up? Is that Ted's car in front of your place?" I asked.

Ralph glanced all around to make sure we were alone before he spoke. He was almost panting as well as being nervous someone might hear him. Finally he seemed to calm down enough to talk.

"Yes," he said. "That was Ted's car, he's gone now. He brought over the paperwork for me to review and sign. In order for me to have access to the wholesale end of the antiques, I am basically, at least on paper, working for Ted," he said.

"Oh well, I guess that makes sense," I replied. "Just so long as you can get the deals right," I added.

"Huh, oh ya ya right. Ya that's great," he said as he nervously looked around, his thoughts obviously elsewhere.

"Well so that's good right?" I asked.

"Look," he said, ignoring my last comment as he looked around again. "What I tell you is between you and me and NO ONE else, RIGHT!" he blurted.

"Ya, sure my lips are sealed buddy," I lied, knowing I would be telling everything to Debbie the second I went into our house.

"Well like I said, Ted brought over the paperwork for me to look at and sign. He insisted Gwen be there too. I didn't know why he wanted her there, but well, whatever. Anyway, he wanted wine, so I got some for him and he insisted Gwen and I have some too, so we did. He laid all the paperwork on our kitchen counter and I started looking it over," he paused to look around and insure we were still alone.

"Then out of the blue, he tells my wife what nice nipples she has. She has had some issues with her bra bothering her so she has been going without a bra for the past week or so," He clarified for me.

"Oh ya," I said. "You remember I commented on her nipples too," I smiled.

"Huh? Oh ya, right," he recalled that I had said that. "But you said that to me. And that was just between us. But he said that to GWEN! Anyway, she turned beet red when he said that. I was surprised he came right out and said it too. So I kind of acted like I didn't hear what he had said," he continued.

"Then he just reached out and kind of flipped her nipples with his index fingers, and said next to your neighbor Debbie, your nipples are the nicest I have seen," he said, pausing to ask excitedly, "D-d-do ya suppose he has seen your wife's nipples?" he stuttered and half gasped with wide eyes.

"Hey," I replied. "With Ted, I suppose anything is possible. Actually I would be more surprised if he had not. But Debbie has never said anything. But just by what he said to Gwen, he obviously has seen them somehow," I said.

"So anyway, Gwen jerks back when he kind of tweaked her nipples. Then he just suddenly cups her tits and says she has nice tits too. Well I had to say something then. I mean Gwen was beet red and here stands Ted with his hands squeezing my wife's boobs," he gasped.

"No shit," I said "What did you do?" I asked.

"Well ah, I told him ah I said ah HEY TED! I said ah, hey watch your hands. And he just laughed and told me to calm down, take a chill pill. He said he was just commenting on how nice my wife's tits and nipples were and that he always liked to tell girls they had nice tits when they really did have nice tits. And he said your wife definitely has nice tits. He said after all, he and I were in business together and Gwen was part of the whole deal too. I didn't know what he meant by that."

"All this time he just kept squeezing and holding my wife's tits. She was squirming and pulling at his huge hands and trying to pull back, but he kind of had her up against the bar. Then he said to her ah, you ah you show me yours and I'll show you mine, and he laughed. Gwen was freaking out. Then he started unbuttoning her dress. Gwen tried to push his hands away, but he just grabbed both of her hands with one of his hands and he kept unbuttoning her dress with his other hand. I mean he is a big guy and he was having his way with my wife," he paused breathing heavily, glancing around to insure no one was close.

"Did you try and stop him?" I asked urgently as I did my best to look concerned.

"Well sure I did. But like I said he is a big guy. He's probably twice my size easily. He just kept telling me to calm down, you know chill out, that he was just having a little fun. He got her dress unbuttoned almost all the way down and he pulled it back off her shoulders exposing her tits. He kind of tugged on her dress and it just fell to the floor, leaving her standing there naked except for her panties, in front of him. I was shocked to see how hard her nipples were. I didn't remember ever seeing them as hard as they were. I swear they stuck out almost as far as your wife's do," he mumbled and he blushed when he realized what he had just said about my wife's nipples.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

He did the quick scan around and leaned in toward the fence a little. "He started sucking her nipples. He held her hands easily as she squirmed and tried to get around him, but he had no problem holding her as he sucked on her nipples. I was freaking out and I yelled at him to stop it."

"Well did he?" I asked.

"No, he told me to just calm the fuck down, that he wasn't hurting her and that he was just having a little fun. Then he said ok, a deals a deal and he pushed his sweatpants down around his ankles. Good grief he has a big cock," Ralph gasped as he quickly scanned around us again.

"I had to yell out again, especially then with what he had done," he said. "And Ted said, hey I told her if she showed me hers, I would show her mine. A deals a deal and he laughed. Well Gwen was totally shocked. I could tell because she wasn't struggling as much and she just stared at his cock. Then Ted laughed and asked her if she had ever seen a black one before. Her eyes were huge as she stared at it shaking her head no."

"And then he said he wanted to check something and I know he surprised her when he suddenly reached down and ran his hand inside of her panties. I know he stuck a finger inside of her because when he finally pulled his hand out he said, well looky here Ralph. Your wife's cunt is sopping wet, and he held his hand up for me to see two of his fingers were dripping wet. He pressed his one wet finger together with his thumb and I could see the sticky goo between his two fingers when he pulled them apart. Gwen was beside herself and she started squirming and twisting again, but he kept both of her hands together in his and she could not break free."

"Then he pushed her down to her knees and asked her if she wanted to see it up close. She was struggling then, but he had no problem pushing her to her knees in front of him. Her eyes were wide open as she stared at his black cock. Pre cum was seeping out from it and he asked her if she wanted to kiss it. I yelled at him that enough was enough and to stop it, but he told me to calm down again that he was just having a little fun."

"Well fun my ass I thought but I was at a loss as to what I could do. He is huge ya know," he whined.

I was chuckling to myself but managed to keep a stern concerned look on my face as Ralph continued. He was wringing his hands together and pacing back and forth as he went on.

"So don't tell me she kissed his cock," I said looking concerned.

Ralph paced more rapidly glancing at me from time to time as he tried to build the courage to tell me if she did or not. Finally he stopped and turned toward me.

"This is JUST between you and me RIGHT," he said urgently as he scanned back and forth to make absolutely certain we were still alone.

"Sure, sure, just you and me," I affirmed nodding my head.

"She not only kissed it, she sucked it too," he whined. "Well he kind of stuck it in her mouth after she kissed it once or twice. I mean she was kind of kissing the wet tip of his cock and he just sort of pressed it in."

"I couldn't believe she actually kissed it in the first place, but I mean he had it right up to her lips anyway so it's not like she had to lean forward or anything. It was all she could do to open her mouth that much when he pressed it in her mouth, but she did and he jammed it in her mouth deeper than I ever thought he could. Her eyes were huge, I swear. He let go of her hands and he just grabbed her by her head and began well," he paused. "Well he was holding her head and he was just fucking her mouth. Ted looked at me and he actually grinned. Then he said, let's see how fast she can make me cum, and he laughed," Ralph sort of moaned. "He actually laughed with his cock in my wife's mouth," Ralph moaned.

"I just stood there dumbfounded. I could not believe my wife was sucking a black man's cock right in front of me. Her hands were balled into fists and straight at her sides. The next thing I know, Ted starts howling and moaning."

"I'm getting close here Ralph, he yelled at me. Are you ready for this Gwen, he yelled at her. He ACTUALLY asked me if he should shoot it in her mouth! Can you believe that? I mean I didn't know what to say. I know she has never let me cum in her mouth and I am the only one she has ever been with. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open," he said shaking his head.

"He even told me that fucking her mouth was like getting sucked off by a Hoover vacuum, so I guess she was sucking him," Ralph kind of moaned, still shaking his head.

"Then he howled and moaned and Gwen's eyes got even bigger and I knew he was shooting his cum in her mouth. She managed to jerk her head back for a second and a large stream of his cum shot across her face and into her hair. He pulled her head back and shoved his cock back in her mouth and continued cumming. I couldn't believe it when I saw her swallowing. That actually pissed me off because she has never let me do that. Believe me I have tried. Especially after I came in your wife's mouth, err..." he paused blushing after he said that.

"Anyway, he kept his cock in her mouth and held her head on both sides as he finished cumming and I'm guessing his cock started to go limp. But he kept it in her mouth. Then he told me to sign the damned papers because he had to go. But he kept his cock in her mouth as I sort of stumbled over and managed to sign the paperwork. That was hard to do because I couldn't stop looking at his cock in my wife's mouth."

"After I signed the forms, I looked and could not believe it but Gwen was actually stroking his cock as she kept it in her mouth. Her hand was pumping his cock. I mean it looked like she wanted more. Then he pulled his limp cock out of her mouth and it kind of made a popping sound, so I mean obviously Gwen was sucking it hard. Gwen held on to his cock when he pulled it out of her mouth. That surprised me too. I mean like I said, she has NEVER done anything like that to me," he groaned.

"So then he pulled his sweatpants up and reached and squeezed Gwen's tits. She had kind of slumped over against the counter on the floor. Her dress was completely off her, and her panties were around one ankle. He gave me my I.D. cards and a list of the upcoming antique wholesale showcases, gulped down the rest of his wine and actually shook my hand. He said he hoped I found some great bargains, and he leaned over and pulled Gwen's face back and kissed her on her lips, cum and all, for a long time, I know he stuck his tongue in her mouth. While he was kissing her he was squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. And then he left," he took a deep breath and sighed.

"Where is Gwen now," I asked.

"Oh she is in the shower or taking a bath, I am not sure which. When Ted walked away she finally managed to stand up. I tried to help her to her feet. She said she was ok and then she ran down the hallway naked. I ran after her to help but she told me to leave her alone. She said she just wanted to forget it ever happened," he whined.

"Wow Ralph," I said, "I mean, I don't know what to say. What do you think?" I asked.

"That's just it, I really don't know. I mean what kind of freaks me out is that I was actually a little turned on watching all that happen and I don't think I should have been. I mean that was my wife. I should have figured some way to stop it," he moaned.

"I know, but like you said, Ted is a big guy," I said.

"You know, I wonder too. I mean I don't know if he has tried anything with my wife," I lied. "But I kind of get the idea that she has seen his cock. I don't know if she has ever sucked him, but as persistent as Ted is... Well I just don't know," I gave Ralph my best confused look.

Ralph looked at me wide eyed, "Do you really think Debbie might have sucked Ted's cock?" he asked almost too excitedly.

"Well that's just it, I just don't know. I mean I know Ted is hot for my wife, but I also know he doesn't want to screw up our business relationship. And I know Debbie would be too embarrassed to ever tell me if she had sucked him. That's just the way she is," I chuckled.

"Anyway, no one was hurt," I said. "And quite frankly it kind of sounds like it while Gwen fought him at first, she kind of gave in after a while. I mean you said she was jacking him off in her mouth after he had already cum, and he did say she was sucking him," I gave him a questioning look.

"Ya, that's what I thought too, damn I am just glad Pamela did not come home then. I don't know how I would explain her mother on her knees with a black cock in her mouth," he sighed.

I had to chuckle to myself inside as I imagined Pamela would have asked to suck it next.

I knew Ted was not done with Ralph's wife. I would be checking in with him to see what he planned on doing next.

I filled Debbie in the second I went back to my house. "Oh poor Gwen," she said.

"Poor Gwen was sucking Ted like a Hoover vacuum," I chuckled.

"Ya, but I bet she was scared at first," Debbie said.

"I have an idea that being married to that live wire Ralph has had her frustrated for a long time. I mean with the books she reads and all, I am just thinking she is excited by all of this. Oh she'll deny it, because that's what you would expect her to do. But she sucked me like there was no tomorrow too. So there ya go," I laughed. "I wonder if she has ever eaten a pussy," I chuckled as my wife turned beet red.

"Oh don't EVEN THINK about it," she gave me her killer look.

"Just a thought," I chuckled as I noted her nipples suddenly pop out.

She is so easy to read.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Love this chapter, that is the kind of Blackman I have wanted to meet. Confident enough to take risks and smart enough to read his prey. The idea of him manipulating me and my wife so I stand by as he shocks her with his cock till it’s to late to stop him is what I dream of. Him seeing her weakness and my indecision allows him to fuck her as good as he wants showing her the power he has with a huge dick. Next time I see him he tells me to stay away and when he is coming over to drop by and visit. I lie to myself saying I need to make sure she’s safe as I hide a peek as he again gets what he wants from my wife. He comes over anytime he wants now and she loves his big black dick cumming everytime he “forces” her. I would beat myself up for allowing it but be as addicted as her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Here for non-consent reluctance, not toxic masculinity

"She made a somewhat feeble attempt to pull my hands from her tits, but I could tell she was not that serious."

HA. don't put excuses like this in your writing, if it's a rape fantasy, keep as it such. Don't try to pretend like she liked it.

rodryder44rodryder44about 5 years ago

This is Chapter 11 of Gary and Debbie and Gwen and Ralph plus Ted. What was Anon 4/24 so surprised at? What a neighborhood!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Starts off with a rape.

Ends with a rape.

But it ok because he made her cum, right?

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