One Night in Baton Rouge


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As she listened, Bobby was experiencing feelings and having thoughts unlike any she had ever had with a guy. She wondered to herself if this is what the term smitten means. She'd read it in romances many times, but had no practical knowledge of it herself. Who and what was this strange man that had waltzed into her life strumming a guitar and smiling like he owned the world? She was certainly no virgin, but the sensation she felt between her legs made her feel wanton...being honest with herself, she wanted him to fuck her in a way she intuitively knew had never yet happened.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a stirring in the crowd. Looking to the stage she saw a number of men working on the stacks of amplifiers and pulling wires around the stage. Her thoughts and the conversation with Kris had taken all of her attention, but now she could see a certain restlessness in the crowd. Kris summed it up for her saying, "They've got equipment problems. I fear we may not get the best Jimi has to offer tonight. Maybe next time out in California, huh?"

"Well, that's a bummer," Bobby said.

"I disagree. If it'll get you to leave this place behind and go west, I'd say it's a blessing sent down just for me," Kris said softly in the ear of the angel sitting on his lap.

Bobby turned her head to speak, but his lips were right there...and they came together like old friends. That which had been growing in them both was finally ready to bud forth and taste what had been hinted at. The flavor of that kiss was even more nuanced than had been imagined—it was electric and charged as in one of those story book tales of heroes and heroines, but also dark and smokey like a fine aged whiskey. She felt small and secure in his arms, his gentle lips dancing with hers as thousands of people milled around them and the sounds of static and confusion rolled off the stage. None of that mattered in the least to Kris and Bobby as the dance of courtship ended and the real conversation began in a silence only they experienced.

With love's first act performed to perfection and to the satisfaction of all involved, the next part of the play must be that of somber reassurance. It was Kris who took the burden up as he said, "Sorry if I took you by surprise there, but I'd be lying if I said I regret it. You're just about the prettiest thing these eyes have seen in a long time, forgive me if I stepped out of line."

"Don't be silly, I've been waiting all night for that," Bobby replied with a happy lilt in her voice.

"In that case," he tipped her chin up with one finger and watched as she closed her eyes in surrender once again. This kiss was even gentler, a more settled exploring now that the walls had fallen. Tongues teased one another and hands explored, becoming entwined with long curly locks of hair. She felt him growing hard through the thin fabric of her dress...and her sex responded in the most natural way. Oh to be anywhere except in this place in this moment, the thought was a shared one but went unsaid.

It was a harsh reminder of where they were when the announcer's microphone blared out, "Well folk's, as you can see we're having a little problem with some of the equipment. I'm told it's worked out and Jimi and the Experience are on their way out with a promise to make the wait worth your time. So let's hear it for the Jimi Hendrix Experience!"

The crowd was once again on their feet screaming so Kris said into Bobby'e ear, "To be continued after the show I hope."

Bobby just smiled and nodded in the affirmative as she slipped out of his arms and stood up. Kris was right behind her, this time his arms held her a little tighter and she snuggled back into him a smidge closer. They joined in the clapping when Jimi and his band took the stage.

Kris had seen Jimi on a couple of occasions in New York, but that had been more of a club scene setting. Tonight, the tall, lanky star appeared garbed in black with his signature Afro-style hair-cut. The music was classic Hendrix. But unlike his club act, he showcased his skill on the guitar with a robust physical emphasis, even dropping into splits to punctuate the soul in his music. The full blown power of the stacks of amplifiers truly put the punch in his virtuoso abilities. The man was a true gift to mankind, in Kris's opinion. Only another guitar player could fully appreciate what he was doing up there, but any fan of rock knew this was unique. To his trained ear, Kris could tell the techs hadn't solved all the problems with the equipment though. He felt the artist's frustration as they tried their best to work through the buzzing and fades. But the crowd seemed mostly unfazed and were happy and loud as the trio worked through their set.

Clearly displeased with the electronic equipment on stage, Jimi complained after each piece and even asked the waiting audience, "How do you stand all this noise?" But his eager audience rose with their applause and urged him on. All in all the trio did the best anyone could under the circumstances. Kris felt their pain, and knew how pissed they were at the failure of the set-up. In the end, it fully satisfied the gathered crowd of young fans and that in itself verified the talent on stage that night, given the bad luck of the tour's opening night.

With the final song played, the trio left the stage, and Kris and Bobby joined the crowd as they all marched like ants in lines exiting the building. The night air felt fresh, but muggy. "Smells like rain," Bobby said.

Kris sniffed the moist air blowing in from the Gulf of Mexico and nodded in agreement with her forecast. "You want to grab a bite of supper, or just head to your place?"

"Let's just go home. I can fix us something there and we have things to talk over. It's not far, we can walk," she said and took his free hand in her own.

She led them down a side street and soon they were deeper into an older part of town so typical of southern cities. They walked the streets of the aged and once proud mansions birthed in some bygone age by prominent families of the time. Now, they were hacked up into tiny apartments filled with students and working families. The small saplings planted decades past now towered above this domain like some ancient forest in a world of ghosts, past joys and forgotten evils. The old houses still held their stately charm from a distance, but up close the wrinkles of time were etched deeply into their once proud facades. Anyone who knows them also knows they are usually infested with vermin and eaten away by years of neglect. But despite having earned their final rest, the old structures still served mankind with shelter from the rain and dark of night. It was to one of these silent memorials that Bobby led them.

Kris was many things, but picky wasn't one of them. Any roof was better than no roof at all on a rainy night. It cast a silent gloom over the prospects of hitting the road early tomorrow morning. Maybe it would blow through, if it didn't it wouldn't be the first wet day he'd known. His only concern was a new one, he had Bobby to think about now.

"Look's like the rest of the house is still out partying. I was with them there earlier but lost track of them while we were performing before the show. No telling what party they ended up at tonight." Looking into the old refrigerator, she announced, "There's eggs and bacon in here. How's that sound?"

"That sounds perfect," Kris replied.

They chatted, making small talk as she quickly prepared the light supper. Then sitting at the kitchen table they made short work of the meal, feeling better for the nourishment. Kris washed the dishes while Bobby tidied up the kitchen.

"Come here," Kris said as he leaned against the counter.

Bobby felt a thrill at the way he said it and walked the few steps that separated them and slid into his waiting arms. It was the first quiet moment they had shared and she laid her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. This was all so unlike anything else she had experienced...he was so unlike anyone she had ever known. It both frightened her, and drew her ever closer at the same time, like a flame calling the moth. She had always been the one in control when it came to men, she knew that would not be the case with Kris—and that thrilled her, even as the danger signs flashed in the background of her thoughts.

"We probably have stuff to talk about Bobby. But first, I could sure make good use of your shower if that's okay," Kris said.

"Let's go upstairs to the room I'm staying in. I don't want to get caught up in my housemate's party when they get back home and there's a bathroom up there," Bobby replied.

Grabbing his stuff, he followed as Bobby led the way upstairs. He took full opportunity of carefully considering the perfection of her lithe form as she climbed the steps in front of him. She was still a mystery to him, open but closed at the same time, carefree but cautious. That it was all wrapped up in such unique beauty made it hard to not be lured in too close by her spell. They needed to talk some more, he had to be certain before taking her with him.

The room was just as one would expect, high ceilings, faded paint, scuffed hardwood floors and a big window now filled with the darkness of a cloudy night. There was very little furniture, and a double mattress on the floor. "This sure beats sleeping in the rain. I can't thank you enough for letting me stay the night here," Kris said.

"My pleasure. I'm looking forward to hearing more about you and where you're going. But first let's get that shower before the crowd comes home."

If he was surprised by her invitation to join her in the shower, his face didn't show it. But he did show her it was appreciated by pulling her into a kiss, hoping to convince her that she had made the right choice in him. This kiss was more urgent for them both, the energy telegraphing between them was alive with desire and unanswered questions. It was a mixture of bliss and trepidation they both felt, but the attraction was mutual and would not let either of them run away. It was Bobby who took the lead, taking his hand, leading him to the bathroom.

She stripped for him as he watched. She had never done anything like this, never had she fallen so hard so fast. Voices, old voices said to her, 'good girls don't do these things'...but she couldn't stop herself. She needed to do this for some unknown

reason—something deep inside needed to be stripped naked, exposed and vulnerable before this man! She knew for a fact she was going to be fucked in a short while—fucked by an almost unknown stranger who had possessed her thoughts and perhaps even her soul, yet she had no real idea how he did it, nor any inclination to resist.

Kris watched her with the utmost appreciation for the gift he knew she was offering to him. He could see the hint of fear in her eyes, and would do his very best to banish that fear so this she was offering would be a joyous memory of a wonderful experience.

Since Bobby wasn't wearing many clothes to begin with, her unveiling couldn't be a prolonged one. First the crop top was slipped up and over her head, freeing her breasts. They were even more beautiful than he had sketched in his imagination. Her skin was smooth and of the creamy pale purity so often seen on those with such pure black hair. The shape had been foretold by the shear fabric of her top, but the taut nipples could now parade their special allure that was only hinted at before this moment. Each hard bud displayed the excitement and arousal of this moment, along with their own captivating temptations...temptations a man cannot resist. The perfect sirens of feminine allure were dark and sultry, beckoning in their call and promising in their enticement.

Bobby watched his eyes intently as they surveyed her body, and the feminine sense of her own allure bolstered her courage. The obvious appreciation his eyes spoke to her rebalanced the power struggle of the moment. Slipping the full length flowered skirt off her hips, she let it fall to the white tile of the floor. It lay pooled there around her feet looking like a bride's discarded bouquet. Her only remaining covering was the flower in her hair and the tiny patch of lacy cloth pretending to be underwear.

She saw the outline of his swelling through the blue denim of the faded jeans. Even in such a veiled presentation, she could see he was indeed a man. She had never lain under a true man, she realized that now. She was soaked, she could feel it...and acknowledged her acceptance that it felt truly wonderful. Hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her underwear, she ever so slowly slid them over her hips and let them drop to the floor with the rest of her clothes. There was no further veneer to hide behind—all was fully exposed to him now, and it felt glorious! She wanted to dance, a wanton dance out of some far memory of a time long lost when women tempted in the flickering shadows of a fire. She felt that primitive drum beat welling up inside her very being, but knew not how to let it all out! Words were of no use, and now her own body was paralyzed with uncertainty of how to express all she was experiencing deep within the caverns of her soul.

Kris had watched mesmerized by the unadulterated eroticism of Bobby's surrender of herself. It was one of the most thrilling and satisfying moments of his life—he knew he was falling. Where he would land was an unknown, but he didn't want to stop the fall, he must see where it would all end up. He saw it in her eyes and he too felt his own mixture of fear and desire! A new feeling, an unsure feeling—but the call was too strong to resist! The woman he had thought needed his protection now possessed the secrets of his soul in her hand, in her eyes and in her smile...she just didn't realize it yet.

All he could think to do was beckon her closer. When she stood so close he could smell her arousal and hear her breath, he took her hand and put it on the top button of his shirt. She understood his intent and thought no gift could have been more sweet and perfect. Slowly and seductively she proceeded to strip this man who had taken control of her. The cowboy shirt was easy, the buttons snapped open with a pop revealing inch by inch that which she had wanted to see all night. Once unbuttoned and pulled free from the waist of his pants, she peeled it off like she would the skin from a piece of fruit, exposing a masculine chest with large dark nipples that were now also aroused by the chill of the air and the sexual charge of the moment.

Bobby knelt on the tile floor, pulling one boot off and then the other, then likewise with the socks. Still on her knees, it seemed the best place to finish the job. The cramped man flesh was even more prominent now than before as it strained against the faded jeans to be free. She ran her hand over the bulge and felt Kris shudder as he leaned back against the door. Working the unfamiliar belt buckle loose, then the four brass buttons until finally she could work the jeans down and over muscular buttocks and hard engorged cock—the object of her quest sprang free and she could smell his scent and feel his heat. It was full and the swollen veins that pumped life into her prize bulged in an erotic and almost vulgar display of masculine virility! She had to hold it, and she did.

Kris closed his eyes, not even hearing his own moan of contentment as this precious angel explored his body like a treasure hunter might fondle a horde of gold. She pushed the foreskin back exposing the plump bulb for the first time, the cool air sending yet another titillating signal to Kris's brain. He looked down just as she looked up, and to him she truly appeared to be a gypsy fairy who had somehow beguiled him in her web of forbidden enticement. But it was too late to resist, like a fly in the web he was paralyzed by her beauty and allure.

Bobby licked her lips, unaware of the effect it had on Kris. She hadn't even known she did it, but in his eyes it was a teasing question he was dying to answer. His hand on the back of her head was the answer he gave, it must have been a good one since Bobby intuitively understood it. With her eyes locked with his she parted those beautiful full lips and took the swollen plumb between them, softly sucking it into her mouth. With one small hand wrapped around her prize and the other one pressed to his thigh for balance, she let her lips and tongue now do the exploring with an enthusiasm fueled by lust and urgent desire. Kris could only look down at her, their eyes now doing all the talking. He watched those eyes until they closed in abandonment to her own thoughts and pleasures. Kris leaned back against the closed door and watched as she sucked him. Bobby seemed perfectly content to remain on her knees until she was satisfied, but Kris wanted his turn. Brushing his hand over her hair, he got her attention again and said, "Let's get in the shower and then we can take this to bed."

It seemed a good idea to her too, now that she had been reminded. So, getting gracefully to her feet she found herself wrapped in two strong arms. Pulling her naked flesh tight to his own Kris kissed her forehead, then he kissed her lips. Her thoughts were torn between the warm taste and feel of his lips and the hard man flesh now pressed flat against her stomach—the heat and power of it like nothing she had ever felt. When she laid her head on his chest, Kris rested his chin on top of her head and said, "You scare me."

Looking up with a puzzled expression she asked, "Why?"

"I've sort'a always figured it's safer to be a're making me question that, and it's scary to have your whole world upset in just one night."

"Let's don't think about it. Let's just do what feels right. I don't know any other way. Yeah, I could freak out too, but I don't want to. I really like you Kris, and I don't have any plans to hurt you. But I hate the thought of you just walking out of my life tomorrow. It just seems like that would be a waste."

"I just don't want to rip you out of something safe you have here and drag you into my circus," Kris said.

"But I already told you I was going to leave here and go west. Why don't we just leave it at that, and you said it can be dangerous all alone on the road...let's just go to California together for now. We can't figure it all out in one night," Bobby replied. The wisdom of her words may have seemed beyond her years, but they offered good advice and Kris accepted that.

"You're right Bobby. I'm over thinking it. Come on, we were supposed to be getting a shower so we could go to bed."

The shower was actually an old claw foot tub with a metal ring suspended from the ceiling to hold up the plastic shower curtain. The piping was all exposed, with the shower head perched on the top of the one running up the wall. But none of that mattered, it still rained down luxurious warm clean water—something Kris appreciated more than Bobby. It was now hands slickened with soap that explored the naked flesh instead of lips. It was perhaps the best way to find every curve, every muscle and every secret place that longed to be discovered. The caresses were softened all the more by the soothing silkiness of warm water and fragrant sudsy lather. Their hands shared in ministering to beautifully toned bodies, complimented with small kisses on some places to make sure all was scrubbed properly. But, it being an old house, sadly also meant that the water heater was old as well and in it's fading years could no longer keep up with the demand for warm water needed by two young lovers.

Drying themselves and each other, they both felt refreshed and ready. Actually, more than ready to take this conversation to the bedroom. Bobby wrapped a towel around herself and ventured out to make sure the coast was clear. "Come on out Kris, no one's home yet."