One Night in New York

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A hot one night stand told from two points of view.
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A Night in New York


What a shitty day. I leave work in a foul mood, walking down Fifth Avenue. My boss is an asshole, I am bored to death, and sick of everything. I work as a stockbroker in a trading firm in Manhattan, putting in over 60 hours a week. My job is high pressure, bullshit craziness. Every day I put on my suit for 10 hours of yelling and insanity. I have to quit. I am miserable. Sure, it pays me a ton. I have a beautiful loft apartment, a car, a great savings account, but for what? Constant misery and no time of my own.

Here it is, 10:00 (yeah, that's my typical day. Been here since 8 a.m.) and I am pissed off and exhausted. I start to go home the usual way, but suddenly the idea of heading home alone to my bachelor pad seems so unappealing. What am I going to do? Go home, crack a beer, watch some porn, jerk off and go to sleep. Pathetic.

It's a hot, muggy night but it feels alive and electric. Something is in the air. I do not want the normal routine. I take some side streets and walk downtown to this little bar I know. It's small but nice. Not seedy. I'll go in and chat to my buddy Joe at the bar, get a nice buzz on. I need to get out of my own head!

That's what I was thinking when I met you. I walked into Joe's and there you were, like something out of a dream. I just happened to be there at that moment, and so did you. After everything that's happened between us, how can it be anything other than fate?


What a shitty day. Fucking asshole. I can't believe he blew me off.

I should have learned my lesson!! When will I ever get it through my thick skull that meeting men on the internet is a bad idea. When? I swear I only do it in moments of weakness and extreme horniness. That's when I break down and go on my "dating" site and see what's up. I am picky. I am looking for just the right guy. And when I met Joe Darlington, I thought I hit the jackpot. One month of teasing and flirting and intense sexual conversations, but when it comes right down to it he flakes out on me. It's 10:30. He was supposed to be here at 8:00. No call, no text, nothing. I hardly even know where I am. I found this little place and trudged all the way here, so I'm at least going to have a drink and enjoy myself before I go home. What an ass.

I spent so much time getting ready, too. I'm actually wearing a dress—black, clingy, wrap-around. I'm wearing black pumps, I smell great, and I'm feeling like an idiot sitting here.

That's when you came into the bar. Jesus fuck. Could you be any cuter? I have a thing for men in suits. And for dark, Italian men. And for big and tall and muscly men, bigger and taller than me. Everything that is you. You were wearing a grey suit and looked pissed off. I saw you come in and suddenly the night got very exciting.


Jesus Christ, who are you? I've been coming to this bar for years and I've never seen you before. My God, you are gorgeous. You must be 5'8. I love tall women. Big boobs, big lips, and that mane of thick, dark, wavy brown hair pulled back from your face. What can I say? I grew up with five Italian sisters who look just like you, and that's my ideal-lush and sultry.

I glance in your direction and sit down at the bar a few stools away. I need to relax. I order a beer.

I'm sitting there talking to Joe for a while, constantly glancing over to where you are, but scared to make a move. I didn't plan on this! Do I smell ok, look ok? What are you doing here alone? What should I do?

There's a moment when Joe leaves and you and I are all alone at the bar. Is it my imagination or is there some unspoken thing in the air? I work up the nerve to look at you, and to my surprise I find that you are staring at me, boldly and directly. Isn't this a cliché? Two strangers' eyes meet across a crowded bar? You just look at me plainly and I look directly into your eyes, too. Dark brown and hazel green. Well, it happens. I'll be the first to tell you. I swear we looked into each other's eyes and the knowledge was there. Who the fuck cares if it's a cliché. The knowledge that we are going to see each other naked. The certainty that whether we fuck now or later, it's already a done deal.

In fact, this has never happened to me before, this instant lust. Well if I didn't know what it was before, I know now. This is not going to be polite sex with my gf. There is intelligence in your eyes that pierces me in my gut. You know, and you're letting me know. Is this how lust really works? How come it's never happened before?
Nervous or not, it's time to go meet you.

About time! You're coming over!

This is so strange. I am such a passive person, especially when it comes to sex. I HATE making the first move. But I had to.

I saw you come in, I saw you look at me, and I knew. Holy Jesus. I could feel and sense every move you made. When you talked to your friend, when you lifted your beer to your lips, I could feel every movement in my stomach. There is a pleasant buzzing in my nipples, which are hard looking at you. I am getting wet looking at you. Here you are, the man I have feared all my life!
And you do nothing. I see you looking at me and looking quickly away. I won't hurt you! This is really happening. So I sit and wait, and wait. I get a little more drunk.

Finally, we are alone at the bar. You can stare ahead at the bottles as much as you want, I know you will look eventually. And when you do, I hold your eyes and don't let go. I'm not going to be shy! I stare at you, into you. Who the fuck cares who you are. This has happened to me before, only in that case it was a mechanic guy in some seedy bar. Same thing. Only he was more bold and came over to me. You're wearing a suit so I know you're not a mechanic. My tits are tingling, my stomach is tingling, huge electric currents are shooting out of my cunt. It's beyond my control. This is lust, and I know it, and I'm not going to be afraid.

It's really crowded in the bar when I walk over to you. I have to hold up my beer so it doesn't get knocked by someone's elbow. In addition to everything else, I'm now terrified some other asshole is going to get to you before I do. It's loud and noisy. I get there, I stand right behind you. I lean over you and touch you slightly as I put my beer on the bar.

No I'm not imagining it. There is an erotic force field between us. It runs up and down my spine and directly into my cock. In fact I let my cock touch your back for the slightest instant. I want you to feel it. Good God! I instantly think, wonder, what it's going to feel like to be pounding you, to have you under me on all fours, to be spreading your ass cheeks for me. My cock is going to be inside you and we both know it. I'm a walking cock, you're a beautiful cunt waiting for me.

I don't even say anything. I'm standing right behind you, less than an inch away. You don't turn around. What you do is reach up and lift all that gorgeous, heavy, thick hair up off your shoulders and twist it up a little bit on your head, like you're steaming hot. I see all these tiny curls and tendrils and beads of sweat on your neck and your shoulders, which are so fucking sexy. And you lean back just a little bit so your back is just touching me. I lean over and surround you so both of my hands are on the bar, my arms straight out on either side of you. I can't help it. I lean over and just let my lips graze your back, just the top of the spine where I see a little bead of sweat. Your rich heavy hair falls down on my face and I feel you shudder and tremble from head to toe. Are we ever going to talk?

Oh Lord. You are here. Your arms on either side of me, like you're pinning me in. Nice. I feel your cock in the small of back. I feel your lips just barely brush the top of my spine, that little bump. Yes, we are going to fuck. We already are. How do I do this? I'm not an expert. Just let instinct take over, I tell myself.

I don't want you to move. I love the way you are pinning me in. What I do is maneuver so I can face you—I just spin my stool around so you're still in the same position, only now I am facing you and we are really really close. I lean back so my elbows are on the bar and I look at you without speaking. Finally, you just say "Hello." Ha! It's not a polite hello from a stranger. It's a hello like we're already naked and have already fucked hello. Like you know me and we are old friends.

I give you a noncommittal "Hi" in return, but continue to stare directly into your eyes. I say "Are you having a nice night?"

"Oh yes."

I cannot help myself. I have this thing for men in suits. Must be a Daddy fixation. You have this great thin plain white shirt tucked into grey pants with a belt and I can't help reaching out and laying my palm on the flat of your stomach. Which makes you lose that little grin on your face. You get serious. I do more. I slide both my hands over your stomach and over your hips and rest at the small of your back where I can feel your muscles. When I do I see your face register the fact that you are getting hard.

"Should we introduce ourselves?"

I move my hands further down your back so they are now cupping the top of your ass. "Yes, of course, my name is Emily."

"I'm Scott."

When I hear your voice I instantly get a picture in my mind of me riding you—straddling you face to face and making out while your cock is buried deep inside me. Tongue and cock deep inside me. This talking shit is for the birds. I want you to keep talking to me with your tongue. I know this place has a patio, so I say "What do you say we go outside?"

I am walking behind you hoping the whole bar doesn't notice my enormous erection bulging through my thin pants. Although, who cares. It feels so fucking good. I have a huge hard on that feels like I'm swinging a piece of ten ton concrete in front of me. Hard as hell and on fire. I watch you from behind. I'm not a big ass person. I'd rather watch your shoulders and your long, incredible legs and your hair lead me to the back of the bar. This is fucking insane! This is a goddamned dream only it's real.

You're gorgeous, but it's not like you've got a porn star body. I wouldn't care about that anyway. It's more that you're "the type", my type. You're something from my sexual subconscious come to life. It's your height and your lips and your hair and the look in your eyes, and the fact that this weird lust has hit us both at the same moment. Who gives a FUCK? Why let all the stress of life get to me so much? Why worry about everything so much? You are a beautiful woman who is taking me somewhere I know for a fact I have never been to before and I am so excited to see where that is.

It is dark and steamy and hot. A few people are milling around. We are on a terrace in New York overlooking every damn light in this city and it is beautiful. I haven't even mentioned your perfume. That's a big factor in my raging hard on. The fuck is it? It is sweet and woody. I am in a daze, a dream. Emily!

You stop, I stop. There is a very brief moment of awkwardness. And then I reach out and sink my hands into that luscious hair and pull you towards me.

This kind of instantaneous thing has only happened to me once before. And then, too, we ended up outside, on a patio. Mike the Mechanic! He too had green eyes. He had a scar on his cheek, a nasty, criminal look in his eye, he was wearing greasy work clothes and a greasy baseball cap. Didn't matter. Lust is lust. He was much more aggressive though. He took me outside, grabbed me by the hips, swung me up on the edge of a table like it was nothing. It was all wordless, crazy groping, making out, sucking on each other's tongue. Not a word was said between us. We tried to go outside to his car, and annoyed everyone in the bar by stopping and making out madly every few seconds. Against the jukebox, against the wall. I felt his cock through his jeans in front of everyone. Only that didn't end so well because we didn't have any place to go.

This is similar. Explosive. Violent. Wordless. You grab me by the hair and pull my mouth to yours. Jesus! We both have such soft, full lips. I run my hands over your back, down your ass. Jesus Christ, I can feel your cock and it is huge. I bite your neck which elicits an animal groan from you. We are just mauling each other right out in the open. You crush my tits with your hands, run them down my back, over my ass, up into my hair. We are glued to each other, hands and tongue and mouth. I am gasping. This can't last long, and I don't intend it to end the same way it did before!

I say hurriedly "Where do you live?"

"Close, let's get a cab." You grab me by the hand and pull me back inside, out to the front.

It's a blur. We don't care who sees or notices. We make out like fiends on the sidewalk, against a wall, we see nothing and no one. I am not running away this time! This is lust, and it's winning, FINALLY!

We're in the back of the cab. You are nestled against me, nuzzling my neck and oh god stroking my cock through my pants. It is so raging hard for you. I am thinking, I want to fuck you, but I want this to last. I don't want to rush it. I am so turned on it would be over in 10 seconds. I have got to slow down a bit. I just hold you, with my arm around you, loving the smell of you. It's only a five minute cab ride. Then it's a rush outside, me fumbling with my keys, running inside, hurrying up the elevator, while we finally make it to my place.

At last, I open the door, we rush in and I immediately start to pull on the ties on your dress. Get it off NOW. I can't help myself. "Take it off!"

You can't untie it. I say Fuck it and pull it over your head. I moan and groan when I see you. I get down on my knees and hold your hips and ass as I kiss and nuzzle your stomach. You have little black lace panties and a black bra. I order you to "Take these things off!" as I whip off my jacket, tie and shirt. I cannot get naked quick enough.

But just as I get to my belt you say "Wait, wait, let me!"

The wind is blowing in through my windows. It is hot, hot, hot—summer in New York. I hear the sounds of dogs, kids, cars, people talking. I stand naked to the waist and do nothing, watch you as you slowly get to your knees while looking up at me and smiling. Oh, you are enjoying this as much as me.

I swear, apart from the actual moment you get inside me, this is my favorite moment of sex: getting to see your cock for the first time. I want to savor every second. I reach down and take your hands and put them in my hair. I want you to stroke my head while I slowly unbuckle your belt. Like I said, I have a thing for men in suits. You are a big strong male and I am going to worship you. I run my hands up the back of your thighs. I squeeze your ass. I want to tease you and make you wait. I slowly find your huge, bulging, obscenely hard cock with my fingers. I groan "Mmmmmm." With one hand I stroke it and tease you, with the other I undo your belt. As I slip it down over your hips, your pants slide to the floor, and when I finally free your cock from your underwear, you let out an involuntary groan and grasp my hair tightly.

It's a beautiful night. We're two actors in one of the most clichéd moments of life, and I love it. I pull down your pants and deliberately let out a little sigh and shock of surprise, as if I didn't already know you have a huge, beautiful, gorgeous, silky smooth cock just waiting for me, all for me. I touch it lightly, caress it, kiss it, rub my lips on it. I want you to know how much I love it and love this moment.

Just as I'm about to take you in my mouth, you grab the back of my hair roughly and pull me away. You pull me to your mouth and kiss me deeply, violently. You spin me around, put one arm around my chest. You nuzzle my neck and hair while your other hand travels down my stomach and roughly separates my thighs. You say "This isn't just about me." You lightly play with my lips, getting me wetter and wetter. You grind your cock in the crack of my ass and whisper in my ear, "You can suck me later. I want to fuck you first."

You play a game, slowly humping and grinding my ass with your cock as you start to finger me, lightly touch my clit, making me jump and twitch and quiver. "Do you want that Emily? Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want my cock inside you?" In response I groan and try to rub myself harder on your hand.

Oh how I love you for this. So many guys want the quick blow job. Very few men would wait to have my lips around their cock. It makes me weak with desire to know you want my cunt more. And that you let me know straight away MY pleasure is as important as your cock.

Then, right there in your living room, you put your hand on the back of my neck and push me down from the waist. You say "Now let's really introduce ourselves."

I don't know what it is about you. I don't want this to be an ordinary one night stand. I am acting differently, wanting different things. We've only just met, but I want to get as intimate as I can with you. I am not thinking, I am just going with whatever comes to mind. And something tells me to bend you over. Get between your legs, roughly spread you open, and without any hesitation, slide my cock into you as slow as I can. I hear you gasp, I hear you moan. I enter you so slowly inch by loving inch. And when I am finally buried inside you all the way, in your beautiful, delicious, warm cunt, I lean over you, gently move your hair to the side and whisper in your ear "Hello." I begin to fuck you gently with my cock as hard as a rock. I want to get you as wet as possible. I want you to feel like I'm making love to you. I slowly slide the whole length of the shaft all the way out and go all the way in trying to let you feel all of me as deeply and intimately as you can. I hear you groaning and crying. I feel you gushing all over me. I start thrusting harder and harder, saying "You are so...fucking...beautiful..."

There are so many ways to cum. It can be hard or soft, deep or shallow, clit or vaginal, gentle or rough, the kind where I scream or the kind where I actually cry. This is a gentle, slow climax that is not about being pounded deep in the center of my cunt. The way you're fucking me activates the opening, this incredibly sensitive ring around the very outer part of my body. This kind builds so slowly. It builds and builds and builds. It's not a deep thrust, it's a wonderful groaning pleasure as I feel the widest part of your cock stretch me open and rub over and over across this widening ring. This kind of orgasm involves my WHOLE body. It centers on the passageway and spreads out across my thighs, even into my ass. I am bent over dripping wet, down my legs, all over your cock as it gains and gains and gains in intensity. I am not a big screamer, but I do groan. Long slow moans and gasps. Oh how I love how you continue to hold down the back of my neck, like I'm a cat in heat. I am motionless as I get close. I can't help it. I say "Scott! I'm going to cum!" You say "Yes, yes, cum for me! Cum on my cock!" This is not a sharp orgasm but a freakin' huge rolling wave with no center. It's like an earthquake. It spreads out with tremors and slow huge rolls of pleasure. It's the kind that leaves me in tears just because it is so slow and sweet and all-encompassing.

I actually weep from pleasure, and a lot of it's because you had the patience to do this for me, that you even knew how to fuck like this. Believe me, a lot of guys don't. All they know is how to pound and ram it in. You're dominating me so much better this way. I am dazed. I just lie there days with tears in my eyes as you lean over and kiss my shoulders and back.

I am still hard as a rock. Your wetness is all over me, it's like a sea, and it just makes me harder and harder. When I feel one last spasm from your cunt, I don't want to be left behind so I will myself to cum. I make one last long thrust into you and that's all it takes: I let out one deep grunt and start spurting into you. I want to mix our juices. I want you to feel my cum spreading out into you. I hear you gasp with pleasure when you feel it. My hips start shaking involuntarily. I start pumping you more and I loosen my hold on your neck and grab your hips. I just want to get as deep as I can, claim you as mine, give you everything I have. Hold you tightly and make you feel my load pumping into you like a geyser. I want you to know you have done this to me and WE are having sex, together.