One Night in the Vampire Pt. 01

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Seduced by the vampire.
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Harvey been stalking her Karla months. He had figured out that she went to sleep ten minutes before dawn every morning, she took her trash out to her bins between nine and ten and shopped at the local store down the road. This routine never changed.

But what Harvey didn't mention was that Karla was a vampire.

She fed somewhere around midnight every night, but he couldn't figure out where she went to do it. He tried to follow her, but the minute she left the house next to his he could seem to keep track of her movements. It was like she vanished into thin air.

Maybe she did, he thought as he peered out his bedroom window. He was stood with the lights off and a pair of binoculars pinned to his eye balls. He was waiting for her to return, which usually occurs at around four in the morning, just in time for the sun to start coming up.

"Gotcha," he smiled and glanced at the clock. It was quarter past four. "A little late tonight?"

Karla stumbled down the road, something was different tonight. She looked beaten up and bruised, and her tight white top was splattered with flecks of red. She fumbled for her keys in her pocket then made her way into the house. She took one last look around before shutting the door behind her.

A few lights came on, one in the living room downstairs, the other on the upstairs landing. She shut her curtains most nights but tonight they were wide open. Something was definitely wrong.

He watched her climb her stairs and head into the bedroom. She sat on the bed with her back to him, then without warning lifted her top up and tossed it across the floor. She stood up and slid her trousers down over her hips to her ankles and kicked them off.

Harvey swallowed hard. She was gorgeous, for a vampire. Her hair was long and ashen colour, her skin was marble white and her figure was so tight and toned she would give any man a raging hard on. Even her perfect white breasts just hung there as if suspended in mid air with perfect pink nipples attached to the ends of them. But that was how they sucked you in, the beauty of them. And before you knew it, your impaled on a pair of fangs.

He shook his head, clearing it of any thought of her then pressed the binoculars back to his eyes. Karla had disappeared into the shower. He let out a sigh then moved away from the window. A sharp wooden stake sat on his bedside table. Was tonight the night?

He had been contemplating for weeks about whether to sneak into her house or not and stake her through the heart. That would solve a lot of problems. Even the government had been telling people just to kill the. If they are suspected of being one of them.

Karla was one of them, he was sure of it. All he had to do was drive it through her heart and he would be a hero. Luckily nobody had any incling of who or what she was. He would get there first, it was decided.

He climbed in bed and flicked the television on. It was just a waiting game now. He would wait until she was asleep in the day, sneak in and stake her straight through the chest.


Morning came and went. Harvey was sitting in his living room, watching the house across the road. He twirled the stake in his hand, contemplating everything that could go wrong. What if he woke her? What if she wasn't what he knew her to be? What if he couldn't go through with it?

He shook his head and stood up. It was now or never. He had to stop thinking like it was human because she wasn't. She was a cold blooded murderer and she needed to be exterminated.

He opened the door to his house and stepped outside. A quick hop over the garden fence and he was in her backyard. Nobody noticed. The house was deadly silent and looked empty, when really he knew she was sleeping. Daylight would kill them just as much as a stake through the heart if they were caught out in it, that's what the world had been led to believe anyway.

The back side window was locked. It creaked as he tugged against it. He tried the backdoor handle, she couldn't possibly have left it open. Could she?

The handle clicked down and the door creaked open revealing the darkend house inside. A wave of cold air floated outside sending a shiver down his spine.

"Jackpot," he whispered to himself and took a step inside. Once he crossed the threshold he pulled the stake out from inside his jacket. Where would she be? The bedroom?

He passed through a neatly laid out living room with a huge television on the far wall and mDe his way up the stairs. Harvey's heart thumped hard in his chest as he ascended the stairs to the second floor. He couldn't believe he was about to do this, but it had to be done.

The first room was empty, completely empty. The second was the bathroom and the room at the far end of the hall had its door almost closed over save for a tiny crack of darkness. It creaked when he gently pushed it open to reveal the master bedroom.

A four poster bed sat in the middle of the room. As Harvey moved further inside the door behind him clicked shut on its own.

Karla lay in the center of the bed with her arms.crossed over her chest and her ash coloured hair fanned out around her. She had got dressed into a black lacy corset and thong. Bit of an odd choice of clothing for sleeping alone, he thought S he crept up beside her.

With the stake raised high over his head he shook as he got ready to slam it down into her chest, that's when a cold fingers hand gripped his throat, and another hand grabbed the wood from his grip and tossed it across the room.

Hatvey stared down at Karla who was twisted and snarling in anger. She easily lifted him off the floor with one hand around his throat and stood up to stare straight into his eyes.

"You stupid human, did you think you could stake me so easily?" Her voice hissed at him causing his blood to run cold.

Harvey couldn't speak, her grip was so tight on him that he was starting to get a light headed.

"Your choking," she said with a grin. "What a shame."

She held her grip for a few seconds more then released him. Harvey toppled to the floor coughing and spluttering.

"Now," she said and began to pace up and down the room. "What to do with you?"

Harvey made a break for the door. He stumbled over his legs and nearly made it when karla seemingly telelported across the room to block his path.

"Leaving so soon?" She said. "You should know it's not polite to leave a lady without a goodbye kiss!"

"Let me go," harvey began to plead. "I wont tell anyone."

"Of course you won't tell anyone," she stepped towards him causing Harvey to recoil as if protecting himself from an impending blow to the head. "Because you are never leaving this room, not alive anyway."

Harvey shook his head. "Just let me leave. I've told people I'm here, they will come looking."

Karla let out a loud laugh and spread her mouth wide. A long set of fangs popped from her gums and she snarled at him.

"You have told nobody you're here," she hissed. "I have been watching you Harvey. I know what you do at night, I know you've seen me in the windows. Is it murder you came here for, or is it sex?"

"Neither, I just want to go home, please!" He pleaded and dropped to his knees. "Just let me go."

"Hmm," she was stood so close to harvey now that he could almost feel her cold smooth skin against his. "Your not leaving this room," she grinned and ran a hand through his hair. "Not until I have gotten exactly what I need from you."

Harvey looked up at her from his kneeling position on the floor. She was glaring down at him with a ravished expression on her face, as if she was staring at a well cooked piece of meat. Harvey realised the meat was him, and she was getting ready to devour him whole.

"What do you wamt?" He asked through dry lips. His whole throat felt like a desert.

Karla crouched down like a cat in front of him. She ran a tongue along her blood red lips moistening them. "I've seen the way you stare at me through the window every night. It's not just murder on your mind is it?"

He hesitated before shaking his head. There was no denying the truth. Watching her felt somehow erotic and tense. She was a gorgeous looking woman, despite the fangs and the blood drinking.

"I could feel your lust from across the street. It was seeping through my walls. Why do you think I've been leaving the back door open for the last few weeks?" She was staring right into his eyes now. "I was hoping you would make your way over here, under the guise of murder, when really it is your yearning for my body that attracted you here."

A lightning fast hand gripped his throat and squeezed.

"Say the truth human, or I'll snap your neck like a twig," she growled.

"Yes," he gasped through a half closed throat.

Her face spread into a grin. "I've been intrigued by you for a while. Maybe I will let you live. But first, we're going to find out whether your a lion, or a tiny little puppy! And FYI," she tightened her grip on his throat. "Puppy's get eaten!"

She released his throat with a shove, sliding him across the wooden floor back into the side of the bed. Her body flickered forwards in the blink of an eye to sit on Harveys thighs. Before he could blink her surprisingly warm lips were on his, locking him into a deep, soul shuddering kiss.

"Mmmm," she groaned his mouth and pulled away with a gasp. "I haven't engaged with a human in such a way for what feels like a millenia."

Harvey lay under her in complete shock. He couldn't believe what was happening, his attempts at murder had turned into this vampire kissing and wrapping her tongue around his.

"You are lucky," she smiled. "Our kind do not mingle with yours often. The sex is so intense sometimes the human just breaks, but I'll be gentle...I promise. Mixing food with pleasure is a speciality of mine I was prized for years ago."

She planted another quick kiss on his lips and then gave his shirt a tug. The buttons popped open scattering them all over the floor. She ran her soft, cold hands over his chest and down his stomach.

"You are above average human. Most of your kind are fat, and lazy, and not worth the air I breath," she said as she gently ran a finger over Harvey's collar bone causing him to shiver in pleasure.

"I work out," he managed to say.

"I can see," she said and in one flash she tugged at his trousers. They pulled apart with a paper ripping sound, leaving him bare legged.

Her eyes widened as she stared down at the spot between his legs. "Oh, you're definitely above average now that I see you in your natural form."

Harvey's cock was rock hard and standing to attention. It was spewing precum like a bubbling volcano. He couldn't help it. He had come to kill but ended up horny and hard.

She placed the tip of her finger on the end of his cock, smearing his juices on her finger. She slid that same finger into her mouth with a groan.

"I had almost forgotten what it was like to taste human," she purred, then slid back on his legs.

Harvey tensed and gripped Karlas shoulders as before he could ready himself, her mouth was around the base of his cock with the tip pressing at the back of her throat.

She let out a growl and slid her lips up and down the full length of his shaft. Inside her was surprisingly warm. She bobbed her head up and down him, licking and sucking and groaning like a creature who had had years of practice. Her tongue twisted around his shaft and along the bottom of his ballsack with a skill and finesse he never thought possible.

"Your throbbing," she grinned as she came up for air. "No doubt you are ready?"

Harvey nodded.

"Then we shall proceed. Release into me human. Give me it all," she purred then instantly sunk his cock back inside her mouth.

It didnt take long, a few strokes maybe and the pleasure inside Harvey swelled to exploding point. He felt himself buck his hips digging himself further up into the back of her throat. She let out a muffled squeal as my throbbing shaft exploded, causing a hot sticky load to spurt out of him.

"Cumming!" Harvey gargled. He could barely talk as the climax washed over him sending his whole body into overdrive.

Karla didn't stop sucking until his cock released every last drop into her gulping throat. She ate all of it, and by the sound of her squeals she enjoyed every squirt.

When Harvey had gone limp, she released him from her mouth with a long groan and locked eyes with him. "You," she said. "Taste good human, better than I imagined."

Harvey was panting below her and struggling to move. He let out a moan and raised a hand in acknowledgement.

Karla let out a laugh and stood up over him. "Don't tell me the big bad boy is spent already?"

"No way," he gasped. "Just give me a second."

"Absolutely not human," she said and in a flicker of superhuman speed she had undressed giving Harvey the full view of her glorious toned body. She was pale, with light pink, hard nipples and long smooth legs that looked like they would never end. Her toes and nails were painted black, her ashen hair hung down her bare back and it looked like she had just shaved between the legs. Or maybe it just didn't grow any more.

"There is no rest," she hissed and crouched down, placing the sweet spot between her legs hovering gently over the tip of his upright cock. Her lips were so.close he could feel the heat emanating from inside her.

Harvey grunted as she placed both hands on his chest, digging her long nails into his skin.

"But I must warn you," she flashed him a view of her fangs. "This will not be over quick. Even if you plead with me human, I will be taking my fill. There are no safe words in this room. There is no backing out of this. Im going to ravage your body until I orgasm, and if you should happen to survive, we will discuss your future in this world."

"Just do it," Harvey said and shut his eyes.

"As you wish," she let out a little snicker, dug her nails deeper into his chest then sat down with a growl.

No matter how much Harvey braced for it, nothing prepared him for what was between her legs. The moment she sat down he felt a warmth envelope his entire cock. She was so tight around him it was as if her pussy had never been used. She didn't move at first, she just sat there with her eyes shut and Harvey's cock so deep inside her she could have ripped it off.

"Ooohh," she moaned. "Your a deep one human."

She wriggled her hips a little from side to side and shuddered.


She braced her weight on his chest and began gyrating her hips in circles, letting out little whimpers and gasps of air.

Harvey, growing a little more confident, cupped both of her firm breast in the palms of his hands. When he squeezed, she let out a little cry of pleasure.

"Squeeze me!" She hissed.

She wriggled for a few minutes, working him into her, filling herself with his hard shaft before she let out another deep growl and bounced her hips upwards, sliding him almost out of her warmth then immediately back in.

Harvey shuddered and cried out. "Ooohh!"

"I'm going to use you!" She whispered in his ear between long rasping lungfulls of air. "I'm going to use you for my pleasure and then feed on your life!"

Harvey just nodded. He didn't care any more. Her pussy was sucking his cock to the brink again. He was twitching beneath her and breathing so heavy he thought he was having a heart attack. If he died right here he would die in pure ecstacy and his last vision would be of karlas pearl white tits bouncing in his face.

"Oh god your cock is filling me," she snarled and bounced faster.

Harvey groaned and squeezed her chest harder.

"Yes," she squealed. "I love it deep and hard. Fuck me!"

Her hips worked furiously now, sucking him inside her warm slit with every bounce. Each movement she made caused her to let out little high pitched squeals.

"Slap me," she grunted.

Harvey moved his hand down to her firm arse cheek, gripped the flesh in his palm, then lifted his arm and smacked her soft skin with a crack.

"Oh fuck yes, slap me harder."

Another crack of his hand caused her to squeal and shudder on top of him as the skin from his blows turned a bright pink. The room became filled with a crescendo of slaps, squeals, squealches and groans as Karla continued to ravage Harvey from her position on top of him. Her tight arse bounced and wriggled, taking him inside her with a hunger Harvey had never felt in a woman. Her hands were pressing on his chest, pinning him to the ground while her pale white body violated him.

"I have been starved," she groaned then yelped as another slap of Harvey's hand cracked onto her bare skin. "Starved of cock for far too long, and i will show no mercy."

"Oh god your amazing," Harvey gasped.

"As are you human," her voice rasped in between long intakes of air. "I think I'm going to orgasm."

"I know I am," Harvey said and twitched beneath her, feeling his cock give way to a sudden urge to fire everything he had up inside her.

"Fill me!" She screamed and arched her back. "Fill me, or die!"

One last slap of Harvey's hand on her skin sent her into a frenzy of wriggles and bounces and endless screams as he felt the insides of her slit tighten even further around his cock. It was at that moment Harvey exploded inside her filling her with a second load of his hot cum. He felt his cock throb and ebb as every drop was sucked into her tight cunt.

Karla had arched her back as she shuddered into a heavy orgasm. Her legs began to tremble either side of him and her eyes rolled upwards showing the whites. She threw her head back and let out I blood curdling scream that reverberated off every wall in the room.

"Aahhhh!!" She screamed.

As her shudders slowed she suddenly jerked forwards and bit him, hard, in the side of his throat. She slurped at the blood seeping from the punctures in his skin causing her moans to sound muffled as her hips writhed and jerked up and down his thick cock relentlessly.

Harvey thought he might die from pleasure. All his problems were gone in that moment, he didn't even care that this vampire was eating him from the inside out, sucking his gushing blood while fucking him into oblivion. The pleasure was too great. He thought it would hurt, but it only caused his cock to grown thicker and spurt another load of cum deep inside Karlas warm slit.

After what felt like an age, she raised her head with a gasp and wriggled her hips slowly to a stop. Her mouth was drenched in blood. The red liquid had dribbled down her chin and splashed over her bare chest and onto his stomach. She seemed not to notice and smiled down at him.

"Is this where I die?" Harvey said.

Karla shook her head. "Not today," she said and licked the blood from her lips. "Today you live. But if you ever want to come back and slide inside me again, you must tell nobody about me. Do you understand?"

Harvey didn't speak, he just nodded. She was going to let him live? But why?

"You are a unique human, that was the biggest orgasm i have ever had!" She planted a kiss on his forehead and slid him out of her With a slurp and a hiss from her lips. "When you turn, I will be here to show you our ways."

"Wait what?" He said and sat up.

"Don't worry, you will not be alone like I was. You will not have to forage and hide in the shadows until you could control yourself. I will be here, to guide you. Every step of the way," she sucked the blood, his blood, off her finger and gave him a smirk.

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InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos9 months ago

"Today you live. But if you ever want to come back and slide inside me again, you must tell nobody about me. Do you understand?" But if he is gonna be turning then why the 'if'. Also, he should have had a backup stake or something and just stabbed her with her when she asked him to slap her .-. But maybe she isn't so bad, she seemed alot less murdery after orgasming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I loved the story, needs a conclusion, His conversion,first hunt and more or their conquests

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’d love to see another chapter to this describing his change and perhaps their first hunt together,atba hospital?

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