One Prince The Future


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Obviously, all four of us were shocked as all Hell.

"Wow... thanks, Dad!" Mike was the first to break the stunned silence. "I was hoping to get a chance to just shoot the shit with Mark and the girls sometime in here. That's awesome!"

"And yes, I'll get him back to the motel straight up and street legal," I jumped in. "We're not very big on drugs or alcohol around here. He should be fine."

That got a smile from Uncle John. "In that case, if you want my help cleaning up, just ask. Otherwise, after dessert I'll just head on out. Mike, you've got your key, right?"

"Sure do!" he smiled, fishing in his pocket and coming up with a room key.

"Then be quiet coming in," Uncle John told him. "I'm hoping to be dead to the world."

"Yes, sir!" Mike smiled. He was doing a lot of that. In fact, we all were.

True to his word, we finished up dessert and Uncle John headed on out. No sooner had the door closed than Marsha wheeled on Mike.

"You!" she told him. "You've got dishes. Kate and I have some preparing to do..." And without waiting, the girls headed off.

"Get used to it," I told him. "They run my life. Mostly."

"Just like last summer," he chuckled. "I'll wash, you dry?"

"Deal," I told him and we cleared the rest of the dishes to the kitchen.

* * * * *

"Oh, my fucking GOD!!! Again!!!..."

That was Marsha. She was currently impaled on me. I was on my back on the bed with her facing away from me and me up her ass. Mike, standing at the end of the bed, was up her cunt. And Kate was behind Mike, playing with both our ball sacks.

Neither he nor I were going to get off any time soon. We'd both already gotten off twice. The girls, on the other hand... I have to admit, I loved this devious game the girls dreamed up.

Mike and I finished the dishes and went looking for the girls. We found them in the basement, naked, on the big play bed.

"Alright, gentlemen," Marsha addressed up as we cleared the stairwell. "Off with the clothes!"

I sure as hell didn't see any reason to argue. Neither did Mike. We were stripped for action in seconds.

"We have decided to use the Seniority Method," Marsha informed us. "So, Mark... you're the oldest. Get up on the bed."

What was my life but to serve - ice. I got up on the bed.

"Next would be me," Marsha went on. She also climbed up on the bed, her body at a roughly 90 degree angle to mine, then went down on me. Oh, Lord! she was good...

"Next would be you, Mike," Kate told him, pointing. Mike figured it out pretty quick. He got up on the bed and in position to be able to go down on Marsha. From her moans around my cock, I was guessing he was doing something right.

"And last would be me," Kate told us, then crawled up a got in position so she could go down on Mike and I could go down on her.

Marsha came up off me long enough to moan, "God, Mike! You have an awesome memory!..." Then she went back to sucking me, alternating between deepthroating and playing swirly games with her tongue and the head of my cock. My response was mostly heartfelt moans into Kate's pussy.

I'm guessing it wasn't more than five minutes of trying to drive each other insane before Kate went over. She'd always had an easier time getting to the first one than her sister. I knew that, and I knew how to drive her over repeatedly, if I could keep from being distracted by the amazing blowjob I was getting from Marsha. I think she was at three or four when surprisingly, Mike lost it.

"Oh, fuck, man!..." he moaned. "Fuck..." I was fairly certain I heard Kate giggling. Once he got off, though, he turned all of his attention to Marsha and blew her out of the water. She'd always had a harder time getting to the first one, but once she went over, she was just as multiorgasmic as her sister and mother. And Mike knew that, and knew how to drive her over, again and again and again. The only reason I didn't blow it is because he had Marsha so distracted from cumming her brains out that she couldn't properly concentrate on me. She eventually did, though. She steeled her will, deepthroated me and stuck her finger in my ass.

"OH! FUCK! CUMMING!!!" That was about it for coherent thought, words and action. Marsha had me cumming so hard, I was seeing those twinkly little lights and shit.

When the girls were sure Mike and I were wiped out, they eased off the daisy chain and told us what was next. To our identical incredulous expressions.

Marsha and Kate were going to get on their hands and knees, doggy-style, next to each other, Marsha to the left, Kate to the right. We'd start with me fucking Marsha and Kate sucking Mike. When they called switch!, I'd move to fucking Kate and Mike would move to getting sucked by Marsha. When they called switch! again, Mike would move to fucking Marsha while I moved to getting blown by Kate. And lastly, on the next switch!, Mike would move to fucking Kate and I would move to getting blown by Marsha.

And then we'd do it again. We'd keep doing that rotation until they decided we were done.

Those devious young succubae somehow knew exactly how to call switch! right before either Mike or I got off. They, on the other hand, kept tripping over. A lot. They kept us going until we were both going to have a severe case of epididymal hypertension -- blue balls for short. Finally, they let me lose it. I was fucking Kate at the time and went off in a big way!

I felt like I spent ten minutes pumping a gallon of jizz into her hot, tight pussy. I know it wasn't. It just felt like it. I finally slowed down and started going soft.

"God, that was good," Kate told me. "Pull out and lie down." I did what I was told.

"Okay, Mike," Marsha told him. "Finish me off." He was not slow on the uptake. He moved behind her, plunged in and started pounding away, which just drove Marsha right up the wall. She was damn near howling by the time he lost it. When he started going soft, Marsha had him pull out and lie down on the other side. The four of us spent a good fifteen minutes just lying there, recovering.

Kate managed to stagger over to the mini-fridge we had down there and come back with some juice bottles for us to rehydrate. I thought that had been an amazing 'welcome to our place' for Mike. I had no idea there was going to be a Round Three.

Which is how we got to the alternating Double Penetrations. Me on my back, up one of the girls' asses, with Mike standing at the end of the bed, fucking her pussy. Then the girls would switch places. Then it was Mike on his back and me standing while the girls each took a turn. By the time we got through all four combinations, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to drive Mike back to the motel.

"Man, this better not be the usual routine when I'm down here this summer, or I'm a dead man," Mike told us as we all lay there, exhausted.

"Nope," Kate told him. "Just weekends." I'm not sure he blanched, but he might have.

"I have to keep up my GPA," he pointed out -- feebly.

"In which effort, we will help you," Marsha told him. "Just like you'll help us. We're a team, Mike. Welcome aboard."

It was maybe half an hour after that, when I could see straight, that I got it together enough to drive him back. The girls went with, of course. We said our quiet goodbyes, with hugs and kisses around, and iterated how much we were looking forward to his joining us. Then he headed in and we headed back.

In testimony to how good a time we'd had, neither Marsha, nor Kate, nor I were in any kind of shape to mess around. We all just went to the big bed and crashed.

* * * * *

After Mike left, Marsha, Kate and I went back to our usual, boring routine. Classwork predominated and we were all truly committed to getting decent grades. Marsha was out of town a couple of times, on tour for long weekends, and I had to spend a lot of extra time at the Lab. Our instructor, who also happened to be the department head, was applying for an NSF grant for our human figure project and our entire group had to put in some serious effort to make the various deadlines.

We actually made it to Finals week fucking and sleeping together only on weekends. And usually only Friday night or Saturday... not generally both. Finals week, and the week before, really ground us down -- but we came out of it alive and relatively sane, and looking forward to Mike joining us.

The week between Finals and the start of summer term, I drove up to Chicago and picked up Mike and his stuff -- only a couple of suitcases' worth -- and drove him back down. He presented us with a check from Uncle John to help cover any expenses getting him set up. We had a group sit-down about how we wanted to handle it.

We decided to move the full-sized bed from the middle room over to one designated 'the Girls' room' and buy another for 'my' room, which would become 'the Guys' room'. The middle room would get all the desks and such, and become the 'Study'. Most sex would be relegated to the 'Playroom' in the basement. Any sleeping arrangement beyond one person in one bed would be worked out as we went.

Mike got added to the chores rotation and we sync'd up schedules. Mike had the heavy class load since he was catching up. Marsha, Kate and I took on a light load of filler classes, to ease the next year. Marsha and I were both headed into our Senior years, Mike was going in as a Junior and Kate was heading into Sophomore year. We talked generally about going up to Door County for the Fourth of July, but since it was on a Tuesday we didn't think that would be too feasible. So we also talked about just staying in Carbondale and going up for the two-plus weeks between the end of Summer term and the start of Fall. We hadn't really made any hard and fast plans when we got the call.

* * * * *

A week before the Fourth, my Dad called. He told us that Aunt Barbara intended to come in after the Fourth with Suzy and Bob, to spend the rest of the summer at the cottage, like last year. My Mom would take Mary and Luke up as well. Matt could come up if he wanted to and stay with Jim, and Natalie would be up there most of the time, too. Don, Steve and Tom would come and go as they had time, and both Dad and Uncle John were going to try to spend time up there.

The four of us, of course, were going to be at school but welcome to come up between terms, if we wanted. Then he hit us with the surprise.

"Mark, both your Mom and I would like to come down over the holiday long weekend, if you don't mind. And we'd like to bring Mary and Luke. Mostly, we'd like to see how you're doing and give Mary an early look at college. She's heading into her Senior year and starting to think about schools. We figure you four would be in an excellent position to show her around and give her an idea of what life might be like. It isn't certain that she'd be going to Southern, but a general orientation wouldn't hurt. Would that be okay with you?"

"Uh... just a sec," I told him, then turned to the others and relayed what he'd said since they hadn't heard him. I'm sure we were all thinking about what impact there'd be, having my parents and siblings visiting. I'm also sure we all knew it would be a political necessity to agree, to ensure domestic tranquility. We all just basically shrugged and I went back to the phone.

"Sure, Dad, that's fine," I told him. "You know we don't really have the space to put everybody up here, right? I mean, we have our guest space downstairs that could take you and Mom, but we only have the one couch in the living room that Mary or Luke could use. After that, we don't have much in the way of options."

"We thought that might be the case," he told me. "We'll get rooms at a motel and stay out of your hair, for the most part. We were thinking of coming down Saturday, staying through the Fourth on Tuesday, then heading back here on Wednesday. The next weekend but one, Mom would take Mary and Luke with her and go up to the cottage. Is that okay?"

"That's fine," I told him. "We can spend Sunday touring the campus and Monday doing a barbeque or something. The town's got fireworks Tuesday night and we don't have classes until Wednesday. It should work out fine."

And with that, our plans for the Fourth got set. Again, we were going to have to be on our good behavior. But honestly? It was getting a lot easier to do. The sex was going to have to be curtailed to the wee hours, but we could cope. We were already keeping most of it to the weekends.

We already had a small cast iron hibachi grill we'd picked up at a resale shop, so we'd be able to grill in our backyard. And the house had come with a wooden picnic table. We had a cooler for drinks, so mostly we were just going to need to do grocery shopping to feed an extra four. We didn't know if we'd be doing dinner all four nights or not, but having extra on hand wasn't going to hurt us. So we just put our heads back in our books and waited for Saturday to arrive.

[Saturday 7/1]

We were going to spend Saturday giving the house a top to bottom spiffing up before the parental units arrived. With a definite eye to the proprieties, like we had when Uncle John visited. We were greeted at breakfast by a boatload of cleaning supplies Kate had laid out and each assigned a room to start.

Oddly enough, with the two girls sharing one bedroom and Mike and I sharing the other, it really did look like a guys' dorm and a girls' dorm. Everything else was pretty nondescript, except for the bed in the basement, and we made that look like guest quarters again. We all got our laundry pushed through and put away, which I'm sure was going to make my Mom suspicious that we were trying to impress her. In a way, we were. She hadn't seen the house, yet, because she'd stayed home with Mary and Luke when we'd first moved down.

Marsha decided that doing a meatloaf for Saturday night could cover both bases -- there'd be plenty for the eight of us if we were feeding my family that night, or plenty of leftovers for sandwiches and stuff for the rest of the week if we weren't. We threw in mashed potatoes and mixed veggies to make it look like we were trying to eat healthy and a boatload of gravy to look like we weren't.

It turned out to be good call on Marsha's part, because around five o'clock we got a call from my Dad telling us they'd gotten in and had checked into the motel, and were wondering if we had plans for dinner.

We told them we were glad they got in safely and that we had dinner covered if they wanted to come to the house. They accepted and about six, Mom's Country Squire pulled into our driveway. We four trooped out to meet them. There were the welcoming hugs and handshakes, and then I took the lead on giving them a tour of the house, pretty much explaining for Mom's benefit how we had everything set up. Mike went to set the table while Marsha and Kate finished getting dinner ready.

We finally sat down to a huge family dinner that actually felt like it. Conversation was predictably centered on how the four of us were doing and tangentially how Mary was doing and what kinds of things she wanted to know. My sister had always been an intelligent and sort of bookish person, and wasn't sure exactly which direction she wanted to go... although it was probably in the History, English, Liberal Arts direction. Kate, the now experienced Freshman/Sophomore, really got into sharing about the base level coursework and how Mary would have at least two years before she had to pick a major.

Mom was suitably impressed that Marsha was part of a touring dance company and Dad was happy that both Mike and I were finding a home in Design, albeit less traditional than Architecture or Engineering. Luke seemed like he was sort of along for the ride until Mike started talking about the Saluki sports teams. Football and basketball had been mediocre this last year, but the baseball team had done okay, placing 2nd in the Midwestern Conference. After that conversation, Luke's attitude seemed more up.

We kept it light and wide-ranging and completely appropriate. Mike made the observation that his timing sucked, with Fuller closing his Carbondale office in favor of Edwardsville, and moving out, selling his home. But the Design Department would continue with his teachings, along with other out-of-the-box subjects, so he was still happy to have made the move. I pointed out that the CGL was bleeding edge and would love to get him interested.

We agreed to meet up at ten in the morning to tour the campus and I suggested lunch at the Student Center, if they were open. We talked until around nine, when Dad decided it had been a long day, especially with the six hour drive and that they were going to head on back to the motel to wind down for the night. I did notice that Mary was in quiet conversation with Marsha and Kate while helping clean up after dinner, but I didn't say anything. I figured whatever it was, it was between them.

Everybody got their hugs and handshakes goodbye and then they were off while the four of us went back inside and deflated.

"Whew!" Kate exhaled as she sank into the couch. "That's some serious whirlwind energy there..."

"Says the connoisseur," I kidded her. "And agreed. It felt like packing 10 lbs. of whatever into a 5 lb. bag."

"We're probably going to have to lobby for lunch at Merlin's tomorrow," Marsha pointed out. "Instead of the Student Center." Which confused me.

"Why do we want to eat lunch at a bar?" It seemed like a reasonable question.

"Not the bar, proper," Marsha told me. "The Café. Mary wants to know where to score guys around here and I figure that's the safest bet. The Café is open during the day and they don't card, unless you're buying alcohol. And she can see one of the more notorious social centers but with family. It'll be an under-the-radar way to show her without advertising it."

"My sister wants to pick up guys?" Incredulous came to mind.

"Would you rather she pick up girls?" Marsha asked. "I'd have to introduce her to some of the theater people."

"No, no, no..." I tried to explain. "I mean, since when is my sister... my underage bookworm sister... interested in guys?"

"Since she hit puberty?" Kate suggested. "You know... good genetics?"

I shut up. I was flabbergasted. I couldn't process the idea of my sweet, innocent, baby sister being interested in sex. Or anything in the vicinity.

"Any idea what we're doing for the Fourth?" Mike asked. Thank goodness, the question derailed me.

"Well, fireworks, of course, but Martin Field is going to be nuts," I told him. "I'd bet we're looking at a crowd of around ten thousand. At a stadium designed for two. However..." I paused dramatically. "We happen to be far enough south so we can see them from our backyard. Or from the park down the street, if we have a huge desire to mingle, although I'm guessing that the park will be a bit crowded, too. We won't be able to see the ground displays, but we can definitely see all the aerial stuff. It's probably the biggest show in Southern Illinois. And there's the parade down 51. I'm not all that interested in it, but others may be."

"Either place for the fireworks, we're going to need more lawn chairs than we have," Marsha pointed out. "Maybe tomorrow we buy some?"

"We can see what's available," I agreed. "Most of the day is touring the campus and grilling dinner here. We can check out chairs Monday, for that matter."

"So if we've solved all the pressing world problems for tonight," Kate asked, "can we go fuck?"

The four of us looked at each other. As one, we stood up. Nobody could think of a reason not to...

* * * * *

"I don't know where you two learned to use your mouths and hands like that," Marsha moaned as we lay sprawled on the basement bed. "But refractory period or not, you're wiping me out! I've got another round in me at most. Jesus..."