On the Mend


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I had Rose naked before me for the first time since we were eighteen, I drank in her body like a fine wine. When we were young, Rose was quite skinny. She had flaming red hair, flared hips, and relatively small breasts in the a-cup range. Today Rose had filled out gracefully having a full voluptuous figure. Her breasts were now large and heavy in the low end of a D-cup, her hips were still wide, but her ass had rounded out amazingly. She also had a full red bush over her mound that I could smell her arousal calling to me.

She giggled at me, looking lovingly at her naked body.

"You like this, Cameron my love?" she asked in a seductive tone, moving slightly to strike a pose. She looked at her stump, losing that sensual look a moment later. I immediately pounced on her kissing her lips, running my hands up her sides, and brushing the sides of her breasts. The look of doubt she gave me about her stump forgotten, she moaned.

"Rose, my beautiful Rose petal. I love this. You're so much sexier now, your curves have driven me mad for years, and now I have you all over again."

She sighed, "thank you, my love," she said, "Now show me how well you have aged."

I made a poor attempt at taking my clothes off like a stripper, taking off my shirt and pants. I kind of caught one leg as I took my jeans off, tripping, making Rose laugh. I shrugged off my socks, then dropped my boxers.

"Oh my," Rose said, licking her lips while looking down my body, over my cock, then back up to my eyes. "You have filled out, Cam, back then you were scrawny, now what to do with this hunk of a man before me?" she teased me, a look of love in her eyes that I now knew was just for me.

I collapsed on the bed with her, we laughed and made out. I kissed down her neck, spending a good twenty minutes, yes that long, kissing, licking and rubbing her breasts. Her nipples were a lot more sensitive than when we were teenagers. But while I played with her chest, I let my hands wander below. She had two mini-orgasms by the time I was done, and it wasn't long after I had buried my tongue in her lovely sweet pussy that she had a third.

"Cam, my love, I know you want to please me, I know I want your tongue in me a lot more, but right now, I need to feel you inside me. Make me your woman again. Please, my love."

I needed no more begging, easily siding my six-inch cock into her, causing her to cum before I had even bottomed out. I tried to hold still as she worked her way through her orgasm, her body was still weak, so I didn't want to hurt her. After a moment, she encouraged me to start thrusting, I took it slow and gentle, but she orgasmed one more time before I felt my release pulling out and spilling my seed all over her abdomen.

I quickly retrieved a washcloth from the attached bathroom, cleaning her up. She sighed contently, I then helped her to the shower, gently washed both her and myself before depositing us both in bed then falling asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning, we were woken up by the smell of breakfast wafting through the door, a few moments later, Carrie came waltzing in, a hand in front of her face.

"Cover-up, you two, I'm coming in!" she said, dropping the hand, seeing that we were both covered by the sheet smiling.

"Sleep well?" she asked.

"Amazing, sweetie," Rose responded sleepily. "It feels so good to sleep in a normal bed again." She looked over at me, "And to sleep beside someone you love." suddenly, she sat up, the sheet dropping away, exposing her ample bust. "Is that the smell of coffee?" Then she realised she was naked, "Shit, I'm sorry, Carrie."

Carrie blushed a little, then laughed.

"Rose, don't be. Your breasts are amazing. I hope mine are as firm as yours when I'm your age," she looked sneakily at me. "I know my dad loves them already, I mean again." Rose and I both blushed deep red while Rose pulled the sheet up. "You know what I mean." Carrie then changed topics. "Breakfast is ready, Sara and Robbie are setting up now, so I was designated to come and see if you needed any help getting ready since we figured you would both be naked." She grinned.

"No, it's alright, sweetie, Rose and I can get dressed, I'll help her down in a couple of minutes. Be a good girl and close the door on the way out." I said.

"Yes dad." She gave a mock salute walking out, closing the door and laughing.

They were all laughing when we made it down about ten minutes later. The rest of the morning was casual, our new family felt right, it felt like it had always been that way, and I suppose in one way, it had. We had been in each other lives forever, there was the casual air of a family just being ourselves.

A few weeks later, the divorce between Louise and I became final, our assets were formally split. Thanks to the Pre-nuptial agreement, Louise got very little. She didn't get to touch my business which was worth quite a bit. The sale of our original house stayed with me, and even though I didn't have to, I gave her a check for forty-thousand dollars, which was a little under half of our combined savings.

Why did I do that when with the prenup I would only have to give her around half that, you may ask? Well, it was for two reasons. First, Louise had killed any relationship with us through her actions. I wanted to give her enough money that she could get out of her parent's home and start a life somewhere else. I had heard on the grapevine she had been offered a job in Wollongong, which would mean we would not need to see her again. Giving her that money, I hoped, would encourage that move. Besides, my settlement from her previous work to keep the affair between her and Roger under wraps added a zero to the number I gave her, so I wasn't hurting for money.

Speaking of Roger, it appears he had gotten into a bit of trouble. Once he couldn't get a job, somehow, he ended up selling drugs for a dealer and, on his first-week dealing, ended up selling to an undercover cop, so he's now serving two years for trafficking. It couldn't happen to a more likable guy if you ask me.

It was six months later that Rose and I got married. She was beautiful in her wedding dress with a bouquet over her stump. She was self-conscious about how she looked going through several bouts of depression, but with the kids and I always around her, it never lasted long. Rose also ended up changing jobs but, with her psychology degree, moved into counselling those who had lost limbs like herself. Two years after we were married, she was honoured by the government in the Australia Day awards for her contribution to helping those in need with a disability. In her speech, she thanked her family and friends then called me up on stage with her, citing me as the main reason for her success because I stood by her as she picked herself up after her accident.

It was a busy time. Both Rose and I did several media interviews. We even turned up on a couple of the morning shows, talking through the physical and mental challenges of those with a physical disability. My wife was beautiful, despite her handicap, never let anyone see her worried or cry. Yet, in those times when she was down, she knew I was right there with her to help her stand up again. The love that Rose and I had for each other grew every day, while we did have disagreements, we always forgave each other and never went to bed angry with each other.

We didn't see Louise for about three years after the award. It was Carrie and Robbie's wedding. Now they had graduated university with honours in their chosen fields, had good jobs, but wanted to start a family while they were young. Carrie didn't want to invite her mother; they had spoken twice in three years, both times had been terse and unfriendly. But I talked her into inviting Louise for no other reason than she gave birth to Carrie and should be able to celebrate that fact. Finally, Carrie relented but asked that Louise be seated at one of the tables with regular guests, not with family.

I shrugged. I didn't care where my ex-wife sat, as long as it wasn't near Rose and me. I just wanted to make sure that Carrie didn't look back in the years to come wishing her mother was at least there at her wedding.

In the end, there was a compromise. Louise ended up sitting with her aging parents, who were happy to sit a couple of tables back to keep the peace with their granddaughter and her new husband.

As is always the case with ex-wives at weddings, I was at the bar, grabbing myself a Kraken and coke. It wasn't on the tab, but since I was paying, I could get what I wanted when Louise wandered up, leaning on the bar beside me. She ordered a glass of white wine then turned to look at me.

"I never said I was sorry, did I?" she asked me bluntly, but it was more of a statement than a question.

"Nope," I said, turning around, looking out against the crowd. Rose, Sara and Carrie were on the other side of the room, laughing about something. I smiled.

"But then again, I never thought you would," I said to her, finishing the sentence.

Louise sighed.

"You're right. I was a mess back then, a complete and utter mess entirely of my own making," she said.

"Yep," I said, enunciating the last syllable then taking a sip of my drink. Rose looked over at me, smiled, then frowned as she saw Louise beside me. I gave a slight shake of my head, she nodded, knowing there was no issue.

"I saw you both at the Australia Day awards and followed what you have both achieved since then," Louise said sadly. She was watching my wife, her former friend laughing with our daughters, knowing that she would never be able to enjoy a relationship like that with either of her girls ever again.

"She hates me; they all do, don't they?" Louise said, looking at them, then to me, then down into her wine glass.

"Hate is a strong word to use Louise..." Then, after a moment of reflection, I chuckled, "No, actually, it's an apt word for what they think of you. But as time goes by, the fire dies down. In another decade, who knows, the girls might pick up a phone call from you."

I felt more than saw Louise's shoulder sag. Then she turned to me.

"What about you Cameron? Do you hate me?" my ex-wife asked.

I shrugged. "Hate, loathe, despise, take your pick." I heard the band start to tune their instruments in the background. I smiled to myself. Soon I would get to dance with my daughter.

"But you convinced Carrie to invite me tonight. So if you hate me that much, why?" she moaned.

I turned to look at Louise, and it was the first time I had looked at her all night. She was a hollowed-out woman compared to the person I used to know. Her cheeks were prominent, like she wasn't eating well, but her ass had ballooned out. Her eyes had a haunted look to them, it looked like her hair wasn't just going grey or being covered by a bad dye job, but her hairline was receding somewhat. Overall, I knew this woman I had once loved was broken. I studied her a moment more before replying.

"Louise, no mother should have to miss her daughter's wedding, even if she was a disgraceful slut. But I didn't invite you here to make you feel better. I invited you to make sure our daughter would have a clear conscience going into her own marriage." I paused, then tipped my glass to a passing couple. "That's all, and if I never have to see you again, I'll count myself a fortunate man."

With that, I walked away, joining my family for the wedding dances. I did hear a sob saying, "I'm sorry." Unfortunately for her, the way she acted didn't generate any sympathy.

For the rest of the night, we danced and ate, joked and laughed, and I never saw Louise again.

We did hear from her parents that Louise died a few years later. It was just after Sara had just gotten engaged to a doctor. Yeah, surprise, didn't see that coming. But at Sara's engagement party, we found out that Louise ended up with an ovarian cyst that became infected, passing away in a hospital bed with only her parents around her. She hadn't wanted anyone to say anything to us, sad really.

As for Rose and I, we kept each other honest. When they came along, we doted on our grandkids together. We travelled the world, seeing sights and wonders. We made love in countries all over the globe, spoilt grandkids and even eventual great-grandkids. While age did end up slowing our bodies, there was more than one occasion when we got caught doing something naughty by one of the family. But no one ever really complained. They knew that Rose and I were in love and that love hadn't dimmed at all over the years. Some older people getting up to some risqué fun just proved it. When I looked at my Rose Petal, I saw the girl I loved at eighteen, the woman I married in my forties, the naughty smile on the grandma approaching eighty-two and knew I was going to get lucky tonight, I knew in my soul I would be loved till the day I die.

[:::: Fin ::::]

[:::: Authoring Final Notes ::::]

Hey everyone, thanks for reading through "On the Mend," I enjoyed writing this one, the draft came together quickly over a single day. What surprised me was when I initially drafted the scene of everyone comforting Cameron after Louise's betrayal. I didn't know they would not make it back the next day.

Thanks all, see you in the next story!


John Other.

{Note: Due to a typo in the title when I published the original, I have resubmitted a new version with the title stored and a couple of other issues fixed. Not all of them, of course, if I did, I wouldn't get any comments 😉}

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

Anonymous , yes Rose’s husband had been gone only a year or so. But the vows are “ until death “ I know of several people from my parents be that remarried just months after their spouse died. But it was cancer and she told my parents and their friends that they had said goodbye and she expected him to re-marry soon . On the wagons heading west trail marriages happened. Shipboard marriages happened from the 1600’s to the 1900’s as spouses died, mothers needed a provide or their children, fathers needed a mother for his kids. Many of these were happy marriages lasting decades until death. Life has not always been so kind and benevolent

AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

I’ve never understood either the boss going to sleep with the wife or she is going to sleep around and come back. I’m from the Midwest and hunting accidents happen, target shooting accidents happen, stray bullets find their ways onto gold courses, cars get run off the road. And people cut their own throats peeling vegetables. Divorce happens, don’t like it but it does. But as the saying goes God made some men weal and some strong, Colt made them all equal. I’m old now but being NFL sized had its advantages in protecting girls in college ( if they wanted it) payback can come weeks, months or years later, but it will come.

AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

Its nice to read about good people being graced with a happy fulfilling life. It doesn't seem to be the case all the time these days in the twenty first century. Your stories are vicariously enjoyable. Thank you for not giving into pandering crass sexual deviance.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Another stupid trite part.

Hide truth/lie to kids.

MCs want to "protect slut/kids"



No wonder truth, justice,and American way a thing of past

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

wow rose's husband hadnt even been gone a year and she's already fucking another guy

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