One to Die For Ch. 02


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Nora and I dated for a couple of months. Sex became an every day thing, my body snugged up even tighter. I began to think I was falling in love. Finally I decided to go for it, I asked her to marry me.

"I would like that, I think. But can Janet come and live with us?" She said it like she had expected me to ask.

"Janet? I never thought...why?"

"We are roommates, we are friends. We get along and I guess what I have to say is we come as a pair."

Well, I did have a big house with an entire upstairs that was almost never used.

"Man! Naked women around all day every day? You guys could kill me off!"

"Naw. Not for awhile, anyway." She grinned at me.

"You can know...with Janet. Well, if you want to." Nora grinned.

"I think you will be enough for me." I told her, but the thought did pop into my head.

We kissed to seal the deal, Janet came in just as we disengaged.

"What's going on?" She asked.

We told her, she just laughed.

"Hey, fine with me, I am sick of that damned apartment anyway." Then she hugged Nora.

Then they kissed?

I stood there saying nothing, this was yet another surprise. They both turned to me, their arms around each other's waist.

"Dan, if you are still serious, you get two of us for the price of one. Are you sure you can keep up?" Nora grinned.

"Hey, I will have two nurses on staff, I bet I can manage." I said, still unsure since Nora had been quite clear about Janet not touching me.

Now that seemed to have...changed?

So I was somewhat confused.

But I had a feeling I wasn't going to need that upstairs bedroom.

I also had a feeling I just might die happy.

My life went back to a semblence of normalcy for a few weeks as Nora and Janet took over the chores of planning what was to be a simple wedding.

The only real change was that I spent most evenings over at their apartment, then back to my ranch to care for the place. Or they both stayed at my house, then off to their jobs at the clinic.

I also wondered about that a few times, but I figured that even if Nora did something with one of her clients it would probably be just like it was with me when I was there.

Janet still acted like she always did, half the time she was running around the house in just her panties, sometimes not even those. She would use the bathroom and not bother to close the door, we were like an old married couple except Janet never made any kind of move and I didn't either.

It was just the three of us and like Nora said, I actually got used to it. Nora was more reserved, she did close the bathroom door, and she seldom was nude around the house except when we were in bed.

Nora was an eager sex partner, too. At no time in my life had I ever been so active, I actually began to notice my body tightening up even more and I lost some weight.

I had had a small suspicion about them, they were completely familiar with each other. But there was never anything right in front of me, nothing I could put my finger on.

I had more or less resigned myself to them possibly being lovers from time to time. Even that didn't bother me much. Some men might find that exciting but I didn't, it somehow didn't really mean anything.

I did suggest that they give up the apartment due to the extra costs but they wouldn't, claiming that it would be handy for sleeping when they pulled double shifts and things like that.

It didn't really hit me at the time that they never seemed to ever do any double shifts.

Love is blind and there is no fool like an old fool, they say.

My first indication that something was up was when I came in early, I had run over a sharp stick and flattened a tire, so I had to walk back to the house to get my tractor and some tools.

No way could I sneak up on the house with my truck, anyone could hear me coming for over a mile.

I was outside in my attached shed and the side window was open, I overheard Janet and Nora talking.

"Probably way over a million." Janet said.

I stopped to listen.

"Lots more than that!" Nora said.

"He still hasn't said anything about writing a pre-nuptual?"

"No, not a peep. I doubt he even thought about it."

It hit me suddenly. It was a shock, enough that I felt a tug in my chest. I took a few deep breaths and the feeling eased, then I worked my way around to where I could see in the window under the curtain.

Nora and Janet were lying on the bed, both naked and in each other's arms. That confirmed my other suspicion.

"Over a million?" I knew what they had to be talking about, it had to be the ranch. It was closer to three million anyway, what with inflation and all. The comments made it sound like these two gals had found themselves a score, what could they be planning?

I gathered the tools I needed, ran my tractor with my spare back up and changed the tire. I was feeling a little bit sick inside.

Then I did something I had never done in all the years I had been married to Marty. I waited until Nora and Janet were gone to the hospital, and I searched their things. I opened everything I could think of, coming up with nothing. Then I happened to check the medicine cabinet, there seemed to be nothing in there out of the ordinary. I did spot the bottles of pills the doctor prescribed for me, I picked up the partly full bottle absentmindedly, looked at it.

There was another bottle sitting behind it, exactly the same but unopened. I happened to glance up at the 3rd bottle, a typical 3 months supply was in there, perfectly normal.

Then I realized the label looked different. I looked closely, the brand name and label was the same but the printing was slightly different.

Like it had been made on a different computor or something?

I put on my glasses and looked closer. The tablets inside were a slightly different shade and shape. Not enough to really even notice unless a person was looking closely.

I took one, placed it in a ziplock bag and stuck it in my pocket.

The next day I went to the local pharmacy and had a talk with them. The man on the counter knew me, he looked at the tablet, scraped it and looked some more under a microscope.

"Just a sugar pill, they are harmless." He told me.

I nodded and started to turn away, curious as to why there were sugar pills in my prescription bottle.

"One thing, Sir. Be careful, those look similar to the blood thinners you take, you don't want to miss taking that."

I thanked him, now I had things pretty much figured out. I was to be married in just two weeks, I had a three month's supply of medications.

The sugar pills would not hurt me, not taking the medicine I now knew very well could. Perhaps I could go for a long time without it, then again...perhaps not?

Then if something did happen to me, it would be natural causes, certainly not traceable back to a couple of nurses. At least, not likely. Even if that didn't work, what could they come up with next? After all, they were nurses and had access to lord knows what.

I thought about the will I had always planned on having written up and never got around to. Nora knew about that of course, we always talked just like I had with my wife Marty. I had mentioned that I wanted my son and his family to get my farm, but I had some other assets so Nora would be taken care of.

But there were no guarantees. The possiblities should something happen to me just never really crossed my mind.

Married? Nora then stood to inherit everything! Janet wouldn't but they were a team, and lovers.

They say there is no fool like an old fool.

The only reason I was still alive at all was medical intervention, hell, I knew that. The risk from not taking the medicine was pretty high, my Doctor had been clear on that point.

I had rather suddenly found myself in a very active sexual relationship with a much younger woman, and I was constantly being kept off balance by Janet and her blatant teasing.

Marry the old man and just let him go? That just might work and even if it didn't they would have access to a pretty good chunk of my assets.

That night I sat and watched TV with Nora, Janet came into the room in her usual state of undress.

"You look good enough to eat!" I told her.

"Do you think you have enough to handle it, big boy?" She teased.

"Yep, I sure do!" I got up and reached for her, she stood there in surprise. I ran my hands up and under the cut off T-shirt she had on, letting my hands wander over her bare breasts.

"Time to sample some of this!" I said, letting my arm drop to her waist and turning her towards the bedroom. Nora sat there with her mouth open, I saw them exchange glances. I was waiting for Nora to explode, say something.

She just sat there, surprised. I moved Janet into the bedroom, she was doing her best to act normal but she was failing miserably, she hadn't expected this. In the few months I had known her her teasing comments had been almost constant but I had just met her banter with my own, making no move.

I reached down and lifted her T-shirt over her head, she didn't even resist. Then I pressed her back on the bed, grasping the sides of the shorts she wore and pulled them down and off her legs. I reached down and tripped the catch on my jeans and let them fall to the floor. I was prepared, I hadn't even bothered with any briefs.

The look on her face was priceless, she also was quiet, something Janet almost never was. I looked down at her, reached out and pushed her knees apart, reaching down to fondle her. That rewarded me with a short gasp. I slid up on top of her, held her open with my fingers and shoved myself inside, not bothering with any foreplay. She let out a groan, but still didn't move.

I began to thrust at her, not really lovemaking but just raw sex. I was actually trying to make it hurt. Lord she was tight, and still not well lubed, I didn't care. But in just a few seconds I felt her body change, her mouth came open. Her hips made a tiny motion against me, then suddenly she was thrusting wildly at me. Her arms came up and her hands gripped my shoulders as I slammed my stiffness into her.

I took ahold of her wrists and pressed her back, holding her helpless. I let my chest fall against her bare breasts pinning her, there was nothing she could do but take the thrusts as I jammed into her as hard as I could.

I felt her spasm in climax and I just kept on, she spasmed a second time, she was holding her legs so wide I was mashed against her. She flooded with wetness, gutteral grunts escaping her lips. Hell, I was basically forcing her and she was liking it.

Then I could hold back no more, I buried myself as deeply as I could as I released, another long groan escaped her lips. Exhausted, I came to a stop, finally as I softened I slipped out of her. I looked down at her, my sperm dribbled down her now wide open and puffy lips.

I lay back against the pillow, Janet lay there gasping, her breath slowly returning to normal.

Then she rolled over on one elbow, looking at me.

"Wow! Now what set that off?"

"It was time, I guess. And you did say two for the price of one."

She reached out and took ahold of my now limp penis, stroked it a few times. It actually reacted slightly.

"God you are big, I have never seen a man get so hard either." She purred as she continued to stroke me in fascination. I managed to stifle a laugh, I had basically just fucked her in anger and she had responded. The bisexual I knew about, the bit of S&M I didn't.

I sat up and she released me, then I got up and hopped into the shower. I half expected her to join me but she was still naked on my bed when I came out, drying myself with a towel.

I pulled on my pants and shirt and went into the living room, plopping down on the chair and reaching for the remote. Nora sat there, she didn't say a word but she had a pissed off expression on her face.

I ignored her, just started clicking the channels like everything was perfectly normal.

I figured it wouldn't be long.

It wasn't.

"Well, how was she?" Nora finally said. I could tell she was trying to keep the irritation out of her voice.

"Not bad at all, I think I will like this two for the price of one stuff." I grinned.

"I just didn't think...I mean...we were just teasing."

"I wasn't teasing."

Janet came out, Nora and she exchanged glances.

"I will bet I live to be 100." I said.

"Probably, Nora and I can take care of you." Janet said, giving me a sweet smile. She still looked nasty sitting there in just the T-shirt.

"Yea, you gals plan on taking care of me, all right." I said, a sarcastic tone in my voice.

"What do you mean?" Nora asked.

"I know about the trick with my medicine." I said. What the hell, I figured we might as well get it into the open.

They looked at each other and froze, I could see Nora start to deny it but then her shoulders slumped.

"I am going to want both of you out of here now."

They looked at each other, Janet got up and reached for her bag. Nora sat there for a moment, then she got up, too.

Hell, I had expected yelling, some denial, something out of them. But it was like they were just caught and gave up.

I was still clicking the channels when the door closed.

They say there is no fool like an old fool, I suppose that is true. I even thought about making a phone call, the police might be interested but I knew that would be very hard to prove. I could see myself trying to explain that they had planned to do me in with sugar pills?

That might not have even worked, although I would bet they had other plans if it didn't.

The hell with it.

I went into the kitchen, started shuffling some pans and preparing myself some food.

No fool like an old fool. I really did feel a little bit sick inside, I liked Nora and had even thought I was in love. But then I started laughing.

Man they sure were some fine pieces of ass! I was thinking I should have perhaps stretched that out a bit. After all, I was once again used to regular sex, and I liked that.

Oh well, my confidence was up now. The world is full of women.

I was betting I could find myself some more.

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oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Well thought out with a good twist at the end, glad you didn’t let him go on getting his end away it made this story work so much better.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Well that escalated quickly. Sure didn't see it coming either. I had to laugh when Dan was cleaning up his house and said "changed the bed which didn't need it since it hadn't even been a month yet". Cracked me up. Too bad that he wasn't able to do something to the girls besides run them off. I'm sure he was smart enough to come up with something. Anyway, good story and well written. Thanks

jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Why would anyone be shocked. Especially after the Janet association I began to expect something was off. Only thing that made sense was his property.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 7 years ago
As a nurse since 1969 I really like these stories about nurses.

And many, many funny things happen in hospitals. Fun, fun, fun!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 9 years ago
it was too good to be true !

Alas. Well the story was a bit of a downer but he'll bounce back. Well crafted story for sire. *****

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