One, Two, Three Mikes...and Kay!


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"That's perfect, Mikey. My feet are still nice and firm on my comfy footrests. But I want YOU to perform really, really well for me. So, here, let me stroke that cock of yours so its nice and hard for me." She reached down and stroked his shaft with one hand, fondled his testicles with the other. On his knees before her, Mikey moaned. She stroked him energetically, until he was nearly bursting in her hand. Then, before giving him his final orders, she looked from side to side, watching the two men on their backs on the floor, stroking themselves with her shoes while she smothered their faces under her grinding feet. Yes, she was hot as she'd ever been. She locked her excited eyes on Mikey's expectant ones. She whispered to him, "Fuck me, Mikey. Ram your cock in me all the way to my neck." She was already shuddering and moaning as she fell back into the soft, enveloping pillow.

Mikey was torn between his eagerness to enter her and being careful not to dislodge his Mistress's feet from their warm perches. So he slid forward slowly, panting loudly, until the head of his cock was close enough to her pussy to bob against the soft, outer lips. Then, throwing caution to the wind, he thrust home. Kay moaned as he filled her canal with his burning organ. She sat up briefly and reached out to him, pulling him to her by the shoulders, kissing him on the mouth, holding him tightly to her. He instantly began thrusting into her harder and harder, his erect muscle filling her, her tightness stroking him hotly.

"Oh, yes, Mikey," Kay growled between passionate kisses, "love your Goddess. Show her how important it is to you to please her. Make me cum so hard, Mikey....make me cum so hard!" She was gasping out the words by now, sucking his lips and tongue, squeezing his firm ass as he slammed into her again and again.

Sweat trickled off both of them. Mikey held her by her hips, some faraway part of him hoping he wasn't disrupting the face mashing of his two fellow slaves. He needn't have worried. Not only did Kay have that well in hand - or perhaps "in foot" would be more appropriate - but Mike and Michael were blissfully oblivious to the carnal act above them. They were stroking themselves with Kay's sandals with one hand while their free hands were holding her feet tightly to their faces. Even her feet were sweating from her animalistic lovemaking, and the two footboys were reveling in her sweaty soles, nuzzling them, helping her crush their faces with them. They were in sole-inspired Nirvana. Sniffing, licking, savoring her sweating feet..and stroking madly with her shoes. They couldn't have cared less what reward - no matter how delicious - Mikey was receiving. They were happy where they were.

Kay began to bounce on the edge of the chaise. Mikey was groaning and biting his lip. Not only did it feel incredible inside his Goddess's pussy, but he felt so privileged, to even be there. To show his gratitude, he thrust into her harder than he'd ever done to ANY woman ever before. She quaked and bounced on the chaise, and if Mike and Michael hadn't been clutching her feet to their faces so tightly, she'd never have been able to maintain foot to face contact.

Mikey couldn't hold back. Everything that had happened that day caught up with him, and his penis began to spurt over and over into Kay's steaming sex. He groaned and kissed her mouth, her breasts. His fingers squeezed her ass, wanted to pull her as tightly against himself as possible. His tongue licked her breasts and nipples wildly; his lips sucked her nipples. And all the while he came and came and came.

Kay's head rolled from side to side while Mikey feasted on her breasts. Because of this, her eyes were treated to the sight of both her prone slaveboys having rocketing orgasms through the toe openings of her shoes. Madly lapping her feet, helping her grind her soles into their own faces, stroking themselves with leather, they were moaning and squirming on the floor at her feet. On both sides of her, creamy bursts soared into the air. All three of her footboys were coming like gangbusters, gasping and even screaming her name, thanking their Goddess. All of which finally led to Kay's own rollicking climax.

She held Mikey's face down firmly against her chest, forcing his mouth onto the nearest nipple. Her tongue slipped out from between her snickering lips as he gasped for air around her tingling aureola. Holding his head firmly in her grasp, she whisked his head from side to side, taking charge of which nipple he sucked and for how long. He happily sucked whichever one she shoved into his mouth. She was bucking against him hard enough to make his entire body shake, enjoying the sensations of his hot liquid filling her while his desperately working mouth sucked her. Everywhere around her were ecstatically erupting penises, and she knew they were gushing so because of their owners' intense desires to worship, obey and adore her. That fact alone made her cum all the harder. These men weren't getting off just because they were getting to enjoy various parts of her body, but because they knew that, first and foremost, Kay was receiving intense pleasure. THAT was their number one concern, and the number one cause of their ejaculations. As Kay's pleasure went, so went theirs.

Two prone slaveboys and one happily humping one were showering Kay with their devotion. And it made her orgasm so intense she thought she might pass out. Not only did she have sucking mouths on her feet and nipples, but Mike and Michael had even found the presence of mind to stroke the backs of her calves and behind her knees with those gentle, knowing fingertips. If a fourth slaveboy could've somehow been under her ass, nibbling away at it, it would've been sublime erotic perfection.

Kay's seemingly endless orgasm almost appeared strong enough to shoot Mikey right off of her and toss him across the room. This was a silly notion, of course, but she nonetheless held onto his head with scalp-denting fingers to assure his remaining exactly where he was. Mikey, his mouth full of tasty teats, didn't feel those fingers burrowing into his skull at all. He only knew Kay was squirming and squirting...the way he most liked her to be. Mike and Michael felt the same way. Kay's face-pounding didn't deter them one bit. They knew she was climaxing, and they wanted, like Mikey, to make it her best ever.

When Kay finally went limp under Mikey and her toes lessened their grips on two smiling faces, her three doting footmen knew her orgasm had subsided. But she still quivered under Mikey, feeling his last dribblings inside her, and her toes scrunched, wiggled and danced above her toeboys' faces. Mike and Michael were kissing those toes worshipfully, with soul deep homage and lingering pride at having helped Kay achieve such intense satisfaction. Mikey was likewise adoring her bountiful breasts, squeezing them together and kissing them passionately, reveling in their warmth and softness. Kay was merely sighing and riding out the convulsions still taking place between her legs. Her digging claws had mercifully left Mikey's scalp and had plopped limp at her sides. The grin on her face would remain firmly in place for several very long minutes.

"My foot slaves are the absolute BEST," she cooed, stretching and sighing, smiling from ear to ear, and then stroking Mikey's back gently with her finally relaxed fingers. She tousled his hair and kissed him on the face and mouth. Her feet she playfully rubbed on Mike's and Michael's faces, pressing her soles against their lips to allow them to once again kiss them reverently. They didn't disappoint her. After she felt her feet had been adequately adored, she lowered them so that she could playfully toe-tease those two slowly deflating penises, grinning mischievously as she flicked them about with her toes. Her feet had such power over those manly organs that it seemed only right that it was those same powerful feet that batted around her slaveboys' limp members. So

"Mikey," Kay said at last, "you now have my permission to remove your penis from inside me. It was a truly WONDERFUL ride, you sexy man. You've earned yourself a LOT more tongue time between my legs and HOURS of extra toe-sucking time. You WOULD like that, wouldn't you, Mikey?" She looked into his eyes, knowing his answer. Not only would he not risk displeasing her in any way, but, like his fellow footboys, he truly ENJOYED serving her, and saying no to having his head between her legs or his tongue between her toes wouldn't even occur to him.

"Of course, Goddess. Any man would he HONORED to taste ANY part of you any time you wish. I'm grateful for ANY pleasures I can give you." In his eyes she could see his adoration, and his eagerness to make her feel worshiped and revered.

Kay stroked the side of Mikey's face and smiled. She kissed him gently on the lips and said, "Okay then, slip out of me. I have other things I want to do with my footboys."

When Mikey had slipped himself out of her, she sat up on the chaise, feeling like a true Goddess. Mikey sat at the end of the chaise, eager for his next pleasure assignment. Mike and Michael sat also, looking up at Kay from their positions on the floor. But Mike's and Michael's looks were sad. Kay could see that not only were they exhausted (Ha! She KNEW she could outlast her footboys!), but they also had something else on their minds.

"What is it, you two? Mikey here seems ready to go on, but you boys seem tired. Are you giving up on your Goddess?"

Michael shook his head. "I'm going to need a rest. A LONG one. I feel like I've been through a wringer. But, even so," he was quick to add, "I'd be happy to take a break and please you again later, but when I agreed to come here today, I told Mikey I could only come for a few hours. I've got some business to attend to, and I have to leave shortly." The look on his face was pitiful. Kay could see that he felt like he was disappointing her, and rightfully so. His eyes were so sad, his body language almost pathetic, like a little boy knowing he must be doing something bad, but unable to do anything about it. His eyes pleaded with Kay to accept his as yet unspoken apology.

"Oh, Michael," Kay pouted, "that's too bad. You sure you can't stay? You know how you like me to keep you underfoot." She winked at him, giving him a chance to change his mind and stay.

"Sorry, Goddess," he said, standing and then bending to kiss her hand. "Like I said, I'd love to stay and be used by Your Royal Highness some more, but I just can't."

"That's too bad. But we'll have other times together, Michael."

Dejectedly, he started to gather up his clothes and get dressed. He hesitated over and over again, each time he put on another piece of clothing. Everyone in the room could see how badly he wanted to stay. Kay smiled at him, nodding, showing him she understood. It made it easier for him, but not much.

Kay was sad, indeed, but forced herself to turn her attention to Mike. "And what about you? You have a sad look on your face, too. Are you leaving your Goddess, as well?"

"I'm really sorry, Goddess. You know there's nothing I'd like better than to be your footboy for hours on end, but I have other commitments, too. This was all rather last minute notice, so I couldn't break my other plans. But I do hope I can be your foot slave again soon. Would that be okay, Goddess?" He also stood, bent and kissed her hand.

"Of course, MIke. My feet could never get enough of that sexy mouth of yours. If you have commitments, you have commitments. But don't you worry...I'll make sure I get you at my feet again. You're MY footboy...and don't you forget it."

"Oh, I won't, Goddess. You can be sure of that." He, too, got dressed and prepared to leave.

"And what of my third foot slave? Are you leaving, too, Mikey?" That sad look on Kay's face struck right to Mikey's core.

"No," he grinned widely, "not unless you're dismissing me. Otherwise, this villa is mine for the next two days. However long you want to stay and put me through my paces, I'll be here...for the next two days, anyway."

"Ohhhhh, my.....yummy," Kay said, her eyes twinkling. Already her mind was creating delicious scenarios for her slave to bring to life. "I may not be able to keep the three of you here, but at least I still have one slave boy to do my bidding."

"Yes, ma'am, you sure do," Mikey replied, already tingling with excitement.

"Good," she winked slyly, "becase I'm definitely not through with you. Not by a long shot."

Mikey shivered with excitement again, his reply catching in his throat as he swallowed hard. "I sure...hope not...Goddess." The words "sure" and "Goddess" whispered out as staggered sighs, making them sound as if they were each comprised of many more syllables than they actually were.

"Well, then, let's the two of us show these two party-poopers out. Then we can get down to some serious slave boy / Mistress fun. I've got lots of ideas for the rest of the day." Then, looking at Mike and Michael with and evil grin, she added, "And those two deserters will miss all the fun." Mike and Michael looked wistful, knowing full well that Kay could keep them sighing and spurting for hours. And they looked at each other, both of them almost giving up their other commitments to stay and worship Kay from head to toe. But, in the end, they couldn't. They sighed, resigned to their loss, and dressed for departure.

Kay spent several minutes giving Mike and Michael passionate good-bye kisses and gropes. She cupped their crotches in her hands, reminding them that their cocks belonged to her. Then she made them both get down on their knees and kiss her feet before they left. As a "punishment" for not staying, she had each of them lick her toenails to a brand new shine and beg forgiveness for not staying to worship and pleasure her further. They looked like eager little boys on their knees lapping her toes. Then, hands on hips, she turned around as if to snub them. Instead, she bent over slightly and pointed at her bottom, ordering them both to kiss it, to once again beg forgiveness for disappointing her. She kept them there on their knees, kissing her imperious ass, for several minutes, until she felt they'd apologized sufficiently for their dereliction of duty.

When she finally let them rise, there was one more round of hugs and kisses. "You two were wonderful today, guys. I can't wait until we can get together again. And we HAVE to do this again. I INSIST on it. And next time, plan on staying longer. You're leaving poor Mikey here a GARGANTUAN task. He's going to have to please me all by himself for the rest of the night. And that might just KILL him." She laughed and gave Mikey a kiss on the cheek. "And just think," she said, returning to her two departing slaves, "Mikey'll get all these juicy body parts to suck and lick and kiss...and you two will be missing out." Again, Mike and Michael groaned miserably and almost gave up their plans. But, alas, they knew it was impossible. They'd have to settle for "next time," and pray that that next time would come very, very soon. Even so, leaving their Goddess - still raring for more wild, sexy fun - on that incredible day was the most difficult thing they'd ever done. Oh, how they wished they could stay.

With final farewells, Mike and Michael sadly left. Kay sighed as she waved out the window to them. Good footboys were hard to come by, and it was always sad to see them leave. She never knew when she'd have them at her feet again. Still, she turned to Mikey and stated matter-of-factly, "Now it's just you and me. You'll have to lick and suck enough for THREE slaveboys, because that's what I've become accustomed to today. Are you up to it, foot slave?" She stood there, naked and beautiful, hands on hips, exuding femininity and dominance. Mikey's cock tingled, throbbed....rose.

"Mmmmmm....I see you ARE 'up' to it," she giggled. "Good, because I'm still horny and I'm going to use you until you lapse into a coma. shall we begin?" She pondered, her index finger tapping against her grinning face. But Mikey had something up his OWN sleeve.

"Goddess," he asked, almost stammering with his obvious excitement, "before we begin, may I offer you a gift?"

Kay's eyes widened. "A gift? For me? Why, of course you can give your Goddess a gift!"

"I hope you like it," Mikey said quietly, walking to the other side of the room and opening a closet. He had a definite spring in his step as he hurried back to her with the box. It was a glittering gold box with a red bow wrapped around it. The small card on the top had four simple words on it, "Supreme Foot Goddess Kay."

"Oh, Mikey," Kay said, "you know I LOVE when you call me that." She didn't even look up to see his pleased smile. She excitedly tore open the package, tossing paper and ribbon alike onto the floor. When she finally began lifting up the lid of the box, she could barely breathe. Mikey knew her so well she knew it had to be something incredible. And it was. When she saw it, her eyes grew round as saucers and she started to sweat all over. She looked up at Mikey, then back down into the box, then back to Mikey. She was incredulous...and more than a little hopeful.

"'s beautiful. Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you're ready for this? I mean...well, you know what this means, don't you?"

"Yes, Goddess, I know. And it's long overdue. And I DO want this very badly. I want this more than anything. Please, Goddess...let's finally make it official. Please? I really want you to."

"But Mikey...are you SURE? You have to be absolutely SURE."

"Yes, Goddess Kay, I'm very sure. You know how we've spoken about much we both want it." He spoke in breathless gasps, fidgeting like a kid browsing an aisle in a toy store. "Go ahead, take it out. Make me yours. I KNOW you want to. I KNOW you want this as much as I do." His eyes pleaded with her. He was trembling visibly with anticipation, his excitement growing, evidenced by the swelling activity between his legs.

MIkey took two steps toward his Goddess. With a hopeful look on his face, he raised his chin high, stretching his neck as far as he could. "Please, Goddess. Do this for our future together. It's the most important thing you could possibly do for us. Please?" His voice became almost a whisper. His eyes still pleaded with her, BEGGED for her to see that it was truly meant to be...that nothing could be more right. "Please do it, Foot Goddess Kay...I know you want to. I KNOW you want to."

Kay's fingers trembled as she grasped the leather collar and removed it from its tissue paper pillow inside the glittering box. Once she held it in her hands, she dropped the box as if it had ever existed. She stared at the half inch thick collar, then eyed excitedly the attached leash, which appeared to be about three to four feet long. She slipped her right hand into the smaller loop at the opposite end. It felt good in her hand. It made her feel powerful from her head to her feet. Every inch of her felt a rush of adrenaline. Then she noticed the small gold tag on the center of the collar. It's glistening brightness caught her attention...pulled her eyes to the words inscribed on the plate. In small, but proudly bold letters it proclaimed:

"Footboy Mikey - property of Foot Goddess Kay - now and forever"

A second, stronger surge of adrenaline rushed through Kay, the sparks it birthed mingling with an instantaneous flood of steaming sex hormones. Dominant juices stirred inside her, then bubbled, seethed, hissed...boiled over. She looked at Mikey with a mixture of genuine affection and the desire to bend him to her will. Her bosom heaved with her quickening breaths as she lightly ran her index finger across the inscription, back and forth, mesmerized not only by what those words meant, but by the pure joy of seeing them in writing - right there before her eyes. It meant so much. And she felt herself NEEDING to collar Mikey, needing to use him for her pleasure over and over again until he dropped. Or rather, until SHE a slave's duties are never over until his Goddess is thoroughly satisfied.
