Only Children are the Problem


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Sunshine woke us. An urgent plea from bladders helped. She went first. I started coffee. When I came back she was standing beside my bed. Silver was beautiful. Her short auburn hair was not brushed or combed, but looked sexy and happy. Her face was devoid of make up and she looked like an angel to me. Her shoulders were soft looking and a small mole rode on top of her right shoulder, like a beauty spot on a place that didn't ever need one. I slowly scanned her from her hair to the floor and did my best to take it all in and savor it.

"Tell me what you're thinking, Roger. Please."

"You'll think I'm nuts."

"I already do. What were you thinking?"

"I want to see you standing right there every day for the rest of my life."

"Too soon! You don't know me enough!"

"I don't need to know you to want to see you standing there, dressed just like you are, every day. All I need is eyes."

"We need to really know each other." She said.

"Ok. What do you want to know?"

"Tell me more about your family. Start with when you were a kid." Silver kissed me and we resumed our places on the bed.

"It was a dark and stormy night in Denver Colorado in the winter. My Dad had to borrow a car to get Mom to the hospital in time for my arrival. We made it and a week later we were on my grandparents' farm in Nebraska. When I was two Mom had my sister Joan. When I was three Janice was born. When I was eight we moved to Idaho and another farm. The three of us kids were best friends all through school. At eighteen I was done with farming and I left for college. I came to California after graduation and got a job with a bank. I'm still there. That's the short version."

"Tell me more about your sisters?"

"Sisters. Janice and Joan. I'm the oldest. Janice lives in Idaho on our farm with a husband and her son. Joan lives in Portland Oregon with her husband and two kids. I usually see them both on a vacation during the summer. I love to drive so I drive up to Idaho and see Joan either on the way up or the way back. By the way, you're invited this year."

"Parents alive?"

"Dad died in '90, Mom in '93. Dad of a stroke and Mom because she missed Dad."

"How many times have you… no. How many times was Pete married?"

"Once. It lasted five years. She got MS and the complications took her after two years."

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you. I was honestly conflicted. I love her and watching her hurt was so painful. When she died her pain ended. I didn't want her to go and I didn't want her to keep hurting. My pain changed when she died. It changed from hurting with her to hurting without her. Even when she was in lots of pain we talked, shared and were partners." We were quiet for a time. It was comfortable being with Silver in the silence.

"Can we have breakfast?" She quietly asked.

"Yes. Eggs and toast here, or we can go out."

"If we go out we can go to my place and I can get a few things."

"Does that mean you like being here with me?"

"Yes! Isn't that obvious?"

"I wanted to be sure."

We found her clothes and she dressed, minus the thong. I hung it on the bathroom door knob. I put on fresh jeans and a shirt. She nixed the idea of me wearing briefs if she wasn't wearing anything under her dress.

On the drive to her home I added to the story she asked for and she told me about her. Her dad and mom were teachers. Dad taught History at a college and Mom taught high school English. She had one sister. Sasha lived half an hour away and was married, no kids.

As she gathered some things that would be moving in with me her phone rang. She looked at me and asked, "Shall I answer?"

"Yes! It's probably for you. None of my friends know I'm engaged."

She smiled and picked up the phone. "Hi."

A Pause. "I didn't come home last night."
Another pause. "His name is Roger. No, he's not married."
Another pause. "He's here right now. We're getting some of my things so I can stay over more often."
A bigger pause. She covered the phone with her hand and asked, "Can she come over? She wants to meet you." I nodded. She gave Sasha my address.

I said, "Tell her to meet us at The Reel Inn on PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) in one hour. We can have lunch and talk, then we'll go home."

Sasha agreed. The call was over. I was Roger. We packed some more stuff and put it in my car. Then we spent some time in her bedroom. Her bed felt just as good to us, together, as mine did. As we got out the door and headed for the Reel Inn I asked, "Can I bring some things over, next time I come over?"

"What kinds of things?"

"Manly things. Dirt, sweaty socks, old Playboy magazines, a stick of Right Guard."

She laughed. "Ok. I haven't looked at a Playboy in years."

"I won't need to look any more, not with you around."

"I'm not that good looking!"

"Wrong! You are and you're real. Tell me more about Sasha, please."

"Ok. She's two years older than me. This year she's blond. About an inch taller than me and she's all legs. She works as a graphic artist for an ad agency. Married to Brad for five years. She's going to be protective of me. You'll get quizzed hard. Mom told her to go slow and be careful, too."

"Did she like Jack?"

"Yeah, in the beginning. He was good to both of us. He only dated me but the three of us did some stuff together. When she started thinking he was a skunk, he was. It took me a while longer to see and smell the skunk."

"Ok. We should begin by being honest with her. We've been out once. I've watched you for months and asked you out many times before I got the yes."

"Should I tell her about giving you my thong?"

"It won't change anything. She knows we slept together last night. She doesn't know we're engaged. You know her. Feel her. When the three of us are together, if it feels right tell her anything."

"And then?"

"Then, if she hasn't slapped me silly and stomped out, we'll invite her back to my place. I have nothing to hide, from either of you."

I parked at the Reel Inn and we went inside. Ordering is done at the counter like in some deli's. We looked over the menu and ordered. We sat at a table by the windows and less than a minute later Sasha walked in. She scanned the place and smiled when she saw her sister. I was facing the window and saw her in the reflection. Lots more hair than Silver, slightly taller, dressed in black pants and a shirt that buttoned down the front. She walked over and said, "Hi! I'm starved! What do you recommend?"

"Roger ordered the halibut cooked Cajun style, I ordered the sea bass the same way."

"Tell me what you want and I'll get it for you. You can sit here and start with the questions you have for Silver." I got up and waited for her answer.

"Silver?" She looked at her sister and then said, "The halibut. Cajun style. A beer. Thanks." I left.

From the counter I watched them in conversation. I wished I had an audio recorder taped to the table that I could listen to later. The guy behind the counter asked if I wanted the other two orders to wait until the third was ready too. I did. It gave them more time.

He gave me the three plates and he delivered the beer to Sasha. I sat across from Sasha, next to Silver.

I wondered if the inquisition would wait until lunch was almost gone or start immediately. The answer was immediately.

"You asked her to change her name on your first date?"

"Yes! Is there a problem?"

"Our parents picked our names. They had good reasons for those names."

"You're right. When Sue was a baby did they call her Sue or Susanne?"

"Susanne. We started calling her Sue because I had trouble saying the whole thing."

"So Sue was your name for her, not Mom and Dad's?"

"I guess."

"No wonder you're upset. I apologize. Haven't you ever wanted to start over? Do something symbolic that would remind you that from now on you won't be the same?"

"No. Well, sure, but not so big I'd change my name to Silver! What kind of name is that, anyway?"

"It's the name your sister has loved since she was a child. If she had a baby girl she wanted to name her Silver. Now she can be Silver. Her name for herself, not my choice. Hers."

She looked at Silver and Silver nodded.

She looked back at me and said, "Oh. I thought it was your idea."

"Changing names was my idea. What she picked was hers."

"So, did you change, too?"

I nodded.

"Your driver's license doesn't say Roger?"

"Not yet."

"Why Roger? What was your name yesterday?"

"My name was Peter. Peter Evans. I don't know why Roger, I didn't pick it. Your sister did."

"You let her pick your name?" I nodded again.

She had taken two bites, so far. I pointed to her plate and asked, "Is your food bad? You aren't eating."

She took three bites in succession without talking. Her fork went down and she said, "She's wearing Mom's engagement ring."

"Did she tell you why?"


I motioned to Silver and she told the story. Sasha looked from her sister to me and back again. "You're crazy! You went along with it?"

"Yes. So far, the engagement is a success. Some may think we're going a little fast but that's their problem. I think we are being quite rational and we're having lots more fun than those people trying to get to know each other slowly to avoid getting hurt."

Sasha looked at Silver again and asked, "You told him what Mom said?" Silver nodded.

"I love my sister and I don't want her hurt!" Sasha said.

"Your sister is a grown woman, capable of living through being hurt and coming through it a stronger woman. Look at her. She lived through being married to Jack and is stronger for the experience. I promise I will do whatever I can to make her memories of every day with me worth what ever hurt comes at us down the road."

She started to speak and I cut her off by raising my hand. "And, just so we're clear about this, there are three people at this table and I say all three love your sister. As one of the three I can say, out loud, that I love your sister. There is nothing she needs to do for me to love her. No thing she needs to be, say or do. I love her!"

"I told you!" Silver said. "I believe him. I have no good reason to believe him. It hasn't even been twenty-four hours. I'm moving stuff into his house. He's moving things into mine. I'm wearing the ring. It was Mom's ring. It is now my engagement to Roger ring."

"For the moment, I think you're both totally nuts!" Sasha said, emphatically.

"You've known your sister for a long time. How long has it been since she looked this happy?"

"At least three years."

"Isn't that worth something?"

"Yes. Of course. I'm just…"

"Worried she's gonna get hurt. Me too. I'm worried she will go to work on Monday and get run over by a bus! I'm worried even more that she'll get MS."

"MS?" Sasha asked.

Silver said, "His first wife died of MS. He was there for her. It still hurts."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Sasha said. "You're right. I should be looking at how much happiness is here now, but I'm focused on what might happen someday."

"How can you stay married?" I asked. "Someday your husband might look at another woman. He might get sick. He might… something."

"You've made your point." She faced her sister more directly and said, "Silver, I'm happy for both of you. I like Roger and I want us to do stuff together, and laugh. I love you!"

They leaned over the table and hugged. I watched how close they both came to dipping their breasts into the remnants of their lunches. It was amazing. When they sat back down I asked, "So, want to come see my place?"

Her head shook and she said, "On the way over here I thought about how quickly you gave me your address. I have it mean you have nothing to hide. If I go over there you'll give me the tour and then turn me loose to look anywhere. So, I don't need to do that. I'm happy the two of you are happy."

"Great! Silver and I have some things to do and if we're done with lunch let's go."

"What things do we have to do?" Silver asked.

"I want some new sheets. I want to go grocery shopping so we have food we both like at my house. Stuff."

"Oh, that sounds like fun! Let's go!"

In the parking lot we hugged and Sasha gave me a good hug. It didn't feel tentative. We watched her get in her Miata and drive away. Then we went shopping. It was fun. When we got back to my place Silver helped carry stuff inside. She took the four sets of sheets into the bedroom while I put food away. As I was finishing up she called me from the bedroom.

"Want to see how the new sheets look on your bed?"

"Sure." I closed the fridge and walked to the doorway. The quilt that usually lives on top of my bed was folded over a chair. The new dark green sheets were on the bed and Silver was between them. The top sheet covered her from just below her breasts down. She smiled and asked, "Do you like how they look?"

"Yes! And the sheets look good, too."

"Maybe you should see how good they feel on bare skin?"

I began undressing. "We'll need to test all four new sets of sheets."

"Testing a new set could take days… and nights."

I was naked and hard. She opened the sheet to allow me in next to her and the initial testing commenced. It was a through test and took us quite a while to complete. We napped when the test was done.

We woke up to the sound of my phone. It was Joan, my sister.

"Hi, Joan. How's things in Oregon?"

"Great. I was doing some calendar work and wondered if you had planned your vacation yet?"

"No. I've been a little busy."

"Really? Is that good news?"

I had my arm around Silver and my hand rested just above her mound. I slid my fingers into her slit and pressed. She moaned.

Joan said, "Was that a moan? Is someone there with you? Pete, is someone there with you?"

"Joan, in a minute I'm going to hand the phone to someone. First, I want to introduce you to her. Her name is Silver. Her last name doesn't matter right now because she has tentatively agreed to change it to Evans. The details are these: We've known each other for a few months, dated once, last night, and got engaged over dinner. She has moved some of her stuff into my place. We bought new sheets and they have passed our initial tests."

"You're engaged?" I could hear hours worth of questions in the question. And, a healthy dose of disbelief.

"Yes. Don't worry. When I come on vacation she comes with me. It will take us a few days to work out the details, but this is for real. Ready to say Hi?"

"No! I want to know more."

"Ask. Just a second." I hit the button for speakerphone. "Now you can speak to both of us."

A few seconds passed and Joan finally said, "Hi."

Silver answered, "Hi. I know you're surprised. Relax. I'm not after the family farm or fortune. I want to love your brother for the rest of our very long lives. Ask anything you want."

"Are you pregnant?"

"No, and according to the doctors I won't ever be pregnant. I had my tubes tied when I was sixteen. I have a genetic condition that makes it certain that if I had a baby it would have defects. We won't have babies."

"I'm sorry."

"I've had years to get used to the idea. If we wanted kids we could adopt or foster. We haven't talked about that. What else do you want to know?"

"How old are you?"

"I'm thirty-two, five eight, one hundred twenty-four pounds as of Friday morning at my house. I have auburn hair about an inch and a half long and it's curly. I wear a size six dress and my favorite color is teal. I work in the same building as your brother, but for a different company. I've been there three years."

"Do you love Pete?"

"No. Wait! Your brother changed his name. I was on my way to loving Pete when he became Roger. I love Roger and Roger is your brother."

I added, "And, I love Silver."

"Did she change her name too?"

"Yes. Day before yesterday she was Sue."

There was a pause. At the end of the pause Joan said, "As I said, I'm doing some calendaring. What do you have planned for next weekend?"

Silver answered, "We bought four new sets of sheets. We've only unwrapped one set. We will be ready for set number two by the weekend." There was laughter in her voice.

"Can you pick me up at the airport Friday evening?"

"Have to see for yourself?" I asked. Silver nodded yes.

"Yes! This is sudden! This is exciting!"

"Just you?"

"I'll have to talk to the family. I'll call you back." She was gone.

I said, "If I dial my other sister's phone number it will be busy."

"Is there enough room here for both of them… and me?"

"They can stay at the motel down the street. You can stay right here, on a new set of sheets. Ok?"

"Ok. Shall we invite my sister too?"

"I don't think so. Let's let Joan and Janice get used to the idea of us before we drop the whole family on them. Maybe you can talk with Sasha and see how she feels about meeting them. If she wants into the mix, I'm Ok with it. They'll all learn a lot about both of us."

Not an hour later the phone rang again. It was Janice. As I answered I made sure we were on speaker. I pointed at Silver when Janice said, "Pete?"

"No, this is Silver. Roger is in the other room and will be here in a second."

"So, it's true!"

"What's true?" Silver asked.

"Pete, Roger is in relationship! It's about time!"

"I'm glad you approve. Ok, your brother is here."

I said, "Hi Sis. What's happening?"

"Nothing here. Sounds like you've rejoined the living."

"The living and the loving. Let me be formal. Janice this is Silver. Silver this is my sister Janice."

"So, can you meet us at the airport on Friday at about six? Joan has booked us both into Southwest and if you are there at six we'll both be there."

"Yes, we can meet you at six. I'll get you two rooms at the motel down the street."

"One room with two beds is plenty. I've lived with Joan before, you remember?"

"Ok. Arrive hungry. We'll go out to eat from LAX and then back to my place. Ok?"

"Last time I was down in L.A. you took us to a place at the beach. They had the freshest seafood! Can we go there again?"

"I met Silver's sister there today. I recommend the blackened Halibut."

"Do you have email, Silver?"

"I think it's illegal to live in L.A. County and not have at least two email addresses. You want the one at work or at home?"

"Home. We live on a farm. Our one email address is both work and home."

"We could be good friends before your plane lands. I like emails."

"Congrats Roger. I like her. I'm happy for both of you. See you Friday night."

"That's it?" I asked. "Joan asked questions."

"And she wrote down the answers, called me and read from her notes. I'm good, for now. Everything I needed to know I heard in your voices. You're both happy. Me too."

We ended the call and Silver said, "I like your sisters." As it turned out they liked her too. The days between the phone calls and picking my sisters up at the airport were busy. We worked and our work was rushed every day. By Wednesday I had decided we needed to let one of our places go and either live together in one of them or get rid of both and find a new place. She had stayed in her place Monday and Tuesday nights while I stayed at home. The condo that had been comfortable since I moved in was no longer comfortable. It was lonely.

Wednesday night she stayed with me. I made dinner and we talked for a while, then I suggested that we should go to bed. Silver showed me some new things she had purchased on her lunch break on Tuesday. I wondered why she bought new stuff. Other than the silver thong I hadn't seen any of her under things. To me it was all new. I dismissed it as a concern by putting it in the box labeled, "Unexplained Woman Things." It's one of many boxes in my memory.

I liked the new bra she proudly showed me. I liked it so much I asked her if we could leave it on all night. She asked, "You like the bra better than what's inside?"