Only The Tip of the Iceberg

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A love letter from long ago, treasured beyond belief.
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Back Story:

First off l never thought l would ever share this letter with another person, let alone the whole world. For it was my treasure, mine alone. Next, there might be a way to transfer/attach his actual long-hand letter but l lack the skills to do so. I'm sure he wrote it in long hand for in his mind that was the way to express his love. l do not argue that but the fact that l might be the only soul on earth that can read his long hand only means that much more to me as it was almost in code. His life was one of being in Construction where simple print lives, not longhand or even typed words.

The letter dates many years back but that feeling l had then had never left me nor my love for him. A task made far too easy as his love for me is proved every single day, many of those days l feel unworthy of it but l try to be. l recall when l was young if my mom wanted to share something with an Aunt or Grandma in secret they would simply speak German, my grandparent's native tongue. l guess today l could do the same with my grandchildren with the use of longhand, as that's just as confusing to kids now as their German to me was then.

Now his letter: (away on his annual fishing trip with friends)

Hi Honey,

It's early evening here and the guys are trying their luck fishing the stream. Besides the fact that the only bites will be by Mosquitos, it was far more important to me to say l love you.

I'm aware you've heard those words many times, and l know you are aware they're true. But now, this time you might think I need to say them because of the hundreds of miles between us, as the distance matters. But let me say to you they do not matter, not one bit.

l miss you before leaving the driveway each morning to leave for work. l miss you when you leave the room. l miss you when you roll over to go to sleep at night, that is not until l take you in my arms that l have found home again as we wait for the Sandman's visit.

The current distance between us only increases my longing for you as l know that it will be some time before I can quench my thirst for you, for your soft lips, and most of all hearing you say "l love you" back.

You know l could care less about catching a trophy fish or even a fish at all. That is just for some time with a few good friends I tear myself away from you. A thing l do about this time once a year but know that is the most l can stand being away from you, and it becomes harder for me to do as each year passes as my love for only grows with time. l take heart in knowing it is a day and a half when l win my trophy and hold it in my hands, for you are that trophy.

l love you and our girls more than life itself, which will never change.

P.S. I knew this letter would arrive after my return home. l only hope it now falls second to your understanding of just how much l love at this very moment. Now find me and kiss me as I'm sure it has been far too long since the last one, be it a day or a single minute ago.


l imagine most eyes that have read this belong to my sisters in life. To you, l only wish you have a similar man in your life (and a girl on the side😉, one you share...) but l doubt it as my guy is truly one of a kind. Still, l wish you the very best of luck on your quest for happiness.

If those eyes are those of a male, congratulations as you're well on your was. For you being the sign of strength so we feel safe and protected is only half. As it is your tender side where Love grows the best as it is the water that feeds us, while the Sun protects us from the cold in this world.

We can not thrive without them both, only the weeds fine as way and who wants to be a weed all their life? So shine your protection upon her in public, but water her daily and watch love grow.

Male or Female, Bi, Gay or Stright l wish you all the best. Treasure each moment as they are fleeting. Until next time, Bees

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