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"We ask that you remain in the area until you are released, you may be excused." The judge said.

At that moment a distinguished looking older gentleman hurried into the courtroom.

"I would like to allow Dr. Hosemein to answer some questions if I could."

The judge nodded his head, he was looking bored.

"Dr., what is your specialty?"

"I am an urologist."

"In your professional opinion, can a man grow a foreskin after his was removed?"

There was a gasp in the court. The judge was about to speak when the doctor answered.

"He can not grow one, however I suppose if someone wanted one we could build one out of other skin."

"Would he be likely to have it removed again afterward?"

"I doubt he would want to do that because the surgery both times would be very painful."

After the doctor left the stand my lawyer turned to the judge and said

"Your honor, the man in that photo is not my client. My client is prepared to drop his pants in front of this court to prove that he has no foreskin."

"If he does I will hold him in contempt."

My lawyer turned to the back of the court and asked a man if his wife was here. She was brought forth to meet the judge.

"Your honor, this is the woman in the photos. We can prove it by asking her husband to step forward and identify the tattoo on her left butt cheek."

He rose and stepped forward and said "There is a small mole just below the tattoo too. It is about an inch lower and to the left. The tattoo is a small flower with a tiny bee on the right side, a little above center. Your honor, if I am correct may I have copies of those photos for my lawyer?"

"You are correct, with your description. You may have the copies. I am sorry."

With that a frumpy looking man stood in the back of the room and asked for the judge's indulgence. The judge shrugged and motioned him forward. As he approached the front he said "Mrs. Susan Kelly?"

She turned to look. "You have been served."

There was a 30 minute recess to get everything under control.

When court started back up Sue was asked if she could identify the man. "He is an escort from Pleasurable Friends" she said.

"Who concocted this idea?"

"It was mostly Roni's idea, but I helped her. She told me that Marci was very unhappy in her marriage and wanted to get out. We thought it might help her get a favorable resolution."

When she turned to leave her husband was long gone.

The judge turned to me and asked "Mr. Thompson, what do you want out of this?"

"I want to get out of a bad situation; I can not trust her anymore after what she has done."

"Do you still love her?"

"I suppose I still do. But she has hurt me so badly I am not sure I can get over it."

He then turned to Marci and asked the same 2 questions

"Your honor, when I found out I had been scammed by my supposed friends I wanted to cancel the divorce. I still love Ben with all my heart and I miss him terribly. I just want to get back with him if he will have me."

He called a recess for 15 minutes. When he appeared he had Marci, Roni, Sue and me in front of the court.

Pointing toward Roni he said "I find you guilty in the lawsuit for Alienation of Affection. You are ordered to pay 2/3 of all legal and other expenses for these people you have scammed. I also order the bailiffs to charge you with perjuring yourself. Bailiff, you will take her away when I get done with this other woman. "

Turning to Sue he said, "You are guilty of stupidity more than anything else. I also find you guilty like your friend. You will pay 1/3 of the legal and other expenses for both of these poor persons you have scammed. Now, get them out of my sight."

He turned to Marci and me. Looking at Marci he said "I hope you choose better friends in the future and find a way to ask your husband if things are true before you decide to jump headfirst into murky waters again. You will both undergo 6 months of counseling. You will see the counselor once a week alone and once together. The last 3 months your children will come in with you for family counseling as a separate session once each month.

I will keep track of your progress. If there are any absences without a very good reason I will find you in contempt and fine you. Are these rules clear?"

We both nodded yes.

The counseling worked well. Marci learned to stop and look over anything that upset her before she acts. She talks to me before making many decisions. I have started to trust her again. I realize she was almost raped; it was not anything she chose to do. She was lead like a lamb to be slaughtered by a conniving bitch. .

We have added 2 more children to the family.

Mr. Dickless Tracy was sentenced to 15 to 30 years. We understand he is very popular with a certain element there.

Marci no longer associates with her former friends. She is very careful about choosing new ones.

Roni and Sue moved in together, after Sue was divorced and got next to nothing. Roni finally found the man she wanted to marry. Someone told him she was cheating and he dumped her. This happened 3 times until she got wise and moved to the left coast and got away from Sue.

The few pieces of buckshot that hit Marci have left only slight scarring, but she feels it when the weather is damp. She says it is her penance for her stupidity and laughs about it.

I love her dearly.


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If you say stupid things I and others will always point them out and laugh in your "cyber" face.

Thank you for reading my story, hope it was to your liking. If not....


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bobareenobobareeno9 months ago

If you aren’t educated about legal process, don’t write about legal process. At a minimum, do sufficient research to at least be within the ballpark.

Pinto931Pinto931over 1 year ago

A quite good story, but the middle could have been filled out more to explain the 2 friends actions.

EhsheehsheEhsheehsheover 1 year ago

like the story has all the elements for a compelling and complete entertaining story

Burner70Burner70about 2 years ago

Do english . Story would be easy

RuttweilerRuttweileralmost 3 years ago
I read the first dozen or so paragraphs and

I had no idea what was going on. I sort of disconnected from it when I read that he had wired the entire house for sound and video before he moved in.

Now, how many people do this? I’m guessing not more than one or two of the people that might be reading this would ever think of doing this, much less actually go to the trouble of doing so. Think of it. You have have no suspicions; you are happy with this woman. Else, why would you buy a house with her if you are just planning for her to betray you.

This is a little on par saying something like, “I became an Army Ranger, and then a Navy Seal, so someday I could get married and catch my cheating wife and get revenge.”

There’s a wonderful word that describes “the appearance of being true or real”. The word is, ”verisimilitude”, as in “this story is rather lacking in verisimilitude”.

Maybe it’s supposed to be an absurdist comedic satire, in which case I apologize for my lack of understanding. Sorry I couldn’t hang in long enough to get it.

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