Opposite Attraction

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Disgust and lust are opposite sides of the same coin.
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Another work of fiction but this time the theme is that disgust, and maybe hate, are opposite sides of the passion coin with lust and attraction. And sometimes they can flip. Of course the outcome just might be more than anyone expected and could have lasting consequences.

It all started one evening when my wife came storming in from work.

"I really hate that guy. Yuck! Every time he looks at me I can feel my skin crawl!"

Well I was sitting peacefully at home before the wife just exploded. Seems she has a new supervisor that's always seems to be leering at her. Actually I can't blame him for that but it seems to have gotten out of hand.

Wife is Joanne, everyone calls her Jo, and stands about 5'3", has great legs, a nice rounded butt and sports size C tits that are well rounded. As for me, Frank I'm 5'10" and somewhat in shape at about 210 pounds and (This always seems to be a part of a story like this.) sport a dick that's about seven inches long.

We're just past 30 and really aren't interested in starting a family yet. So she uses a diaphragm but we might either use condoms or switch to anal when she is ovulating. Now days they have tests for that, kind of like an EPT. Another plus is that her cycles are very regular.

Anyway this guy Phil was assigned as her new supervisor for her section of the office she works in. I'm a factory supervisor so we're both pretty busy with our careers. Currently we've been married for about seven years.

What really got Jo going was that the grapevine said this guy was a womanizer. And she feels like he's put her in the center of his target. Something she really finds offensive.

As this is the "Me Too" era the guy is careful but there are subtle ways for someone to show their feelings. Ways that no one can really complain about since they go unnoticed. Jo also told me he was black but she's worked with many black guys and women before so I really didn't understand exactly why this is a problem.

Anyway as luck would have it corporate wanted him and a section chief to attend a three-day conference. And guess who was picked to accompany him, Jo.

"Damn it of all the luck! Due to my position I have to attend this conference/workshop so I'll have to constantly be around him and at meetings as well some of the meals. Yuck!"

Well that got me thinking. Yep like many men in these stories I have fantasy of someday sharing my wife with another guy. If he's black, well that just adds some spice to my imagination. Of course I never shared this with her as would probably lose my head if it ever came out.

Anyway I got to thinking about her inner rage, well it is passion but of a different kind than a husband and wife or lovers have for each other. Still given the right circumstances that rage could lead to some hair curling sex for both, or at least the woman. So I decided to carefully share my thoughts.

"Let's see you're going to need three business sets of clothes plus something you can wear to evening dinners. And since it's warm up there I figure there might be some down time at oh say a pool or lounge."

"Yea that's right and I've been told at least one party is by the pool so I need a suit."

"While you've got a great body probably a one piece might be more suitable rather than a bikini. However I was thinking about this trip with your adversary."

"And just what were you thinking about?"

Being cautious I explained this is just thinking out loud and could be totally wrong. Anyway I told her how I felt revulsion and passion were opposite sides of the same coin. I explained that while I trusted her things could go differently than expected and she needs to be prepared.

"So here's my thoughts and please hear me out without screaming. Just remember these only thoughts."

Continuing I explained that she's going away with a guy that revolts her. However once there you'll have to act as though there is at least a business friendship and both of you will have to support the other.

"That is going to be so hard. I'll be lucky not to bite my lower lip clean through."

Told her I understood but for the sake of your career you have to make that sacrifice. However in doing so there is a slight chance you might start seeing him in a different light. And I added that you might actually get to like him.

"All he wants to do is to get into my pants and fuck me."

"Actually I fully understand that, remember that's what I wanted to do when we first met. You're a great looking woman and I'll bet he's a member of a large group that would just love to put a meat injection in your pussy."

"Man all you guys are horny all the time."

"Yes we are, we're all slaves to our genes and I'm not talking about Wranglers."

That got a nice chuckle out of her. Then she thought for a moment.

"Okay Mr. Wizard what do you suggest I do and how do I handle this three-day sentence?"

I suggested that first of all she stop thinking of it as a sentence but as an opportunity. And I had an idea for her to consider.

"Here's the deal. The passion you have against him just might, and I know this sounds crazy, flip 180 degrees. If it does then you'll be in a very different position than now. If that happened, as strange as it sounds, I could imagine seeing you willingly move into the center of the target and become another notch on his bedpost. Far fetched yes but like I mentioned I'm thinking out loud here and exploring possibilities. Of course I could be totally wrong as well but I know you'll both have to find a way to work with each other."

I got that piercing stare a wife gives a husband when her mind really starts rolling. I've found that's a great time to sit down, shut up and wait. Thankfully this conversation happened after dinner when we were drinking wine.

"Okay just for arguments sake supposed I really change my feelings toward him. I know he really wants to fuck me and if that happened just how would you feel. Would it damage our marriage and I'm not even hinting it might ever happen."

That's when I realized my fantasy, the one I've never told her about, might actually have a chance slim though it might be. So I sat there for a while she waited for an answer.

"I'm not saying there isn't a risk in all of this. In fact there is but we have a pretty damned solid marriage. So there is one thing I can do to relieve you from guilt and allow more options while you are away."

"Okay I'm listening."

That's when I explained I'd be willing to give her a hall pass for the weekend. I added that even though she was married what ever she decided to do was all right with me. The only catch is that she had to tell me all the details upon her return. Then to add a little spice to things I added, "and try not to get pregnant." Now that got a surprised look from her and a smile, then she punched me in the arm. Ouch!

"So if your passion reversal actually happens then I have your permission to do as I choose. Even if it means fucking him for a couple of nights?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Once you're home the hall pass is over with and will never be used again."

"Wow, that's a lot to think about. I'll let you know in a couple of days as we don't leave until next Tuesday and return Sunday morning."

I told her it was okay. Then we headed for bed. Boy I know this all had an impact on here. The sex was great and since she was in a safe period I unloaded a lot of cum into her pussy so the after snuggle was really a delight.

Over the next few days I could see she was really stewing about the trip and what we had discussed. Actually so was I but for a different reason. Jo went out and bought a couple of dresses she could to wear to the dinners plus a one-piece bathing suit.

Finally Tuesday afternoon came and I drove her to the airport. However while she was in the bathroom I noticed her diaphragm and condoms down in one corner of her case. So I quietly removed them and made the corner look like it had not been disturbed. Later she came in, closed up the case and off we went. At the airport I gave her a big hug before she was about to go into security.

"Remember you have the hall pass until I see you again. Have fun and enjoy yourself as much as you can. I know you'll do well at this conference. I love you."

"I love you too and I'll see what happens. Just want this to be a success for all of us."

I was thinking the same thing but on a different level. As she was about to head into security her traveling partner showed up. Finally I was introduced to this guy, who was about 6' tall, in good shape and seemed pretty pleasant. As they headed into security Jo turned around, I blew her a kiss and mouthed, 'have fun.'

Got a text when they arrived at the hotel. She really liked her room and Phil, the supervisor, invited her to the meet and greet mixer. Apparently that went well as they discussed what the conference would be covering for the next three days and nights. After that she retired, we had a short phone chat and it was bedtime.

Next day got a text when she was off to the conference. Later in a phone call she related that apparently there was a minor disagreement about an office procedure. Phil explained how they were handling it and Jo backed him up. I guess she made quite an impression on him.

"I can't believe I was actually backing him up. He was surprised as was I but you were right about us having to work as partners. So far so good and I've got to get ready for the first dinner. It's business casual and we'll probably have drinks after that."

After that they went to the lounge and had a couple of drinks. He expressed his appreciation for her efforts and help during the conference. Then I guess they did some dancing as well. Got a text telling me she was a really good dancer and she was actually buzzing.

"After we stopped dancing he walked me to my room. I know helping him made quite an impression. Once we got to my door I turned around to tell him goodnight and he wrapped his arms around me. That's when he said thank you then leaned over and kissed me. Wow. It was a great kiss and I could feel his hands on my back. Then he said good night and walked down the hall to his room."

That really left her buzzing and she told me her next step was masturbation that ended with a huge, toe curling orgasm. After that she called me.

"Well seems that not only did you made a huge impression with him but I'd say he also made a big impression on you."

"You're right. Now I don't know what to do."

I knew she was seeking advice so I let her know she could do anything she wanted to. Then we hung up as she had an early up for a long day tomorrow.

As for me I could see things changing so kept my hopes up. I knew things could get interesting when she found the condoms were missing. That's when I'd know just how serious she was.

Next day, according to her lunch time text was long and once again they worked as partners. Made their office look really good and kind of shined Phil's reputation. Then they retired and got ready for the pool party that evening. She would be wearing an almost transparent gown over her suit, one she easily discarded for swimming if necessary.

Apparently there was not much swimming but some dancing and networking. Next text said she and Bill were heading back to the lounge for drinks. Evidentially it was a bit crowded so they headed to his room for drinks.

She made a brief stop at her room then sent me a text saying what a fink I was. Guess she found the absence of condoms and her diaphragm. But she still headed for his room and a couple of nightcaps. About an hour later I got the call I was waiting for.

"I know what you did and you're a rat. You're just daring me. Well guess what, I'm going to take your bait and use the hall pass tonight so there."

After that she hung up and I knew her disgust for the guy has morphed into passion. I could only imagine what it looked like with his black ass going up and down between her legs as he pumped her pussy. Not to mention putting his seed into her now unprotected womb.

Didn't hear much from her the next day. However I did get a video she sent with her phone. The first showed the conference, dinners and the pool party. The next was from the phone sitting on a nightstand. She took an amazing video of him sliding up her body and, with her rolling her hips just a bit to help him get a better angle as put his dick in her pussy. On and on it went with his black ass moving up and down while her white legs moved as he went in and out. Finally after he pumped his load into her they just held each other while they were gasping for air. Then she reached over, got the phone and showed me his cum leaking out of her pussy. Now I've got that amazing video and know she's been blacked for the very first time.

Next day was more work, then after that they attended the good-by party and it was back to his room. That's when I got another amazing video from her. This time she was on her stomach and mouthed the word 'anal' as he was just starting to insert his dick, which wasn't small, into her ass.

She about went bug eyed and there was some grunting as well as an occasional 'ouch' as he worked his way into her ass. After some slow going there was a bit of pounding with her grimacing in a bit of pain until he unloaded. Then I got to see his cum leaking out of her ass.

I guess they didn't sleep much that night because when I picked her up the next morning at the airport she looked a little dazed, tired but happy.

"I guess you were right about the emotions flipping. Was interesting to say the least and I was surprised how well we worked together once things settled down. I know he appreciated my efforts as it made him look like a champion in front of our superiors."

"That's great news and it seems like you two also enjoyed the companionship, teamwork not to mention the sex at night."

"I have to say that was amazing. Feeling him twitch then the warmth and weight of his cum in my pussy before I could feel it running down my ass crack. Thankfully the anal wasn't as bad as I thought it might be although there was some pain to it."

Once we got home she showered and only wore a t-shirt to bed. I soon had that off and gave her a rub down then rolled her over for some tongue action. After a heavy orgasm it was time for the big show and I soon was a deep as I could be in her pussy. Waiting three days sure built up a load of cum in me and I pumped all of it into her. Then we had a great snuggle session.

The next day she looked worried and a bit nervous.

"You know that was a big risk but after realizing you took the diaphragm and condoms I knew you either wanted to stop me or dare me. Have to say the fear added a real edge to the sex. However after the first time I knew it didn't matter if we did it bareback or not. After all any damage had been done. Now I'm wondering if I'm building a dark skinned child inside of me."

I told her it wasn't a sure thing and I added since she took that chance willingly then no Plan B. We had to wait and see what happens over the next few weeks.

Once she got back to work her supervisor was very nice to her and told everyone about all the good work she did at the conference. In fact he put her in for a raise to show his appreciation. They did have lunch together but it stayed all business.

Now three weeks have gone by, she's nervous and her period might be late. So I guess it's time to hand her an EPT I bought and see what if anything happened. Off she went to the bathroom after I gave her a kiss and hug as well telling her I loved. Boy did she look nervous and scared. About 20 minutes later I heard 'Thank God!' from the bathroom. That's when I knew she didn't get knocked up.

Now she's been walking on air. But I'm wondering, since she's another notch on his bedpost, if there will come a time for another hall pass. Hmmm, have to see what happens. Maybe this won't be the last black cock she'll enjoy or calendar worries she'll have to sweat out.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You need to let her choose if she wants more and think how hot it would be if she does. You know that’s what you want, him coming over and you hearing her cumming on his blackcock as he enjoys her ass. He’ll love getting a married white woman while her husband wants him to get her addicted.

OOAAOOAAalmost 3 years ago

VERU HOT story!!!! Well done!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story......will there be a part two?????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is just the kind of story that gets me hard. It’s the situation that I wanted to happen with my first wife and I. A black man, confident and with experience in getting white women in bed. Knowing when to push and when to sit back and wait.

I wanted him to break down her resistance to allowing a Blackman to fuck her. A sexy Asian, she was always the target for all sorts of men but would only go out with whites.

becontree2001ukbecontree2001ukalmost 3 years ago

Grear story. Thanks for sharing

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