Orc Ch. 05

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Don't go chasing waterfalls.
7.3k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/17/2007
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That bastard.

That complete and utter bastard.

Everything hurt. It turned out that having a body shattering full body delayed orgasm took it out of you a bit. Misty had encouraged the orc, again. She had consented to the sex whilst her drugged unconscious mother was in the next room and Misty knew that if she ever saw the beast again, she would succumb and even encourage his advances again. The peasant girl decided there was something terribly wrong with her.

Misty had woken up naked and covered in dried up sexual fluids on her disheveled bed. The last thing she remembered was charging the monster with her father's long dagger, yet the absence of a hunky corpse spoke to her lack of success. Her relief at his safety was cut short by the realization that he must have dismissed her murder attempt and put her safely back to bed. What a bastard.

Her morning consisted of limping around cleaning up the evidence of the orc's presence in her home. She had thankfully not overslept too much and her mother was still passed out when she checked on her. Misty was struck by guilt and wanted to look after her; maybe sort a decent breakfast for her. Uncharacteristic kindness on Misty's part, however, would arouse her mother's suspicions, so she decided against it. The girl decided probable incredulity at last night's events was her best defense.

So what now? The girl had to admit to herself that her brief time with the orc had at least knocked her out of the debilitating funk she had been in since her lads left. One last hurrah of her youth. She needed a plan now. One that involved leaving her home behind if at all possible. Could she convince Kentin to accompany her to one of the free cities? She doubted it. He was afraid of change and after her rebuffed advances yesterday she had a gut wrenching feeling that he would probably be avoiding her for the foreseeable future.

Without an escort, long distance travel would be deadly or worse. No, her best course of action would be stay put, lay low and get a new job. She had previously marked out the town's second inn; a rickety structure primarily populated by those fortunate to become elderly. Misty was certain she could cope with the inevitable drunken lechery and knew some of the patrons as decent folk.

After the fantastical debauchery she had partaken in, performing such a mundane task struck the girl as bizarre and alien. There was no help for it though, and she needed to make herself look presentable if she was to be batting her eyelashes. With no small dismay, Misty discovered that there was not enough water in the house for a bath, nor even a half substantial clean. Wonderful.

Misty left the town via the shortest route, keeping her head down as she tried not to run. The well was sadly out of the question; people would talk if they saw the state she was in and she could not afford any more attention from grudge baring mothers. She suppressed a bitter laugh; only a short while ago she had been arguably the most influential woman in the town, able to hold her head high whe'er she went. Now she was public enemy number one.

The sun was rising into a cloudless sky, heralding a beautiful day that ill fitted her dour mood. At least she had some left over supplies she had previously purchased from Hen. A rejuvenation soap and powder had set her right after heavy nights spent drinking and cavorting and she honestly did not feel much worse than those, admittedly multiple times. Rounding off her necessities was a towel and change of clothes. She was heading back into the wilderness.

Misty was not worried, she was no stranger to rambling and she had already tangled with the worst predator hidden within its depths. That damn orc, she had no idea how she felt about him, nor what she would do if they crossed paths again. She was furious with him, yet how would she react if she saw him again? With a mixture of dismay and hope she had no doubt it would involve them groin grinding once more.

That was if the beast even wanted to. He had fucked the consciousness out of her last time in what seemed like a twisted frustration fueled revenge with a tone of finality. She was acting like it was the final time too with her plan of trying to reestablish some normalcy in her life. But what if...

The girl shook her head in an attempt to clear the images of his naked flesh from her mind's eye. What had happened, happened and what would happen was becoming increasingly out of her control. All she could do now was start down the long road of re-empowering herself to take back control of her destiny.


It was only a short while from midday, Misty judged, when she reached her destination. A small pond near the base of the hill nearest town. It was situated on the cusp between the meadow of bloody tears and a rocky area. The shade from the canopy barely touched the water at this time of day so its temperature should be pleasantly warm.

She chose a spot on the stony side for twofold reasons. Firstly it would be easier to dry off on the sun baked rocks and secondly the bugs preferred the flora covered side. A skimming-bird was taking advantage of the latter fact and having veritable feast. The aim was to make herself look presentable, not to show up covered in bites. As she stripped more fond memories of skinny dipping with her lads here came to her.

Being next to the red meadow meant that the pond's surface was always at least sparsely coated in red leaves and petals making it a romantic spot in the girl's opinion. Most of the boys she had brought here had balked at being so close to the enchanted forest, their superstitions running too deep. The more adventurous ones knew of the underwater funnel that fed the pond its water from an underground stream running under the rocks. They would dive into the tunnel to see how far they got before they lost their nerve. Misty had usually had to take off her clothes to seize back their attention. Good times.

With her supplies safely unpacked and laid out, Misty made her way down into the pool. She dipped in her toes first to ascertain the temperature and saw something move. With a choking gasp she scrambled backwards. Whatever was in there was big. The pond was not too deep, a dozen or so feet and whatever was in there was lying on the bottom. She knew that the native fish did not get much bigger than an arm so what the fuck was it?

The bastard. Being a water elemental probably meant he could breathe underwater or at least stay under for a while. It did not take much for her shock to transition to anger. How dare he desecrate another one of her private places? First her spot in the meadow, her home and now her bathing spot.

She hefted the biggest rock she could manage and hurled it into the water, "Get out my fucking pond! Find somewhere else!"

The stone hit the water with a satisfyingly large splash and quickly sunk to the bottom, disturbing the orc. She could just make out him shifting and start to rise to the surface. Misty quickly picked up a pebble to pelt at him, but what emerged was not the orc nor a human.

What arose was a pair of large lizard eyes, one of which regarded her dispassionately. Misty dropped her stone. It hit the ground with an unsatisfying clatter. She could not see much of the monster and what she could see was unlike anything she had seen before. Its jaw was wide, its snout was snub-nosed and its skin consisted of small, slick looking scales. It was a dark green color on the brink of black.

Misty could not move. She dimly recalled that Kentin had told her about giant lizards that could petrify their prey with a look. Had that happened to her? Was she a frozen meal for an impossible creature? It submerged its head, thankfully moving away from her, though she was less grateful when it revealed its actual size. As it curved its back to dive she could see row after row of paired small curved spikes along its spine which must have been over ten feet long.

She took an involuntary step back; not frozen then. Should she run? Could she run? What little cognizance she retained through her terror knew that the beast could not be limited in its reach to the pond alone. It stood to reason that a creature this large would be able to walk faster than she could run and she was on the wrong side of the water to take shelter in the forest or climb a tree. This only left her with back away slowly and learn to pray.

Misty was attempting to build up enough courage to turn around when the head of the monster emerged directly below a cloud of bugs and the skimming-bird making them its meal. The girl could just make out the creature opening its cavernous maw, toothless from what she could tell. Then there was a sharp bass thump of suction and the avian and the insects were gone. It did not need teeth, it literally inhaled its dinner.

It slid back beneath the surface of the pool, barely disturbing the water. Misty shuddered; enough lollygagging, time to make herself scarce. Yet when the monster surfaced once more, morbid curiosity paused her flight. A wide body appeared revealing two more rows of spines running parallel about two feet each from the vertebral spikes. The spine formed a high ridge that the second rows of barbs mimicked to about half height which formed two valleys upon its back. Water coursed off of it, unhindered by the smooth skin of the creature.

Between the spiny crags Misty noticed two large fleshy orifices open, they reminded her of nostrils. They quivered for a moment before ejecting a stream of water, mucus and feathers straight at her. She shrieked and fell backwards, however the spray caught her regardless and she was coated in an instant. She was too shocked to be angry and as she looked down between her legs she caught a glimpse of a pair of stumpy legs and a large horizontally finned tail vanish into the woods.

What the actual fuck.


Misty trudged up the hill leaving slimy foot prints on the rocky ground in her wake. The way she saw it she was back to having two choices. Either return to town in an even more scandalous state than when she left it or find another spot to clean herself up. Despite the giant creature, that she hoped was somewhere far away now, she had plumped for the latter.

With a clearer mind now that she had put some distance from the bizarre encounter, she had decided that the big lizard thing had not displayed any real interest in her and was probably not currently tracking her down to swallow her whole. Probably. The gunk she had been covered with was drying and hardening and she felt atrocious. If she was not still buzzing with adrenaline she had no doubt that she would be curled up sobbing right now.

There was a waterfall halfway up the hill that would suit her purpose. It was located in a shaded copse of trees and shrubbery and she knew the water to be freezing, however it was at least clean and fresh. Kentin had told her that it was part of the same river that fed into the pond she had just left among other things she had found too boring to remember. She did know that during the trek between the pond and the waterfall she was exposed.

From the town she would be nothing more than an unrecognizable speck on the hillside, yet even so she felt unnerved. As Misty gazed down upon the settlement she despaired at how quickly her home had gone from a place full of friends to that of one full of accusing stares and judgmental attitudes. Her sadness threatened tears, but she would damned if she would cry in front of the town.

The girl upped the pace of her slog and after what felt like a longer time than it actually was, she reached the edge of the coppice. Rocky ground became first moss then shrub covered as the life bringing effect of the waterfall imposed itself upon the mostly desolate hill. She heard the soft crashing of the water as she vanished into the foliage and she surprised herself when she began to sob, wet tears cutting furrows on her muck covered face.

Is this what they had reduced her to? A weak teary maid, powerless to the machinations of those who considered themselves better than her? Well fuck them. Fuck her mother, Kentin's preacher father and the parents of her lads who were overjoyed at her downfall. Fuck Kentin for rebuffing her. Fuck herself for letting her empowerment slip through her fingers. And fuck the orc for being an orc.

Misty pushed herself through the brush into the small sheltered clearing containing the tinkling cascade. The waterfall was not too impressive; a handful of rivulets pouring from an overhanging lichen covered rock face that splashed upon a narrow ledge and ran off into the old plunge pool that was only a few feet deep. The greenery surrounding it was thick and allowed only shifting shafts of light through onto the beautiful little spot and the more beautiful orc in the center.

"What the actual fuck?!"

Misty's surprise at seeing his surprise at seeing her, increased her already aggravating level of surprise. He was naked, as per usual and standing in the small pool with water running off of his exquisitely tight body. The dappled light reflecting off him accentuated his mottled green and brown skin and brought out his glinting black eyes. She had seemingly caught him in the middle of bathing and he looked just as gorgeous wet as he did dry, maybe even more so. Merely looking at him made her want to go to him, to kiss him.

He said, "Misty."

She said, "Bastard."

She was still angry at him, dammit. The earth shattering delayed orgasm that he had forced upon her had left her rattled, weak and confused. Just when she thought she had a clue about him, he would spin her about and leave her doubting everything. She had not expected to see him again. By the way he left it, he should have been long gone. She had spent the morning coming to terms with that, yet now here he was again.

Well fuck him. She stifled her tears with her accumulated infuriation and raised her head high. Misty would not permit him the pleasure of seeing her weak. She deliberately put down her bag and walked over to edge of the pool, only half a dozen feet away from him. The peasant girl looked the barbarian straight in the eyes as she stripped off her filthy garments and dumped them in a ball into the water in front of him.

To her annoyance the orc looked more concerned than anything else, he asked in his broken kingish, "What happen?"

She understood that she must look completely atrocious covered in monster mucus from head to toe, but she did her best to appear demure. When she returned to supplies and with her rear facing him, bent over to pick up her scrubbing brush and dwarf soap Misty got a little thrill when she heard the orc do one of his sexy low growls. She covered her smile when she turned around and pointedly ignored him as she made her way to the waterfall.

This was the tricky part. The ledge was slippy with plant stuff and the relatively flat spot she wanted to get to was a few steps away. The girl put an experimental foot onto the rock and when she did not slip and break her neck, she boldly pushed herself forward. To Misty's dismay she lost her grip and was forced to scramble up on all fours in order not to fall. She achieved an upright precarious perch from which she jumped the last distance to her goal. Her foot slid from underneath her and she flailed sending her brush and soap crashing into the pool below; she only just managed to throw herself flat against the wet rock wall and not fall in herself. Smooth.

The girl had to take a long steadying breath to calm herself as her heart hammered in her ears. The stone directly under the waterfall was more sloped than she remembered it being, however her footing felt much firmer here and she risked looking over the edge of the shelf into the plunge-pool below. She was only a foot away from the water's surface and if the brush had fallen close by she might be able to retrieve it. The soap did not float so that would have to wait.

Misty was not shocked when she saw that the orc had the scourer in his hand. He was standing in the deepest part of the pool just below her, his head reaching to just above her feet and proffered the cleaning tool to her. The girl crouched and took it, doing her best to keep her knees together and not offer more of an eyeful to the beast man. He smiled and she frowned, unwilling to melt the ice between them.

He dropped beneath the surface, brought the soap back up and examined it, "Dwarf," he stated.

"Give," Misty reached for it.

Challenge flashed in his eyes and the girl expected him to throw it away or pull her into the pool with him. She found herself anticipating another struggle with the savage; that would inevitably lead to coitus. She damned herself for her self-destructive eagerness and even more when he carefully handed her the soap and the first thing she felt was frustration.

"Orc more good," he said.

It took her a moment for her to get that he was talking about the castile. She chose not to reply and instead set about rubbing the rough, chalky soap over herself. The waterfall was as cold as she had feared and she was soon covered in large goose-bumps even beneath the grime and snot and her nipples grew to hard crinkled points. At least the frigidity of the waterfall and her grimy state were quashing the desire in her gut.

As Misty began scrubbing she risked a look over her shoulder. The beast man was watching her whilst floating on his back and using his arms to tread water. His penis bobbed in the rippling water, only just breaking the surface.

"Roaji," he said.

"Uh..." she tore her gaze from his ever impressive genitals, "what?"

"My name. Roaji."

The girl's face lit up like a firework. His name! After sticking his dick in her almost a dozen times he was telling her his name! Suddenly she was too excited to be pissed at him.

"Rojee? Your name is Rojee?" she massacred the pronunciation.

The orc winced then annunciated, "r-O-a-gee."

It took Misty a couple more attempts until Roaji seemed satisfied with the articulation. Roaji, his name. He flashed his pointed smile at her and she grinned goofily back. All at once she had a hundred questions for him with no idea how to ask them. She did not get the chance before he dropped another hammer blow.

"Soon leave."

She knew instantly that he did not mean the here and now, but rather he was departing the area. No he could not... Misty caught herself, barely more than an hour ago she thought she had convinced herself that she was fine with never seeing him again. What the fuck was she thinking?

She had to make certain, "You're leaving here," she pointed down to signify the 'here'.

The orc furrowed his eye ridges as he searched for the kingish words, "No," he stood up so he could spread his arms, "Here. Big place."

"Oh," she turned her back and resumed her cleaning, "Well go then."

Fuck him. She would not give him the satisfaction of mourning his departure. The girl needed to focus on her resolve to move forward with her new inferior life. She could not go about improving her situation by mooning over this monster called Roaji. He had done nothing but confuse and torment her and being an orc meant she had been taught and bound to fear and revile him.


She dropped her cleaning instruments, jumped into the plunge pool with the orc, grabbed him and kissed him. Roaji lifted her up and Misty curled herself around him, wrapping her arms behind his neck and mashing her lips down upon his. He said her name again and she mewled in hunger, hoping the water would cover her tears. The girl's emotions were in turmoil and the strength of her willpower had eroded almost to nothing; leaving only need.

She lamented her lack of control even as she rejoiced at feeling his hard body against hers. Misty pushed her tongue past his sharp teeth to deepen the kiss, desperate to sate her hunger for him. If this was truly to be the last time... The girl could not help but let loose a sob.