Orc Ch. 07

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Where have all the good orcs gone?
4.7k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/17/2007
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The girl hugged her arms tight around herself in a futile attempt to ward off the chill deep within her. She wished she could blame the weather for the numbing sensation, but the night air was warm and humid. Every night since the dwarfs she had been wakened early by nightmares of guilt and death and tonight was no different. This time, after butchering Yenix she had turned her blade on Kentin, mechanically plunging her weapon into his chest over and over as he begged and pleaded with her to stop. She left the small campsite in a hurry, hoping that she would at least not throw up this time.

Though the sun had not risen yet, evidence of its imminence painted the horizon and gave Misty enough to walk by. She headed upwards, picking her way through sickly thin trees and brown shrubbery, towards the cliff side. The orc had brought them to the cliffs yesterday and they had spent the full day navigating the circumference of the gigantic site, though keeping a safe distance away from the edge. Roaji had only allowed her a brief glimpse of the marvels that lay beyond the precipice and what she had seen was beyond her imagination. Only exhaustion prevented her from sprinting up the slope to hopefully see it again.

She was out of breath regardless upon arrival at the crest, however it was worth it. Beneath her stretched a city the size of which she would have thought impossible. It was half sunken, abandoned as far as she could tell and its spiral spires tilted as if collapsing in slow motion, yet it was the most magnificent thing she had ever seen. The decaying architecture was possessed of smooth concave shapes where almost all roofs were shallow basins and remaining elevated walkways connected the large cream stone buildings. In the distance, beyond the city, Misty could just make a vast stretch of water that must have been the ocean.

A light haze hung over the metropolis; from the scant few words Roaji had said to her, mostly warnings, the girl assumed that that was the malaise that rendered the city uninhabitable. She noticed now that there was not even plant life down there even though seemingly the place had been empty for decades or maybe even centuries and by rights should be overgrown. There were no streets, only waterways; it was a dead orc city and was probably the most beautiful and sad thing Misty had ever seen.

She wished Kentin were here to see it, he would likely cum in his pants. Misty dearly wished that he would come to terms with the fact that he had been left behind. There was no way he could survive living amongst orcs, he was soft, sensitive and frankly cowardly. She had given him the slip by having Roaji growl at him, thus making him faint. He deserved better; he had been the one to sew up the orc's wounds and organize provisions. Daily she would have a moment of regret, however the savage swamp lands were no place for a learned man. They were no place for wayward wenches either, but she was set on a path now, chosen or not, and she would not disgrace herself by faltering.

The sun crested the horizon, slicing through the morning mists like an uncompromising giant. The girl absently wondered that if orcs were water, dwarfs were earth and elves were air, was the sun some sort of ultimate fire deity? The sharp light stung her tired eyes and she had to look away back down the slope, towards Roaji.

When they had set off together she had not known what to expect. Before the dwarfs, their primary communication form had been smooshing their genitals together and their spoken language barrier was definitely a problem. Misty did not speak a word of orcish and the orc's kingish was rudimentary at best. For the first two days of travel it did not matter as she was still in shock from taking Yenix's life and as far as she could recall the orc had let her be. On the third morn, the dam burst and she had sobbed hysterically for what felt like hours. Roaji had gone to her in an instant and had held her to his chest through it all.

They had spent the rest of the day in awkward but earnest conversation and Misty had started feeling like herself again and that maybe, just maybe her life might not be over. She had put the moves on the orc that night and everything seemed to be fine until, mid kiss, he had pushed her away. It was the first time she had ever seen him look frightened and he offered only one word in explanation, 'poison'.

The following day he had barely looked her in the eyes, instead rattling through a stream of instructions and warnings. He had grown increasingly frustrated with his poor kingish and when Misty had reached out to comfort him he had flinched away as if burned. From what she could gather from him, she learned that he had a lot of secrets he wished hidden from his people. 'Don't tell them that we killed the dwarfs', 'Don't tell them we fucked', 'Don't tell them I can use magic'. The girl's shaky optimism was quickly quashed by the understanding that where they were going, she would have to lie to protect Roaji.

There was nothing for it aggravatingly. Only another orc with magical talents could draw the toxin from Roaji. Kentin had explained it to her; it was a slow acting poison of the mind that would drive the orc into an unquenchable rage. It would not kill him directly, however it would remove his sense of self preservation and orcs affected had been known to die of thirst or starvation. Even in her post-kill addled state Misty had resolved to get her orc back to his people. He had saved her life and it was only fair that she should return the favor.

Over the last few days he had been growing visibly worse. His once graceful movements had become sluggish and forced. He refused to look her in the eyes anymore and he infrequently growled to himself in orcish. His once lush brown and green skin grew more ashen by the day and he seemed to have as much trouble sleeping as she did. Just thinking about it made Misty want to go back and check on him. She took one last lingering look at the desolate cityscape as the light caught its water and it began to gleam.


Misty found the orc awake and fumbling with a length of rope, seemingly attempting and failing to tie himself up. She had foreseen such a precaution, but it still irked her that he had not asked her for help when it was clearly a task he could not perform himself. Alarmingly, his complexion seemed to have blanched even more overnight, though she hoped it was just a trick of the lack of light.

The orc's massive pack beast watched the girl approach with her usual lack of interest. After the fight with the dwarfs, seeing the huge snot spewing lizard waiting for them at Roaji's appropriated dwarf hole had been the shock that brought her back to her senses. Even now, the sight of the beast unnerved her, how could it not? She was an almost twenty foot long collection of scales and spines, and her mouth was large enough to swallow a person whole. The fact that she seemed more docile than a cow and her fore and hind legs were spread flat behind her in the most unthreatening manner possible did not assuage Misty's mild terror at the sight of Snotty. Roaji had told Misty the monster's real name, but she could not pronounce it and Snotty seemed more apt due to her mucus dispensing tendencies. The girl had hoped that giving the lizard a pet name might help with her unease, however she still jumped whenever Snotty opened her maw to suck in a cloud of bugs or an unwary bird.

Misty did her best to ignore the monster, going straight to the orc. She made no attempt to sneak, but Roaji still jumped in surprise when she entered his view. For a fleeting moment their gaze met, however the orc quickly looked away.

Perhaps it was the image of the hopeless dead city burned into her mind or general fatigue that spurred her into no bullshit mode, but either way she angrily said, "No," and moved in to put her arms around his expansive chest.

The orc tensed and then squirmed in her grip, nevertheless she held on tight. She was not going to let Roaji push her away, physically or metaphorically, they had come too far now.

Ultimately though, the orc was stronger and wrested her away, deigning to meet her eyes and growled, "Misty. Poison."

"But you're still fighting it! You're still you."

"No. Too strong," he looked at her feet, "Want to hurt. Hurt you."

"I trust you," it was a half-truth; she felt he needed her to trust him.

His deep voice rolled in hurt, "Misty."

"I trust you."

The orc considered her for several long heart beats before profering the rope to her, "Help."

She had been trying to avoid the idea that Roaji would lose himself and leave her out in the wilderness alone; that they would make it to help before it came to that. The rope represented the end of her faint hope to be spared from the frightening responsibility of keeping them both alive. Yet it had to be done. She was mostly certain that her orc would not asked to be restrained to shirk a burden. So she nodded.

It was not easy. Roaji shifted around to indicate he wanted his wrists tied behind his back. Misty had little experience with knotting and it took numerous attempts to satisfy him, but she managed to twist the rope into what looked complicated and messy enough to need a knife to cut him free. She gave him a brave smile and then pressed her cheek to his smooth chest.

She whispered, "You're still you."

She nestled closer against him as he mumbled at her in his native tongue. His body maintained its usual abnormal heat despite his loss of color. He was covered in a light gleam of sweat though it had lost its acidic properties, she could only assume that that was a bad sign.

"You're going to be fine," the girl stated.

Misty leaned up for a kiss and after a moment of hesitation he accepted it with a tilt of his head. She parted his dry lips with her tongue, feeling the points of his teeth with the tip. The girl tenderly pecked at her tall savior continuing her quiet assurances. She smiled a little shyly when she felt his penis stir against her belly.

"Well I'm up for it if-" Misty was cut off when the orc forced his mouth back over hers.

His tongue invaded her, forcefully dominating her own. The girl moaned into his kiss, allowing his heady passion to infect her. Misty wedged her hand between their bodies to press her palm against his growing hardness. She reveled in the vitality of his thick member; even if the rest of him was waning, his cock remained as eager as ever.

She released his manhood to explore other aspects of his fighter's physique, however she felt him go tense. A growl rose up from within the orc that rumbled so aggressively that it reverberated in her own throat.

She broke the kiss, "What is it?"

Concern snapped into panic when she realized the orc towering over her was no longer her Roaji, but something else. His usual twinkling, intelligent black eyes had become foggy and unfocused. His poise and grace were replaced with a straining hunch. How had he changed so fast? The beast snarled down at the small human and lunged.

Misty jumped backwards from the attack, saved from harm by the rope still restraining his wrists. The orc stumbled and fell to the dry, rocky ground. As he scrambled clumsily back to his feet, the girl looked around for anything with which to defend herself. Unfortunately Roaji was now between her and the supply laden lizard which regarded them with a useless sleepy apathy.

"Roaji!" she cried, he jumped, "No!"

Despite knowing the futility, the girl dodged and ran. She barely made it five paces before the orc barreled into her, knocking her face first to the ground. She spat out a mouthful of dust and scrabble to escape as Roaji pressed her against the earth. In her panic it took her a handful of pounding heartbeats to realize that the monster was not trying to tear her to shreds but rather was dry humping her ass. Well.

As uncomfortable as it was being pressed into the dirt, Misty could only cough in relief that she was not being murdered. Horny maniacs were easier to handle for her than homicidal ones. Was it Roaji's lust for her that was messing with the poison's violence urging effects or was sexual violence one of its usual symptoms? She did not know, however she did know she could and should use it to her advantage.

Very grateful that the orc had prioritized the issue of binding his hands, Misty awkwardly reached her own back to palm the cock currently trying to saw its way through her travelling skirts. The unhinged beast grunted when she slipped her fingers into his loose fitting breeches to start kneading the enflamed head of his erection. The girl quickly achieved the desired effect of stopping him from driving her into the crusty soil and managed to turn herself over for a better angle. As long as she kept her digits on or around his feverously hot manhood she found her broken lover to be as malleable as a newborn kitten.

"Up," Misty commanded, using the orc's penis as a rudder with which to steer him.

The girl could not tell if he understood her verbal direction, but he certainly responded to her physical cues. The orc now possessed all the elegance of a flightless bird. Getting him to shuffle to where she needed was a balancing act between keeping him sufficiently stimulated and distracted, and making sure he did not trip on the stony ground. For her it was the least erotic sexual favor she had ever performed, yet the beast seemed slack jawed and happy.

Having thought that however, she still did have what she considered to be the best dick currently in her grasp. The contrast between his shaft and glans was even more striking than ever due to the pallid hue his skin had acquired. His rich plum looked even more appetizing as a result. Roaji had always been reticent about receiving oral even though he had showed no such restraint when performing it himself and he had still not explained as to why. Misty guessed that it was probably to do with him being attuned to liquid and that he maybe considered his sperm to be sacred or some other such bullshit.

Having successfully maneuvered the orc back to Snotty, the girl searched around for anything with which to secure one monster to the other. As Misty feared, the task quickly proved troublesome as the orc grumbled and shifted aggressively whenever her focus slipped from pleasuring his cock. Stretching to untie a large brace of herbs, the girl was not prepared when Roaji thrust his hips at her, bumping her away. The brute snarled at her and she could see his shoulders tense as he strained to snap his bindings.

The growl rose to a roar, eyes wide with alarm, Misty could scarce believe it when the restraints began to snap. In a fit of desperation fueled madness she dashed back before the monster could fully free himself, dropped to her knees, cupped his balls and brought his cock between her lips. Again stopped mid rampage the orc teetered backwards and the human had to move fast to maintain contact. Fortunately the adrenaline in her system afforded her the speed she needed and crisis was averted.

More secure in her position, Misty sucked the thick cock head into her mouth and lavished it with her tongue. Roaji was the biggest she had ever had and that fact was even more apparent as she went down on him. The orc's smooth slippery glans almost entirely filled her mouth, scorching it with heat and a salty, spicy flavor. His taste was alien and intoxicating, and for a moment Misty became lost in the sensation of him crackling upon her taste buds.

Pleasuring the beast with a long drawn out suck, the girl considered her position. In a brief instant of weakness Misty thought to distract the orc long enough for her to make a safe getaway, however she knew she could not, would not do that to him. She needed to get Roaji tied up again, that was their only hope and to do so she knew she had to stay the course of controlling him through sex.

No, that was not true; she wanted to control the orc via his pleasure. He had denied her the use of fellatio during their previous lovemaking and that prohibition had only served to make her want to perform the act even more. She supposed that made her more of a floozy than she had thought herself, however in a battle of sexual dominance shame was the mood killer. And it was another struggle between them she knew; both their lives were now in her hands and the danger was no longer implied but very real.

Misty decided she should not think about that and just focus on blowing the brute. She wrapped her fist around the top of his hefty shaft to give herself some control if the orc tried to thrust, his girth was such that she could easily choke. Keeping her grip so tight that she could feel the blood pulsing through the cock she started in earnest with long slow pumps. On each upstroke she flicked her tongue lightly at the sensitive crinkly tip of his foreskin. On the down-stroke she peeled the skin back to give the glans a gentle suck.

There was a quiver in the orc's next growl, yet it was a growl nonetheless and the girl could feel a growing tension in his thighs that spoke of action. Apparently poisoned crazy Roaji did not appreciate the slower teasing part of Misty's favorite blowjob routine. Fine. She pulled the fold back and sucked the full plum into her so that it was pressed against the roof of her mouth. The girl upped the beat of her fist and swaddled the cock with her tongue, drawing more flavors from its swollen head.

The monster's growls diminished into groans and the strain left his muscles. Maintaining her assault, Misty milked a drizzle of precum from his member, the taste of which sent shocks arcing around her womb. Her pussy grew moist and needy and the girl found herself squeezing her thighs together in pleasure. She moaned around the meat filling her mouth and hoped her response was due to her attraction to Roaji and not some weird orc thing.

The beast was jerking his hips towards her now making any kind of precision pleasuring impossible so Misty quickly spat into her palm to give him something wet to thrust into. She continued frenziedly licking and sucking on his leaking spicy sex though she wondered whether that was now more for his or her benefit. The girl took his testes into her freer hand to fondle them and give herself a moments warning for the impending eruption.

She did not have to wait long as the orc's heavy ball sac was soon tightening and his shaft straining. Misty thought it best that she did not take the load in her mouth and that she should definitely aim the primed cock away, yet she hesitated and moment was gone. The penis grew hotter still, lurched and then began splashing a thick flood of semen across her tongue. She swallowed his continuing offerings with a mad hunger as his essence set off a chain of fireworks within her core. It was a bizzarre sensation that felt like the interior of her sexual organs were being simultaneously enflamed and soothed.

Once it was over, she could not tell if she had experienced orgasm or not. Roaji most certainly had as the large amounts of ejaculate coating her throat, mouth and chin could attest. Nevertheless Misty felt weak and not even slightly up to subduing an orc, sexually sedated or no. Then the beast spoke and the shock, fear and pain in his voice chilled her heart.

"Misty?" Roaji said, and Misty could tell it was him again, "Why? Why?"

"I..." she could imagine how she must look, on her knees before him covered in sweat and cum. Had she betrayed him? The hurt in his eyes pained her more than a physical blow and she almost began to cry. However, she did not. After all that had happened she was harder now. She wiped the semen off of her chin with the back of her hand, had to resist the urge to lick it up and forced herself to her feet, "You lost control and attacked me. I had to do something."