Orc Ch. 09

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Misty tries to be lesbian.
8.6k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/17/2007
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The first week alone among the orcs passed far less painfully than Misty had feared. Roaji had left her with a decent amount of money; enough to see her fed for at least a month with extras, and no one was trying to turf her out of his little abode. She was left free to come and go as she wanted and Enge the stand in leader of the community was ignoring her and thus not demanding she become an unwilling prostitute.

By day Misty usually spent time with the only other human female in the settlement, Avelee, learning the language and customs of the orcs. Despite their differences and their student and teacher relationship, they quickly became friends. By night she tried to socialize with the men. Most were wary of her, but she managed to ingratiate herself with a small group of five who let her drink with them and seemed to find their clumsy communication attempts amusing.

The second week was much worse. Roaji did not return, though he had promised he would be gone no longer than a week. To say she was worried was an understatement. He was weak, wounded and alone and she was powerless to do anything about it. The agency she was developing at the orc settlement meant nothing if Roaji was not around to share it.

What was worse was the unnatural horniness that had been haunting her footsteps was coming back with a vengeance. She still did not know what was causing it and found herself masturbating a handful of times a day to keep the edge off. She ultimately had to stop going out at night as she did not know if she could rebuff the males' advances.

This severely vexed Misty as she was unused to having to worry about fidelity. She had only ever been in one monogamous relationship and that had barely lasted longer than a month. To her credit, the boy had cheated on her, yet she had been relieved when he had. The girl had gotten used to doing whatever she wanted with whomever she wanted back home, but things were different now were they not?

She felt that there was something between her and Roaji, though what exactly she could not be certain. Either way she thought she owed it to the orc to find out what they wanted from each other before she moved on and until then she probably should not jump the bones of the first guy to wink at her. Misty intended to wait for Roaji for as long as she could bear.

By the third week Misty hit her limit.

"This is fucking bullshit," Misty fumed, stalking in circles like a caged beast.

"I know. I'm really sorry, Misty," Avelee said soothingly, making Misty even angrier.

They were in Avelee and Ghoen's home, a modest dwelling by human standards, but a mansion in comparison to Roaji's hut. Misty had gone there straight from the village's meeting hall where she had met with Enge, her reluctant last hope.

"No one cares. Why does no one fucking care?! He's out there somewhere. He could be hurt. He could be-," Misty was not able to finish.

"It's not fair. I know."

"I have to find him. If no one else will, I have to."

Misty had spent the entire day talking to everyone she could think of, trying to get a search party for Roaji organized. She had been met with, mockery, sympathy and indifference, and not a single assent to help. It was the orcs' damned system of trade.

Physical currency, money, was only used for goods, food and suchlike. Services rendered, such as tracking down a lost person, could only be paid for by an agreed upon service or favor of equal value. What made the situation worse was that the only people able to trade in such a manner were female members of the community. Misty was considered a guest and therefore ineligible.

The human had tried talking to some of the men; her drinking buddies and even Taldereht, yet none had been brave or bold enough to act on their own authority. The few women empathetic enough to the human's cause had tried to explain that helping Roaji would diminish his standing. If he could not perform his duties by himself, then he would lose the small freedoms he had worked long and hard to attain.

Misty had tried to argue that surely his life was more important than his standing, yet still none would indebt themselves for a mere male's sake. Any respect or fondness for the orcs she had been developing quickly dissipated in the face of such callousness. In final desperation she had even tried to appeal to Enge and had been summarily laughed out of the room.

So, if she had to do it herself, then she would. It did not matter if she lacked the means or abilities to track Roaji down, she would just have to make it work somehow. She would go out there into the marshy wilderness and bring the orc back and then maybe, just maybe be able to spend some time not worrying about her or Roaji's lives.

"Misty," Avelee looked troubled.

"You can't stop me. Nobody can stop me from leaving. You said it yourself, I'm not a prisoner."

"Misty. There's something I need to tell you. Well, ask you really. I-," she faltered.

This did not sound good, "What is it?"

"Well, I've been speaking with Ghoen and- and um-" the blonde stopped again.

A faint hope flickered in Misty's heart. Ghoen, Avelee's lover and commander of the settlement's meagre militia, was the first person Misty had asked for help from. They were not friends, however, they were amicable enough towards each other on account of Avelee. Ghoen had declined to aid Roaji to protect his honor. Had her human lover persuaded her to change her mind?

"Out with it, gods damn it," Misty grabbed the smaller woman's hands.

"Oh, well, uh," Avelee would not meet her eyes, then she hurriedly whispered, "Ghoen said she would go find Roaji if you spend the night with us."

Misty let go of her hands, "What?"

"I uh- Well after you left this morning I begged Ghoen to help you. She's the only one who can, but she's so stubborn. You know her. It took all day, but she agreed. She even said she would give you her matronage so you could officially trade uh... services."


Avelee looked on the verge of tears, "I'm really sorry, Misty. I know that she has a thing for humans and that she might proposition you, but not like this. I mean, I know you're straight and have something going on with Roaji."


"Ghoen really does care about what happens to you," the smaller woman went on, "She's worried that when the Sibyl returns you'll be kicked out and if you're considered a female member of the community she can't do that to you. Well, not as easily anyway."

"Ok," Misty said.

Not hearing her, Avelee continued, "I promise she'll, I mean we'll be respectful. You won't get forced into anything. Ghoen is a forceful lover, but she's also patient and generous. There's nothing to be scared of. I'll be there the whole time."

The darker haired girl had to speak up, "I said, ok."

"What?" the blonde looked genuinely shocked.

"It's fine. I guess. Are you ok with it, though?"

She frowned in puzzlement, "Am I... I uh... I think so. Are you sure?"

"No," Misty laughed, "But it won't be my first sexual favor and I can think of worse deals. Is she here?"

Eyes still downcast, the petite woman replied, "She's in the bedroom."

No sooner than it had been said, the large orc stepped silently into the room. She was just as imposing as ever, standing well over a foot taller than Misty. She looked down at the human with black eyes with a neutral yet stern expression.

Unsurprised, Misty asked, "You heard all that?" the green giant replied with a curt nod, "Good. I'll be your whore, Ghoen."

The orc's eye ridges twitched into a slight frown and Avelee gasped, "Misty!"

"I won't sugar coat it, Lee," then to the orc, "When?"

"First tomorrow night. Then again when I return Roaji."


"First for my backing. Second for Roaji."

Misty considered, "We'll do it tonight. I want you looking for Roaji tomorrow. And we can talk about more nights depending how tonight goes and after you've brought him back."

"More than twice," the orc's dark eyes glinted.


The dark haired human knew she was playing a dangerous game. She was being honest with the orc, if their fucking was pleasurable enough and did not come with any strings attached she would be open to repeats. However, she was acutely aware she was in the orcs' world now and she was still unsure how much if any control she still held over her own fate.

Misty was not gay, nor was she bisexual. However, she was both open minded and curious about sexuality. Sex with another woman was something she had thought about only irregularly, yet it had definitely crossed her mind. Her reputation among her female kinfolk had put a dampener on her ever experimenting though. It was a shame that her first lesbian experience would involve the bartering of her body.

"Oh! Um, there's a problem," Avelee interjected, "Ghoen can't perform her task for you until you're officially initiated."

The orc grumbled, "No-one will stop me."

"Don't be glib," the human admonished her lover, "When the Sibyl finds out her authority was subverted. It will cause big problems for Misty and us."

"I don't care," Misty snapped, more harshly than she had intended, "Roaji is out there somewhere, alone. He needs help."

The orc said, "You give him too little faith."

Misty scowled, "Do you want to fuck me or not?" she was not certain, but she thought Ghoen rolled her eyes at that.

"We could still make it work if another were to give Misty matronage and partake in the initiation," the blonde former teacher spoke slowly.

"Fine, you do it," the other human replied.

Avelee winced, "Oh, I can't. I was never initiated myself. I'm kept."

"You're not initiated?"

"Uh, no. Ghoen won't let me."

"Why not?"

The orc interrupted, "I won't share what is mine. Misty, Cetelia will back you. She hates the Sibyl."

"Oh! You're right!" Avelee exclaimed, "Of course she would."

Ghoen nodded, "Yes. I will speak with her tomorrow morning before I leave. She can watch the ceremony quickly so I can return after."

The small human smiled, "And that way you would have performed your favor after Misty's initiation."

Misty was getting a bit lost at the rapid development of her half-baked plan, but she was getting what she wanted. Still, a tiny ball of dread had formed in the pit of her stomach. What was she getting herself into this time? An initiation ceremony sounded vaguely ominous. First things first though; survive a night of sex with Ghoen.

"Ok," the brunette said, "I'm going to eat and clean up. I'll be back in a couple of hours," with that she turned and left without looking back.


When she returned, it took Misty a full minute to build up the courage to knock on Ghoen and Avelee's door. She was still uncertain whether or not this was a good idea. She knew she was reneging on her temporary plan to stay faithful to Roaji, but it was not like she had told the orc of it. Besides, the girl was becoming increasingly suspicious of her perpetual horn and the smart money was on Roaji being the cause in one form or another.

Even now she was wet despite her trepidation and she was regretting not making the time to quickly rub one out before leaving Roaji's home. She did not want the orc to get the wrong idea and think Misty was more into her than she really was. Still, the human hoped Ghoen's attentions would grant her more relief than her own fingers were.

Ghoen was imposing, blunt and often standoffish, yet she kept Avelee happy so she must be doing something right. She was the greenest orc she had seen so far, her skin being lighter and richer than most of her kin. Ghoen was not pretty by any human standard and Misty could not find an inch within herself that was sexually attracted to her, however she did admire her confident poise and forthrightness.

Meanwhile, Avelee sat somewhere at the other end of the spectrum. The human was short, perhaps not even reaching five foot, and slim. The teacher was affable, outgoing and had a smidgen of ditziness that was more endearing than annoying. With her long blonde hair and easy smile, Misty had to admit that had they been friends in the human world and Avelee had suggested a liaison, she would have probably been up for it.

That particular fantasy did not involve a giant orc looming over them, however. Well, maybe Roaji watching would not be too bad...

The thought of her orc lover was enough to steel her resolve so that, when the door swung open, Misty did not turn and flee, "Well, here I am," she laughed nervously, feeling like an idiot.

Misty wore a loose fitting, long beige slip, a thick black shawl and nothing else. The orc slip fit her horribly, hanging more off her breasts than shoulders, but it kept her covered and would be easy to remove if the orc became aggressive; she did not need a walk of shame right now. The shawl was something Misty liked, it was stupendously fluffy and warm, perfect for the chill of the night.

It was Ghoen who had opened the door. She gave Misty a quick once over with her eyes then said, "Come in."

In the short while she had been gone, someone had obviously been busy. Space had been cleared around the main living space leaving it obstacle free and a sizable fur mattress had been brought into the room. The curtains had been drawn shut so that only several thick candles now lit the room. A couple of small glass pots trailed out thin lines of scented smoke.

"Avelee?" Misty asked. Ghoen grunted an affirmative, "Where is she? She will be here, right?"

"I'm here!" coughed the other woman from a smoke filled cooking alcove, "I'm just finishing snacks. Oh, Misty, you look lovely."

The dark haired human laughed, "No, I don't. I look like a kid wearing adult clothes."

Unwilling to rescind her compliment, Avelee admonished, "Nonsense, the shawl helps bring out your eyes. Please, sit down. Ghoen, can you fetch her a drink?"

Misty did as she was told, as did the orc, who quickly deposited a steaming mug of brown liquid in front of her. It smelt vaguely floral and distinctly alcoholic. Misty immediately took a long swig of it, coughed harshly when it burned her throat, then finished the rest. Avelee looked horrified and Ghoen may or may not have been impressed.

Half gasping, Misty inquired, "More?"

"Misty!" the other human gasped, "I didn't think you... Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Just more," she paused, "what was that called?"

"Swamp fever," Ghoen provided.

Misty laughed, "Good name."

The blonde glowered at her orcish partner, "You didn't."

Ghoen cracked the smallest grin, "I was already having and she look like she need too."

"Mm-hmm," Misty agreed.

The orc fetched a pot and refilled her, "One more only. Strong."

As Misty made a valiant, but futile attempt to make the beverage last she said between gulps, "So do you want to start? I don't want to be rude. But, I'd rather do this as quick as possible. So I don't change my mind."

"But, I made treats," Avelee whimpered, crestfallen.

Unable to stop herself making a concession for her teacher, Misty offered, "Maybe after?"

Avelee brightened a little at that. Misty was infinitely grateful for her presence; were it just the aggressively stoic orc, she may well have reneged on their arrangement. The small woman's earnestness actually added an amount of surreality to the occasion, which somehow made it easier too.

The 'swamp fever' was quickly doing its intended part of softening the metaphorical edges also. The alcohol was already warming her belly and chest, bringing a flush to her. It was certainly stronger than anything she had managed to get her hands on during her brief tenure with the orcs. She knew too that heated booze got into your system quicker.

Buoyed by the artificial courage, Misty asked without quiver, "So how do you want to do this?"

Ghoen fixed her with another stare and Misty had the distinct impression that her resolve was being measured. She licked her suddenly dry lips and straightened her back; then admonished herself for reacting to the scrutiny.

After the long moment, the orc simply said, "Avelee?"

The blonde sat down beside her fellow human at a personable, but not intrusive distance and spoke to her softly, "We want this to be special, Misty; not just a business thing."

"Fine," Misty replied as nicely as she could for her friend's sake.

"Would you like to kiss me?" Avelee asked with legitimate hope.

"No," the brunette said quickly without thinking.

Misty really just wanted Ghoen to have her way with her as quickly as possible so she could rest easy with the knowledge that a competent hunter was searching for Roaji. When she had let one of her previous male lovers take full control, things usually had happened quickly. It was not necessarily a bad thing; being lusted after was its own thrill. However, she did not really know what to expect from a lesbian.

Would kissing slow things down, or worse, complicate them? Automatically, she had not wanted to take the risk, despite her curiosity. Even though Ghoen was the one she had made a deal with, she resented her presence here.

"Oh, Misty. We know this is weird for you, but we just want you to be comfortable," the blonde smiled at her uncertainly.

The dark haired girl could not resist putting a reassuring hand onto her friend's knee, "I know. Sorry, let's just do this, ok?"

Avelee responded with her own hand on Misty's knee, which she gave a gentle squeeze, "Ok sweetie, if you're sure. We won't make you do anything you don't want and we'll stop anytime you like, ok?"

The country girl nodded to the city girl, feeling very much younger and inexperienced than she actually was. The orc had positioned herself several feet opposite them on a chair than looked far too small for her. She watched them intently with her inky eyes, but said nothing. It was a little creepy, so Misty focused on Avelee.

The smaller woman's hand had started travelling up Misty's thigh, so the focus was easy to come by, "May I?" the blonde asked politely with a hint of husk.

The curvier woman could only nod again, her voice having decided to fuck off somewhere. She watched as Avelee hitched up her slip and burrowed her fingers beneath the fabric. This was really happening.

As the fair headed girl caressed her new partner's leg she whispered, "You're very pretty, Misty. I thought so when we first met. Ghoen did too."

Still nervous and suspicious, the busty girl spluttered, "Did you plan this then?"

"Oh! No. I mean, you have been involved in our fantasy play, I admit," she smiled shyly, "But we didn't think to, uh, ask you until this afternoon. Ghoen suggested it and I would have said no, but you've been so distracted and fidgety that I thought you might be, oh, up for it?"

"Hmm," Misty supposed that was agreeable, almost as agreeable as the feeling of the other woman's fingers running up and down the back of her leg.

The digits found themselves journeying into the warmth of her inner thighs where they abruptly stopped, "Oh! So wet!" Avelee exclaimed.

The orc actually grunted at that, her hips squirming on her chair. She was getting turned on by watching her partner with another woman. Misty closed her eyes in embarrassment. Even with her heightened libido she had not expected her crotch to flood so abundantly and all down her legs. However, even though it had only been a few weeks since her last tryst, it felt more like a year and the girl's delicate fingers felt wonderful on her skin.

"Shit," Misty grumbled.

A little teasingly, Avelee asked, "Are you sure you're not bi, because this is, uh, wow."

Deciding to come clean, the human said, "I don't know. Ever since Roaji, I've been really sensitive and horny, I mean really really."

"You think he may have done something to you," the blonde asked severely.