Orc Ch. 10

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Big Sexy Initiation Ceremony Extravaganza.
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Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/17/2007
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Misty questioned the aptness of the phrase, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend,' to her current circumstance. Maybe it should go, 'the enemy of my enemy is happy to use me to get a one up on her enemy, but is in no way inclined to be my friend or even treat me as an equal'. Or perhaps, 'I've got a bad feeling about this', would suffice. Maybe it was because everything was going according to plan.

Ghoen, the master of the orc settlements muster of warriors, was proving true to her word. As agreed, she had publicly declared she was providing secondary sponsorship for Misty's citizenship. And privately, she had bent the rules in order to track down the human's missing lover, Roaji, who was still missing. Impressively, the orc had done all this before Misty had woken up the morning after she had fulfilled her end of the bargain.

The human girl's side was to provide herself for a night of lesbian sex with Ghoen and her partner Avelee. It had been moderately strange, mostly enjoyable and mildly awkward. She may have tried to avoid her language teacher and friend for a time had Avelee not spent the entire following day simpering at her. Misty was a sucker for puppy dog eyes.

In truth, though, Misty needed the companionship as much as Avelee needed to be accepted and forgiven for the crossed boundaries. The brunette decided she would rather focus on her initiation ceremony and her blonde friend was more than happy to comply. Sorting out her feelings would have to wait.

On the positive side, the induction ritual required very little from Misty. All she had to do was turn up and prostate herself in front of the of the village's female elite. She did not have to make a speech or host a banquet or anything like that. It should not even take half an hour to complete. On the negative side, she had to be tied down and stripped naked.

Orc were humanoid water elementals and as such their sacraments and magic revolved around fluids. To be accepted into the population, Misty had to voluntarily give of her liquids. Blood, sweat, tears, saliva and sex. Avelee comforted her saying that the ritual was not like an orgy or too invasive. The orcs would merely imbibe her fluids to symbolize her joining with the tribe.

Whilst Misty's former human peers would have most certainly considered her shameless and she had been well known for her proclivities towards enjoying multiple lovers, exhibitionism had never really been her thing. Especially not in front of a group of people who considered her their lesser. But, this was for Roaji, to legitimize her trade with Ghoen to aid him, and getting naked in front of strangers was well within what she was willing to do for him.

The problem arose when her primary sponsor and witness, Cetelia, considered Misty to be little more than an animal. Avelee's abbreviated biography of Celetia was that she was an extremely talented magic shaper, the best in the settlement and she knew it. She often spoke out against the Sibyl's commands and only the fact that she was nigh on indispensable saved her from severe punishments. Whilst the orc leader was interested in regional politics, Celetia desired seclusion from the distractions of other races.

The human knew she was just being used as a tool in order to undermine the Sibyl's authority. Misty recognized Celetia as the graceful orc who had helped her stand up to Enge on her first night she had spent in the orc village. Even then she was just being used in another power play. Apparently getting one up was more important to Celetia than her xenophobia. The enemy of my enemy and all that.

What got under Misty's skin however, was despite her reservations and fears, her scheme was proceeding uncontested. The human's feeling of unease lasted right up to her arrival at the meeting hall where her initiation would take place; where it was replaced with dread.

"What do you mean I 'have to leave'?" Avelee almost shrieked.

Enge was obviously feigning boredom, she replied in orcish, "You are not welcome in here, thing."

It was far more difficult to understand orcish when the speaker was not making any effort to be heeded, but Misty turned out to be a fast and studious learner. It helped too that basic orcish was easy to pick up due to the smaller number of nouns in its dictionary. Advanced meanings were derived from inflections that the human was still struggling to grasp, though not nearly as much as she was struggling with her pronunciations.

"I am here in place of Ghoen. She wants me here," the teacher argued.

"Ok," the orc grinned cruelly, "Bring Ghoen here to confirm that and you can stay."

"You know she isn't here."

"That is not my problem, it is yours."

Avelee looked about ready to explode so Misty quickly pulled her aside, "It's ok, Lee. I don't want a fight."

That was true; the last thing she wanted to have was an antagonized orc in charge of her bound body. Misty figured that her safest play was to be as passive and quiet as possible for the ceremony to help get it over with as soon as possible. Enge was a bully and craved reactions, so the human would simply not give her one and hope she bored quickly.

"Oh, it's not ok, Misty. I don't trust her," the blonde bit her lip in worry.

"I don't either, but I won't back out now. Don't worry, I'll be a dull meek little human. They won't get any sport from me tonight."

Avelee looked ready to argue some more, but stopped herself, "Fine. I'll be right outside, alright?"

"Thank you," the brunette smiled nervously.

The smaller girl leaned in to give her friend a kiss, but stopped herself abruptly in embarrassment. Misty laughed and responded with a quick hug, however still wondered when or if things would be relaxed between them again. She truly hoped so. As Avelee left, Enge gave Misty a smirk over her petty victory. Not for the first time in life, the girl wondered how it was that bullies always seemed to be the ones who held power.

Trying to appear as indifferent as possible, Misty strolled back to the Sibyl's second and said in orcish, "Let's do this."

"You dirty our language with your tongue," Enge grimaced, responding in kingish.

Secretly happy that she did not have to twist her lips into making orcish words, she switched back to kingish, "It will be my language soon, too."

"So you say," replied the orc in a disturbingly enigmatic manner.

Before Misty could make an attempt at eking out more information from Enge, Celetia appeared and rudely pulled the human aside. Despite her tactlessness she was still the most elegant person in the large room and easily weaved them both into a marginally more private corner. The lithe orc would even have been a beauty among humans and Misty could not help but feel a little ungainly in her presence.

Celetia looked down her perfectly pointed nose at the human and said, "You are here. You have not changed your mind."

"Should I have?" Misty tried to jest with her.

Ignoring or missing the attempt at humor, the orc sighed, "Perhaps. You humans are weak and unfit to stand beside the avatars of the gods, yet here you are."

"Here I am," the brunette chortled, the insult raising her spirits with its pettiness, "And here you are sponsoring me. People have agendas no matter their station."

"Very astute," Celetia yawned, "No doubt you will be a great asset to our people."

"Yeah, think of all the changes I could make."

Misty got a little thrill of satisfaction when the orc's eyes flashed, yet her ire did not reach her voice, "Take your place human so we may finish our business here."

The girl gave her reluctant benefactor an overly friendly smile and nod before sauntering over to the device she would be placed upon with a roll of her eyes. Next to it was a large barrel of water that she could not discern a purpose for. She was glad that her arrangement with Celetia did not involve them having to meet on any kind of regular basis. In fact, Misty had no real desire to interact with any of the women here, with the exception of Avelee and perhaps Ghoen. She enjoyed the company of the orc men far more. Some things never changed.

The contraption she was to be placed upon was made entirely of smooth, varnished wood. On closer inspection she noticed that rather than being crafted from several pieces it was a single, beautifully organically formed, creation. Misty was pretty sure it had been magically shaped and wondered why furniture like this was not more common if orcs were still capable of making it.

Was it a forgotten art? The 'chair', for lack of a better description, did look old. There were scuffs and abrasions on it too far ingrained to be further hidden by varnish. Or was it perhaps practicality. The orcs were forced into being nomads by the militarily superior dwarfs and transporting large amounts of furniture hundreds of miles on a semi-regular basis was unlikely to be anyone's idea of a good time.

Taldereht, Enge's manservant, was currently hunched over the chair-thing, wiping it with a cloth and adjusting its leather straps. The positioning of the wrist and ankle cuffs confirmed hers fears that she would indeed be spread open top and bottom, unable to cover or protect herself from what was to come. Misty shuddered and took a moment to steady her resolve.

A small cup o foul smelling liquid was thrust in front of her face, "Drink this," commanded Taldereht with a betraying stammer.

"Hi, Reht," Misty replied, ignoring the potion, but grateful for the distraction anyway, "How's things?"

The orc did not meet her eyes, "I need you to drink this."

"No small talk first?"

"I have been forbidden to speak to you on any matter except your ritual."

"Well, that's stupid."

"Please, drink this."

The liquid in the cup was murky and green, "What is it?"

"It is for your ritual."

"Uh-huh. What does it do?"

"It will help your body act like an orc for a short while. The mistresses need to taste your, um, fluids and this will let you produce enough."

Misty wrinkled her nose, this was starting to sound messier than she anticipated, "Do I really need to? There's plenty of me to go around already," she laughed half-heartedly.

"You must. Orc women can control their liquid and humans cannot. The drink will make you do the one thing you must do for your ritual."

"Is it safe?" she regretted asking as soon as the words left her mouth.

The orc's eyes flicked to hers for only an instant, "It does not last long and I have antidote if you need it."

Misty mumbled, "Shit," took the cup and downed its contents in one.

The liquid was more viscous than it looked and it clung to her throat as it scraped its way down to her gut. It did not taste as bad as it smelled, yet that was small comfort when it felt like it was choking her. Her eyes bulged in panic and she grabbed Taldereht, clawing at his arm. He winced as her nails dug into him, however did not pull away.

"What's wrong?" he looked almost as scared as she felt, "It should not be acting this fast!"

Misty gasped, "Poison?!" surprising herself with her ability to speak.

"No! Can you breathe? Answer quickly."

"I-" she found that she could, the clogging literally melting away as fast as it had formed, "Yes. I think so. What the fuck."

"The potion may be acting more quickly than we expected. I need you to undress so we can put you into the altar."

The girl felt strange, like all her muscles were gently contorting and twisting, leaving her feeling unbalanced. Unnatural warmth blossomed outwards from her stomach in steady pulses that ran underneath her skin making it feel looser and puffy. Was this what was supposed to happen? Was this what it felt like to be an orc?

"Is it too late to back out?" Misty asked, her lips feeling hot and bloated.

The orc shook his head, "No. I will fetch the antidote."

"Wait!" she hissed, "I have to do this. I'm going to do this."

She reached down with suddenly clumsy fingers and carefully pulled her slip up over her head. Taldereht spun away from her so fast that she actually smiled a little at his embarrassment. Making a man nervous with her body was a guilty pleasure and she took what small satisfaction from it that she could considering the circumstances.

Not for the first time since she had left her home with Roaji, she noticed that she had grown a little trimmer. She decided it would be a good thing to be fitter during her time with the orcs as she felt vulnerable enough as it was. A smidge more muscle mass probably would not make much difference, but it might. The human tugged off her underwear and regarded the chair. There was no way she was getting into that without help.

Not making any attempt at modesty she turned to the orc and said, "Reht. I'm going to need help to get into this thing."

"Uh... Yes, of course," the man said to her breasts which had started prickling with sweat.

Misty was now feeling very odd indeed. Her mind, thankfully, seemed unaffected by the potion, yet her body was behaving very strangely indeed. She felt strangely sodden, inside and out, like she was capable of bursting like an overripe fruit. The pulsing was growing stronger and more insistent, travelling outward from her center and rushing through to her extremities. With each jolt, the girl was uncertain whether or not her knees would buckle leaving her to collapse in a puddle of her own making.

"Whenever you're ready."

Taldereht jumped in shock, then hurried to attend to her, "May I lift you?" he asked.

Misty nodded, yet as she let herself be lifted in the orc's firm grasp, felt the potion layer more effects upon her. The girl's eyes grew misty with unfelt tears and she had to swallow a sudden rush of her own saliva lest it spill out of her mouth. Most embarrassing of all, though, was her pussy was liberally weeping and coating her legs and by extension, Taldereht's hands. She was too nervous to feel horny and it was strange to feel her loins throb without passion.

The orc said nothing and was quick to lift her up onto the apparatus, but Misty noticed him inhaling deeply of her scents, "Don't let Enge see you doing that or she'll have your balls," she teased.

That flustered him so much that he almost dropped her. He made a most un-orc-like squeak and set about securing her into the device. Taldereht may have been a finicky toady but he was still an orc and had little trouble holding her weight as he positioned her. Although the chair had no base upon which to sit, it did have several cloth harnesses with which to hold her up.

Misty's shoulders and hips were supported by what looked like small hammocks and held most of her load. The orc pulled her arms up and apart, tying her wrists to the curved wood, forcing her into a position where her breasts were pushed up in full display. Next, her legs were spread open with her knees up resting upon smooth branches and her ankles likewise tied down. For a supposed platonic ritual, she was feeling pretty sexualized.

She felt awkward, but not too uncomfortable. Nevertheless, the sooner this was done with, the better. The human's top half was suspended only slightly higher than her bottom so, with a little strain, she could look down between her legs to see what was going on. She was mostly being ignored as if she were little more than part of the esoteric furniture she hung within.

That changed as soon as Taldereht raised his voice, "Misty is ready."

The girl held back a retort that no, she was not ready and watched anxiously as the large green and or brown women in the room formed a loose semicircle around her. She knew she was not supposed to do or say anything for her part in the ritual, yet with all attention suddenly focused on her, she felt as if she should make some kind of speech.

Before she could think of anything, however, the only male in the room spoke softly to her, "I have to cut you now."

Misty knew it was coming, but was unprepared for the flood of emotions that hit her at the sight of the knife. Before she could process her feelings, the orc lightly slashed her palm and her blood blossomed from the wound immediately. The cut stung painfully, however the girl was barely aware of it, too focused was she on the crimson covering her hand.

It had been self-defense she told herself. The dwarf had been trying to kill her and Kentin. It had been so difficult to force the dirk into him; but she had done so, again and again until her hands and arms were covered in his blood. He was going to kill her, but she killed him. She swallowed and closed her eyes, grateful that the potion making her eyes water hid her tears. Misty's fight was not over yet.

When the girl opened her eyes again she got a little shock to find Celetia hovering just inches over her face. Misty found it strange that she was more intimidated by the female orcs than the males. The women here wore their superiority like military armor and though they were generally smaller than their male brethren they seemed grander and more imposing.

"Human," the regal woman said with a smile that did not reach her inky eyes.

Misty gave her a tiny nod, unable to muster any more of a response.

The orc lightly brushed the human's cheek and for half a moment, Misty thought she may have been trying to comfort her. However, Cetelia raised her dampened fingers to her mouth and swiftly licked them off. The ritual.

"Tears of my tears," the tall woman said in orcish.

The orc then swabbed the human's lips, "Mouth of my mouth," Cetelia said the word 'mouth' with a heavy inflection so that Misty was unable to discern the exact meaning of the word.

"Sweat of my sweat," the cleavage of Misty's naked breasts provided more than enough perspiration for the ceremony.

"Blood of my blood," the human felt her cut throbbing and looked away as Cetelia took and sampled her life essence.

"Sex of my sex," the orc moved around to between Misty's open legs and quickly flicked a finger along the inside of her thigh which was slick with her juices.

It was still perplexing to feel so aroused without any of the corresponding lust or desire. The magic based rite did bring an exciting buzz to the air that stopped the atmosphere becoming clinical. However, being stared at by a bunch of women who at best, regarded the human with mild curiosity and worst, abject disgust, kept her nudity from feeling too sexualized. That suited Misty fairly well, as she was not ready for another lesbian experience just yet.

Above her, Taldereht was staring at her nakedness with barely concealed yearning. His black orc eyes were growing deeper and darker still in the same way Roaji's would when she would touch him. The orc did not even notice her looking at him for a long moment. Having her body lusted over by a man added a funny normality to her situation and she was even a little grateful for the distraction.

"Like what you see, Reht?" the girl asked dryly.

Taldereht jumped, "What?! No!" he shifted awkwardly, adjusting what was probably an erection, then exclaimed, "Water!"

Misty watched the orc with a bemused smile and accepted the water when Taldereht ladled it into her mouth, "Careful," she said to him, "You don't want Enge thinking you like humans."

"Please don't tell her," he pleaded.

"More water," she replied.

Taldereht complied, providing her with another heavy spoonful, which she swallowed ravenously. Her new found thirst was uncomfortable, but manageable with the orc's help, so Misty decided she probably should not tease him too much more. An orc woman approached them and cleared her throat impatiently. The manservant dashed backwards allowing the woman access to Misty and the ritual recommenced.

The next several minutes passed as such: tears, mouth, sweat, blood and sex, followed by a quick water break in between the village elite. Each time, Misty anticipated her next ladle of water with increased need and was grateful that the rites did not seem to take long to complete. Every orc, after her part was done, headed straight to the table where a large jug of, what Misty guessed was, wine was poured out between them. The human wanted to ask for a share too, yet thought better of it due to the potion she was reluctantly slave to.