Orc Relations


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"What do you say, ma'?" Stigg asked, turning to Helzan. "Are you up for it?"

Helzan had a horrified look of disgust on her face. She felt exhausted, more mentally than physically. This was all too much for one day. How did she go from trying to sell some weapons to hanging here naked in front of these men? And now, they were suggesting abominable acts between her and Rago?

"I don't think she likes the idea," chuckled Stigg.

"I told you," Helzan sighed. "I don't know anything about the bandits."

"I believe you," Stigg said calmly. "I really do. But we've come this far, and we can't just let you go without getting what we want."

"Grrrar!" Helzan put all her strength behind one last attempt. All her muscles flexed, veins bulged, as she tried to break her bonds. After several moments of giving it all she could, Helzan slumped back against the wall.

Stigg watched her for a moment, giving her time to catch her breath. "What do you say?"

"Never!" Helzan spat. "That's my son!"

"But we don't have another Orc," said Stigg, spreading his arms. "And we are mighty curious how you Orcs do it."

"Go to hell!" Helzan growled.

"Fine," Stigg sighed. "In that case, Ed, would you be so kind and cut the pup's cock off?"

The big man flashed his dagger and took a step towards Rago.

"No!" roared Helzan. "Don't!"

Even Rago flinched, reeling away from the big guard.

Big Ed paused and looked at Stigg.

"What will it be?" Stigg asked. "You do what we ask, or you can say goodbye to having any grandpups."

Helzan looked from Stigg, to Big Ed, to Rago. For the first time in her life, she felt helpless. She looked in terror at Big Ed's dagger that edged ever closer to Rago's crotch. Her heart beat loudly in her chest, stomach twisting into a knot. This was all happening too fast, too fast for her to grasp the full extent of everything, but somewhere deep inside she knew. She knew that she'd do anything to protect her son.

"Okay," she breathed. "You win."

"Now you see, boys," said Stigg. "There is sense in Orcs after all." He motioned for Big Ed to step back away from Rago. "Now, what we're going to do here is loosen your chains enough for you to get to your pup. Don't even think of trying anything funny or your pup will catch a spear in the throat. I expect we have an understanding."

Helzan lowered her head, nodding.

"Good," said Stigg, walking over to the chainwheel. "Boys, take up the positions."

Ed and Jarem took up their spears and stood on the ready, while Stigg turned the wheel.

Helzan felt her arms lowering, as her chains began to loosen. Naked and defeated, she rubbed her aching arms, feeling thoroughly unsure of herself. How could she bring herself to do this? Fornicating with her own flesh and blood? It was unthinkable. It was unheard of among Orcs. It was dishonorable, at the very least.

"We're waiting," Stigg reminded.

"Be damned, you bastards," cursed Helzan and turned to Rago. His head was turned the other way, which she was glad for. She glanced down between his legs, finding his manhood hanging there. She felt a shudder pass over her body. She had to do this. For Rago. Honor be damned, she'd do anything to protect him. She hoped he understood that she was doing this for his sake.

Her chains were now loose enough for her to walk up to her son. She felt her long braid brush against her bare ass, so she draped it over the front of her shoulder to get it out of the way. Slowly, she turned and pressed her big, firm ass into Rago, just above his groin. Reaching down, she found his sizable prick and gripped it in her strong hand. Being a smith, she was familiar with handling shafts of similar girth. She brought his limp cock up between her legs and began stroking it with decisive tugs. Within moments, she felt his manhood begin to respond. She could feel it begin to stiffen and fill out, growing thicker and longer. She could feel how smooth and warm it was as it began to rub against her inner thigh. Before long, it was hard as an iron rod, pressing up against her bare cunt, hot against her sensitive flesh. She paused and looked down, seeing her son's full mast jutting out between her legs. His dark green, almost brown, cockhead looked oversized as it came bursting out of its sheath.

"Damn, look at that thing!" Helzan heard one of the guards exclaim. "It's huge!"

"You think she can fit that inside her?" asked another.

It wasn't the biggest one Helzan had seen, but she was certainly surprised to know that her son wielded such a large member. It has been quite a long time since Helzan has had anything inside of her, and thus she hoped that she'd manage her son's size without too much difficulty. Determined to keep this brief and impersonal, she let go of Rago's cock and took a small step forward. Crouching down a bit, she spat into her palm then brought it to her cunt. Parting her fleshy lips with her fingers, she lubricated her slit using her saliva. With her other hand, she reached back and grasped her son's hard member. Holding her breath, Helzan guided it inside her while pressing her ass into him. Like a great ram, his cockhead battered against her spread-open vulva. Spitting into her hand again, she smeared it all over his enlarged tip and tried pushing it inside again. Stubbornly, her muscular cunt didn't want to yield. Helzan breathed out and tried to relax. Taking a deep breath, she drove back into him again. Groaning, she put all her weight into her ass. Just then, the resistance gave way and Rago's tip slipped inside of her.

"Oof!" Helzan let out, feeling like she just got skewered. She drove into him so hard that she managed to get his whole cockhead inside. She paused to let herself get comfortable with its size but then decided against getting comfortable in this situation. Bending further forward, the mass of her breasts hanging down to her knees, she put one hand on her thigh and the other on the cold floor, and began moving her ass.

At first, it felt like Rago's cockhead was lodged firmly inside of her. The lubrication of her saliva was just enough to get him in but wasn't enough for proper intercourse. Helzan rocked slowly, feeling how her unprepared inner flesh clung to her son's swollen tip. Little by little, the friction seemed to subside, as the rest of his cock began to make its way into her. It slid further with each movement, her nature beginning to respond. Helzan felt slightly annoyed that her cunt would get wet during such a shameful act. Nevertheless, it made the going easier and would likely bring a swift end to all of this. Unwilling to think about it any further, she set her jaw and methodically worked her ass back and forth.

"Damn, look at them go!" someone exclaimed after a period of silence. "She's almost taking the whole thing!"

Without thinking, Helzan looked down between her legs and saw her thick, meaty lips stretched around Rago's shaft. They gripped him tightly, sliding along his hard meat as it went in and out of her. Only his hairless ballsack could be seen when his cock went all the way inside. When it came back out, she could see his cock completely covered in clear, oily fluid. She never could have expected her cunt to react this way. It was her own flesh and blood! Nevertheless, it seemed her cunt had a mind of its own. She reflected that it has been a long time since she's engaged in such an act. Perhaps, that is why her wetness was so abundant. Her cunt was soaking wet by now, and Rago's cock had little difficulty gliding along her tight-fitting walls. She felt uncomfortably stuffed, when he went all the way inside, filling her to the brim. She felt a satisfying relief when she pulled her ass away, letting him back out. Her long braid hung down to the floor, wobbling. Her heavy tits swayed, hard nipples jiggled, as she maintained an unenthusiastic but steady rhythm.

Helzan glanced over at the guards and saw them wearing stupid grins on their faces as they clutched their spears. She felt lewd, humiliated, vulnerable, and angry, all at the same time. She scowled and closed her eyes, hoping this would all end soon. As in response to her hopes, she felt Rago lurch the next time she took him deep. She froze, wondering if it was over. At that moment, she felt his manhood begin to pulsate and spew loads of hot seed deep inside her. Helzan felt dazed, uncertain about what to do. She simply sat there, skewered on her son's cock, as he ejaculated in her.

"Holy shit, he splurged inside!" rumbled Big Edd, clapping his palms together.

"Now I can honestly say that I've seen it all," sniggered Jarem.

"Me too," admitted Stigg, adjusting the front of his pants. Glancing at the door, he added: "Let's get out of here and let these two lovebirds enjoy themselves."

Before Helzan could come to her senses, the guards left the cell one after another, slamming the door behind. Snapping out of her stupor, she glanced at the door, then assessed the situation. Her and Rago were still bound with chains, and Rago's cock was still lodged inside of her.

First thing's first. She moved her ass away from him, causing his cock to slide out. It popped out of her with a wet sound. She glanced between her legs and saw rivulets of his seed begin to drip out of her. Flustered, she closed her legs and stood up. However, under the force of gravity, all of the semen that was inside of her was now trying to rush out. She willed her cunt shut, tossed her braid back and tried to take a step. A stream of milky fluid trickled out from her slit. Another step, and all of it began running out of her. She stood there watching in dismay as her son's seed spilled out of her onto the floor. There was so much of it, she wondered how it all fit inside. Then, she swiftly turned her head and glanced at Rago. He stood motionless, still chained to the wall, his gaze downcast. His spent cock was already softening, coated in a sticky mixture of their fluids. She frowned in disgust, grasping the extent of what they had done.

The semen had stopped dripping out of her by now. She scowled, as its strong scent wafted up into her big nostrils. It seemed to cloud her mind, and she shook her head, trying to think of what to do next. She was still bound, but her chains were loose. She gave them a tug and tested their range. She couldn't reach the door, but she could almost reach the chainwheel. Putting all her might into it, she just barely brushed the chainwheel with her fingers. Another try and the chainwheel turned. Her chains loosened further. When she could reach the door, she realized it was locked. She cursed. Those damn guards locked them here.

Helzan began pounding on the door and shouting. She didn't give a damn that she was naked. She felt like she could bash a few heads in right about now. She spent a long time yelling, cursing, and slamming at the door, but nobody came. Eventually, she gave up. She stomped around the room for a while, fuming and brooding. She realized that she still wore her cut up leather tunic. She yanked it off in anger and tossed it against the wall. She picked up her cut up pants and tried putting them on, but they were too ruined to be of any use. Rago's looked to be in a similar state.

They didn't talk to each other. They didn't look at each other. Each of them understood that there was nothing to say at this time. At this point, Helzan no longer cared that she was still naked in front of her son. After all, she had just taken his cock inside of her. Nothing seemed inappropriate at present. Feeling suddenly exhausted, she plopped her bare ass down on the cold floor, leaning against the wall. Closing her eyes, she wished she was back in her forge, feeling its heat on her face. When she opened her eyes, she saw Rago sitting against the wall across from her, his head still slumped. Between his legs, his flaccid cock hung to the floor. She realized that she sat with her legs spread wide open, across from him. Quickly closing her legs, she hugged her knees. At that same moment, she glimpsed the puddle of his seed in the middle of the cell and cursed under her breath. Gods forbid that it should quicken inside of her. Suddenly, she heard a commotion down the dungeon's corridor. Clinking and murmuring someone was approaching.

Helzan and Rago stood up in unison and faced the door. As it swung open, they saw an elegantly dressed old man accompanied by several armored knights.

"Thousand pardons," squeaked the old man. "I'm terribly sorry about all of this..." The old man seemed suddenly perplexed, staring at the two naked Orcs in front of him. "Oh my!" he exclaimed. "Terribly sorry." He waved a hand and one of the knights tossed a ring of keys towards the Orcs.

Helzan snatched up the keys and used them to unlock her's then Rago's bonds. The old man kept babbling apologies and other nonsense.

"I sincerely hope they didn't hurt you," the old man went on. "As the mayor of this town... thousand apologies... mercenaries are getting worse... we keep losing our men and have to hire these brutes as guards... terribly sorry."

When they were free, Helzan pushed her way angrily past the knights.

"You must want some clothes," squealed the old man.

Helzan stopped, half-turning her head. One of the knights handed each of them a bundle of plain linen clothes. Throwing a sullen look over her shoulder, Helzan stomped out of the jail.

They found their cart untouched, right where they left it.

"Get the horse ready," Helzan instructed her son. She was in no mood for selling weapons anymore. "We're leaving as soon as I get back." She produced a pouch of coins that was hidden in the cart, and walked off down the cobbled street.

She headed for a sign with a mortar and pestle on it.

"A customer!" exclaimed an elderly woman behind the large wooden counter, when Helzan walked in. "How may I be of service?"

Helzan glanced around. There was no one else in the shop.

"I need..." Helzan hesitated. "Something for..." She couldn't find the right words. "Something against... giving birth."

The elderly woman beamed. "Oh! I know just what you mean." She disappeared behind a door and came back holding a small bottle of liquid. "Moon thistle!" she announced, holding the bottle out to Helzan. "Take it within one day of insemination."

Helzan grabbed the bottle, uncorked it, and drained it down to the drop. "Does it work?" she asked.

"Of course," replied the woman. "Tried and true."

"In that case, I'll take another one."

The woman nodded and brought out another bottle.

Helzan drank it immediately as well. "That should do," she said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "How much?"

"Ten silvers each," murmured the woman.

"Ten silvers!" blurted out Helzan. "I can buy a good sword for that much."

The woman spread her arms. "Moon thistle is quite rare."

Fuming, Helzan counted off twenty silver coins, then stormed out without thanking the shop owner.

Their ride back was full of dour silence. Helzan refused to think about anything, so she stared somberly ahead. The linen clothes itched and her cunt throbbed. More than anything she wanted to take a scalding bath. But when they finally got home, Helzan collapsed on her bed and slept like a rock till the next day.

For the next few days, Helzan hardly spoke to Rago. She spent most of the time in her smithy, angrily pounding out steel. To her annoyance, Rago seemed to be around her all the time, trying to be helpful around the smithy as much as possible. Even though they barely exchanged words, she could feel his eyes on her, watching her in odd fascination. Numerous times, she caught him looking at her cleavage or her ass. And of course, she couldn't help but notice the ever-present bulge in his breeches.

As the days went by, Rago seemed to become more captivated by her. He hardly left her side, and he hardly took his eyes off of her. She was getting quite annoyed and rather baffled by his behavior. She decided that she had to do something, but she had not the slightest clue what.

Chapter 3

"Are you heading out, mother?" asked Rago early in the morning, as Helzan was putting on her boots.

"I'll be back by nightfall," grumbled Helzan.

"Where are you going?" he asked. "Can I come with you?"

"No!" she snapped. "I'm headed into the mountains."

"Alright," sighed Rago wistfully. "I'll be waiting here."

Frowning, Helzan threw a quick glance at her son and, snatching up a waterskin, walked out of the house.

Outside of the village, Helzan found an old, overgrown trail. With quick strides, she headed up the rocky slope, leaving the village far below. Soon, the village was completely out of sight, and all she could see was tall trees and giant, gray boulders. Huffing and puffing, she pressed on with her goal, hoping this journey wasn't for naught. The sun had risen high now, and her forehead was beaded with sweat. She stopped and took a sip out of her waterskin. "It's not much further now," she guessed. Another half-hour passed before she stopped again and examined the peaks of the mountains.

"Yes," she muttered. "It's somewhere around here."

Just then, she noticed the withered wooden house that nestled against the side of the mountain.

"I hope she's not dead," sniffed Helzan, stomping towards the house.

She knocked on the door that barely hung on its hinges.

"No need to knock," Helzan heard a raucous voice behind her. "I was expecting you."

Helzan whirled to see an old, wrinkled Orc female sitting next to a fallen tree. She was thin and stooped, and by the sound of it, toothless.

"You were?" Helzan asked.

"Of course. I could hear you lumbering up the mountain for the past hour."

"You're Yggra the Wise," confirmed Helzan.

"Sometimes they call me that."

"I am Helzan."

"Yes," replied Yggra the Wise, grinning. "I remember you."

Helzan looked surprised. "You do?"

"All these years, yet you haven't changed a bit. Put on some muscle, I see, but still ever brooding, ever doubtful." The old Orc cackled.

"I'm in need of council," said Helzan.

"They always are." The old crone stood up, leaning on a stick, and waddled up to Helzan. "Come inside. I'll make us some tea."

Yggra the Wise set a pot to boil, while Helzan looked around the plain house with scant furniture.

"I don't get many visitors these days," Yggra was saying. "Not many civil Orcs left around these parts anymore." She pulled up two small stools and offered one to Helzan. "You said you came here for council. Just like the last time. How long ago was that? At least a decade, maybe two? But you look like you're doing well. Strong and healthy. What is it that troubles you?"

Helzan stared at the stool for a moment but decided that she'd rather stand. "Something's happened between my son and me," she said.

"Yes!" crowed Yggra the Wise. "I remember now. You came here just shortly after giving birth. What was his name?"


"Ah, yes! Rago." Yggra smiled a toothless grin. "How's the little rascal doing?"

"He's not little anymore."

"That's good," nodded Yggra. "So, what is it that happened to you and Rago?"

Helzan grimaced, searching for words. "I took Rago with me into town," she began. "In town, we were taken by the guards. They chained us up in the dungeon, questioned us, and..." She paused and swallowed. "They made us do things."

Yggra's expression darkened. "What kinds of things?"

"Filthy things," replied Helzan glumly.

Yggra furrowed her wrinkly forehead.

Helzan rubbed her tired eyes. "They made us... fuck."

Yggra sucked in a sharp breath. "By the gods! They made you fornicate with your own son?"

Helzan nodded and sat down on the stool, her long braid dangling just above the floor.

For a few moments, only the sound of the heating water could be heard in Yggra's house.

"That is most dreadful," Yggra finally said. "Are you with a child?"