Orphan Ch. 03


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"I think you earned tomorrow off my friend." Carl said smiling as he motioned for Alexander to follow him back up to the vehicles. Leaving the sheriff to deal with the two would-be saviors of the forest

Alexander couldn't help but smile at the memory as the sunset grew more vivid. He felt good that he had protected this place even if only in a very small way.

Standing he stripped down and headed for the lake. He had been swimming every evening. He found it soothed his knee.

'Perhaps the cold water and exercise were responsible for its apparent mending over the past week.' Alexander thought before diving into the deep ice cold water. While the water was just above freezing, he had found it didn't bother him and the exercise it provided felt restorative. He began long hard overhand strokes enjoying how the activity stretched and soothed his muscles.

After half an hour it was almost dark as Alexander finally left the lake. Steam rose from his skin as water ran in fast rivulets down his body, following the path etched by his chiseled muscles. He shook his head like a dog, a halo of water forming around his shoulders for a moment before falling away.

Alexander tensed, standing perfectly still.

He felt eyes on him, his senses registering the subtle attention.

Looking slowly 180 degrees he didn't see anyone or anything, the air was perfectly still.

A scent washed over him, enveloping him in a heady cocoon of deep earthy musk that registered instantly as feminine set his nerves on fire.

Then a motion at the edge of the darkening forest pulled his attention. It was only there for an instant, an ebony flash against the black background of deepening night, a sparkle of emerald green before the still void enveloped the space it had occupied.

Alexander stood motionless for a long time. Eyes closed he allowed the moment to become seared into his psyche.

Eyes on him, judging him, evaluating him.

That scent, its headiness a physical thing that would not leave his senses.

The motion, so fast, black against black, the emerald flash from their depths.

Emerald eyes.

Eyes he had seen for an instant, eyes colored by pain, brightened by hope, seen through an ebony and crimson veil of silk.


"Parcel 15 you say?"

Carl could see the gleam in Jenabel's eyes. 'Nothing good could come of this.' Carl thought.

"Now Jenabel, you leave him alone for now, let the boy get his bearings before you go spinning them again."

Carl's tone was playful. He knew that Jenabel would do as she wished and anything he might say would be undoubtedly cast aside in favor of her own will.

Jenabel scowled good naturally at her father. He meant well, and deep down she knew he was right. She would stay away from Alexander, for a little while anyway.

Of course the definition of staying away from someone was a fluid thing, with many, many shades of gray.

Two days later Sophie stood at the picture window looking out over the darkened compound. Dawn was still an hour or so away. Carl came up behind her wrapping his warm arms around her naked abdomen.

"Something interesting out there?"

His voice was still tinged with sleep but held a playful tone.

"Just wait for it, you'll see."

Her voice was quiet as she pushed back against her husband's warm hard form.

A moment later headlights popped on cutting a garish path through the still deep darkness that enveloped the compound. A jeep moved slowly through the compound and out the entrance gate, disappearing into the night.

"This is the second morning in a row." Sophie said with a wistful sigh.

Both Carl and Sophie were concerned about Jenabel and the pull she felt toward Alexander.

Carl held his wife a little closer.

"Doc got the DNA results back late yesterday. They didn't show an active gene."

A tear silently slid down Sophie's cheek to be caught and gently wiped away by Carl's finger.

"He'll have to leave you know, or she will. It won't work. You know that Carl."

He turned her to him, pulling her close, losing himself in her scent and warmth.

"It may be nothing, a simple infatuation. We all had them and perhaps it will work itself out."

Carl's words had a flat tone; there was no belief or faith behind them.

He felt his wife's warm tears land on his chest. He wished he had the power to change the inevitable. Would that he could spare his daughter and Alexander the coming pain, but he had no idea how that could be.

He held his wife there in the dark, shared her pain for their youngest and hoped against hope that the universe would not be this cruel.

Jenabel had been able to hold out 'til Tuesday before the desire to see Alexander became too much to bare.

She had been in early the last two days, hoping to catch a glimpse of him as he picked up the jeep and headed to parcel 15. Her efforts were rewarded with only the shortest of views. He showed up too early, it was still dark when he arrived. The rumbling of his motorcycle foretold his approach, a brief flash of blond hair as he opened the door to the jeep, but that was it. It left her more frustrated and finally came to a head on day two of her vigil.

"I'm going to leave a little early."

She said this over her shoulder to Brad as she disappeared through the office door.

Brad smiled knowingly, he was surprised she had lasted this long.

It was obvious that Jenabel had it bad for Alexander. He admired his sister's fortitude at lasting this long.

The trip to parcel 15 had taken Jenabel a little time. It was almost three in the afternoon before she made it to the site.

She was surprised that it took her almost another half hour before finding the object of her search.

He was standing by the creek taking a drink from the clear water that passed swiftly at his feet. She watched him intently, taking in the set of his back, the way he favored his bad knee. She had yet to see his eyes in person and was bound and determined to rectify that situation.

Alexander stretched his hands over his head, swiveled at the hips to loosen his muscles as Jenabel found a secluded spot to watch him. She was vexed when he turned away from her, moving down the creek bed in the opposite direction.


She had been too loud.

Alexander stopped short, his big body tensing and seemingly compacting in on itself. She watched the play of muscle as his body slowly turned three hundred and sixty degrees, searching for the errant noise.

Jenabel's breath stilled.

After what seemed an eternity Alexander resumed his path.

'I'll have to be way more careful.' She thought moving off at a slow pace, trying to maneuver in front of her prey.

By the time Alexander started the jeep two hours later Jenabel was fit to be tied.

All afternoon she had played cat and mouse with Alexander. His senses were amazing; the slightest disturbance brought his full focus. She had played a similar game with those in the compound when she was young. Jenabel had always been the best. No one could beat her in her element and here this stranger was foiling her efforts at every turn.

Wednesday afternoon went much the same way. She stalked, he outmaneuvered, and she cursed and started again.

Thursday she was bound and determined his eyes would not elude her. She was at the parcel well before dawn situated near where he always parked his jeep. Today she would gain her prize.

He showed up just before dawn. She was surprised when he exited the car and simply sat on a large flat rock at the top of the rise. Her question was answered when, with the sun breaking the horizon his face was bathed in golden sunshine and she saw the easy happy smile that spread across his strong face as the warm rays found him. She held back a curse as his eyes remained closed through his personal greeting to the morning.

In a flash he rose, slung his pack over his shoulder and strode away from her, another opportunity lost.

Jenabel was so focused on Alexander that she was startled when he tensed, dropped into a low crouch and slid a long knife from its sheath in his boot.

She was instantly alert, searching for whatever had caused Alexander to react in such a way.

After a quick change of direction, Jenabel found the object of Alexander's focus, two men in the forest. They would be none to happy to encounter Alexander.

Jenabel watched as he stalked them. The quick precise motions, the lethal intent and malice were palpable forces emanating from him. She didn't know how the two hapless men couldn't sense it. She watched spellbound as he took them, knocking the first out, and an instant later standing close to the other man, his knife laid across his throat.


The word slipped into her consciousness, it was the perfect description of the predator she had just watched. He was so confident, so comfortable with the lethal motions and actions which defined him. And yet the books came back to her memory, the smooth stone which she was sure was on him. The other side of the coin, the deep thinker, the lost soul.

She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips as she watched Alexander secure the men to the tree. Luckily he was focused enough on his task that he didn't notice. When her father arrived she was not so lucky. She felt him brush against her consciousness, felt the gentle reproach as he fixed his gaze on her position. She felt bad for only a moment before sending him a starkly obstinate barb before melting back into the trees.

"He's taking the day off tomorrow."

Her father said with a grin at dinner that evening.

Jenabel scowled at him.

"Maybe you'll be able to get some work done without the afternoon excursions?"

Carl's good natured ribbing of his daughter had everyone at the table smiling. Well almost everyone.

Jenabel stood up, glared at the assembled and abruptly left the house.

Turning, Carl was met with a disapproving glare from his wife.

Rolling his eyes he spoke as Sophie and Brad continued their meal.

"I made a few phone calls today, it's as we feared. There really is nothing we can do."

Sophie had hoped some of the others would have more information or know something that could turn the tide in their daughters favor.

"Did you call Dimitri?" He led the oldest of their groups, if anyone would know a solution he would be the one.

Carl sighed.

"There has never been a successful mating of our kind and theirs. I'm afraid it is...impossible."

Once again tears fell from his wife's eyes.

His son looked forlornly at the place Jenabel had occupied.

Jenabel was in for heartbreak. It broke his own knowing there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

The three of them sat there, each lost in their own thoughts, their own grief for the loss Jenabel was going to have to face.

Brad was the first to leave.

"She's strong, she'll get over this. It won't be easy, but we'll be here for her and we'll help her through it."

Carl was proud of his sons vehement championing of his sister. He knew that she would need all of their love and support if this ended as he believed it must.

Soon after Brad left Carl and Sophie retired for the night.

The sliver of the moon was visible through the high window that looked out from their bedroom onto the compound.

Sophie whispered in her husband's ear as he held her close. She needed his touch, his warmth, the feel of his pulse beating in time with hers.

"I can't imagine what I would do if I was in her place."

Carl caressed his mates back, feeling everything she did, adding it to his own worry for their youngest.

"Brad has it right my love. We will be there for her, all of us will. We will lend her our strength, help her through this trial. She's strong, like her mother."

Sophie's lips sought Carl's. They came together softly, teasingly, gently nudging against each other. She felt Carl's need hardened against her belly, knew that it reflected her own.

They came together as he rolled on top of her, his cock slipping easily into her warm depths. After so many decades it always felt like the first time. He was overwhelmed by her silky wet heat.

He tasted Sophie's tears as his lips traced over her cheeks.

"She will never know this Carl. Never know the sweet completion, the passionate joining of true mates."

"Shhhh...My love." He whispered endearments close to her ear as they fell into a steady slow rhythm. There was no rush to completion, no yearning for that ultimate release. Here, in the deep dark they simply became one, moving together as one animal, joined by love, by passion, by an ancient incomprehensible power they could simply lose themselves within.

Long hours later they lay together, the moon had disappeared from their view. Now only the bright stars lit their sweat slicked bodies as they held onto each other, both nurturing secret but unfathomable hopes that the truth Jenabel would face could be changed.

They drifted to sleep with that hope finding purchase in their hearts.

The night had passed fitfully for Jenabel. Sleep would not come and in the early morning she gave up the fight. Dressing quickly she headed for the yard, hoping that losing herself in work would help her find some focus.

Her hope had not survived to see the light of day.

Friday found Jenabel's restlessness only enhanced, she couldn't keep her thoughts focused, always they returned to Alexander. Her father finally spoke up after she yelled once again at someone who asked her a simple question.


She knew that tone and was in no mood.

"Father!" She snapped back.

They stared at each other for a long moment before Jenabel looked away.

"I'm sorry."

The dejected tone in his daughter's voice had Carl out of his chair and around the desk in a flash, enfolding his daughter in a tight hug.

"You've got to let this go Jenabel, it's driving you insane."

She pulled back from his embrace. Hard eyes leveled with his.

"Let this go?" Her voice was a low hiss.

Carl took a step back shaking his head.

"There is no way it can work Jenabel, he's not like us. You know that it cannot be. I checked. I made every call I could think of. Your mother and I know what you're feeling, what the pull means. It will be the most difficult thing you ever do, but you have to let him go."

Though it pained Carl greatly, what he said next was his only option.

"When Alexander comes in on Monday I'm going to tell him to leave Red Lodge."

The air stilled as the words soaked in.

"You...you can't do that Daddy, you just can't, I don't know...how will I....no...."

He closed the distance between them and wrapped her up in his arms once again.

"It's the only way Jenabel, you know that."

Carl felt the subtle shift in his daughter, knew that he had crossed the line of her endurance. He released her, slowly backing away, putting the desk between them.

"He has no where to go father, nothing and no one. You Will Not Make Him Leave."

Her gaze was stony, emerald eyes now swirling with golden flecks of fire, breath coming in short bursting pants.

"What is the other option Jenabel, do I lose my daughter to save a stranger? How long can you fight your own nature, how long can resist the pull. When he dies in your arms how will you live with it Jenabel, for that is certainly the outcome if he doesn't leave."

Carl's tone was strong but comforting as he tried to help his daughter back from the brink.

"I am stronger than you think father, I can control myself. You have to give me a chance, Alexander leaving is Not An Option."

Having made her point she began to calm.

"I have the will Daddy, please don't do this." Her whispered plea tore at Carl's heart.

"We'll give it some time, see how it goes, but you have to know Jenabel, I won't put everyone at risk for this, I can't. If you can't let him go I will do whatever is necessary to protect you and everyone else."

Carl's tone would brook no argument. Jenabel's look foretold of a storm on the horizon should Carl attempt to get Alexander to leave.

The air was filled with tension as the two squared off in a silent battle of wills before Jenabel turned stiffly and left, slamming the door to the office behind her so hard that pictures were dislodged from the walls.

Jenabel was filled with fury as she ran through the forest. She took one look at her car and threw the keys toward it as she sprinted off into the woods. Her thoughts were chaotic as she wove her way through the trees to the lake.

'He has no right!'

'Tell him to leave, you'll tell him nothing father.'

'Let him go...how...how do let go of your heart and soul....'

She broke at this point, the weight of it all crashing down on her.

Jenabel fell to the forest floor, her body quaking as the tumultuous emotions washed over her in waves.






This final took hold of her, shielded her from the rest as they battered against her soul.

"I love him." Her whispered words hung in the still air.

She had said the words before. Had imagined what the words would mean when they were backed by the feeling which elicited them.

She had no frame of reference for how small her belief of what the word meant was when compared to the earth-shattering truth of its presence.

He was her warm wind on a cool day.

The air her heart needed to continue to beat.

A safe harbor at which she could anchor her life and soul.

"Alexander." His name came out as a plaintive cry as her fingers dug into the cool fallow earth beneath her. She clung to it as if it were him, as if by imbuing enough of her need and want and desire into the earth he would suddenly appear to take away her pain.

Jenabel lay there for a long time, the sky dimming as another day gave up its hold to the growing tendrils of night.

Finally she stood, knowing that this was not to be, knowing that she would not, could not be parted from him. Even if they never spoke, never touched, never found a way to join as they should, she would protect him, help him find his home. Jenabel would take what small pleasure and solace that she could in helping to heal his obviously damaged soul.

With strength in her strides she ran on again, running to him, running to make sure that he was truly real and not a wraith given form in a nightmare, but a true and physical thing surely meant...for her.

The forest was quiet as she made her way along the edge of the lake toward Alexander's home.

'Home.' The thought that he may consider it home brought a smile to her face. She had made it a point not to come here over the past days, not trusting herself to see him in an unguarded moment.

On the mountain was safe, he was focused on doing the job. It was part of him but only a part. She had been afraid of seeing him here, afraid that finding him with his defenses down would be too overwhelming for her.

Jenabel's fears were not unfounded.

The sun was setting as she rounded the final bend and made her way into the forest which ringed the small home. She couldn't decide whether her heart rate was so high from fear or desire, or if there was truly a difference for her now.

He was there, sitting on the back porch watching the sun as it disappeared beyond the mountains. Alexander was shirtless, a pair of faded jeans his only clothing.

Jenabel's breath caught as she remembered the last time she saw him. The black and blue bruises on his shoulders, the cut at his scalp and the bandaged hands that had pulled her from the wreckage.

Now what was hidden by the blanket she had been too chicken to move was exposed. She saw the scars, large and livid running across his chest and abdomen. The way his muscles seemed etched onto his frame, placed in perfect symmetry across his broad chest down his hard abdomen. She was startled when he rose swiftly.