Our Daughter Nude Model Pt. 01


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By the time that the second pose was finished, it had gotten very warm in the classroom. I assumed that was for the benefit of the naked model. Before April started the final pose, I took off my sport coat and hung it on the back of my chair.

"Do you want to join me Dad?" April called from the platform with a grin. I quickly sat down.

Shelia Lawson came up and arranged April in the final pose of the day. She had April sitting on the corner of the platform closest to us. April was leaning back with her hands on the platform behind her to support her. Her face was turned to the class. April's legs were extended from the platform, apparently helping to support her. As a final touch, Sheila Lawson moved April's right leg slightly around the corner of the platform towards the front. That April's body was still basically facing the side wall kept her from being fully exposed to the class. However, her vagina was completely exposed to Denise and me. From our perspective, it was an erotic pose. April was not only beautiful, but also a very sexy young woman.

April held that last pose unflinchingly until Sheila Lawson announced that the class was over. April sat up and looked at Denise and me, smiling. However, April left her legs spread for a moment before she got off of the platform. When she did get off of the platform, she immediately came over and hugged Denise and then me.

"I'm so glad that you came," April said. "I really enjoy doing this and I wanted you to see it. Hey, I've got a 3:00 p.m. class so I've got to get dressed and run. You're picking me up for dinner at 6: 30, right?"

April went to the other side of the room and dressed. Sheila Lawson came up to us. "I hope that any concerns you may have had have been allayed. April told me that, especially you Mr. Stone, were distressed when you found out that April is nude modeling."

"I'm fine with it," I said somewhat grudgingly.

"April really enjoys it," Shelia Lawson continued, "and I think that it has been good for her. She seems much more outgoing and confident than when I first met her." Ms. Lawson chuckled. "Of course, I think that everyone should do some nude modeling. Standing naked in front of a group of people who are there for the purpose of looking at your nude body is a very special experience. It can be a little addictive. Even though I'm on faculty here and no longer need the money, I try to model at least once a month."

We shook hands with Professor Lawson and, eventually, found our way out of the Fine Arts building. As we walked across campus in, I hoped, the direction of our hotel, Denise said, "I think I understand what appeals to April about modeling. Frankly, I envy her a little."

The rest of the weekend was a typical college parents' weekend. Saturday morning, we and some other parents sat through a short presentation from some university staff intended to make us feel better about the very large checks we wrote each semester. There was a football game Saturday afternoon. April invited us to a party that night, which might have been the second significant event of the weekend. April introduced us to Jeremy, a water polo player and engineering student. April and Jeremy seemed to be starting a relationship. Denise thought that Jeremy was very handsome. He seemed like a decent guy to me.

The semester went on until April was home for the Christmas holiday. April wasn't allowed to have a car on campus until junior year. She had come home with an older student whom she had met who lived about twenty miles away from us, but Denise and I had to drive her back to school for the start of second semester.

About mid-way through the five and a half hour drive back to school, April said, "Uh, if you have time, I know that Professor Lawson would like to talk to you before you go home."

I wondered what that was about. Before I could say anything, Denise said, "Sure, we'd love to see her again."

"Great, let me call her," April said. The upshot of April's call was that we had an appointment to meet Sheila Lawson at a restaurant off campus at 6:00 p.m.

When Denise, April, and I got to the restaurant, we saw Sheila Lawson sitting at a table in the window with a man about her age. The couple stood and we all shook hands. Sheila Lawson said, "This is my partner, Peter Windhoven. Unlike me, Peter is a full time painter. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, I know that you are driving back tonight so I'll get right to the point. Peter is helping me in putting on a two-day symposium here at the University in February. We're calling it 'Naked Art.' We're going to do some interesting things. We need some people who are willing to model, nude of course. I'm sure that April will be willing, but she has experience now. We'd also like to have some first time models. Denise, Harry, we'd like you to model for us for those two days. Part of it would be one or both of you would be modeling with April and some would just be the two of you together. It will give you an appreciation of April's experience as a nude model and you'll probably have some fun. "

Once again, I was dumbstruck. My daughter had been getting naked in front of strangers for months. Now, they wanted Denise and me to do the same thing?

Before I could say anything, Denise said, "We'll have to think about it. When do you need a definite answer from us?"

Sheila Lawson said, "By next Monday. If it is any comfort to you, I will be modeling too. Perhaps we could do something with the three of us or all four of us."

Again before I could say anything, April piped up. "Mom, Dad, please do it. You may not think so now, but I know that you'll have a great time." April paused, "Besides, it's only fair. You've seen me posing nude. I should get to see you. Maybe we can all get naked together. That would be great!"

This was too weird. I stood up. "It was pleasure to meet you Mr. Windhoven. Professor Lawson, it was very nice to see you again. As you said, Denise and I have a long drive home and it is already dark. We'd better get going."

Sheila Lawson asked April to join them for dinner. Denise and I walked out of the restaurant and along the cold street to our car. We drove through the city is silence. About an hour and a half later, we were driving down the dark Interstate through the middle of nowhere when Denise said, "You know, April has a point. We watched her pose nude. It would be fair for us to pose nude for her. She hasn't seen either of us naked, well, I'm not sure she ever has."

"We can do that in the privacy of our home if you really want to," I said. "This is about being naked in front of a symposium of strangers."

"That does add some excitement," Denise answered.

"You want to pose at their symposium?" I asked, somewhat incredulously.

"Let me think about it some more, but, yeah, I think I do. It will be a thrill and, except for Sheila Lawson and April, we won't know any of those people," Denise said.

"Oh shit," I thought.

April called and e-mailed several times over the next few days, lobbying us to agree to pose at the symposium. Frankly, I was getting a little annoyed.

That Sunday night, after dinner, Denise said, "We need to get back to Sheila Lawson tomorrow about posing at the symposium."

"I'm not sure about that," I said.

"What is your hang up?" Denise asked. "You don't have any clothes on right now."

"It's just us here," I said. "You're talking about us being naked in front of all kinds of people. God knows what poses we'll be put in."

"Yeah, that does make it exciting, doesn't it," Denise replied. Denise looked t me for a moment. She stepped to me, hugged me, and gave me a kiss. "Harry, I really want to do this. Please?" Oh shit.

April was thrilled when her mother told her that we'd agreed to pose at the symposium. April called me on my cell to thank me. "I've been talking with Professor Lawson about what they have in mind. It will be two full days and we'll be modeling the whole time. We wouldn't even need to wear clothes to the building except that it will be too cold."

"You're becoming quite the nudist," I replied.

"Well, that and an exhibitionist," April responded. "I really enjoy people seeing me naked. You will too, I promise. Hey, they're even planning a session in which the artists will be nude too. Is that cool or what?"

I suppose that I should have been troubled by my daughter's admission that she liked having people see her naked. I had, however, learned to have a great degree of respect for April's judgment, young though she was. If she was that enthusiastic about it, maybe there was some enjoyment to be had doing this after all.

At Denise's insistence, we dramatically increased our exercise program during the month before the symposium so that we'd "look good naked." I was secretly starting to look forward to it, particularly since Denise would be naked with me. By the week before the weekend symposium, Denise really did look fantastic naked.

The symposium started on a Friday morning. Denise and I would drive up Thursday afternoon. Professor Lawson had arranged a hotel room for us at the symposium's expense and we were to meet her for dinner at her house Thursday night for some introduction to what we were expected to do.

Two things happened that last week that unsettled me, one a lot more than the other. On Monday night, April called to say that Professor Lawson would like us to shave off our pubic hair. "I'm shaving mine too. So is Professor Lawson. She says that it will make us look more naked."

The really distressing thing happened Wednesday night. When Denise got home from work, she almost immediately started laughing. "What's funny?" I asked.

"Did you know that Mike, Kerry's husband, is a sketch artist in his spare time?" Denise asked. "I guess that he's pretty good, he sells his work, and he has gotten Kerry into it. Kerry told me today that she's taking Friday off so that the two of them can go to a symposium where they'll spend two days drawing nude models. Guess where."

"Shit," I said. "Did you tell her that we'll be the models they are drawing?"

Denise smiled. "No. We'll surprise them."

After we checked into the hotel on Thursday, we picked April up at her dorm. April directed us to Professor Lawson's house, an older Tudor-style house on a large lot in a quiet residential area. Professor Lawson answered the door wearing a full apron. When she turned to lead us into her home, I saw that she was nude under the apron. Sheila Lawson had a very nice ass.

Peter Windhoven was clothed. He asked if we would like drinks. April, who was not 21, turned and looked at me. "You can have a couple of glasses of wine, dear," I said. It was very warm inside their house.

Sheila Lawson took off her apron and stood completely nude in front of us. "I thought that, since the four of us will be nude most of the next two days and Denise and Harry, at least, are not used to that, it would make sense for us to be nude tonight. Peter is going to stay dressed because he is not modeling and you might as well get used to being nude with clothed people around. Actually, I've always thought that it is sexy to be naked around clothed people. So, I will ask you Denise, Harry, April, will you please take all of your clothes off."

By that point, I guess that I should not have been surprised. I was. April and Denise laid their coats over a sofa and began removing their shoes. I just stood there.

"Come on Harry," Sheila Lawson said. "I want to see you naked and so does April."

April, who had already stripped down to her bra and panties, turned to me and said, "Come on Dad!" Shit.

I bent down to slip off my shoes. Without even thinking about it, I turned my back to April as I undressed. When I finished, April said, "You have a great ass, Dad. Now, turn around."

I turned around. There were my nude wife and daughter, each with an arm around the other, smiling broadly.

Sheila Lawson was the first to speak. "Harry, you should feel good about yourself. You are a very attractive man naked. I especially like the shape of your penis. I want to draw that some time."

April chimed in. "Yeah Dad. You do have a nice-looking dick."

Denise chuckled. "Be careful dear," she said to April, "if your Dad knows that he has three naked women looking at his dick, he may get an erection."

"That would be cool," April said. "Dad, you need to get a hard-on sometime this weekend. I want to see that."

"Not while he's posing," Sheila Lawson said.

Over a very good dinner, Sheila and Peter described what they had in mind. First, the four of us would be the only models for the symposium.

"I think that the family dynamic is interesting and even a bit sexy, so we will be introducing you to the attendees as husband, wife, and daughter, but we won't tell them who you are. We'll only use first names," Peter said.

Denise laughed. "Two of them are going to know as soon as they see us."

"Who's that?" April asked.

"Kerry and Mike Newell," Denise replied.

Sheila and Peter looked perplexed so Denise explained that Kerry was her colleague at work and that Mike, while not a full-time artist, had sufficient interest and money and that they had heard about the symposium and decided to attend.

"Have you ever appeared nude before Kerry and Mike?" Sheila asked.

"No," Denise responded.

"That raises another interesting issue," Peter said, "nude modeling when you encounter people whom you already know from other contexts."

"Well, what we're going to do is start out with everyone there," Sheila explained. "We'll do a quick introduction, then April and I will do some poses for an hour or two. Then we'll get Denise and Harry up there. You'll do just basic poses for an hour or two. That carries us to lunch, which is an hour and a half. We'll do another hour and a half of posing in the afternoon, probably a half hour for each of April and me and a half hour for Denise and Harry together. Then we'll have an hour of Q & A with Peter answering as the artist and me answering as the model. You three are welcome to stay and participate. You can get dressed for that if you wish. I'll probably stay naked.

Peter picked up the schedule. "First thing Saturday morning, we'd like to focus on using multiple models as a single image. That means the models embracing and that sort of thing. I'd like to have some poses by just Denise and Harry. You're partners and should show it. Later, I'd like to work April in. After a break, we're going to focus on drawing genitalia for an hour or so. What I want to do is have each model pose for about ten to fifteen artists in smaller groups. Harry, you obviously have the only dick. Denise, April, do you mind spreading your legs for people?"

I could see that threw Denise, but April immediately responded, "That will be fine and sounds like fun." I guess Denise didn't want to be shown up by her daughter. Denise quickly said, "Yeah, I'm fine doing that."

Sheila took over. "After lunch Saturday, the first thing we'll do is have a dialog between the models, Peter, and the attendees. What you wear for that is up to you, but I'm hoping that, by Saturday, you'll prefer to be naked. That's the last official part of the symposium, but, we're going to tell the attendees that we'll be posing for another hour and a half and they are welcome to draw us but they must also be in the nude. If no one takes us up on that, we'll cancel it. At 6:00 p.m., we'll have a reception for all of the attendees. I'd really like the models to attend the reception nude. If any artists draw in the nude, we'll encourage them to go nude for the reception also."

It seemed to me that we had gone quite a ways beyond simple modeling and well into blatant exhibition. Before I could say anything, April said, "That sounds like a lot of fun!" Her eyes were gleaming. It had to be excitement because she'd only had one glass of wine.

Denise also seemed to be getting excited by the idea. She said, "It sounds like we'll really be showing ourselves off, but, the more I think about it, the better I like it."

"Denise," Sheila said, "showing yourself off in the nude is the true reward for the nude model. A fee is secondary. We want to give me and the three of you as much time to enjoy that pleasure as possible. I'm really hoping that all three of you will be as addicted to being seen in the nude as I am."

"She is addicted," Peter quipped.

Sheila looked at me. "Harry, how do you feel about this?"

"Well," I said, "my wife and daughter seem fully on board so I guess that I have to be."

"Dad," April said, "you'll really have fun. I promise."

"Harry," Shelia said, "stand up." I stood. "Everyone look at Harry, particularly at his dick. I like its thickness and, I like circumcised dicks, so it appeals to me that way too. Denise, what do you see when you look at Harry's dick?"

With a big smile, Denise said, "Well, I'm used to having it inside of me. I see tremendous pleasure. April, what do you see?"

April said, "I see something that I'd like to have inside of me. Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say that was I?"

Sheila quickly intervened. "Harry, three women have been looking at your naked dick and talking about it. You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

I surprised myself with the realization that Sheila was right. I really had enjoyed having these beautiful women looking at and talking about my dick, even my daughter. "Well, it feels a bit naughty, but, yeah, that was fun."

"Naughty can be a whole lot of fun," Sheila said. "You'll be fine."

Naked, we all helped Sheila and Peter clean up from dinner. Once that was done, Sheila said, "You better get dressed and head back to your dorm and hotel room. Get a good night's sleep. You have a long day tomorrow."

Before she got out of the car in front of her dorm, April leaned across from the back seat and kissed first Denise and then me. "Thank you both," she said. "I'm really glad that you agreed to do this. This is going to be so much fun to do together."

Back in our hotel room, I asked Denise, "So, what do you really think about what we got ourselves into?"

Denise smiled. "I think that it may change our lives, but I'm really looking forward to doing it and I'm horny as hell. Please fuck me Harry, right now."

To be honest, the idea of being nude in front of 50 people with my nude wife and nude daughter had me pretty horny too. Denise and I had only put on our outer clothes when we got dressed at Sheila and Peter's, so we got naked very quickly. We needed each other so badly that we completely forgot to pull the drapes. This was another high energy fuck like the night we first saw the pictures of April nude in front of the art class. Only, this time Denise was on top and she rode me hard.

I again came painfully hard inside Denise. She collapsed on top of me after she came. We fell asleep like that. Sometime around two in the morning, I felt Denise moving. I had been dreaming about her, Sheila Lawson and, yes, April, naked on a stage and had another raging hard on.

I felt Denise run her hand along my hard dick. Next, I felt her tongue along my shaft and then her mouth engulfing my dick. I tapped on Denise's hip. Without letting go of me, Denise swung herself around so that I could get my head between her legs. Gently spreading Denise's thighs, I got my tongue on her clit. We 69'd to another mutual orgasm, not as powerful as earlier but still damned nice.

The symposium started at 9:0 a.m. Friday in a building in an out-of-the-way corner of campus. Sheila wanted us there by 8:30 a.m. Denise had set our alarm for 7:00 a.m. When it went off, Denise grabbed her smart phone out of habit.

"Look," Denise said as she passed her phone to me. There was a text message from April that had come in while Denise and I were going at it.

The text from my daughter to my wife read, "Horny as hell & using Hitachi. Hope Dad fucking your eyes out. Can't wait to get naked with 2 of you."