Our First Time At The Red Rooster


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You can't be married to someone for twenty years without knowing them, maybe almost as well as they know themselves. Well, Kim knew I was very, very disappointed.

"Look honey, I'm sorry I just can't bear the thought of you ogling some other woman. Those place aren't for people like us. Can't you understand?"

I couldn't cover up my disappointment and didn't try very hard. "I don't want to look at other women or make love to them. I've told you that before. I just thought it might be fun to go to one of those clubs. Nobody would know us. We don't have to do anything. Never mind... just forget it."

For the first night on this trip we slept back to back. I slipped out early the next morning while Kim was sleeping. When I returned several hours later, neither of us said anything about our conversation— not really an argument— last night. Kim acted as if nothing had happened. We had a wonderful dinner at the Venetian and splurged on a gondola ride. Her head was on my shoulder and the gondolier was singing when she whispered in my ear, "What should I wear to the swinger's club?"

I couldn't believe my ears. I pulled away, looked at her, put my hands on her bare shoulders and asked, "are you serious?" "Honey, like you said, we don't have to do anything. I've been thinking about it all day. I mean I know how much you want this... how much going to a place like that means to you. Let's go tonight and see what happens. Again, what do you want me to wear?"

"How about the outfit you wore our first night here?"

An hour later we were driving to the Red Rooster. A week ago I was excited about the unknown. This time I was so nervous I could hardly breathe.

This time I paid for a couple while Kim waited in the car. Chris didn't acknowledge that she had ever seen me before. Maybe she was discreet, maybe I didn't impress her. Who knows?

At the bar Kim checked her purse while I got us two sodas. The place seemed even busier this night. I felt guilty because I hadn't told her that this wasn't the first time I had been here. I should have but I didn't. I sure hoped that I wouldn't run into Ellen and Tony.

I took her hand which was clammy and pretended to discover the vast club with her for the first time. This time, however, I could go upstairs which is where we started. At the top of the large landing were several tables. On two sides of the balcony were several alcoves. In one a naked couple was fucking. Kim gasped when she saw them and looked away. I don't think because she was embarrassed but because she believed this was something that was to be intensely private. Never mind that the couple obviously wanted people to see them and probably even join them.

We weren't upstairs long. Downstairs, many of the tables were occupied in the main room. Pool was being played by four couples with several other couples watching the players. Unlike the last time I was here, all of the doors behind the locker area were open.

Across the main room and down the other hallway we saw that half of the doors were closed. I thought I heard the sounds of love making. Kim seemed to grip my hand even tighter as I'm sure she also heard the erotic sounds.

I could swear that the video was the same one I saw the week before. Three fidgety single men were sitting on the sofa watching it. When we walked into the orgy room, the men on the sofa jumped up and followed us.

Kim said, "I have a pretty good idea what this is all about." When she saw the men, she frowned.

Time to rescue her I thought. "Let's take our drinks to a table."

The table against the glass wall, covered with condensation, that separated the main room from the pool afforded us the perfect view of nearly everything that was happening on the ground floor.

"Well, what do you think?" I wondered out loud.

"I don't know. Nothing really seems to be going on except for that heavy couple upstairs and I guess what's happening behind the closed doors."

I glanced at my watch and said, "It's only 10:00, I think it may be a little early. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

During the next half hour we glanced around the room and tried to guess which couples were married, I mean married to each other, and which weren't. An Hispanic couple approached us and asked if they could sit down. I looked at Kim but couldn't read her.

"We're Maria and Jose. This your first time here?" Jose asked.

"We're Kim and Don." All four of us shook hands. "Yes, this is our first time."

"We come here every week," he said.

It soon became obvious that Maria couldn't speak a word of English. I guessed that they were twenty-five, certainly less than thirty years old. We learned that they had been coming here for six months. They expected their Mexican friends to arrive soon. They also explained that Fridays and Saturdays were the busiest because on those nights there was a live band.

A few minutes later their friends arrived and, after introducing them to us, they left to sit with them at a different table. When they were out of earshot, Kim said, "do you think they wanted to... you know... do you think they wanted to be with us?"

"I'm sure they were interested. Why, were you interested in him?"

I was bowled over when she said, "oh not really."

I couldn't believe what I had heard. Jose had a goatee, tatoos on his arms and an earing. I mean I was shocked. I couldn't imagine that she found him attractive in the least. But I sensed she was disappointed that our conversation was one that we could have in church. Could it be that Ellen was right when she told me a week ago that if I ever got my wife to come here I would "be surprised." I was surprised.

I noticed that couples were leaving their tables and going upstairs or to one of the bedroom areas. I also noticed that one or two of braver single men joined certain couples at their tables, chatted for a few minutes and then the couple and the man would disappear. I watched the entrance to bedroom areas and saw that the average stay was about fifteen minutes.

"Want to go upstairs again?" I asked.

"Sure." Without hesitating, this time, she led the way.

Three of the alcoves were occupied. One with a single couple and two with two couples. Three or four other couples were sitting at the tables watching.

A pretty black woman was being fucked by a tall blond man. A red head white woman was being screwed blind by a big black guy. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that these weren't two interracial couples but two couples who had swapped partners.

I noticed that Kim was becoming aroused at what she was watching. She was squeezing my hand and nervously twisting a strand of hair.

"Are you okay?"

"Let's go back to the hotel," she said breathlessly.

"Does this make you uncomfortable?"

"It makes me horny," she admitted.

I stood up, took her hand and said, "come with me." She may have thought we were leaving but that sure wasn't what I had in mind.

One of the bedrooms was unoccupied. I closed the door behind us and locked it before taking her into my arms. She melted and our wet lips touched. Our tongues danced together as they had countless times before. I pushed her to the edge of the bed broke our kiss as she laid down. I kneeled on the floor between her legs.

I began by kissing her knees and worked my way up. The short skirt was already high on her thighs. Her inner thighs were warm against my lips. Then I hit my target, a bullseye. I couldn't have been more surprised. She wasn't wearing a thong, as I had assumed, just the fragrance of her perfume. She wiggled against my face. My tongue bathed her bare lips which she had shaved to accommodate her new tiny bikini. When the tip of my tongue came in contact with her clit, she had her first orgasm. When I took the blood engorged nub between my lips and sucked on it she had another. Then I lapped at the pussy that was mine. Ever so slowly I licked and probed. I went lower to her asshole. Buried my tongue as deep as possible and repeated my journey north again leaving a wet trail of saliva. I knew what would come next.

"Oh baby... oh baby, put it in... honey help me... I'm so hot... I need it so bad."

I stopped licking and sucking and probing. I held her then kissed her. My lips were wet with her juices. Usually, she turns her head when I try to kiss her immediately after eating her. This time she didn't. She returned my kisses with ardor.

After a few minutes of holding and kissing she broke and said, "let's go back to the hotel baby."

"Don't you like this place?"

"I do like it...it's just that I really want to let loose. I mean, all these people fucking all around us..."

I had never heard her say that word before. She wasn't a prude she just didn't use that word. Maybe I was crazy but I thought that the time might be right. "Come with me," I said.

"Wait a minute can you go get my purse so I can straighten up."

She went to the bathroom at the end of the hall while I got her purse. I waited for her. While I was waiting, I wondered what would happen in the next few minutes. I noticed that many of the single men were intently watching me. Was it my imagination or had the pacing been concentrated in an area not too far from where I was standing?

When she came out, I saw that she had brushed her blonde hair, touched up her make up and applied a fresh coat of lipstick. As she handed me her purse I saw that her hand was shaking but her eyes were smoldering. "Wait here, I'll take your purse back and get us a couple of drinks."

It wasn't my imagination. The single men were narrowing the circle like a pack of wolves. I noticed that Kim seemed to have a difficult time breathing as I handed her the cold drink. After she took a sip, I took her hand again. Not a word was spoken as we slowly walked toward the television area. We didn't stop to watch the video, we walked past the video area and entered the empty orgy room.

I took her in my arms just as Tony had taken Ellen a week earlier. Our lips touched. Her lips were so hot they nearly seared mine. She couldn't possible know what had happened last week on the big round bed we were standing next to but I couldn't help but remember every detail. When we broke our kiss, I took her drink and set the glasses on the floor. I saw that the wolf pack was sensitive. Not one of its members had entered the room yet. They were standing at its entrance patiently waiting.

This time when our lips touched my hands roamed. First over her bare shoulders, then down to her bare back, finally cupping her firm ass through the flimsy cloth of her dress.

"Oh... oh Don... oh baby..." She panted gasping for a breath of air between our kisses.

Then my hands were touching her breasts. Through the cloth it was easy to find her turgid nipples. I rolled each one between my finger and thumb. It had the desired effect.

"Oh shit... oh fuck..."

It was now or never. My hands went south to the hem of her short dress. I didn't know what to expect as I raised it a few inches. It was so short there weren't many inches left. No resistance from her. Then it was at her waist. Her pussy was bare. The wolf pack could probably smell her in heat. Then, the tiny dress was above her breasts. I could never have anticipated her raising her arms but without prompting she did to help me take it off. I dropped her dress nearly on the same spot that Tony had dropped Ellen's sweater and jeans.

My roving hand found its way to the juncture between her legs. She moved her legs apart to make it easier for me. She was soaking. She pulled my shirt out of my pants and begin to unbutton it. She seemed almost frantic as she reached for my belt buckle. Then we were both naked.

I wasn't surprised to hear the rustle of clothing behind me.

"Oh my God!... they're... they're getting naked too... oh darling, I'm so scared."

"It's okay baby," I tried to comfort her.

Then, I mimicked Tony's moves from last week. I didn't want either of us to think too much. This was a night for feelings. As Kim laid back on the bed, I scooted between her widespread thighs just as Tony had a week before. My lips were exactly where they had been in the other room doing exactly what they had been doing there. The difference was that then we were behind closed doors.

I felt a movement on the round bed. lifted my eyes and gazed over the top of her pubic bone, through the sparse, trimmed pubic hair to see what was happening above. A black man was kissing her. She was enthusiastically participating and holding on to his head with one hand as if to make sure he didn't escape. Her other hand was holding the back of my head pulling me into her crotch.

The black man who was kissing was joined by another man who began to suck her perky nipple. As she thrust against my mouth, I could sense that she was coming non stop. What would have been cries of passion were muffled by the black lips that were glued to hers. Ummmmm... ah... oh... occasionally slipped by when he gasped for a much needed breath of air.

Behind me I felt the hairy leg of someone nudging me. This was the moment. Would I stand up and relinquish my treasured spot, turn it over to a stranger? I would and I did. Another black man was between her legs in a flash.

I wasn't as diligent as Tony had been the week before. I didn't check to see if he wore a condom. By the time I thought about it, it was too late. He was in her. She broke the kiss as she welcomed this stranger's black cock. The hand holding the head and the other that had been holding mine grasped each grasped a check of the ass of the man fucking her.

"Oh... that feels soooo good... oh, oh... ah... easy... ummmmmm!"

I stood back to watch. I counted a ten men in the room with us and others watching from the entry to the room. Half of the men in the room with us were now naked. Like last week, those who weren't working on her pussy, breasts or mouth were stroking themselves. I knew that the black man couldn't last long. Kim was matching him stroke for stroke. What others, except for the black man, couldn't know was what she could do with her vagina, what she was surely doing with the talented sheath. I knew that it was soaking wet, hot and pulsing.

I was right. He didn't last long. When he pulled out, I was shocked for two reasons. First, he was enormous. I didn't see how she could possibly have accommodated him but she did without much difficulty. Not only was he unusually long he was incredibly thick. The second reason I was shocked was because he wasn't wearing a condom. His black cock skin was coated with their mixed juices. I wasn't worried about Kim getting pregnant but I was concerned about disease.

I was relieved to see that the man who took his place was wearing a rubber.

As hot as Ellen had been last week, her performance didn't compare with what Kim was doing with the wolf pack. After the third man came, she asked for a glass of water. Magically one instantly appeared. Then she said she had to go to the bathroom. I couldn't have been more surprised when she stood up and walked totally naked past the television area, into the main room to the nearest bathroom.

"Who is she man?" An older man asked me.

"She's my wife." I answered honestly.

"My God! I wish she was my wife." He said with envy.

I expected her tell me it was time for us to leave when she returned from the bathroom. She didn't. For her it really was halftime. On second thought maybe just the end of the first quarter. She was amazing. I'm sure that many men were spoiled for life. I felt sorry for their wives and girlfriends who would inevitably be compared with the gorgeous woman they had been with at the Red Rooster.

That night all of my fantasies were realized. Hell, I might as well admit it, I couldn't have begun to fantasize about what I saw.

We left at 2:30 in the morning. Kim was flushed when we walked to the car. Her steps were unsteady. I must tell you I was surprised during the drive back to the hotel when she asked, "can we come back tomorrow?"

I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I could teach pigs to fly.

To be continued...

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