Our House


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All through dinner, I was sorely tempted to blurt out about my find. Laura noticed my high levels of energy and asked me if I was feeling OK? I said I was on a sugar rush as I had eaten a Mars bar earlier. It was a bit lame, but it was all I could think of at the time. Sonja and Bernie were still huddled close together after dinner looking at the Architect's plans for the Ground Floor. They said they reviewing the bar and reception area, as they were concerned about the ergonomics of the area! I accepted that, it was their field of expertise, mine was the kitchen and as long as they got that right, I wasn't to bothered, I trusted them to get it right.

Laura said she was tired and after outing her children to bed, she was going to take a bath and retire. I took the opportunity to slip into the office and check about the price of gold coins. I was astonished, my 750 coins were worth over £800K! Out of interest, I checked the weight and discovered those coins weighed in at just under 22 Kilos. NO wonder I struggled to lift the box, it was way heavier than the baggage allowance allowed by the airlines!

I checked on Sonja and Bernie, but they were engrossed in the plans, so I didn't disturb them and instead went into the library and took down the second journal dated 1993. The key worked and once more I was reading the fly leaf annotated by my uncle;

Three - The Search Quest 2

My Dear nephew, I guess that you have been successful in finding my gold! A cautionary word, please don't sell the cache as a single sale, that will draw far too much attention. It would be more advisable to take a few at a time to France or Belgium and sell them discretely there. Our solicitor will give you a name in France that will buy them from you at a fair price, no questions asked!

Now your next quest, again the DVD must be watched carefully. The reason should now be obvious to you. This time you are seeking Bearer Bonds! Good luck.

I decided against viewing the DVD that night and went back to the drawing room to find Bernie and Sonja sitting together on the settee laughing at the comedy show on the TV. I told her that I was going to bed and she said, "Hold on and I'll come up with you." She turned and kissed Bernie on the cheek and said goodnight to him and followed me to our bedroom. As we were preparing for bed, I mentioned the secret room and the one way mirror and she insisted that I show her right there and then.

We went to the dressing room and I showed her how open the door at the rear of the cupboard. She peered into the one way mirror but in the darkness, there was nothing to see. I left her and went into the bedroom with the mirror and turned on the lights. I could hear her scream from the corridor and the next thing was Bernie and Laura reached the dressing room before I did. When I rushed in, it was to find my crying wife in the arms of Bernie, clutching him like she never wanted to let go. He was not objecting any as his hands were running up and down her back and a little too far down her bum for my liking. It was Laura emerging from the hidey hole, her face as white as a sheet that screamed at him, "Get your fucking hands off her before I forget I'm a lady!"

He dropped his hands immediately and tried to take Laura into his arms, but she brushed him aside and walked purposefully away! "Library now!" She commanded and we all obeyed like lambs to the slaughter.

The atmosphere in the library was like ice. The revelation about the one way mirror was new to both women and Bernie, who hadn't bothered to look into the room and was therefore on ignorance of the true facts, looked bewildered. Laura looked at me and demanded, "when did you discover the one way mirror?"

"Just today and I was going to tell you about it tomorrow." I replied realising that I should have shared the information earlier. My only excuse was that I was so caught up in the gold coins that I ignored the significance of how the knowledge that they had been spied on by a dirty old man. I knew that Laura and Bernie also used that room when they visited our uncle and should have warned them, but I didn't, not that I made the slightest difference, Laura was going to explode and her target would be me.

"Why didn't you tell us straight away when you discovered it?" she spat.

"Because, just before I found the door in the back of the cupboard, I discovered some interesting documents. I thought they may explain where all the money had gone." I replied with a distinct whine in my voice.

I was angry at myself for letting her play out the big sister act that she had used to suborn me when we were little, so I fought back and in a more even voice, I asked, "Look, about the mirror thing, what possible difference did it make? The last time you stopped over in that room, must have been more than a year ago. Sonja and I have been using that room regularly since before the old pervert took ill. Christ Almighty, the sights he must have seen!" I looked at Sonja and she had the grace to blush at the memory.

I could see the anger in my sister's eyes, she has an icy stare that could freeze your balls and I laughed and said, "I guess you and Bernie must have put up a good show for the old bastard as well?"

She suddenly saw the funny side of it, smiled and replied, "You could say that. Now what was in these documents you found that was so important that you 'forgot' to tell us that we had been performing under the watchful eyes of an old pervert?"

I rose from the armchair and went behind the Chesterfield settee that she was sitting on and pulled the box with all the stuff I had found and gave it to her. "Some light bedtime reading matter. They look like bank statements to me, so that's your speciality, so over to you to tell us what they all mean."

It had become our custom at this time each evening to review the day's events and discuss our plans for the next day. This was to keep everyone fully aware of what each of us was planning to do. In my case. The following day was simple, I was working 06.00 to 10.00 and again from 11.30 to 14.00, then I would be clearing out the flat above the Coach House. This was one of the reasons that Laura and Bernie were still living in the main house, the Coach House was a tip and needed to be remodelled before anyone could live in it. Laura too was straightforward, work and then home to see to the kids. Sonja told us she was going to see our builder and also check to status of the planning consent, while Bernie, as usual was doing as little as possible. He said, "I have to get the kids up and ready for school, them take them there before returning here and clearing out the basement rooms. He had been reputedly doing this for the last 3 months and had little progress to show for it. I stir the pot a little and asked, "How far have you got with that? I only aske because the skip hire people have been mithering for their skip. It's been here for weeks now and is still almost empty!" I watched him wriggle for a bit and it was Laura who, typically defended him, "He's had a very stressful time lately and you really shouldn't pressurise him into overdoing it!"

It was time to stop pussyfooting around, so I said, "We are in a partnership and we each have to pull our weight, otherwise we are doomed before we start! I was down in the basement today and nothings been touched down there! Now either he starts pulling his weight or I throw him out!"

Well, that must have touched a nerve, because Berne came out fighting and retorted, "I have had to spend so much time helping Sonja with finalising the plans that I have not been able to make a start downstairs!"

I looked at my wife and she shrugged her shoulders and looked a little guilty, but she to defended the lazy bastard. She said, "He's been a great help getting the plans sorted and annotating the changes we need."

"Since, I'm in the minority here, I apologise, but I want to see some progress in the basement or I'll down tools as well! I'm working my arse off on a part time job and coming back here and putting in a full shift here as well. Laura is also working all day and looking after the kids at night, but you two seem to be having a bit of a holiday and it had better change! It does not take two of you a week to go over drawings that we have already proofed once. It should only be a matter of a few minutes to check that our alterations have been implemented in this drawing release. You agreed that I was to act as manager for the whole project and as such, I demand that you two start making some progress on the tasks assigned to you!" I was fuming at my wife and brother-in-law and my sister seemed to be content to let things drift on. "Do I need to remind you that we have a limited budget and if we are to succeed, we must do a lot of the labouring work ourselves. We must be ready to start immediately the planning consent comes through and I have been told we will get outline approval within ten days! Ten days to get the cellars cleared out and the Coach House habitable. I will meet that deadline in the Coach House, but the cellars are way behind plan. Need I say any more?"

I felt a bit crass for cracking the whip on then, when I knew that our budget problems were over, but they were not going to know that until I was ready. I was torn about keeping it secret from my sister, she of all people had a right to know, after all half of it was hers. I knew my sister too well and if I disclosed the secret of the gold to her, she could never keep it a secret from her waster husband. He would want to sit back and let someone else do the donkey work. That wasn't going to happen!

I had had enough for one day, so I said, "I'm off to bed. Coming, Sonja?" I held my hand out to pull her up off the armchair she had parked herself on. She stood up and said, "Good night again. I still can't believe it! Some of the things that old bugger saw me do, would have shamed a sailor!"

We went to bed and I reflected on the events of the evening. I even started to wonder about Sonja and Bernie, was there something going on between them? Surely not, he was older than me, fatter than me and going bald, but that apart, he could charm the hind legs off a donkey. I dismissed it from my head when Sonja slipped into bed and cuddled up to me. We talked about what uncle might had witnessed and tried to remember exactly what we had done the last few times we stayed here. The problem was, Sonja and I had an uninhibited sex life, we screwed like bunnies and nothing was taboo to her. Try as we might, we could not recall if we had done anything outrageous. Privately, I wondered if the old man had DVD's depicting our performance in one of those journals. I decided to concentrate on pleasuring Sonja, who was obviously turned on by the idea that she had been observed in her moments of passion with me. She had come to bed missing her normal PJ'S, it gets really cold in this old house at times. Instead she was wearing a sexy, short nightie that left most of her generous breasts exposed and short enough to reveal she had also left off her panties. We made love twice that night and again in the morning.

I was up and out the door at 05.00 to make the short drive to the pub/hotel where I worked and preparing the breakfast took my mind off the question of uncle's legacy. I didn't bother going home and used my hours break to update the project plan on my laptop. When lunch was finished and the kitchen once more pristine, I drove home and fund Bernie actually doing some work for once. I was pleased that he had taken my talk last night to heart. I assumed that Sonja was still out seeing the builder and harassing the Planning people about our permit, so I rushed to the library and retrieved the second journal.

Reading the notes on the fly page once more left me wondering, just how did he make his fortune? The warnings pretty well indicated that he had obtained the gold, if not illegally, then in some nefarious fashion that would raise the interest of the police or taxman. I locked the doors once more and sat and viewed the second DVD. This time the quality was much better and there was a sound track, obviously he had bought a more modern camera.

This time the venue was this very house and more specifically the large hall. There were around ten or twelve couples in the hall, all in fancy dress. The men were a mix of clerics and devils with the odd Superman but it was the ladies that captured my attention! They were dressed as nuns or in some cases schoolgirls complete with gymslip and pigtails. Except these costumes were unlike any I had seen before. There was lots of bare flesh exposed and even more surprising was the amount of groping and caressing going on! The sound track was a voice over the background buzz of conversation and I recognised my uncle's voice. "Welcome to Bourton Hall. Tonight we are celebrating Halloween 1993. Just a reminder to all those present tonight, the party may get a little frisky later on. If you want join in, that's fine, if you don't, just leave. As usual, NO means NO, no exceptions!" The video continued for another few minutes and it was clear that the guests were itching for the next bit of the evening. The scene changed to the bigger of the public rooms and by this time most of the ladies were stripped of everything apart from the stockings, suspenders and high heels. The men were similarly disrobed and I could clearly identify my mother and aunt, despite their masks among the revellers and watched as they were fucked on the couch and floor. Not everyone participated, but most of them seemed to be engaged in sexual relations in one form or another.

The next clip displayed the view from behind the mirror and I watched fascinated as a young girl was led blindfolded into the room by an older man I couldn't recognise because he also had a masks that disguised his features. He stripped her, but left her blindfold on and tied her to the bed using cord already in place for that purpose. She had her arms and legs bound and the man, started by gently stroking her breasts, an act to which she was not objecting. She was clearly not resisting his attentions and seemed to be moving her hips in response to his ministrations. After a few minutes of this treatment, the man moved between her legs and entered her pussy. She reacted as if she had been scalded and humped back at him, her proud breasts jiggling as she writhed beneath him. He proceeded to hump her willing pussy and his movements slowed and increased in tempo as he tried to delay his orgasm. Suddenly, he made a final thrust at her and I could see her lips open in a silent scream. It may have been loud, but as this part of the film had no sound track, it was impossible to tell. The man finished and quickly dressed as the girl lay panting on the bed, still secured by her bonds. The camera zoomed in and the residue from her fucking oozing out of her pussy and dripping onto the bed cover. The fact that the camera was not a fixed mount one, told me that someone was enjoying the erotic scene from behind the mirror.

As the first man left, two more men entered and stripped off. One of the men approached he bed and started sucking on her hard nipples and when he lifted his head, he had clearly left his mark on her tit. The other man did likewise and the girl really started to twist and struggle as she shook her head and protested! Even without sound, it was clear that she was not consenting any more, but one of the men stuffed a gag into her mouth and silenced her protests. They resumed their attack on her breasts and while one guy bit and pulled at her breasts, the other entered her dripping pussy and proceeded to fuck her. As they worked on her, her protests stopped and she must have reached her first orgasm of the night as her whole body convulsed as the man fucking her climaxed. The first man finished and stood back to allow his colleague to have his turn at ravishing this beautiful young woman. This man untied her legs and arms and as he mounted her, she realised that she what was going to happen and with the new freedom of her limbs, she started to fight back, still with the gag firmly in her mouth. Clearly, this was what the man wanted and he was smiling as he slapped her face and tits in an effort to subdue her. Still she fought on and in a moment of respite, managed to pull the gag out of her mouth and scream! There was no stopping her attacker, and he continue to screw at her writhing body as he tried to crush her into the mattress! She was still fighting though, her nails were leaving scratch marks on his back as he and she approached their climax and with a final heave, he pumped himself into her as he came. By the time he had ejaculated into her swollen pussy, she was clearly exhausted and after he had risen from her, she just lay there, crying, legs wide open displaying her swollen and leaking cunt.

The men departed and after a few moments, she arose and tried to stop sobbing while clean herself up before putting on a dressing gown. The door opened and my uncle and father came into the room and it was clear they realised what had happened as they stormed out the room. The girl moved to the mirror and it was when she looked directly into the mirror and removed her mask, that I got the shock of my life. The girl was Laura, my big sister Laura! It was Laura who had been raped! I watched as my mother entered the room and reached out for her daughter. At that point the film ceased.

No fucking wonder she was as white as a ghost last night, it wasn't what she and Bernie had been up to that worried her, it was all the fact that her rape may have been filmed that concerned her!

The DVD finished at that point and I took it out and read the postscript from my uncle;

My dear nephew, I know by now you will be thoroughly shocked and appalled by these events. My behaviour was criminal and I have no excuse to offer. I had invited these men into my home and yes , I admit we had some wild parties in those days, but they abused my hospitality and ignored my rules when the attacked your sister. In my own defence, all I can say is the parties ceased after that evening. Your parents and I had no knowledge of your sister's attendance that night, she wangled an invite from a regular attendee who did not know of the connection. She was over sixteen at the time and submitted willingly to have sex with the first man. Do not condemn your sister for her actions, it may help you to understand her better and her reluctance at displays of affection.

As far as the bonds are concerned, you can sell exchange them for the current market value. Any bank will advise you on this, in fact Laura probably knows better than me how to dispose of them.

Now for your next clue;

The treasure you seek can be found as you walk the main hall,

It's not on the floor so look at the walls.

Behind the large chest,

You will discover the answer to your quest.

With that clue fixed in my mind, I walked the entire length of the main hallway and couldn't see the chest he talked about. Sure, there was furniture here and there, all firmly floor standing, nothing on the walls! I stopped and walked back down, this time studying the walls. Like most old houses, there were paintings, some oils, some water colours, landscapes and portraits a complete miss mash of styles. I stopped at one, a portrait of a woman, not just that a woman wearing a long formal dress cut very low across her breasts! Breasts ... chests, was that it? I moved the portrait and it swung outwards revealing a small safe set into the wall! My excitement bounded, my heart was hammering as I tried the same combination as before, 1975 and pulled the knob, but it was still locked! I thought maybe it was the year marked on the journal, 1993! This time the safe opened and as I peered inside, all I could see was an envelope, nothing else, just a single envelope. I took it out and slipped ten certificates. From my quick scan they had varying face values and I mentally added them up to over £6M! I shoved them back in the safe. Locked it and replaced the portrait. This I needed to think about and hard. I couldn't keep this to myself for long, I knew that much, but I wanted to finish the quests before revealing all to my wife, sister and Bernie.