Our Memoir Ch. 06: Sister Visit

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Ben's sister and her family try a clothes free lifestyle.
5.1k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/22/2020
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Author's Note (July 2021): This is not a new story, if you have already read the 'Our Memoir' set you can skip this one. In June 2020 this story was originally accepted for publication, however, a year later it was unexpectedly rejected due to content violation. Because this story is part 6 of a 7 part set, we have removed the offending content and reposted the story in order to maintain continuity within the set.

Ben & Audrey.

Audrey and I were in the kitchen one morning. It was still rather early, but late enough for the girls to be out of bed.

"I'm going to give them five more minutes and then I'm going to go in there and wake them up!" Audrey said as she pulled an odd face and adjusted her bra through her shirt.

I grunted as I adjusted my underwear too, "I hate wearing clothes.", I muttered under my breath.

Seemingly out of nowhere, our two daughters materialised in the middle of the kitchen. Both without a thread of clothing on.

Our oldest daughter Hannah was fifteen now and looking more like her mother every day. Our youngest daughter Romana was eight. (Yes, we like Dr Who, but the Tom Baker doctor, to us, he was 'the' doctor). She was a little bit taller than most of her class mates at school. She loved sports, especially swimming.

"Girls," Audrey started admonishingly, "What did we tell you about our house guests arriving?"

"Can't we just eat breakfast like we normally do?" pleaded Romana.

"Yeah, we'll get dressed straight after. We promise," Hannah added for good measure.

Audrey and I glanced at each other briefly before she responded. "OK, but you need to hurry, they will be here within the hour. And remember, shirts, shorts, panties and," she paused looking directly at Hannah, "a bra for you too young lady!"

With a begrudging moan of agreement the girls stomped around the kitchen fixing themselves some cereal, toast and juice.

I was finishing off the last of the dishes in the sink and Audrey was out in the laundry when I was startled to hear the front door bell chime.

I looked at the girls and said, "Off to your rooms and get dressed. Now!"

Romana scurried off as instructed, but Hannah just took her time to finish what she was doing and slowly ambled away.

"Move!" I said giving her a playful poke in the middle of her back as I headed for the front door.

I reached for the handle and opened the door.

"Surprise!" exclaimed my sister.

I looked up to see my sister, naked. She was not wearing a single scrap of clothing apart from a pair of sandals. She had quite the bush and it was obviously a little chilly because her nipples were acting as her own personal inbuilt thermometers.

It's not that I had never seen my sister naked before, I must have seen her naked thousands of times. When we were kids, our mother bathed us together all of the time. We grew up during a period of prolonged drought in our region and we would often bathe together with our mother to conserve water.

As we became older and the water supply returned to a more consistent availability, we started to shower separately. There were always the occasional times when in our haste to get ready for school in the morning, we'd barge in on one another thinking that the bathroom had already been vacated. From those fleeting glimpses, I knew that her breasts were fairly sizable and that her lady's triangle was all present and accounted for. We just didn't spend hours together being naked.

I hope that my eyes did not linger for too long, but I was truly shocked. This was so out of character for her. Whilst I did not consider her to be a prude, she was normally more reserved and seldom this outgoing. As she stood there, I noticed that most of her body, except for the outer extremities, was rather pale. Even the less pale areas were still quite pale by my family's standards.

Wendy, her sizeable creamy coloured breasts and erect nipples bounded forward and gave me a huge hug. Just as Wendy released her death grip on me, Audrey came in from the laundry.

"Wendy, you're here already!" she exclaimed. "And, um, naked!" she added.

"Well," Wendy started, "Richard and I know that you are a clothing optional family and that normally when we come to visit, you cover up for us." For full effect, please note that 'clothing optional' was delivered with 'air quotes'.

Wendy continued, "We had a family meeting before we left home and we decided that seeing as we will be visiting for two whole weeks, it seemed only fair for us to abide by your rules in your home."

"Yes", Richard said as he entered the house shaking my hand, "Although I thought that we would discuss it with you guys first, not just rip off our sun dress on your porch when we arrived."

Moving in further towards Audrey, Richard gave her a peck on each cheek and a quick hug before continuing, "It took some convincing with Daniel, but Nick was up for it right away."

"Hello Boys," I said looking out on the porch, "please come in."

"Hello uncle Ben," beamed Nicolas cheerfully as he hopped over the door threshold.

Daniel emitted something between a grunt and the word 'Hi'. Considering that he was a teenage boy, I'd say that he was fairly articulate.

With the boys now fully into the house, the girls came scurrying in from one of the side rooms fully clothed. The girls had seen lots of naked women in this house during their short lives, so it was not so much an issue of there being A naked women in the house, more an issue of WHO that naked woman was given the context of our very recent conversation.

"Hi aunt Wendy," said Romana giving her aunt a big hug around her midriff.

"Hello Romana," Wendy said bending slightly to return the hug.

"Does this mean we can all get naked now?" Hannah asked as she hugged Wendy, "This bra is killing me!"

Wendy hugged Hannah for a short time and then pushed her back slowly with both hands on her shoulders.

"Let me have a look at you." Wendy said as Hannah reached a full arms length.

"You've grown so much, you're almost catching up to your mother!" she said releasing Hannah.

"Well, what about it? Can we get back to normal around here or not?", demanded Hannah.

"It seems that aunt Wendy and uncle Richard are on board with it," I started.

Audrey looked at Daniel and asked, "Daniel, are you comfortable if we live naked for the next few weeks?"

"Whatever." he grumbled.

"Are you sure?" asked Audrey pushing for clarity.

"Guess so." he mumbled.

"OK, that settles it!" exclaimed Richard, "Welcome to 'La casa nudista' he said, taking off his shirt with a flourish, throwing it straight down on the floor for good measure.

Richard's torso was white. Gleaming white. From his neck to the top of his shorts, white.

"Guys," Audrey started, noticing what I had noticed, "We probably need to have a quick chat about sun protection."

"Boys, are you paying attention?" Richard turned to look at Daniel and Nick pointing vigorously in Audrey's direction.

"There is a small cupboard to the left of the back door. On the middle shelf, there is a collection of standard and waterproof sunscreen bottles as well as some insect repellent." Audrey commenced.

"Boys?" said Richard.

"We're listening aunty Audrey!" said Nick.

"Make sure that you put on sunscreen every time you go outside. OK?" she asked.

Nick nodded eagerly and Daniel just grunted.

"Use the waterproof stuff if you are going to swim in the pool or the creek, but the other stuff is OK for everything else. And remember to reapply every two hours!" Audrey concluded.

"Have you got that boys?" asked Wendy.

"Yep!" responded Nick gleefully.

"Whatever," mumbled Daniel.

"Can we take our clothes off now?" asked Hannah impatiently.

"In a minute." I responded.

"First show your cousins to Romana's room and show them where they will be sleeping and where they can store their things. Then you can head off to your room and get undressed. OK?" I said.

"OK" responded Hannah. "Come on you two, let's go."

Hannah turned and headed off towards the hallway. Nick and Romana followed right behind with Daniel at the rear shuffling his feet.

I turned to Richard and said, "Come on Richard, I'll help you bring in the luggage."

"OK, thanks." he responded as we headed out to their car.

"I've never seen Wendy quite this uninhibited before." I said to Richard once we were out of earshot.

"Yes," responded Richard, "it all started about three years ago."

"What happened three years ago?" I asked.

"Diane and Jack moved in next door."

"OK" I said slowly.

"Well, we just got on very well." he started.

"They have twins, a girl and a boy, right between the ages of Daniel and Nick. Their kids went to the same school as our kids. Their kids also joined the same tennis club as our kids, so we just ended up spending quite a bit of time together." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"OK, that's all well and good, but how does all that explain Wendy standing naked at my front door with her nipples ready to open fire?" I asked.

"Well, we sort of ended up, well, swinging with them." Richard said a bit shyly.

"Back up, back up!" I said, "How do you get from tennis lessons to swinging?"

We each picked up a piece of luggage and headed off towards the guest wing.

"Well," Richard continued, "it all stared out innocently enough." he paused briefly before continuing.

"When the kids were at tennis, we would have lunch or a barbecue together and go for a swim in their pool, nothing out of the ordinary."

"OK." I said.

"Then one week we arrived at their pool to find Diane topless."


"Wendy was a little bit shocked, but she got over her initial reaction and just accepted it."


"Well, this went on for a few weeks and then for some reason one week, Wendy just took her top off too."

"A bit out of character, but carry on." I said.

"Well the girls went topless for a few more weeks and it just became the new normal. Then one week we turned up to find both Diane and Jack laying naked on their sun lounges."

"Hmm," I said.

We had arrived at our 'guest wing' as we liked to call it. There was an old workshop on the far side of the garage from the house that we had carpeted and turned into a small guest room.

"Nice." said Richard.

"Yes, we finished this a few months ago. You two will be our first official guests." I said.

I pointed to the sliding door in the back wall and said, "That leads to a small deck and some steps that lead to a path that will take you to the pool."

"Good to know," said Richard, "thanks."

We put down the bags in the guest wing. As I turned to leave, Richard moved over to the chair in the corner and with his back to me, remove his shorts and placed them on the chair. He turned to face me, his massive penis hanging literally half way down to his knees, he silently motioned towards the door. Preceding him through the door, we headed back towards the car and continued our conversation.

"You were telling me about your new neighbours." I prompted.

"Yes, well they explained that they normally swim naked and that they were wondering if we would mind if they swam 'au naturale' that day."

"Yes, but how does that get to the swinging part?" I asked still a little confused.

"I'm getting there, I promise." responded Richard.

"OK, proceed." I said.

"Well, we didn't get naked right away, but after a few weeks of them being naked we decided to try it in the hot tub with them once we had finished swimming."


"So, the next weekend, the kids had a tennis camp and would be away Friday and Saturday nights." said Richard.


"So Diane and Jack invited us over for dinner and some drinks. Just like we had done plenty of times before with the kids."


"But when we arrived, they were both naked already." explained Richard.


"They gave us a few cocktails and said that we should head out to the hot tub for a soak before dinner," Richard concluded.

We had arrived back at the car and collected the final three bags. These three, however, were destined for the boys' room. We stood at the car while Richard finished his story.

"Well the hot tub lead to some more cocktails and that lead to a bit of innocent flirting and before we knew it, they were going at it in their hot tub right in front of us."


"So we watched them for a while and then Diane broke off and came over to Wendy and kissed her straight on the mouth from out of nowhere." Richard paused briefly, "To my surprise, not only did Wendy kissed her right back, but he also cupped both of Diane breasts and squeezed as she did so."

"Hmm, Odd," I said quizzically.

"Yes, that's what I thought. Anyway, the next thing I know, Diane had lead Wendy over to Jack and she was heading back to me."


"Diane kissed me on the lips and grabbed my, um, appendage in one swift motion. I looked over and saw Wendy on top of Jack like a woman possessed."


"By this time, Diane had me hard and was already riding me. It was all over in a few minutes and Wendy and I staggered home in silence without eating." Richard finished.

"So, what happened next?" I asked impatiently.

"Well, Wendy and I dried off and just went to bed," he explained.

"OK," I acknowledged.

"The next morning, we went about our business as if nothing had happened when there was a knock at the door. Diane and Jack had come over to apologise for last night and wanted to know if we were OK".

"That was nice of them I suppose," I said.

"Naturally we were still in a little bit of shock because nothing like that had every happened before, but overall we were OK. What happened next left me speechless."

"Go on,"

"Wendy said that we should aim for dinner again tonight, but that this time we should do things properly." After a short pause, Richard continued, "That night we had a full fourway on their bed."

"Wow, must have been fun," I said.

"It was! Anyway, this continued on and off for the next year and a half until Jack got transferred for work. During that time, Wendy grew more confident and less inhibited and we really grew together as a couple as well. We owe Diane and Jack a great debt."

Richard picked up two of the last three bags and headed for the house. I collected the last bag, closed the car and followed Richard inside.

We took the bags into Romana's room where we saw that Romana and Nick were having a very animated discussion in the corner over which game they should play. Daniel was still fully dressed.

"Daniel, what's wrong?" asked Richard, "Remember we all agree to this, so get your clothes off and stop being silly!"

Seeing that Richard had his hands full and probably wanted to deal with this in private, I decided to help with the privacy part.

"Hey Romana, why don't you and Nick go and ask Hannah if she wants to play Uno in the lounge room with you guys?" I asked before backing out of the room.

As I walked along the hallway towards Hannah's room, Romana and Nick went zipping past me and bounded into the lounge room yelling "Hannah, let's play Uno!"

I arrived at Hannah's room and stuck my head inside the door. Hannah was naked on the floor clearing some space for the inflatable mattress that Romana would be sleeping on that evening.

"Hannah, sweety?" I said.

"Yep," she responded not looking up from what she was doing.

"Daniel is having some problems adjusting, can you please go and distract the kids with a game of Uno in the lounge room?" I asked.

"I'm on it," she said as she stood and headed out the door.

"Thanks," I said as she passed.

By now, I was probably the only person left in the house besides Daniel with clothes on. To remedy this, I walked to our bedroom, took a few calming breaths, removed my clothes and placed then neatly on the bed next to Audrey's pile.

As I headed back along the hallway towards the front door, I saw Richard and Daniel leave Romana's room with Daniel finally attired appropriately. I stood to the side to allow Daniel and Richard to enter the lounge room. When I entered, I saw Hannah and Romana sitting on the floor facing the door with Nicolas sitting opposite them. Hannah already had the deck of cards in her hands and was busily applying some suitably dexterous randomisation manoeuvres.

Daniel had stopped dead just inside the door looking at his two cousins.

"This is stupid!" Daniel yelled before heading back up the hallway.

"Daniel, wait, come back!" Hannah called as she began to stand.

I motioned to Hannah to sit back down and told her to start dealing for three. Richard followed Daniel back into Romana's room and the door closed with a decisive slam. I then turned to follow after them and saw Wendy and her jiggling breasts appear at the other end of the hallway. I motioned silently for her to go back into the kitchen as I headed her way.

As I entered the kitchen Audrey asked, "What's all that about?"

"Oh, Daniel's just having some problems adjusting." I replied.

"Yes Wendy, just give the boy some time. He'll be fine." Audrey added.

"I've got an idea. Wendy, go into Romana's room and tell Richard to shepherd Daniel into the dining room and seat him at the table." I said.

With that, I headed out the other door towards back entry into the living room. I entered the room and squatted down next to Hannah whilst Romana and Nick were squabbling over who won the last hand and why. I explaining the plan to her and she nodded her acknowledgement.

As I stood, I heard Romana's bedroom door open and three sets of footsteps head away from me. I looked down at Hannah and nodded.

"Hey you two, let's move into the dining room instead. It's easier to deal on a table than it is to deal on carpet." Hannah announced.

Nick and Romana jumped to their feet and sprinted from the room towards the hallway. They sounded like a herd of elephants. African elephants mind you, not their tiny Indian cousins. As Hannah stood, I motioned for her to come over to me. I kissed her on the forehead and said "Thanks."

Hannah walked slowly from the lounge room, presumably to give Daniel enough time to get seated. I left in the other direction and headed back to the kitchen.

"All good?" asked Audrey as I entered.

"He's calmed down a bit, and at least he's not running away and slamming doors." announced Wendy as she entered via the other door.

"What about if we all go for a swim down at the creek later on?" asked Richard as he followed Wendy into the kitchen.

Audrey was normally discrete when encountering someone naked for the first time. Human curiosity was natural and as long as there were no awkwardly lingering glances, nobody really minded. As Richard entered the room, I spotted Audrey's jaw drop almost imperceptibly and her gaze remain fixed on his appendage for perhaps a little bit too long. Luckily, she recovered before anyone but me had noticed and with the adults all back together again, we could do some planning for the rest of the day.

"That's a good idea. I was sort of half thinking about that myself." I responded.

"If we're going swimming in the creek, we should probably invite Sally, Susan and the kids." added Audrey.

"That's a good idea, but I think that Sally is at work today." I responded.

"I'll go into the bedroom and find out." said Audrey as she headed out of the kitchen.

"Who are Sally and Susan?" Wendy asked.

"Sally and Susan are friends of ours. Their children are Damien and Caroline. Damien is Hannah's boyfriend and Caroline's a similar age to Romana and Nick." I said in answer to her question.

"Parents?" Richard inquired.

"Yes, Sally and Susan are a lesbian couple that we met through our nudist group. They each gave birth to one child but used the same donor to conceive. Their kids are technically biologically half-siblings." I added by way of explanation.