Our New Villa Pt. 02


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Instead of passing, better dick dribbled the ball a little before shooting past the goalie. He ran to Berni for the team celebration;, before she could react he lifted her off the sand and squeezed tight, her tits nearly in his face and his dick wedged against her mound. I was just pleased she kept her legs straight and not around his waist.

It was Becky's turn to say "Cheeky bastard."

He put her down and I could see she was a little flustered, only some of it from being squeezed. Sarah came over and said something into her ear, Berni just nodded. Sarah called for the ball and passed it a short way to Blondie, as he went to move with it, Berni clumsily fouled him, making him fall over. Sarah was next to her and tried to get the ball but tripped in the sand, landing directly on top of blondie. I thought it was her way of canoodling with him but as she stood up he curled up in the sand, hands down at his groin. Sarah looked concerned and said sorry before turning with Berni and walking back to us, waving to better dick and the other one as they did so.

A couple of the people sitting closer to the match gave them a little round of applause which caused them to stop and smile, both bowing, I wished I was behind them.

Me and Becky had big grins on our faces as they reached us, Berni and Sarah giving each other a high five before bursting out laughing. When they stopped laughing Sarah explained that she quite fancied blondie, but that when all eyes were on better dick and Berni he'd grabbed her pussy and tried to finger her.

"A bit forward even for me." She joked. "That's what those people were clapping us for, they saw it."

It all began to fall into place, the foul and the falling over were deliberate. "I brought my knee and all my weight down on his bollocks."

"It's a shame it had to end, I was hoping my fella would score another goal." Berni said, smiling and then giving me a kiss when she saw I was smiling back. We stayed a little while longer before heading back, all of us on great form and the girls still animated about Sarah's attempt to stop German procreation for a few months, I just winced.

We had loads of food in the fridge but I said I'd like to take everyone for a meal, I joked it was a sort of thank you for letting me join the slappers, flappers and tarts club. I also said I'd go and buy a BBQ in the morning as we needed one for the villa and we could have a BBQ the next night. A kernel of an idea was forming in my head.

We all made a little effort getting dressed and each of the girls looked stunning, beginnings of sun tans adding a lovely glow to all their skin.

"You three look amazing, I'm afraid I'll let the team down."

"You can stay in the car." Becky joked.

I considered playing up and pretending to be the girls pimp or something but decided it wasn't that funny and decided to be myself and paying attention to all their conversations rather than zoning out.

I was up early again the next morning and did go for a run this time, ending up in the village, buying pastries and popping my head in to the barbers to say good morning to Ana.

When I got back they were all up and drinking coffee again, giving me flashbacks and making me ask Sarah how her boobs were.

"Sore, I'll let you kiss them better later."

They were all talking about going straight to the beach, saying they loved it yesterday. I convinced them to stay at the compound, maybe use the pool. I'd go and buy the BBQ and we could go to the beach after a light lunch, coming back later for the BBQ.

I spent a few bob on the BBQ, thinking a good quality one would last. I bought a lot more alchohol and headed back. The villa was quiet when I returned and I thought they were all down the pool. I put the drink away and set about bringing the BBQ up to the terrace. When I got there I found Becky by herself, sunbathing and reading.

"Those two slappers have gone for a swim, nice to have a bit of quiet time."

It was perfect, I wanted to talk to Becky about my idea and now was the ideal time. As I started assembling the BBQ, instructions in Portuguese, I was telling Becky my idea.

"Stop." She said.


"Strip off, I can indulge my naked handyman fantasy as you work."

I pretended to be a bit offended but couldn't wait to join Becky in the nude. She was exited by my idea and made a few helpful suggestions. I was getting on well with the assembly, particularly as I only had the cheep tools that came with it. I was loving the sun on my back as I did something other than laying still.

"Can you give me a hand with this bit, just hold it together till I line up the screw." Becky came over and held the bits I wanted. As I squatted down and tried to thread the screw, my face was only inches from her boobs as she bent forward.

"Good job we're friends." I joked

"Oh I thought you were just the handyman, my friends get better treatment." With this she leant further forward, twisted her shoulders and gave my face a slap with her boobs.

"Thanks, I needed that to help me concentrate."

I stood up to admire my handy work, Becky looking down at my semi hard dick instead. "Will we grill a sausage."

"Behave your bleeding self," I laughed as I said this, but was nervous. I knew it was all light hearted banter but I loved Berni and was getting too turned on by Becky.

Berni and Sarah returned from the pool, Sarah complaining that the only cock she got to see belonged to a dirty old man.

"That's Herman, he lives down here all year."

"Well he certainly liked looking at Berni's tits, maybe we'll set him up with Becky, make his day."

"Make his bloody year as well." Berni added.

We eventually headed to the beach, the girls daring each other to be topless for the drive, I gave up trying to stop them and they all ended up with their tits out, just a couple of truck drivers noticing and bipping us up.

They were in great form and the giggling increased as we entered the bar and two of the German lads were there, but not Blondie, we surmised he was at home with an ice pack. I was a bit quieter and Berni asked me if I was ok. I was ok, just wondering about my plan.

The beach was a little bit busier than the day before but still with plenty of room. As I lead us to a spot near the top of the beach, a few people said hello, including the couple who had given Sarah and Berni a round of applause the day before, "Why so far from the sea?" asked Berni.

"Give more people a chance to gawk at your tits and ass when you go for a swim."

"Oh yeah, good idea." She giggled

We were just getting settled and comfortable when I heard a familiar voice, "Hi Joe."

I looked behind me and saw Ana and two friends coming towards us. I stood up to greet them, aware of three pairs of eyes following my every move. Ana was wearing shorts and a tight t-shirt, showing off her smallish boobs to good effect. She had a playful smile on her face and as she moved towards me for the obligatory peck on the cheek every sinew of my body was telling my cock, 'play it cool, don't get hard.'

Ana introduced her two friends, Joao, a handsomish young bloke who looked to be about Ana's age and seemed a tad uncomfortable and Ines, a very pretty young woman of about twenty five who was beaming ear to ear, obviously happy to be there and probably in on the plan. They both said hi, Ana and Ines' eyes both dropping to my dick but Joao looking anywhere but there.

I made the introductions, "Berni, Becky, Sarah, this is Ana, my barber, and these are her friends."

I could feel Berni's eyes even through her sunglasses as she forced a smile onto her face, before saying hi. Becky played it cool, just raising a hand in greeting. Sarah stood up to say hello, giving everyone a few moments to admire her nudity before moving in and giving each one a little a little hug of greeting, it certainly cheered Joao up.

The three of them left us and set their stuff down on the sand about twenty feet in front of us. I was looking forward to them stripping to the swimwear or less when Berni assailed me with her questions.

"You taking the piss, your barber?"

"It's a long story."

"No wonder you get your hair cut so fucking much."

I was expecting to get a bit of a ribbing but was taken aback by Berni's jealousy and anger, Becky came to my rescue. "They seem like a nice bunch, good to meet some locals."

Before anymore could be said Ana and her friends began to undress, which seemed to grab all our attentions. Ines was wearing loose trousers and a loose, long sleeved shirt, sort of hippy chic style. She seemed the most relaxed and quickly removed her trousers "Wow!" Said Becky, "Is that a tattoo?"

It was hard to see exactly from this distance but Ines seemed to have a tattoo from her right calf up to her bum, her bikini bottoms just visible under her shirt. As she straightened up the other two began to undress and it was hard to know who to watch. Ana pulled her t-shirt off to show her long, slim back, her naturally sallow skin and dark hair looking perfect in the setting. Unfortunately she sat down to remove her shorts. Joao removed his t-shirt and appeared to have tattoos on his back, he also sat down to remove his shorts.

Ines was still standing, looking down to the other two and talking. I'm sure she knew we were all watching as she removed her shirt. She was a little shorter and hippier than Ana, with a nice plump Mediterranean ass. I think we all said 'wow' when it became obvious that the tattoo extended up to her right shoulder. This was the mid nineties and female tattoos, particularly big ones weren't common. Berni was the first to speak, "I didn't know you knew Portuguese Hells Angels as well as barbers."

This seemed to dispel any bad atmosphere that had been left by Berni's jealousy. As we continued to watch, Ana removed her Bikini top and Ines knelt behind her to apply sunscreen to her back. I looked at other bathers around us and they were all watching also, whether at Ines's tattoo or at her bum which looked incredible as she knelt, her small bottoms wedged in her crack. I struck me that that looked sexier than a completely nude ass. Ines seemed to spend ages applying the cream, almost massaging it into Ana's back.

She shuffled over to Joao and quickly applied cream to his back before removing her bikini top and moving in front of Ana, giving us a quick side boob view as she did. Ana gave Ines the same attention she received and I could almost imagine Ines moaning with pleasure as Ana massaged her back.

The image of this and thoughts of what might happen later had me standing to attention, my dick obscenely rigid as it reached my bellybutton. Berni of course noticed, "Enjoying the show?"


"That's fucking ridiculous, I've changed my mind, that's never going up my ass." Added Sarah, causing us all to laugh. "Some people are so straight laced, no sense of adventure." I said, trying to keep a straight face.

Becky changed the subject, "Who wants another drink?" We all said we did.

"You come with me Joe, it's our turn to flirt at the bar." I looked down at my dick and shook my head, "I'll need a few minutes," I joked.

"Nonsense Joe, I'm sure your barber will enjoy seeing it." I think Berni was trying to be funny but it came across as bitchy and nasty. 'Fuck you' I thought and stood up, heading sideways towards the bar, Becky just behind me.

"What's her problem?" I asked Becky. She shushed me and said we'd talk in the bar. We got drinks for ourselves and sat down.

"I've known Berni longer than you, and in some ways I know her better." I nodded for her to continue. "It's complicated. Berni loves being involved in the sexual stuff with me and Sarah but she also likes being the centre of attention and she likes being in control. In her head she has this whole holiday planned, and Ana and her friends turning up has thrown her off."

This made sense to me, putting into words what I really already knew. Becky continued, "I think we should continue with the plan, but up the ante a bit, really drive Berni mad. I think the pay off will be worth it." I liked the idea but was nervous, normally I would smooth things over, anything for a quiet life.

I was enjoying talking to Becky and we decided to have another drink at the bar, Becky went and got them, smiling and slightly flustered when she came back, "That Marcus is a real flirt." I waited for her to explain but she didn't, just smiling happily to herself.

Eventually, out of nowhere she said, "Tell me about your dick." It was my turn to be flustered and pretty gob smacked, all I could think to say was, "Well, I was born with it."

She giggled at this and I wondered if she was a bit tipsy, "What I mean is, it's big all the time and when it's hard it's ridiculously big, are you proud of it, do you like people looking at it, that sort of thing."

I looked around to see if anybody could hear us, this was bizarre. "How about you, you're a beautiful lady with a great ass and amazing knockers, do you like people looking at them?"

"I do sometimes but it's different for women, we're nearly expected to show them off, they sell magazines and every product you can think of for fuck sake. Cocks are more taboo."

I knew she was right and as interesting a conversation as this might be, I wanted to change the subject, saying. "I like what I have and I try not to flaunt it, seems silly and immature." As an afterthought I added "It can be a pain in the ass or not as the case might be. I know we've been joking about fucking Sarah up the bum and it was never going to happen, but if it was going to happen it would be nearly impossible to fit me up there."

A wicked smile crept onto her face, "I think I could fit it in."

"Don't even go there," I said laughing but jumping to my feet and going to the bar to get drinks to take back.

I bought seven cold beers to take back, raising an eyebrow from Marcus who was as big a gossip as he was a flirt. We took a more circuitous route back, heading down to the sea and walking back up the sand. I was eager to see if Ana had removed her bikini bottoms but tried hard not to think about it. We reached Ana and her friends and Becky stood chatting with us for a few moments before heading up to Sarah and Berni.

Ana, Ines and Joao had all removed their bottoms and it was an amazing site, Ana and Ines were completely shaven and Joao's pubes were trimmed short. Their naked pussies were what me and Becky had been talking to them about, both the girls moving their legs slightly further apart to give us a better view. I also liked the look of Joao and said I would trim mine shorter. "Men do it to make their cocks look bigger, you don't need that." Ana said, all of us joining in the joke.

As Becky left us I squatted down, not wanting to stand above them with my dick dangling down. I was planning on chatting only briefly, just to wind Berni up but once we started I was interested in what they were saying. The three of them sat up properly and we clinked our beer bottles, 'cheers'

Ana kept her legs straight but both Ines and Joao bent and crossed theirs, causing Ines naked pussy to spread open. I tried not too but I couldn't help but stare. "It's beautiful isn't it, like a little flower. I love to smell and lick it." Ana said this with a little giggle and Ines leant over and gave her a sensuous kiss. This explained the massaging of sun lotion. I could see the three girls looking down at us, if they could only see what I could see. Once I took my eyes from Ines pussy I asked about the tattoos. Ines had a couple more on the front as did Joao. She explained that she was a tattoo artist and Joao was her brother. Their father had been one of the first tattoo artists in Portugal to do anything other than old sailor tattoos.

"Did he do the one on your back?"


"We only saw it from a distance but it looked amazing. Was it weird, having to be nude for the tattoo?"

"No weirder than being here, and we're a free spirited family aren't we Joao?" As she said this I could swear she spread her legs further, Joao just laughed and asked about the plans for later, obviously eager to get involved in his part. None of it was set in stone but I gave them a general outline of what I hoped would happen, also giving Joao a few pointers. I left them and headed to the girls.

I expected and even hoped that Berni would be pissed off at me, but she wasn't. In fact she even seemed a bit sorry for being angry and jealous earlier. I explained about Ines being a tattoo artist and about Ana being a real barber, "And since her grandfather has died she's also doing women's hair."

They started to giggle "Yes, so Becky was telling us."

Rather than join in the laughter I decided to wind them up. "It looks incredible and when Ines spread her legs I could see every amazing detail."

"We saw you looking." Said Berni, giggling more.

"Bit cold in the winter." Added Sarah and this time I had to laugh.

"I've invited them all to the BBQ." Berni pulled a face at this but managed 'good idea' Becky smiled and winked at me.

We stayed on the beach for about another hour, Ana and Ines coming up at one point and Ines giving us a little 'spin' so we could see her tattoos properly, even lifting her leg so we could see a small one on the inside of her thigh. Sarah being the boldest one of our group asked how long they'd been a couple "About two years." Ana answered. She started to well up. "I was brought up by grandfather, Joe met him. He was a very traditional man. One night he caught me kissing Ines, I thought he would be mad but he just came over and hugged the two of us." Ines also started crying and they cuddled each other. I was nearly in tears myself but Sarah wasn't to be outdone. "I only asked how long you were together so I could ask how long you've been shaving your pussy."

Thankfully they both got our sense of humour and joined in the laughter. They went back to Joao and we laid there in good spirits, the girls discussing lesbianism and deciding that as they had all been with each other that they must be bisexual, but that for the most part they preferred cock. I just lay there shaking my head.

I realized that I had had five beers on the beach and shouldn't drive. No one else was insured to drive the hire car so we said we'd get a taxi. Ines said she'd drive her car and make two trips and drop me back in the morning. I immediately wondered if this was letting the cat out of the bag, alerting people to the plan, but no one took muck notice.

I somehow wangled it that Berni and Becky would go on the first trip with the three of them and that me and Sarah would wait back. I talked in general terms, asking her how she was and such and how Berni was. Everything seemed positive.

We arrived back and those at the villa were again naked, Berni chatting to Ana and Becky to Joao. I asked did anyone want to get dressed for the evening, "Why bother, just make sure you don't burn your dick on the BBQ." Berni quipped and I set about getting the food cooked. I can't cook as such but can follow recipes and can cook meat on a BBQ, combined with a few bought salads and bread we had a nice spread. I'd expected Joao to come over and offer advice or help as always happens with men at BBQ's but he seemed happy chatting with all the women and giving close up views of his tattoos.

The drink was flowing and as people finished their food, everyone seemed jolly and in good form, sat around on loungers and chairs, boobs, dicks and pussy's all openly displayed. I was quite relaxed, chatting away to Ines when Becky reminded me of the plan.

I knew the original plan but couldn't think of a way of manipulating the whole situation so that I could get us back to our main goal. I saw Ana going to the bathroom and followed her. She really was beautiful but I didn't fancy her, not because she was gay but because I felt almost protective of her, having watched her mature over the previous three years.