Out of Afrika Ch. 06


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After the initial introductions had been made Oskar reiterated the purpose of the meeting, which was to gain approvals to allow the installation of mobile masts/transmitters in the region. Janice was then invited to give a presentation that showed where and when they wanted to build. As she concluded her talk Oskar could see the expressions on the faces of the visitors had hardened into that of scepticism and that her audience had not been won over.

He was not surprised when the mayor responded and said that given the present financial climate that there was little chance of permission being granted. He gave no reasons but Oskar interpreted that as meaning that some financial or another incentive might be required.

Unfazed by their reaction he suggested that they may like to take a break from discussions and to go out to the poolside where refreshments had been laid out. He also said it would be a good opportunity for them to get acquainted with their new Rhino phones.

They looked outside and saw four slim and very well endowed young black ladies laying out a buffet of foods, finger foods; seafood; salads and all manner of delicious delicacies. The ladies were dressed as traditional Zulu women each with a brightly coloured patterned wrapped skirt, an elaborate necklace of beads which enhanced their large bare and oiled breasts. As they went about their tasks the unspoken opinion was that it all looked very inviting.

The brothers accepted the invitation with little hesitation for the sight of the women and from the way Oskar had spoken they sensed that there might be an improved offer in the suggestion. Such was their haste to get to the laden table they didn't notice when Oskar momentarily excused himself from the company and made a couple of calls of his own.

Once outside the visiting foursome sat as directed on the sun loungers by the poolside. Oskar joined them and after waiting for them to be served plates of food from the buffet and for their glasses to be filled several times with the sweet native potion it was suggested that they might like to switch on their new phones so that he could talk them through some of their new phones unique features. They all did as directed and were mildly surprised when the devices each held in their hands gave a low hum and the screen displayed a psychedelic swirling pattern. To a man, they each experienced the same strange sensation of being overcome with an enveloping sense of calm bordering on tiredness.

Oskar began to talk in his persuasive manner and extolled the benefits to the community of Rhino's contribution to the local economy. He mentioned to the Sheriff that it was a recognized fact that crime figures for the county had plunged since Rhino came to town and prioritized hiring Blacks; the Sheriff nodded sagely. He pointed out to the Mayor that since Rhino had become a major sponsor of the High School Sports teams that sporting success in football and Basketball had soared due in no small fashion because of prioritising the recruitment of black boys onto the teams; the mayor had no answer.

To the Chamber of Commerce representatives, he shared the known fact that local businesses had benefited hugely directly and indirectly due to Rhino's presence and the increased spending power of its employees; they both grudgingly concurred.

Oskar's monologue in praise of black superiority began to take root and became very persuasive and all the while the phones kept humming out their subliminal messages. His audience began to sink into a trance and Oskar nodded to the 'waitresses' who were no such thing, they were some of his and Zaire's wives who had been bought to accompany them in their new home. Being good Zulu wives they would do exactly what they were told.

The wives each selected one of the visitors and no objections were made when they each sat alongside their target on their loungers. In unison, they leaned over their selected companion and in their way set about unbuckling belts and pulling down zippers. There was much laughing at the bold moves but to the continued background hum being emitted by the phones, there was no resistance either.

The Mayor made the first move and took advantage of the black tits that were swaying in front of his sweating face. He reached up and cupping the ebony globes in his hands he pressed his nose between the softness and began to kiss and lick. His new companion giggled and squirmed with delight and while he enjoyed the taste of her breasts he felt her hands pulling at the gap in his pants.

The others followed his example and soon all four of them were pawing, kissing, licking and caressing the dusky delights which were being so blatantly presented to them for their pleasure. The food and the discussions were quickly forgotten as swelling cocks were pulled from the confines of their underwear.

Oskar and Zaire looked on with satisfaction as they saw that, once again, that the persuasive power of their phones was having the desired effect. Simone and Janice stood respectfully to one side by the food table but their observations were less scientifically based and they just felt themselves getting a little hot and flustered at the sight of the erotic scene that was being played out before them. They smiled their approval to each other knowing that things were developing just as they had been advised and then in an attempt to divert their attention and to quell the passions they turned and concentrated on the buffet instead.

Before long all four guests had been divested of their trousers and there was the bizarre sight of four white pudgy men with their puny penises being held and stroked by four black hands. It was not a pretty sight but to Oskar, it was just what he wanted to see as he continued to quietly give out commands.

One by one the wives stood and slipped the knot that was securing their skirt so that the brightly coloured wrap fell to the floor. None of them wore underwear and all of them were shaven; it was the Zulu way. They resumed their seats and over the next few minutes, the poolside regressed into becoming some kind of a Bacchanalian orgy as the women began to masturbate and fellate their charges. One had assumed a 69-position; another had slid down the bed to kneel and then suck and kiss the white cock held in her hand; another had straddled her choice and was tantalizingly offering her breasts to be fondled and enjoyed; the other was likewise straddling her white companion and deliberately moving back and forth so that his cock slid against the wet lips of her cunt but she was not allowing him to penetrate her.

Why? Because it was the Zulu way; uku-hlobonga - sex without penetration was good and an acceptable way in their culture of entertaining one's guests. To go beyond the boundary and fuck before or outside marriage was bad. The white guests in this instance were oblivious to any such distinctions as they lay back and enjoyed the sweet administrations of their hostesses for that was exactly as they were being commanded to do. It didn't take long before the air was filled with grunts and groans as one by one the delegates in their fashion spurted; shot; sprayed; dribbled their spunk as they were bought to a satisfactory climax by their black attendants.

Spent, they all sank back on their loungers as the black wives quietly withdrew. In their reverie, they had a sub-conscious sense of having done a good job and were relaxed. Oskar was similarly pleased for he had amassed a collection of the most explicit and revealing pictures of every one of them. If need be they would prove very useful.

A few words from Oskar and the dishevelled guests sat up and rearranged their clothes so that after a few moments the scene on the patio had reverted to being one of a group of people enjoying lunch whilst sat around a swimming pool in the sunshine. The Mayor and his team felt a little confused as to the events of the past hour; there seemed to be a gap in their memory but, hey, it didn't matter and they agreed amongst themselves that these Rhino fellows and their enterprise needed to be encouraged.

Reluctantly they left the sunshine and went back inside to find that documents had been prepared and laid on the conference table for their consideration. A few moments were spent perusing the details but in reality, it was just a show of carrying out due diligence for when a pen was offered the Mayor signed the contract without hesitation.

Oskar walked his guests to their parked cars and made a great show of shaking hands and saying his farewells. Then in one final show of generosity, Oskar handed each of them a second phone, which he suggested their wives might also find useful. They then drove off thinking what fine and generous fellows their hosts were and what a splendid time they had enjoyed. They couldn't recall any of the details but they, to a man, had concluded that the way Rhino conducted business was to show a certain superiority in relationships and now, as such, they were quite content to go along with assuming a minor role.

Oskar spun on his heel and returned to the conference room where Zaire, Simone and Janice were waiting to celebrate the success of gaining the licenses in such a comprehensive fashion. He entered the room a smile beaming across his face.

"Well done team," he said, "it's time to relax and celebrate."

Outside through the patio windows, the Zulu wives could be seen tidying away the remains of the buffet; Inside both Simone and Janice were on their knees in front of their superior black bosses already pulling on zippers and easing the swelling black cocks from the confines of their clothing. The girls looked forward to being comprehensively fucked for they had no such concept or understanding of uku-hlobonga; whatever else they might be, they were certainly not Zulus.


continued in chapter 7

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The Carpetbaggers (1964)

Like that movie, Rhino is muscling it's way to get all the licenses by having the Mayor. sign away the town 's rights to force upon the town to give them licenses for their Telecom poles to be erected all over the town. The Mayor will be their flunky in forcing upon the white population what Rhino wants them to be. For example, the Mayor's wife will get her hair done at a black owned shop with freebies thrown in the pot for the wife to get her hairy pussy denuded by having the follicles ripped off her pussy using cheesecloth to effect such removal with her smelly panties stuffed in mouth to mute the scream. Brutal slaps applied to face to shut up the humiliated woman. Fingering her moist pussy is her reward for submissively submitting to this abuse. Making the hungry wife stay hungry to lose a few pounds and putting in her mind the need to be thin as liberties are taken with her body as she enjoys the female touching to break down her conservative boundaries. She is made to shower with a husky black man who let's her stroke his rod to cause her fingers to be finished in spermicide spunk. The other officials are targeted with temptations to break their morals as they sell their services for little gain. Eventually, minorities take over the town government and blacken the local police. Schools have their teachers indoctrinated to be submissive to Black children over long favored white children. The recaltrait teachers are simply fired if males while stubborn women teachers are transferred to Rhinos corporate offices for indoctrination training designed to break their spirit by attending classes 12 hours a day before being made to socialise with black people.

This story will go places.

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