Out of Darkness Ch. 16


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Cole watched his mate run across the driveway to Sarah. I will, Karen, I will.

Cole found his brother, standing with the other Alphas and giving them last minute information.

"Luckily, the Chief of Police is a friend. He knows us and knows what we are. He's letting our pack members close off the roads where we'll be meeting up with Erobos and his wolves. There won't be any humans wandering into our way."

"Good luck, Carr." Alistair wished he could be with them, but in this case, his place was here, guarding the panthers, guarding the future of the Were. If Erobos were to win this fight, they would take what was left of the packs and find them new homes. And then figure out how to defeat their newest vicious enemy.

Rhys stood by his friend as they watched the Alphas leave with their packs. "They are the best of our kind, my friend." He watched the dust clouds as the dozens of SUV's drove out of the compound. "Hopefully, they will return."

"Have you felt anything through your bonds with Jenna?" Rhys spoke quietly, especially since he thought he knew the answer and knew it would not please either one of them.

"No, and I'm sure you've felt the same."

Rhys nodded silently. He didn't like this but realized it would be far too distracting for the panthers to feel their mate's presence in their minds right now. But he wished he knew what it was they were doing.

Alistair looked at his oldest friend for a moment. "Let's get the Council members organized along with the female Betas. With the security perimeters in place I think we'll have a good thirty minute cushion to get everyone out of here if need be."

The two old friends walked back to the main building, their hearts heavy. How many friends would they lose in this fight? How many females would cry out as their mating bonds were silenced forever?


"Now what?" Rebecca looked around the room at the bewildered faces surrounding her. "I mean, we managed to scare a few away. They still outnumber us. Can't we do anything else?" She held Dani's hand as tightly as she could. They both were worried about their mates, who were on their way to fight. And she imagined Kelly and Orsolya held the same fears.

You will do much more, my dear. But you must be patient. All will happen as it must. And you will do whatever you can to help the packs. Leona peered lovingly down at her granddaughters. And since Kelly was the reincarnation of her dear Zsálya, she included her. She was so proud of them. They would fulfill their destinies.

Grandmother, what is it that I can do? I don't even know what help my gift could be? My visions have never been helpful for the present. Orsolya felt helpless and useless.

I feel the same, Orsolya. Being able to see happy futures doesn't seem very useful to me. Maybe we should be out fighting? Katy had thought her gift wonderful, until now. It just seemed pointless at this moment.

Leona's figure turned to face her two red-headed granddaughters. They looked so like her great-grandmother, Lysandra. My dears, it is not just your individual gifts that are important. It is the bond between you that makes you strong. Tracy, Rebecca and Danielle could not have done what they did without all of you, without all of your strength. If even one of you is gone, the Seven Sisters are no more and are as powerless against Erobos as any other were.

The women were confused. It made no sense to them.

"Maybe it's kind of like an electrical circuit? If one part breaks, the current doesn't flow." Tracy blinked as her head swiveled to see if anyone agreed with her.

Jenna smiled. "Yes, Tracy, I think you've hit the nail on the head. We are a circuit."

The apparition of Leona seemed to glow brighter.

What do we do now, Grandmother? Orsolya would give everything of herself to help her sisters, help her mate.

Tracy, continue to search the minds of the enemy for those that have doubts. When you find them, Rebecca and Danielle will help to make those thoughts impossible to ignore. When there is need for more, you will know.

Jenna and Katy exchanged a quick glance. Nothing like being vague.


"I don't know if they'll be expecting a frontal assault. But I figure this is our best bet." Carr stood in the middle of the road with Guillame and Leo, showing them the narrow mountain pass. "Once Erobos and his followers have made it into here, there won't be anywhere for them to go but straight at us. And James will have the barriers put up at the entrance to the pass as soon as they go through so they won't be able to retreat. We have to end this, once and for all!"

Leo scanned the cliffs on either side. He nodded. It was a good spot for a fight.

"He won't be expecting panthers. Leo, you should hold your Betas in reserve. Let us take the brunt of the fight, then bring them in when you can see Erobos first hand. Panther bites can kill a Dire Wolf, so do your best."

Leo nodded. "Drago, we'll wait over there, out of sight." The tall Alpha pointed to a curve where they could wait, unnoticed, but see everything.

Drago gritted his teeth. How could they wait while the others fought?

You will do your duty to your Alpha and your pack, Drago. You will get your time to fight. Zsigmond stood silently next to his Alpha and gave his son just the hint of a smile.

Drago took a deep breath. This being a second is hard work. Drago watched his father's smile grow and smiled back before joining his new pack in their position.

Couple miles out, Carr.

Carr ran a hand through his hair, the long scar still clearly visible across his forehead. "Okay, James says they're close. Let's get ready!"

Cole took a last look at the barricade they'd constructed across the narrow road. It seemed pretty solid to him.

Soon the landscape was filled with wolves of all sizes and colors. The Baxter pack waited on the north side of the pass, the Bertrand-Kardos pack on the south. The Creighton pack of panthers hid among the rocks to await the right time.

Drago looked around the panthers surrounding him. Kelly had been the first he'd ever seen, and now he was in the midst of some thirty sleek cats. They had accepted him whole-heartedly as their Alpha's heir, surprising Drago. It felt a little strange to be among the cats, but soon enough, it wouldn't matter. They would be fighting together, and perhaps dying together.

The immense black panther stood in front of the lone wolf. His blue eyes were fixed on the slightly smaller were. We fight to avenge our ancestors and to remain what we are. You and Kelly are the future of the Creighton Pack, and I know you will make me proud, Drago. We will fight well together.

I will fight, Alpha. And I will prove you right about me. The wolf's ears twitched as he heard car engines approaching. They both turned their heads and then found a good vantage point to watch unseen as the procession of cars slowed to a halt in front of the barricades that blocked their way.

The first car slid to a halt inches from the first concrete barrier. The SUV's behind screeched to a stop one by one. The males got out of the lead vehicle and stared, dumbfounded, at the large grey obstruction.

"What the hell?" A tall male walked slowly around the mass of concrete sitting in front of them. The Boss wasn't going to be happy about this.

"What is the delay?" The tall pale figure moved quickly to the front. He stopped, narrowing his eyes as he surveyed the obstacle in their way. His gaze shifted to the cliffs surrounding them. "We will go back and find another route."

Alpha, I was scouting behind us, a barrier has been constructed at the entrance to the pass. We're trapped.

Erobos stood motionless. It was a trap. And the Beta who had just given him the report was attempting to flee. I will deal with him later. If he lives through the battle, he will die a most painful death!

"Move the barriers!"

The driver of the lead car looked at the Alpha in disbelief. "But Alpha, they must be here watching us. They'll slaughter us if we take the time to move the barriers."

"I will slaughter you myself if you do not follow my orders! We outnumber them. Move as many barriers as you can before they strike." Erobos was disgusted with these so-called Betas. They had no discipline. One hundred years on their own in America had made them soft. Their lives would not be so easy when he was finished here.

If they waited to move the barriers until after they won, they would be weakened by the battle. It would give those still at the pack home more time to escape. He had a strong feeling that what he sought was waiting for him in the Baxter compound. He was not going to allow them to escape. He had seen the pictures of the women Gary had lost to the Baxter Pack. And Leona was among them. He would have her! What did he need the Dire Wolf for if he had Leona back?

The Betas did what they were told. It took all their strength to move the heavy blocks of concrete. They had gotten the first few moved when they saw the wolves coming at them.

"Shit! Here they come!"

Erobos' followers barely had time to shift before the gathered forces were upon them. A few felt teeth in their human limbs before they had the chance to shift and paid the price with a quick death.

Drago watched from his vantage point as the wolves met in battle. He didn't know the Baxter Pack well enough to know who was who, except for the two distinctive chocolate colored wolves that moved forward through the throng of snarling, biting beasts. Carr and Cole led their pack well.

I don't know if I would recognize Erobos after a thousand years. Tell me if you see him, Drago.

Yes, Alpha, I will. I'll know him in a second.

Drago caught sight of his father and knew the huge brown wolf next to him was Guillame. He guessed the black wolf next to Zsigmond must be his uncle, Istvan. They fought well. The two packs were coordinated, well trained, battle-ready armies pitted against a group of misfits. They may have been outnumbered three to one, but they would fight through as many wolves as they must to save their families.

Drago craned forward as he saw one of the chocolate wolves go down under a mass of bodies. He couldn't tell if it was Carr or Cole. His eyes never left the sight. He saw blood on the muzzles of the wolves tearing at the animal that lay beneath them. It took every bit of strength he had to stay put and not rush in to help. But he had been ordered by his Alpha to wait.

Drago thought back to the fight at the mine. He hadn't felt it when the wolves tore at his body. He had thought of only one thing, saving Kelly. He hoped the chocolate wolf was spared the pain like he had been.

A large blond wolf streaked through the crowd of warring beasts and tore out the throat of the first wolf he came to on top of his friend. His large jaws closed on one wolf after the other, breaking necks and backs with one strong bite each.

Drago had been distracted by the wounded wolf and had forgotten his job for the moment. He scanned the field of battle, looking for the Dire Wolf that was Erobos. He didn't see the giant black wolf anywhere, yet.

His attention was brought back to the killing field in front of him by the screams of wolves being torn limb from limb. He suddenly spotted the blond wolf, pulling the chocolate one across the ground, his battered body so still. Another wolf came to help and they managed to drag the still living wolf behind the barriers and left him there, alone. Drago could see he was still breathing, but for how long?

Drago forced himself to look back into the pass, searching for Erobos. The sooner he was dead, the sooner the battle would end and the fewer of their kind would die.

The chocolate wolf lay stil;, the snarls and howls from the fight sounded so distant. He had hoped to make it home to his mate, to raise his family, but if that was not his fate, then at least he knew he'd fought well. The cool desert wind howled around him, almost louder than the fight. Was it his imagination? His breath was labored, but he felt no pain, just sadness. He wanted to kiss her one more time.

I love you, and know that I would never have left you if I had had the choice.


The seven panthers sat around the office, silent, waiting for whatever it was they were supposed to do. They heard the cries of anguish at the same time.

It is time, my dears. You must care for the fallen.

Grandmother, what do you mean? They are miles away. How could we possibly? Orsolya couldn't even imagine what her grandmother had in mind.

They cringed as they heard screaming from the females on the other side of the door.

Bring the families of those that are gravely wounded. They will help you find your way to them. Then you will use Kelly's healing power, if it is not too late.

Jenna went to the door and looked out into the foyer, filled with sobbing females. Lee was doing her best to calm their fears, but at the moment, most of her attention was on Karen, who had collapsed, hysterical, on the floor.

"Lee, bring her in here." Jenna opened the door wider as Lee half carried the distraught woman into the room.

Karen's voice cracked as she tried to talk. "He's dying, and I'm not there with him! He won't last until they can drive him back. What am I going to do?" Karen's eyes were filled with tears and all she saw around her was a blur. She wasn't even sure who the figures were surrounding her, and she didn't care. All she cared about was Cole.

Kelly felt her panther urging her forward. She stood and tentatively took a step towards the auburn-haired female, sitting quietly next to her. Kelly looked to Leona for a sign that she was doing the right thing. The apparition nodded slightly at her.

Kelly took a deep breath, bit her lip, and then took Karen's hand in hers. "Karen, we want to help you, help Cole. You have to share your bond with us. Can you do it?"

Karen looked at her incredulously. Share their bond? Even if it was possible, why would she want to share their private feelings in such a horrific time?

Jenna got on her knees in front of Karen's chair, her hands resting lightly on Karen's legs. "We think we can help Cole, and the other wounded. But only with your help, Karen." She handed her friend a tissue. She tried to exude confidence where she had none, but hoped Karen would feel it and have some hope.

Tracy came and sat on Karen's other side. "Please, Karen, let us help Cole." Her quiet voice sounded the most sure of them all. She did believe they would be able to help. Tracy carefully took Karen's free hand, and held it gently. She felt Karen's grief and fear, but from Cole, she felt only his love for Karen. She smiled to herself. She was sure they could help him.

The seven panthers crowded around Karen's chair. If they weren't touching Karen, they were touching each other, holding hands or putting a hand on an arm. Each of them felt Karen's and Cole's emotions, and the full extent of his injuries. They exchanged glances. Could they do this? Tracy's expression said they could. Then they would.

Kelly had no idea what she was doing, so she trusted her panther.

We healed our mate, didn't we?

We did? I didn't do anything. I wasn't even a panther yet.

We were always a panther. I was just hidden from you, but I was always with you. And I helped you to heal our mate. He would not have survived without us. And now we will heal her mate.

The panther looked sadly at the auburn-haired little wolf next to them. We will help her. She needs him. Her cub will need his father.

Kelly felt like her head was spinning, and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was sitting next to a horribly injured wolf. He had wounds on every limb, his throat, his belly. How would she ever be able to help him?

She looked up for a moment and saw the battle raging in front of her on the other side of the barricades. But it was like there was a gauzy film surrounding them, keeping them separate from the fight.

His eyes fluttered open at the shimmering vision before him. His breath was shallow, his vision dim, what he heard sounded miles away instead of yards. At first he thought it must be Karen to say her good-byes on his way to his ancestors, but no. Kelly? Why would he be dreaming of Kelly?

She saw the green eyes, dulled by pain and fear. She put a hand lightly on his chest and stomach. Somehow she could feel his injuries. She felt strength coming to her from her sisters and warmth transmitting through her hands to Cole's broken body. It was almost as if she was sending the panthers' strength directly into his body.

Cole looked up and thought he could see Kelly's face more clearly. But she still looked almost transparent, like if he were to hold up his hand, it would travel right through her. Did he fell stronger? Or was it his imagination playing tricks on him before he died? Just like the vision of Kelly.

Cole, you are going to be alright, and you will make it home to Karen, I promise!

The green eyes sparkled as they stared up into Kelly's face. She smiled back and stroked his head. She didn't know why, but he was healing. Whatever it was, it was the strength of the Seven Sisters that seemed to amplify her own panther's powers. She watched as his breathing became stronger, his heart beat more steadily.

She looked to her left and there was another wolf laying there, just as badly injured. She moved to him and began the process again.

Jenna watched Kelly's face as she sat in the chair. Lee had helped Karen get up, and Lila had brought another female whose mate had told her he was wounded and would not see her again. And now Kelly's hands had gone to hers, holding one as Tracy held the other. They all felt what Tracy felt, saw what Kelly saw. How many could they save?

Kelly moved from one wounded wolf to the other. She didn't know which pack was which, or which female sat in front of her in the office. All she knew for sure was that she could save them, at least most of them.

She sat down next to a sable wolf who could feel nothing from the neck down. She knew immediately that she couldn't help him. Kelly could see in his frightened eyes that he knew the end was near. She stroked his head as she spoke softly to him. You've made your pack very proud. Can you tell me your name?

Even through the mental bond, his voice was so weak. Jason.

Jason. Kelly sat, holding a paw, stroking his blood streaked fur. Tears slid across her cheeks. She hadn't noticed the chocolate wolf had dragged himself to their position. He was looking much better already.

Jason, you fought well. The chocolate wolf, Cole, lay next to the gravely injured Beta. He moved as close as he could, trying to give the dying wolf some little comfort in his last few moments. He rested his head over the head of his friend. Sleep, Jason. Sleep. I'll watch over you. Your family will be well cared for.

I did my best. The words were softer than a whisper in Cole's head.

Cole closed his eyes for a moment. You are one of our finest warriors, Jason. Carr will be so proud to have had you in his pack. Thank you for your bravery. He watched as the sable wolf's breath slowed. His chest barely rose, and then it was still.

Kelly lingered for a moment but had to move on to the next of the many wounded. She would never forget those eyes that had looked at her with such hope. She tried to keep herself from looking for Drago. If he was injured, her panther would know. So she forced herself not to even think about him. She shook her head and moved on.