Outpost 2: Snowed In - Bisexual


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Schaffer's eyelids fluttered as he arched his spine, feeling Runt's member pierce deeper inside him. Zagza was larger and he had been subjected the enormous Alpha's advances more than once, but despite how intensely pleasurable it was, his exaggerated size resulted in a kind of numbing of the senses. Having the giant male force his face into the mattress and go to town resulted in an intoxicating blend of harsh pleasure and uncomfortable soreness, but this was different, Runt was smaller and his movements were more tender and careful. He could feel every tiny nub on the alien's erection, grazing Schaffer's prostate as he moved inside him, pressing against him in all the right places and just endowed enough to be comfortable.

Schaffer started to shiver, he had never really felt like this before, it was as if someone had hooked his body up to a jumper cable and was running an electrical current through his body. He felt no urge to accelerate and reach a quick, powerful climax as he did with Zagza, this was almost like being massaged from the inside-out and he wanted it to continue for as long as Runt could keep it up.

The Polar seemed to notice his change in demeanor, panting warm breath on Schaffer's neck as he leaned over him and used the back of the couch for support, moving his hips in a slow rhythm as the human lay beneath him. Schaffer reached a hand up to run his fingers through the velvet fur that lined his chest and belly, feeling his firm muscles beneath the insulating fat, every gentle thrust blurring his vision.

The endless prostate stimulation was milking him, the bumps that decorated Runt's shaft were positioned just right, a stream of clear fluid leaking from Schaffer's painfully hard erection to pool on his belly as they rubbed against his insides. His tight walls gripped the foreign object like a glove, Runt's thick saliva enough to ease its passing, yet not quite so slippery that their coupling was frictionless. Those damned bumps, the way the Polar's cock throbbed inside him, every beat of his heart sending a flood of warm blood through his veins that Schaffer could feel against his passage...it was unbearable.

Runt seemed to be getting into the swing of things, his posture was more dominant now, his breathy gasps replaced by a deeper growl that escaped his lips whenever Schaffer squeezed him. He wrapped his legs around the Polar's hips, pulling him closer, forcing another masculine grunt from him as the alien peered down at him with a fresh lust in his eyes that Schaffer had never seen before.

The alien sank his teeth into Schaffer's neck, not hard enough to break the skin but enough for him to feel it, classic Borealan dominance behavior. It stung, but Schaffer was accustomed to it, a pleasant shiver rolling down his spine as Runt lapped apologetically at the red mark he had left.

"That's what I want," Schaffer whispered, trying to make his tone sound reassuring. "Don't lose your nerve now, this is...I love this."

His alien partner began to move faster, stronger, pushing deeper inside him as those intolerable bumps raked his most sensitive reaches. Electrical pleasure shot through his body, making his muscles weak and shaky, as if every glance of that throbbing shaft against his prostate was sapping his energy to leave him gasping and pliant. It was so thick, the alien's girth enough that if felt like it was pressing against every nerve ending at once. The Polar's tapered erection pushed deep, much of it passing beyond the point that he could feel anything besides a dull sense of fullness, but the sensations were so intense that he felt his mind slipping away..

Runt was growing more fervent, lifting one foot to rest on the couch for leverage as he increased the pace and strength of his thrusts, Schaffer taking handfuls of the fur on his chest and belly as the alien pressed him into the cushions. He felt flowery, giddy, unable to concentrate on anything beyond the pleasure. A strange new excitement washed over him as he looked up at Runt's face with a new appreciation that bordered on adoration, his heart skipping as their eyes met and he felt the Polar's cock flex inside him.

Runt leaned down to force his lips against Schaffer's, soft and full, parting them with his tongue and pushing the long, slippery organ into the human's mouth. Schaffer's hands rose to sink into the silky fur of his cheeks, meeting the kiss as best he could, the alien's oversized tongue painting the inside of his mouth and grazing the back of his throat. It was so thick and powerful, its texture rough on the top but smooth on the bottom, Runt's embrace greedy and sexually charged. The damned thing was almost the size of a cock in its own right, wet with copper flavored saliva, Schaffer pulling Runt closer as he cradled the Polar's velvet cheeks in his palms.

Their pace increased again, a fresh hunger rising inside the pair, tongues entwined as Runt plunged into Schaffer with what could only be described as ferocity. The salacious kiss dragged on, wanton and probing, Schaffer feeling almost as if he were being fucked from both ends as Runt licked and teased. A strand of saliva fell from their lips to join the pooling fluid on Schaffer's belly, beads of it dripping from the tip of his member continuously as the alien ravished him.

Damn, it was like a hammer was hitting his prostate, every blow fogging his brain and deepening his lust. He broke off the kiss, their lips linked by a rope of thick drool, and wrapped his arms around the alien's neck to pull his face into his shoulder. He clung to Runt, the Polar practically lifting him off the couch with the force of his thrusts and throwing him against the cushions behind him, his skin slick with sweat as it slid against the faux-leather. Runt mouthed and kissed his shoulder and the nape of his neck, pinching Schaffer with his teeth and teasing him with glances of his tongue. He seemed to like the taste of the human's sweat, his claws still planted deep in the fabric of the cushions, his fur tickling Schaffer's thighs and balls as he pressed against him.

He bit Schaffer's neck again, and the human arched his spine, loosing a guttural groan that he had never heard himself make before. It was like Runt had been born for his, and Schaffer was taking the brunt of his newly discovered purpose, the raking of those bead-like vestigial barbs against his sweet spot making his toes curl.

He gripped the fur on Runt's back and moaned into his shoulder, losing himself to the pleasure, becoming less and less inhibited as their dance went on. He couldn't have imagined that Runt would be able to just...fuck him into the couch like this, the wooden frame was creaking its complaints as they rocked it and the cushions were torn. They were running out of furniture, at this rate the pack would destroy every surface in the damned base through their habit of over-enthusiastic sex. Fooling around with Runt was not as overwhelming as it was with Scarface or Zagza, but it was somehow more intimate and personal.

The alien sucked his ear into his mouth, trapping it between his sharp teeth and chewing gently, probing with the tip of his tongue as Schaffer shivered and panted. This was all becoming too much, he could feel a pressure rising inside him, the pangs of a welling orgasm scratching at his senses. He clenched involuntarily, squeezing Runt's member as the alien bucked and growled, his cock pulsing inside Schaffer as his warm blood pumped through it.

Runt rolled his hips, his pace becoming less measured and more frantic, the sound of tearing fabric in Schaffer's ears as the Polar's grip on the cushions around his head increased, stuffing falling free as his sharp claws shredded the material. Schaffer could feel the alien getting closer, his breathing becoming ragged, his member plunging deeper and faster as his excitement mounted.

Runt pressed his lips around Schaffer's neck again, sharp teeth gripping him as if to hold him there as the alien's member jumped and pulsed inside him. Schaffer yelped as he felt Runt's fingers wrap his cock, his fluffy palm wet with the human's leaking fluids, squeezing his aching erection and adding a new dimension of pleasure to their frenetic coupling. He began to stroke hard and fast, Schaffer's eyes rolling back into his head and his spine arching, the stimulation inside and out mingling and sending bolts of cruel pleasure rippling through his body. Every pump of the alien's damp fist was like an electric shock, Schaffer's mind fading into a warm haze as he felt his orgasm creeping up on him.

Runt's body shook, and he forced himself deep inside Schaffer as a powerful climax washed over him, forgetting the human's limitations for a moment and grinding his bumpy cock against his prostate. Schaffer jerked and bucked, the alien's member buried up to the hilt as it exploded inside him, flooding his guts with hot come. It was like lava as it poured into him, thick and syrupy like honey, every throb of Runt's member pressing against his sweet spot as it pumped ejaculate into his passage. He came too, ropes of his emission spraying from his member as Runt held it in his furry hand, splattering his naked belly and coating the Polar's fist.

A prostate orgasm was different from a standard one, a wave of warm, tingling pleasure sapping the strength from his body and making him quiver and shake as his contractions milked his shuddering partner. It wasn't concentrated in his loins, but instead spread up his spine and out through his nervous system as if he had been frozen and was now being thawed from the inside-out. He trembled and gasped, his hands covering his burning face as Runt kept his hold on his neck, teeth breaking the skin to draw a trickle of blood as his hot breath washed over him.

Schaffer couldn't think, his conscious mind had left him, he was lost in a mire of sensation and mingling pleasures that threatened to unhinge him. Runt just kept going, the usually submissive alien lost in a fugue, emptying into Schaffer and then fucking the obscene fluids deeper. Globs of his come leaked from Schaffer's hole, his own erection oozing a continuous strand of white emission as the alien hammered his prostate.

It just kept going, he could feel the endless wads of alien semen sliding against his insides as the pressure forced them downward and out of him, the callous treatment of his prostate prolonging his orgasm way beyond anything he could have anticipated.

When Runt finally withdrew Schaffer was a shivering wreck, lying limp on the couch as viscous ejaculate leaked from his splayed hole, his own fluids pooling on his belly as his erection slowly receded. A euphoric afterglow fell over him like a warm blanket, almost giddy as he recovered. Runt still leaned over him as his fleshy penis throbbed and bounced, a few stray drops falling from its tip to fall to the couch.

Runt kneeled in front of him, parting Schaffer's thighs with his furry hands, his long tongue leaving his mouth to curl around the human's still sensitive member. Schaffer winced as the Polar cleaned his shaft, scraping away the come with his rough organ and sucking off the residue that still hung from his glans. When he was done he moved up his body, licking the ejaculate from Schaffer's belly as he watched from above with drooping eyelids, the barbs of Runt's feline tongue tickling his skin as he lapped at the slimy mess and pressed his lips against the human's abs to suck and mouthe. He left trails of saliva, his tongue warm and slippery, Schaffer's fingers pressing tentatively against the bite marks Runt had left on his neck as the alien cleaned him up dutifully.

The little Polar had surprised him, exceeding his expectations, he had thought that the meek alien might have been convinced to take the lead but he had fucked Schaffer into a shivering mess with little encouragement. They would have to do this more often...

Runt crawled up onto the couch beside him, pressing his lips against the red tooth marks on Schaffer's neck apologetically, nuzzling and crooning.

"Don't worry about it," Schaffer mumbled, "you did great." He reached up to scratch the Polar's head, feeling him wrap a fluffy arm around his belly as he settled in next to him. Schaffer could still feel Runt's member inside him, like some kind of imprint, that satisfaction and sense of wonderful fullness lingering long after they had decoupled. He was still full of his come no doubt, he could feel its warmth in his belly, the alien's now flaccid member pressing against his thigh and almost hot enough to burn him.

Might as well sleep here for a while, he was exhausted, his muscles were sore and there was the dull ache of sex in his nethers. They could clean up this mess later. He rested his still rosy cheek against the Polar's downy chest, giving in to his fatigue and closing his eyes, letting the beating of the alien's heart lull him to sleep.


Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft's hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude.

This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay full of food to a remote station located on this planet's northern pole, but on the way down from the orbiting jump carrier a storm had rolled in. Weather patterns on Borealis were unpredictable on the best of days, and seemed downright hostile on others, as if the world itself was trying to knock you out of the sky. This was one of those days, and she struggled with the vessel's flight stick as she tried to locate her destination, circling as best she could in order to shed some of the speed she still retained from atmospheric insertion.

She had coordinates to the base, but this planet was primitive and did not have GPS satellites in orbit, so the computer had to rely on surface mapping to determine her location. The scanners were having problems penetrating the thick snow, and so the ghostly, orange line drawing of the ground that was scrolling across her HUD was patchy and incomplete.

Just when she thought she might have to fire her main engines and head back to space, she saw it, a geometric blob on her display that could only be a man-made structure. She angled her dropship towards it and began her descent.

Schaffer was jolted awake by the sound of engines, the storm was in full swing and the pack was taking shelter inside, could it be the supply shuttle? They usually called ahead to let him know that they were on their way, but he had received no such message, perhaps the blizzard was interfering with their communications?

He scrambled out of the pile of furry aliens, many of whom had also been roused by the noise, their round ears swiveling atop their heads to track its source. They weren't afraid, they knew what shuttles were by now, but this was still an unannounced visit. He rose to his feet and pulled on a nearby pair of pants, hurrying through the sterile corridors of the installation on his way to the entrance. He looked out of the porthole embedded in the reinforced metal door, squinting his eyes against the ceaseless torrent of snow, trying to make out the shape of a shuttle or the telltale flare of a thruster through the powder.

He couldn't see three feet in front of him, landing a shuttle in these winds would be dangerous enough, never mind the low visibility. He needed to get out there and find out what the hell was going on. He retrieved an environment suit from a rack by the door, they had internal heating elements that would protect him from the planet's blistering cold for a time, they also had a flashlight attachment that he might be able to use to signal the pilot.

He heard footsteps behind him, claws clicking on the deck as Zagza approached, the massive Alpha male's head skirting the ceiling. He looked concerned, standing with his arms crossed across his barrel chest and cocking his head at Schaffer. He was by far the largest...anything, that Schaffer had ever laid eyes on. Broad shouldered, and with a weight lifter's gut to match his impressive musculature, he stood almost nine feet tall and served as the pack's leader.

"I have to go out, big guy," he said as he gestured to the door. The alien understood well enough, and Schaffer signaled for him to stay put. "Too cold out there, even for you."

He pressed his shoulder against the door, turning the handle and trying to force it open, but the buildup of snow on the other side had it stuck fast. The wind howled as it blew through the gap, cold air flooding the corridor, and Zagza planted his massive hands above Schaffer as he leaned over him to help. With the Polar's immense strength, he pushed the door open, baring his sharp teeth as he heaved against the weight of the snow to open a gap that Schaffer could slip through. Zagza slammed it closed behind him, and Schaffer found himself alone in the freezing tundra.

It was cold enough to penetrate his suit, pricking at his skin despite the heating coils that kept his body temperature in the safe zone, and his visor automatically darkened to lessen the glare of the snow. He couldn't hear much now, the outside noises were muffled by his suit, and the blizzard hammered him with enough speed and force that it sounded almost like applause.

He struggled forward in the snowdrifts, deep enough to sink up to his knees, scanning the sky for the shuttle. Only a few feet away from the outpost, he was already beyond the comforting yellow glow that emanated from its windows, hopefully the flashlight beam would penetrate further than the interior lights did.

If he knew anything about dropship pilots, they'd be looking for a flat surface to set down on, and that might prove difficult with the dunes of snow that the winds were forming. He felt a fresh blast of air coming in from a different direction, warmer than it should be, and looked upwards as flecks of snow splashed his face plate. There, he could make out the blue flare of the shuttle's thruster jets, but only just. There was no way his flashlight would penetrate that far.

It seemed to be circling, there was no way the pilot could see anything in this storm, and so they must be trying to locate a landing site with their scanners. He watched the ship sway as it hovered, moving off a short distance from the base before attempting to set down. He could make out its silhouette now, a large, dark blob with an angular hull and stunted wings. It lowered itself tentatively, then a strong gust of wind took it and the pilot had to fight to stay level. It looked as if it was about to spin out of control, but then the pilot made the decision to set it down regardless, and it dropped abruptly to land heavily on the side of a snowdrift. It slid down the side of the dune, its thrusters sputtering out, the engines winding down as Schaffer hurried towards the vessel.

When he arrived it was already beginning to disappear under the snow, the dropship was resting at an odd angle where the pilot had been forced to set it down, tilted on an incline at maybe thirty degrees. Schaffer climbed up onto the cockpit and smacked his gloved hand against the glass. The pilot within, a dark skinned woman with long, black hair jumped as he startled her. He waved, and gestured towards the rear of the craft, and she nodded her understanding. He clambered across the vessel's hull then hopped off into the snow near the tail, waiting for the pilot to lower the landing ramp.

When there was enough of a gap for him to slip past, he stepped inside and hit the emergency close button, waiting for the ramp to seal behind him before removing his helmet. He took in a breath of stale, recycled air, the heating system in the shuttle working overtime as he felt the cold he had let in dissipate. He was surrounded by crates, no doubt containing food and supplies, anchored to the floor with straps where the crash couches would have been in a troop carrier. The whole thing was slanted, and he gripped one of the handholds in the roof to steady himself.