Outpost: Hetero Version Ch. 02: Snowed In


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"You don't miss living with your own kind?" Riya asked. Schaffer shook his head, swirling his drink in his hand and watching the liquid as it formed a small whirlpool. "You don't miss living on the Pinwheel? I've been there on shore leave, that place is more like a damned resort than a military installation. A lot of people would kill for a chance to be stationed there."

"I don't miss it, my old life...my old colleagues, it very nearly got me killed." He perked up suddenly, as if waking from a daydream, realizing that he might have said too much and taking a long draw from his glass. "Not that I mind a little refresher every so often, I'm almost glad you got stranded here, maybe I had gone too long without human contact. It's nice to be able to dust off the old English language once in a while."

"Along with the bourbon," Riya added.

They heard something scraping along the deck in the hallway outside the kitchen, the two humans turning their heads to track the sound as a Polar appeared in the doorway. She was tall and far leaner than her counterparts, what insulating fat she had was tastefully distributed in a way that accentuated her feminine figure, giving her meaty thighs and an ample chest that was concealed beneath a leather sling. Bandoleers that held large bullets hung from her shoulders, and around her wide hips was slung a leather belt, a loincloth dangling from it to preserve her modesty along with pouches and sheaths made from tanned hide. She had a cruel scar running down her face from her forehead to her chin, pink, knitted tissue exposed between the dead follicles. Other such injuries were scattered across her body, a patchwork of pink lines that broke up her off-white coat, which was decorated with more of the coffee-stain markings than was common for her people. She wore the snow-white pelt of some native animal as a cloak, serving to better camouflage her when she was stalking the tundra for prey. She dragged a fresh kill behind her, some nameless beast that looked like an antelope, but with too many legs and a layer of blubber that filled out its body. In her free hand she carried a long, ornate rifle, a primitive but powerful weapon of Borealan design.

It was Scarface, the pack's resident huntress, she was passing by on her way to drop off the take from her latest hunt in the store room no doubt. Schaffer waved to her, and she returned the gesture, the alien was surprisingly withdrawn for a Polar and seldom interacted with anyone besides him.

"She's beastly," Riya commented as Scarface walked away down the corridor. "Looks a lot more like the breed I'm accustomed to seeing in UNN space. What the hell was that thing she was dragging along behind her?"

"I never gave it a name," Schaffer replied, "I could probably register a dozen newly discovered species if I could be bothered to take pictures and call them in."

"Call it a Keshi," Riya volunteered, "that's a horse demon from Hindu mythology."

"That's not a bad idea," Schaffer said, leaning back reflexively to avoid a hunk of meat that Osha had decided to cast in his direction. It landed on the table in front of him, splashing him with juice, the enormous female smiling contentedly as he picked it up and began to eat without complaint. The pack was depleting the supply pretty quickly, soon they would set about cooking the kill that Scarface had brought back with her, preparing a meal for the next rotation when the other pack members returned from their foraging.

As they finished their feast, they started to wander off one by one, no doubt leaving to choose a comfortable pile to sleep in while they digested their meal. The kitchen steadily emptied until only Shrimp, Osha and Zagza remained along with the two humans. The pair of larger Polars bid them goodnight, Zagza paying special attention to Riya for reasons that weren't obvious to Schaffer. While Zagza was the pack's Alpha, Osha was their unofficial matriarch, and the two tended to sleep together most of the time.

Shrimp stuck close to Schaffer, both because she preferred to sleep with him, and because she was feeling neglected as the pair of humans shared a moment over their bourbon. They had drunk about two thirds of it, and they both seemed to silently agree that it was enough, setting aside their shot glasses and screwing the cap back onto the bottle.

"So where am I sleeping?" Riya asked, pleasantly tipsy. "I don't suppose you have a guest bedroom?"

"Well the pack sleeps in a big pile, usually I just throw myself into the mix and hope that whatever I'm lying on doesn't wake up and start moving before I do. There are couches in the common room that you can use if you don't want to get too friendly with the Polars, I can find you a blanket if you need one, but the temperature in here stays pretty constant."

"Sounds good, I think I'll call it a night and turn in." She stood up from her seat, walking over to the doorway and leaning against the frame for balance as she turned her head to look back at him. "You're alright Schaffer, this blizzard could have been a real shit show, but you and your furry friends turned it around. I'll see you in the morning."

"Night," he replied as she vanished into the hallway. He turned to Shrimp when he was sure that she was out of earshot. "Ok, you have me to yourself now, happy?"

The alien buried her face in the nape of Schaffer's neck, her downy fur tickling his skin.

Schaffer heard Scarface returning, the alien pausing at the doorway as she passed by to look in on the pair, the kitchen now deserted save for Schaffer and Shrimp. She seemed to have been waiting for the other pack members to leave, and seeing that they had all gone to bed, she slinked into the room and made her way over to where Schaffer was sitting. The human was one of the few people that she interacted with, she had taken a liking to him and as far as he knew he was the only member of their pack that she chose to share a bed with. Scarface spent much of her time prowling the wastes, she had been the lead hunter of the pack and its main breadwinner before they had moved into the outpost, and she still liked to fish and hunt more than was really necessary now that the UNN was providing them with food and supplies. During her infrequent visits to the base, she usually found ways to get some alone time with Schaffer, and he had to admit that her unusually aggressive style of lovemaking made him look forward to those rare encounters. He was still unsure of her story, how she had earned all of her scars, and what the reason was for her silent and frankly un-Polar-like demeanor. At first her antisocial tendencies had worried him, but she always seemed happy when she was tracking some alien animal or sitting by a hole in the ice waiting for a fish to bite, and that was good enough for him.

She sauntered over to the table and leaned down beside Schaffer, rubbing her head against his cheek and nuzzling at the nape of his neck, pinching his skin gently with her sharp teeth. He knew the signals well enough, though she never spoke a word she could communicate what she wanted from him, his body responding on its own as he leaned into her.

Shrimp sat to his right, still clinging to Schaffer's arm and alarmed that her alone time with her favorite human was again being intruded upon by another female, the little alien scowling as she clung to Schaffer's sleeve and eyed the newcomer suspiciously. Scarface seemed indifferent to her, ignoring her completely as she urged Schaffer to follow her away from the table, to some private spot where they might go undisturbed for an hour or two no doubt.

As he rose from his seat, he felt Shrimp dig her claws into his sleeve, preventing him from leaving as Scarface cocked her head at the little Polar quizzically. She barked something at the huntress in their rolling native language, and Scarface seemed taken aback.

Schaffer had never seen anything of the like, were they fighting over him? Shrimp was usually so meek and passive, but perhaps a combination of factors had brought out this new passion in her. It was probably Schaffer's own fault for encouraging her to be more assertive, along with his long chat with Riya and a little Dutch courage from the shot of bourbon that the young Polar had insisted on drinking.

Thankfully, Scarface seemed amused more than annoyed by Shrimp's uncharacteristic outburst. Schaffer had never witnessed a real battle for status between pack members, any disagreements usually resolved themselves pretty quickly through a reconciliatory roll in the proverbial hay, but Scarface was a lot more selective of her mates than the other members of the group.

Shrimp spoke to her, and she seemed to shrug her furry shoulders, taking up a seat on the floor at the table opposite them. He heard her assortment of tools and knives that hung from her many belts and bandoleers clatter on the deck as she sat cross-legged, resting her large hands on the table and appearing to wait for something. Shrimp's claws clinked on the glass bottle of bourbon as she slid it across the table towards Scarface, who examined it suspiciously, eyeing the amber liquid as it settled in the transparent container. Shrimp took one of the shot glasses and upended the bottle, filling it and gesturing to the drink as the bewildered huntress looked on.

What on Earth was she doing? Had Schaffer just witnessed the invention of an alien drinking competition? Shrimp seemed indecisive, her tail was flicking back and forth behind her chair in a way that Schaffer knew communicated embarrassment or internal conflict, but she was putting on a stalwart front for Scarface's benefit apparently. Still amused, the giant huntress examined Shrimp's face, then lifted the shot glass from the table and sniffed it experimentally before bringing it to her lips and taking a tentative sip. Her blue eyes widened as the liquid met her tongue, and she sputtered, clearly not enjoying the taste but not willing to set the glass down either.

She seemed almost playful with Shrimp, humoring her in a way that Schaffer had never seen her afford the more senior members of the pack. She was respectful of Zagza and his position, presenting her catches to him as if he were her employer, but beyond that she stayed out of the way of the older Polars. She took another drink, her piercing gaze fixed on Shrimp as the little alien fumed and watched her.

Shrimp spoke again, Schaffer wishing that he had some resource available for learning their alien language so that he might have been able to follow this bizarre exchange, and this time the Polar filled her own glass and drank from it as Scarface watched. Shrimp already seemed a little tipsy, and now she was swaying gently as she downed her second helping and grimaced. Schaffer patted her on the shoulder, shaking his head at the alien in an attempt to convey that she should stop before her liver shut down, but the alien pushed him away and looked back to her rival.

Scarface refused to drink more, pushing her glass away, and Shrimp rose to her feet as her chair legs scraped against the floor. She marched around the edge of the table as Schaffer watched with alarm, coming to a stop beside Scarface, at head height to her as she sat on the deck due to their difference in stature. Shrimp seemed more nervous now, her tail flicking indecisively again, but then she appeared to steel herself and her brow furrowed. Scarface cocked her head at the presumptuous little female, then Shrimp reached out and took the larger Polar's face in her hands, Scarface tensing as a look of drunken determination crossed Shrimp's face and she pressed their lips together.

Schaffer waited for the powerful alien to swipe at Shrimp with her claws and reward her with some scars of her own, but the blow never came, instead she leaned into the smaller female and Schaffer watched as their oversized, pink tongues entwined. He had never seen her kiss anyone besides him before, and he felt a pang of jealousy as the two aliens pressed together, Scarface wrapping an arm around Shrimp's lower body and pulling the young Polar into her. Shrimp's excitement was obvious, unable to contain herself as the huntress explored her mouth with her long, winding organ. Scarface squeezed Shrimp against her plush body, letting her hands roam over her furred face, Shrimp's eyes closing as she lost herself in her superior's forceful embrace.

Their union lasted for a few more moments, Shrimp seeming to relax as it dragged on, then finally Scarface broke away and rose to her feet. She scruffed the dazed runt by the back of the neck, like a mother cat catching an unruly kitten, and lifted her off the floor to let her feet dangle in the air. She planted her other hand on her wide hip, scowling at the little alien as she hung there impotently, her tail limp and her demeanor now submissive again. Scarface didn't seem angry, just annoyed, but Schaffer could see that the whiskey was doing its work on her too. Even one glass was enough to intoxicate her despite her impressive size and weight, Borealan biology being completely unsuited to such strong spirits.

She placed Shrimp back on her feet, and the girl went scurrying over to Schaffer once she was free of the huntress' hold, shivering and burying her face in her human friend's jacket. Schaffer scratched her head apologetically, trying to calm her.

Did Shrimp have a thing for Scarface, then? Once the alcohol had stripped her of her inhibitions she had gone straight to the scarred giant, conflicted about what she was doing, but obviously determined none the less. Maybe it wasn't only that the little alien wanted Schaffer all to herself, maybe she was jealous of the relationship her peers shared as well. Scarface watched them both, her eyes narrowing as she schemed, then she lifted her shot glass from the table and downed the last of her bourbon. She marched around the table and snatched Shrimp out from beneath the safety of Schaffer's jacket, taking her by the scruff again and lifting her off the floor with one hand. Her other hand found Schaffer's arm, taking a firm grip and guiding him out of his seat, steering him towards the door.


Scarface led them down the hall and past some bedrooms that were occupied by piles of sleeping Polars, searching for a free dorm and eventually finding one, thrusting the pair into the room and then closing the door ominously behind them with a click as the lock engaged. They landed on the mattresses that lined the floor, white hairs from previous occupants littering the space, the two bunk beds that were unable to support the weight of the pack members pushed out of the way towards the back of the room.

Schaffer had a good idea of what was about to happen, Shrimp trembling beside him on the mattress, whether from anticipation or fear it was hard to say.

Scarface was usually distant and reserved, her true personality only really flourishing when she was alone with her chosen partner, where her stoic exterior fell away and she fucked like an angry tiger. Perhaps this case was similar, the alcohol was eating away at her resolve like some kind of corrosive chemical, her underlying lust and playfulness shining through as she watched the two friends with a covetous expression and wet her lips hungrily.

She stalked towards them, swaying as she tried to balance on the soft mattress beneath her feet, her head swiveling between the pair before her eyes locked onto Shrimp. She crouched over the little alien, two or three feet taller than her, then pinned her to the ground. Shrimp sank into the mattress under the larger Polar's weight, Scarface burying her teeth in the fur of her neck, her biting and kissing out of view from where Schaffer was sitting but obvious from the way her quarry bucked and shivered. She seemed to be asserting herself over the younger Polar, punishment for her stepping out of line and having ideas beyond her station back in the kitchen, perhaps?

Her large breasts hung enticingly in their leather sling, heavy and pendulant as she ravished Shrimp, the bewildered Polar loosing squeaks and whines as she licked and bit at her sensitive throat and shoulders. Schaffer had rarely seen her so overwhelmed and excited, not since the first time that he had goaded Shrimp into joining an orgy that she had been too afraid to participate in. Perhaps this situation was similar, it seemed to be a pattern with the meek Polar, she fretted and hesitated until someone gave her the push that she needed to pursue her desires. And now she was pursuing a mighty huntress who wouldn't have given her the time of day had Shrimp not confronted her.

It seemed to have worked, if anything her sheer audacity had drawn Scarface's attention and now the towering alien was putting her in her place, in the sensual way that these aliens preferred to resolve their conflicts.

Shrimp's eyelids were fluttering as Scarface played her lips and teeth over her vulnerable neck, the unspoken message that she could have severed the youth's jugular with her sharp fangs were she so inclined, but they both knew that reasserting her higher position in the pack hierarchy would take...other forms.

Schaffer watched as Shrimp rubbed her thighs together, excitement dampening her loincloth as Scarface took the squirming aliens furry cheeks in her clawed fingers and delved into her mouth once again, Schaffer's hardening member starting to ache as he watched their serpentine tongues intertwine and wrestle. She was really laying it on thick, maybe because she was a little drunk for the first time in her life, but the little Polar's eyes were watering and Scarface seemed to want her so affected that she couldn't hope to mount any kind of resistance.

She broke off to leave Shrimp panting and shivering, a strand of her thick saliva linking their lips as her obscenely long, slippery organ coiled back into her mouth. She turned her predatory gaze towards Schaffer, her blue eyes meeting his gaze, and he felt his heart skip in his chest as her fuzzy tail coiled around his ankle like a tentacle. She dragged him towards them across the bed, her tail strong enough to lift him on its own without much difficulty, and she deposited him beside his gasping companion.

She glanced between them as her lips curled into a salacious grin, as if she were standing before a buffet with her favorite dishes laid out before her, bawdy scenarios no doubt coursing through her brain as she decided what to do with the pair. She tended to take what she wanted from Schaffer when they shared some alone time, her lovemaking was greedy and passionate, her relentless pace leaving him exhausted and satisfied. Now he saw that same glint her eye, beginning to remove his clothes in anticipation of what he knew was coming next.

Scarface watched him, her gaze playing over his familiar body, then she scruffed Shrimp again. She did it tenderly this time, rolling her over and dropping her beside Schaffer, the two of them bouncing on the mattresses as the springs creaked under their weight. She tore Shrimp's loincloth free, unfastening the knot that held her belt together from behind and discarding the garment, leaving the alien exposed as her already sopping loins leaked a strand of clear fluid to stain the bedding. Shrimp removed the strap of animal hide that she wore over her chest to contain her bosom, unfastening it from behind with trembling fingers to let her breasts fall free, small by Polar standards but the size of cantaloupes no less as they bounced softly. Schaffer was fully erect, sore and wanting as Shrimp crawled closer, the now submissive Polar planting lingering kisses on his chest and shoulders. Scarface's aggressive attentions seemed to have made her pliant and obedient again, Schaffer feeling his erection jump in the air as the alien crawled her soft lips down his belly and her fluffy fingers wrapped around his shaft.
