Outrage! Pt. 04

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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/09/2020
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Thanks to WAA01 and Killerarmyguy for the edits.


The next morning...

Jon stepped off the city bus at 7:25. His mother had wondered why he was leaving so early in the morning when she knew he had the day off from school. He did hate lying to her yet he wasn't about to tell her he was going to meet up with his teacher to fuck her brains out. Jon wasn't about to get Janice into trouble. He wasn't about to do that to her. Now whether or not this actually went anywhere, other than sex, Jon couldn't say. Although, he knew it was going to feel heavenly between her legs. Wondering how she would mew when he played with her 36A breasts. Also, pondering if this was only a one-time thing to get back at her husband for stepping out on her. Not that he minded he got to have sex with the hot teacher, and what boy his age hasn't thought about that before?

Pulling out his phone from his pocket when he walked towards the address Janice had given him. Unlocking his phone, seeing the indicator on his message app indicating that he had a new text message. Opening it up, reading Janice's text that told him that her husband had just left and to please don't be too long. To which he promptly replied that he was about three minutes away as he walked along the sidewalk to Janice's house. He did hope that she got what she wanted out of her divorce. He knew some would take it the wrong way if they ever found out that he was being used to get back at his father and Janice's husband. Jon knew his mother loved him. Anyone that thought differently didn't know a damn thing about them and should keep their opinions to themselves. He didn't mind being a pawn in their schemes. After all, Jon was sure those same people would be cheering if they took some strange man to their beds to do the same thing. He found that hypocritical if you asked him. So what if he was a tool for their retribution? Did they not deserve what was coming to them? Hasn't his father and Janice's husband broken that most sacred vow that they both took before God (if you believe in him or her) and the priest, and their families, along with all the witnesses that were there when they uttered their promises?

So Jon thought he was helping to tip the divine scales in their favor. Now he had no clue what his mother was going to use those videos for. He didn't want to know. If he knew his mother, and he did, then he could assume with reason it would be something dealing with his father. Who has yet to contact him just to say hello to his own son. Which he found weird. You would think a man who raised you since you were born would have called at least once since he was kicked out. Then again, he couldn't blame his father. Jon did drop the cum soaked panties his father had masturbated into onto his face. Did Jon miss his father? Of course, he did, Patrick was still his Dad, albeit a very poor father, but he was his father, nonetheless.

If he had to guess, his father was probably out chasing women, too busy to contact his son. Either way, while he might miss his father, life moves on, and so must he. Jon saw Janice standing on the stoop of her home, waiting for him. His eyes watched her sandy blonde hair as the wind lifted lightly and swayed along her back. Admitting to himself that she was rather cute in that light blue dress she was wearing. Knowing how it brought out her blue eyes as he walked down the pathway that led to her front door.

"Good morning, Jon," Janice said in a bashful tone.

"Morning, Janice," Jon greeted as he neared her. Smelling the sweet floral perfume, Janice was wearing. He wondered if her husband thought anything of it.

"I hope you're prepared for the fun we'll be having for a few hours?" Janice asked with a sultry smile.

"Oh, I've been ready," Jon said, flashing her a smile.

"Good," holding out her hands to him, "then come, let me and my body entertain you for the rest of the morning," Janice said seductively as Jon's hands slid into hers.

The moment the front door was closed and latched. Janice leapt into Jon's arms. Her petite body felt light to Jon as his hands rested on her ass when her legs wrapped around his waist. He wasn't going to question why she wasn't wearing any panties; that should be self-explanatory. The sound of their lips smacking, feeling her left hand running down his chest while her right held onto the back of his neck. The snap of his jean's button resounded, his pants falling down his legs, pooling around his ankles. Janice's hand moved as if possessed as it bunched his underwear down enough for his cock to spring out.

Jon's eyes were on hers as that same hand took hold of his root and directed it to her warm heat. His grip tightened on her ass as her cunt slid down his pole. Jon's manhood melted into the heat of her womanhood as her folds wrapped around his cock. Her blowjobs might not be as stellar as his mother's, but the way her pussy felt as she plunged up and down on his rod was just as good as his mother's. Jon didn't last long due to the tightness of her cunt. Before long, his seed flooded her womb.

"Sorry, Jon," Janice panted heavily into his ear as she felt his cum leaking out around his rod that was still lodged within her mound. "I just couldn't wait."

"Did you hear me complaining?" Jon asked with a coy smile on his lips.

"No," Janice whispered as her cheeks heated rapidly. "Do you think you have it in you to keep going?" she asked, not ready to end this just yet. There was a bed that really needed to be coated in her wet spot. Which was the bed her soon-to-be ex-husband was using. She thought that was a fitting punishment for him for stepping out on her.

"Most definitely," Jon said with a nod as he sat Janice down onto the floor. Feeling her leaning against him as her body still trembled from her aftershocks.

"Good. I need a good hard fucking. We have all morning for you to wear my pussy out," Janice said lustfully.

"Oh, I plan on making it so satisfied you can't walk straight for a week," Jon bragged like all teenagers do at that time in their lives.

"I was hoping you would say that," Janice cooed, taking Jon by the hand after he had stepped out of his pants and led him to the room where her cheating husband was staying in.


Jon was tuckered out as he stepped off the bus at the stop close to the storage place his mother had her units at. He had told her he would be there to help out when Maya and Jerome came to pick up the items she had bought from his mother. He knew his mother was so elated to have that forty grand sitting in her bank account. Jon also knew she hoped that she and Maya would become friends. Given how his mother constantly talked about Maya and the amount they communicated over the phone. Punching in the code for the gate when he stood in front of it. He'd been there often enough to know it by heart when he helped out his mother in her shop before they became what they were now. He saw only his mother's car as he walked down the row that held her storage units.

He felt his body heating as the late morning sun shone along those tantalizing legs when she swung them out of the car. His eyes ran up the tight black skirt she was wearing, up her white blouse that allowed her black bra to bleed through as she placed her hands on her hips. Taking a dry swallow when he noted the look on her face.

"And just where have you been?" Nora asked accusingly.

"Told you, Nora had to talk to my teacher about the assignment she gave me," Jon lied, he hated to do it, but he wasn't about to allow his mother to get Janice fired.

"You had sex, I can tell," Nora hissed, crossing her arms. "Who was it?"

"I'm not telling you; you'll freak out and ruin her. I'm not letting that happen," Jon said sternly.

"Jon, you know I wouldn't," Nora said with a look of hurt in her eyes. "At least tell me she took care of you."

"She did, but you don't have to worry; doubt there will be a repeat," Jon said, knowing that was true, given she was a teacher and he her student. He knew this would only be the one time. "I only did so because she's in the same position as you are."

"Oh? So she has a cheating husband as well?" Nora asked with an arched eyebrow, to which Jon nodded. "I see, and her sleeping with you was her way of getting back at the slimeball?" Again, Jon nodded. "Okay, I can understand that; it just hurt me that you wouldn't tell me."

"I wasn't trying to; I was just trying to keep her safe. You wouldn't like it if I rattle off about us to some stranger, now would you?" Jon stated, seeing his mother's cheeks heating as she looked away. "I am sorry I didn't tell you." Seeing his mother's body loosening up as he stepped closer to her. "Can you forgive me?"

"I don't know, Jon, I'm mad at you," Nora pouted, yet she didn't stop her son from wrapping his arms around her waist. "You promise from now on you tell me whenever you're going to go out and fuck someone?"

"I promise," Jon nodded.

"Alright, I'll let you off this one time, but don't you ever do it again," Nora uttered, wagging her finger within centimeters of Jon's nose.

"Yes, Nora," Jon replied, fighting back his smile. "So, did you fire your lawyer?"

"I did," Nora nodded, feeling her body heating as her son's hand rubbed the small of her back.

"Oh, and how did she take it?"

"Surprised as all fuck when I canned her. Told her she's been fucking me over. If she was falling for Patrick's bs that she could no longer represent my best interests, so now I have better counsel," Nora said with a smile on her lips as she felt her arms encircling her son. Knowing Maya was bringing the contract with her when they came to pick up the items Maya had bought the other day. "Now come, help me pull out the items, so their movers don't damage my inventory," she stated in a motherly tone. "And you better have saved up enough to fuck me later."

Jon just smiled at his mother's back as she unlocked the first storage unit. He moved about carefully as his mother directed him to the items that she read from the list she had made the other day. Seeing his mother getting her phone from the car when its ring tone blared from within its interior.

"Hello? This is Nora Roberts of Robert's Antiques... oh, hey! Maya! Are you?!"

Jon saw the happiness on his mother's face as he carried the last item out of the third storage unit. Hearing his mother giving Maya the code for the gate and hanging up. Leaning against the trunk of his mother's car as he watched Maya pulling up and hearing the beeping as the movers truck backed down the lane before stopping a few feet behind Maya's car. Arching an eyebrow when his mother quickly hurried over as Maya got out of her car. Tilting his head to the side when his mother acted like the girls at his school. His eyes flickered over to Jerome as he, too, left the car. His eyes darted between him and Maya wondering why they looked so much alike.

Keeping out of the way when Maya directed the men she had hired to load up the items that were sitting out in the sun. Soon he was joined by Jerome as his mother and Maya chatted about something that he couldn't hear.

"Hey," Jerome greeted as he held out his right hand to Jon.

"Hello," Jon replied, shaking Jerome's hand.

"So, how old are you?" Jerome asked while keeping his eyes on the movers. He wasn't about to let them damage anything as they wrapped the smaller items in lots of bubble wrap and padded blankets for the larger items.

"Eighteen, you?" Jon asked, glancing at him.

"Twenty," Jerome stated factually.

"So you in college?" Jon asked, making small talk.

"Waiting on my old one to transfer my transcripts and credits to the one here. So probably won't start back until the fall," Jerome said, not bringing up the fact he could see the similarities between Nora and Jon. As he was sure, it wasn't lost on them that he and his mother were in the same boat.

"Ah. So what will you be doing in the meantime?" Jon asked if they were going to spend a night out together, he might as well get to know the man.

"Probably intern for Maya again," Jerome said, seeing his mother casting him a glance. Noting how she moved her body slightly so he could ogle her body better from his position.

"You've done that before?" Jon inquired, to which Jerome nodded. "Was it hard?"

"Depends on who you're working with. Some like to swamp interns into doing their work for them; others tend to ignore them until they need one. Others are quite helpful if law is what they are really interested in it."

"Are you?" Jon asked with a pointed look.

"No, but you think I'm not going to spend the day looking at that?" Jerome retorted, pointing at his mother, who was blushing hard when she heard it.

"Yeah, I can understand that," Jon nodded, flashing Jerome a smile.


"Now, Nora, if you will just sign here and I'll formally be your legal counsel," Maya stated, holding her fountain pen out to her, holding the contract open and keeping it from blowing away as it rested on the hood of her car. Watching Nora's hand moving along the dotted line as she signed her name. "Excellent! Now I've already filed a motion on your behalf to scrub any and all accounts your husband has in his name and whatever else he's trying to squirrel away from the court's eyes. Don't worry; Patrick won't know what hit him. His head will be spinning to even think about what to do next," she said in a comforting tone.

"Good," Nora nodded, "I want it to hurt!"

"I'll make sure it does," Maya uttered with a smile. Knowing this was why she never went into family law. "Jon, it was such a pleasure in meeting you," she spoke, holding out her hand to him.

"And you as well, feel like I already know you given how much she talks about you," Jon said in a teasing light as he nodded to his mother.

"Jon?!" Playfully slapping her son's right arm.

"What? I'm happy you've made a new friend given how your others are... well, you know, bitches," Jon said, wrapping his arm around his mother's waist.

"Jon, don't sweet-talk me in front of Maya and Jerome. You might embarrass the man," Nora cooed, pressing her body closer to her son.

"Yes, where's my sweet-talking, hmm?" Maya teased, looking over at her son. Her eyes grew wide, her nostrils flared, her face felt feverish as Jerome whispered sweet nothings into her ear. "Behave?!" she chided, lightly slapping Jerome's chest. "Well, we best be going; we don't want to miss the movers," Maya stated, slipping her hand into her son's. "I'll call you later," she said, waving to Nora and Jon as she opened her driver's side door.

"Be safe; I hope everything works out for you!" Nora called back, so very glad to have met Maya. "I should have the last item by the end of the day. You can pick it up at the store."

"Excellent! I'll see you then."

"Well, honey, let's close up and head home," Nora said as Maya drove past them.


"Jon, why don't you sweep up, idle hands and all that," Nora teased once they had returned to her shop. Knowing how he was rubbing her thigh on the drive back, making her pussy wet the longer he did. "Just be careful," she said sternly.

"I know, Mom, it isn't like I haven't helped around here before," Jon mused as he went and got the broom from the small closet on the ground floor.

Jon heard his mother typing away as she answered emails while he swept the floor. Knowing what that smile meant when he caught flashes of it as he worked around his mother's shop. He knew it meant she just sold something or a lot of somethings. She was always like that when that happened. Nodding when his mother shooed him off when she noted Richard pulling up. He knew her son, and she didn't want Richard to see the look in her eyes when Jon was around.

Nora inhaled deeply as she saw Richard approaching with two of the men he used to move the heavier items in his shop. She and Jon had already set the two items aside so Richard wouldn't be in her store any longer than he needed to be. She knew his smell permeated into everything if that happened.

"Hello, Nora, it's good to see you again," Richard said politely as he stepped into her shop.

"You too, Richard," Nora said without taking a breath.

"I see you have the items I asked for ready for me." Nora nodded as she gestured to them. Watching how he carefully sat the Tiffany lamp on her counter. Giving the lamp a quick once over to ensure it was pristine like he had stated it was. Once she was satisfied with it, shaking Richard's hand before he took the smaller item off the top of the old Colonial-style waist cabinet and walked out the door. Gasping as she drew in much-needed fresh air into her lungs. Nodding to the two men who entered when they asked if that was the item they were there for. Biting her lip as her son came marching in spraying air freshener. Winking at him when he returned with the broom in hand.

"Did you get my text?" Nora asked into her phone when Maya answered.

"I did! Oh, thank you, thank you!" Maya squealed in joy at the sight of the photo Nora had texted her. "I have to ask; does he not smell himself?!" Nora burst out in laughter; she had wondered that herself a few times.

"Jon, can you set this in my office, so no one will think it's for sale?" Nora asked, watching how he carefully ensured the broom wouldn't fall from the position he left it in and damage or break anything valuable.

"Oh, do you and Jon work together?"

"No, he just helps around here every now and again. Is that where you and Jerome met?" Nora asked, eager to know more about her friend.

"Sort of." Nora wondered why it sounded like there was more to it than what Maya was telling her. "Well, let me get off here; the movers were not very helpful in where I wanted the items placed." Nora suppressed her chuckle. "I'll come by first thing in the morning to pick it up. I know that lamp is going to look fantastic in my office!"

"Okay, I'll see you then," Nora said, saying their goodbyes before hanging up. Looking to the antique grandmother clock that stood behind her. Noting the time, knowing there wouldn't be anyone coming into her store when only ten minutes were left before she closed. Humming to herself as the keys for the front door of her shop jingled in her hand as she walked towards it. Feeling the thick locking bar falling into place as she turned the lock. Flipping out the 'Open' sign, her hand moved down the light switching them off, casting her shop into darkness. Knowing tomorrow, she was going to have to call UPS to pick up a few packages that needed to be sent out.

A loving smile appeared on her lips when Jon sat on the steps that led up to their living quarters. Lightly bumping his shoulder, a hint of color flooded her cheeks as they chatted away.

"Jon!" Nora gasped as he lifted up her skirt and his thumbs hooked around the waistband of her underwear. Feeling his chest pressing against her chest as she was in the middle of getting out the items she would need to make their dinner.

"What? Are you telling me I should stop?" Jon asked in a sinful tone as his hands moved along her ass.

"N-no," Nora stuttered.

"Thought you wouldn't," Jon teased.

"Oh, fuck, mmmhmm," Nora moaned as the can of peas she was going to use in the shepherd's pie fell from her grasp as Jon's tongue ran along her moist labia. Bending over the counter to give her boy, her lover, access to her sweet cunt. She was not about to stop him either! "Yes, baby, taste mama's pussy!" Lifting her right leg as he slipped off her heels, then her left. Wondering if Jon wanted her barefoot and pregnant. Not that she would mind, really. She had been thinking about having a third child. Although at her age, she wondered if that would be a wise thing to do. Her hands beat rapidly on the countertop as she came hard on her son's tongue. Her eyes rolled back into her head as Jon went in for seconds. She knew thirds would be in order as well once her son brought her mound back to that edge once again.