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I brought the barbeque in under the tarp, and got about setting it up on its frame. Katie came in out of the wet, brushing the excess water from her shirt. I tried not to stare as her hands brushed down across her breasts and stomach, but I just couldn't pull my eyes off her. Even when I snapped my fingers painfully in the frame, I kept leering.

"What about the gas bottle?" Katie asked between chattering teeth.

That was what finally snapped me out of my fixated inspection of the lacy frills across the top of her bra, visible through her waterlogged shirt. I spun around and looked down at the Toyota, ass-up in the river. "Oh fuck."

"Come on then," Katie laughed, "I'll give you a hand.

I made her wait on the bank as I waded back in to retrieve the gas bottle for the Weber. And when I came trudging back to her, she asked me to go back for the wine, complete with pouting lips and a set of big puppy-dog eyes. Of course I went back in, only grabbing three of the four boxes in the end, before hip checking the rear door shut and heading for dry land, rolling my eyes the whole way.

Another bastard climb up to the camp site had me disgorging my shipment of wine in the tent, next to the esky and other items we'd saved. While back out under the tarp, Katie was crouched down, hooking up the gas bottle to the Weber.

"Hey, I only saw one sleeping bag in there," I said, peeling off my shirt under the tarp.

"I'm sorry, Will," she looked up at me, her grey eyes begging for forgiveness, "I dropped it in the river."

I couldn't help but sigh. Then, "That's all right, Katie. We've still got one. We'll just have to share. Right now, just get those wet clothes off before you freeze to death. We'll get the rest sorted later."

Katie undid her buttons and pulled the soaked shirt off, revealing that magnificent lacy bra. I'm sure it had an official colour, like mauve or lilac or something, but as far as I could tell, it was pale purple. Next came her tiny denim shorts, exposing a matching set of panties with a little bow on the front. To that point in my life, few things were more erotic than the sight of Katie pushing those shorts down her long, glistening legs.

I actually felt dizzy.

She left her underwear on, standing there in her bra and panties, and hiking boots as well, wringing out her clothes and long hair. We hung our wet laundry on the length of rope she'd run under the tarp, and I handed her the dryer of the two towels.

We scurried into the tent to finish getting ourselves sorted. After zipping ourselves up inside, I got to work pumping up the inflatable mattress, while Katie hooked up a makeshift clothes line with the string from the cover of our last remaining sleeping bag. She took my towel and hung it up, before doing the same with her wet underwear and then slipping into the sleeping bag. I'd unfortunately missed the show, wrestling with a stubborn knot in my boot laces, but that was probably for the best.

The last thing I wanted her to see was her boss's husband climbing into a tight sleeping bag with her, sporting a massive erection.

I sat on the mattress a moment, trying to delay the inevitable. There was going to be no room to hide from her in there. Oh Jesus, I thought to myself.

"Come on, Will. Hurry up, it's freezing," she whined.

I sighed, then slipped my undies off, hanging them on the last few inches of string left by the towels and Katie's sexy purple delicates. I looked over my shoulder at her, wrapped up like the proverbial bug in a rug. Those big grey eyes watching me intently.

My shivering was uncontrollable. But to be honest, I'm not sure how much of it, if any, was to do with how cold it was.

I lifted up the open flap of the sleeping bag until I saw the gentle curves of Katie's slender body, her pale skin contrasting heavily with the black and red tartan pattern of the inside of the bag. My cock started to stir, so I quickly dived in beside her, then turning my back to her, I zipped the bag closed. But as I did, the zip also pulled Katie and I tightly together.

She was trembling too, but I was sure that was entirely due to the cold. Me on the other hand...

My cock was proudly at attention, and I was in a living hell. I lay there with my back to her, absolutely resolved to keep my erection away from her.

"Oh, Will, this is silly," she eventually said after a few minutes. "Roll over."

I swallowed hard and shifted myself around onto my back. It was agony, her body brushing against mine with every tiny movement.

"They're only breasts. They won't bite you." And with that, she wrapped her arm and her leg around me, pushing herself hard up against the full length of my body. The sensation of her soft flesh pressed against me was indescribable.

Katie rubbed her thigh up and down mine, getting higher each time, until eventually she brought her knee up across my groin. I barely got my hand to my cock in time to shield it from her smooth inner thigh. Crisis averted, but she just kept rubbing against me. It was driving me crazy.

I turned my head to look at her, and she was staring at me. "Are you all right?" I managed, my voice catching in my throat.

"Yeah," she breathed. "I'm just cold. Can you please put your arms around me?"

I swallowed hard again and shifted my right arm around her shoulders, stroking her upper arm. But my left was still dutifully holding my erection away from her leg.

"Both arms, Will," she protested. "I need you to hold me."

Her patrolling leg was on the upstroke towards my shameful little secret, and I just couldn't move my hand. But when her leg swept down again, I shifted myself onto my side to face her. I stuck my ass out hard into the cold zipper to create a void between us for my cock, bending my knees up to hold her legs away from me.

In that position, I was able to get both arms around her, and I rubbed my hands across her back. The friction of my palms on her beautifully smooth skin was warming, and I thought I was onto a winner. "Better?" I smiled.

Katie stared at me for a long minute, then eventually asked, "Why do you keep pulling away from me?"

My blood froze. "Huh? What do you mean? I'm not pulling away from you."

An astonished laugh burst free. "Will! Look at you. You couldn't get further away from me if you tried." To emphasise her point, she theatrically pulled her head back with a grimace, and pushed herself back from me with her hands and knees.

"Shut up! I'm not doing that. I'm not pulling away from you, Katie," I lied, the flush of embarrassment warming my cheeks.

"Yes you are," she protested. "Oh my God! You're blushing! You're such a bad liar, Will."

Of course, being called out on that only made my reaction worse. She had me, and all I could do was huff a nervous laugh. I had nowhere to go.

Seriously, Will, what is it?" The last of her taunting amusement drained away.

My pulse hammered in my ears as I searched for the words. "It's just...I mean..." I held my hand over my face and groaned into my palm through gritted teeth. "I wish I didn't feel like that. I just..."

Her eyes flashed with realisation and her tone became serious. "Are you attracted to me?"

I felt the shameful heat and pressure of the blood in my face. It was so strong around my lips and nose, I thought I would start bleeding. "I'm so sorry, Katie. It's not your fault. I just..."

"Oh, Will." She gently touched my face, her eyes locked with mine. It wasn't pity. It was something warmer, kinder: empathy. She snuggled in, pushing my knees down to allow her to get closer.

"I'm sorry," I whispered again. I was mortified. The admission alone felt like a betrayal of Melissa, to say nothing of my feelings towards Katie. It was only lust, I knew, rather than anything else, but still...

"Oh, I don't care about that," she soothed, wiggling into position with her body pressed fully against mine. "You're a guy. It happens. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find you attractive myself." Then she giggled. "Especially when you try those dreadful accents."

"Try?" I was playfully indignant, thankful for an opportunity to break the tension.

"You want to do one right now, don't you?" she laughed.

"No!" I groaned with a pout. She was right, of course, and I let my best string of Cockney dialect dissolve back into my subconscious.

Her eyes twinkled with amusement, then she said more seriously, "I work for your wife..."

"And you're going out with my best mate," I whispered back.

"Yeah," she breathed softly, her eyes moistening. She ran her fingers through her thick, damp hair, tucking as much of it as she could behind her ear. The domed walls of the tent had turned everything a muted tone of blue, but her auburn mane had somehow managed to retain its deep glow.

We shared a silent acceptance of our situation as we lay there in each other's arms, listening to our breathing and the constant drum of rain on the tent. Now that we seemed to be past that wall between us, the pressure of her naked body against mine was causing the blood to thicken my cock.

"Is that your...um...?" she asked, looking down between us briefly, but unable to see past her breasts squashed into my chest.

"Yeah." I blushed again. "Sorry. It...ahh..."

"It's okay. I don't mind," she smiled. "But can you move it a bit? It's just a little uncomfortable there."

I reached between us, forcing my hand between our tummies - mine hairy, and hers so sensually smooth. I felt Katie's flesh soften slightly on the back of my hand as I reached my target, and moved my aching cock to the side, nestling it in beside her hip bone.

"Mmm, that's better," she breathed, as she snuggled back into position and we continued to chat.

It soon started getting darker outside, so we decided to cook some dinner while it was still light enough. I hadn't managed to rescue any torches from the sinking Prado. Standing there under the tarp with a damp towel around my waist, I sizzled up a couple of steaks and some onion on the Weber.

"What do we do about that?" Katie asked, tilting her head down to the shipwrecked Toyota. She was also wrapped in a wet towel, and holding a pair of buttered bread rolls.

"We'll have to wait to be rescued. The car's fucked. It'll have to be towed back to civilisation. Unfortunately my phone's in the centre console," I pointed down to the car with the tongs.

"And mine's in my bag. How long before you think someone will come by?"

"That river's picking up, and judging by this rain, it's only going to get worse. I don't think anyone who knows what they're doing is going to be coming past here for a while. Ian sure as shit won't."

Katie wrinkled her nose at the prognosis.

"We've got shelter and plenty of food, I went on. "So we should be all right for a while. I don't think we need Bear Grills out here just yet."

She snorted a laugh and leaned up against me.

"Have you got those buns?" I asked, switching off the barbeque.

"I've got buns," she chirped. "How about these?" And with that, she stepped away, thrust her ass at me and lifted up the hem of her towel to expose that perfect little backside.

My mouth fell open.

"What? I can't have fun with this?" she pouted, as she let the towel drop back into place. "Too soon?"

I smacked her on the ass with my free hand, eliciting a squeal, followed by a long giggle, as she sidled up against me once more.

The Weber secure and our steak rolls assembled, we went back into the tent and ate our dinner, sitting up side by side in the sleeping bag. Katie wouldn't waste one of the good bottles, so we instead shared one of my bullshit freebies, drinking straight from the bottle, as plates, glasses and other utensils also hadn't been rescued from the car.

"Not that I'd ever admit it," Katie said after a long swig of the lesser wine. "This actually goes quite well with a barbecued steak sandwich."

I snatched the bottle off her with a shake of my head and roll of my eyes. She sat there, grinning broadly while chewing a mouthful of steak.

Darkness fell, and we were snuggled up tightly in each other's arms again. My raging cock was sticking into her stomach, but true to her word, she didn't seem to mind. Katie was such a cool chick, so light and easy-going. It just fuelled my attraction to her.

"Does it hurt?" she asked after a long pause in the conversation. "Your hard on?"

"It kind of aches," I replied, growing more comfortable with the freshly-forged bond between us. To say nothing of the wine. "I imagine it feels the same for you when you're uncontrollably horny."

All she managed in reply was an, "Oh." An eternity more of white noise from the rain and river, then she said, "If you need to take care of it, you know, masturbate, I don't mind."

"That's all right," I scoffed, "I'm not going out there in the cold to wank off."

"No. I mean you can do it here if you want."

"Thanks, Katie, but I'm certainly not going to send you out into the rain while I stay in here and do that."

"I'm not going out there," she snorted. "If you want to take care of it here, now, I'm okay with it."

Again, I blushed as my heart thundered. What an incredible offer. Thankfully, the darkness hid the burning tones of my face, as the soundtrack of rushing water masked the stunned silence of my response.

Every fibre of my being wanted to masturbate in that moment, in that sleeping bag, with a beautifully naked Katie pressed against me. But there was no fucking way I was going to. Melissa meant far too much to me to piss it all away for a few minutes of taboo pleasure. While I would forever regret not doing it, I knew in my heart of hearts that I couldn't.

I just couldn't.

As much as it pained me, I wished her goodnight, bringing an end to the conversation, and the temptation. Unfortunately the countless hours of solitary contemplation while I waited to fall asleep did nothing to temper my arousal.

When I woke the next morning, I was spooning Katie tightly. I could feel my engorged cock between her ass cheeks, and the sensation was an unbearable agony. She stirred when I shifted my weight on my arm, pressing back into my cock. It was an electric surge throughout my body.

"Oh for God's sake, Will. Would you please wank that thing. It's been poking me all night, and I haven't gotten any sleep." She was whiney and groggy, and definitely irritable.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" Any semblance of remaining faithful to Melissa had long since washed away. I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Just hurry up, so I can get back to sleep," she moaned.

As much as I knew I shouldn't, fuck it!

I reached down between us, grabbing my cock from the soft cleft of her spectacular ass. My pre-cum was all over her buttocks and the small of her back, eliminating the need for any lubrication. It felt so good stroking my shaft, rubbing my palm and fingers up over the slimy head, then back to the base. With every pump of my cock, my knuckles and the back of my hand ran up and down the crack of Katie's ass. Her soft flesh, slick with my own pre-cum, moulded around my fist as I went back and forth.

As much as I knew I should have rolled over to do it, I just couldn't tear myself away from her lithe body. I had to feel her smooth skin. I had to breathe in her gentle scent. I had to come on her.

It didn't take long. Maybe fifteen or twenty strokes before I bucked in pure ecstasy, shooting thick streams of semen all over my stomach and her back. I just kept coming in wave after glorious wave, choking the head of my cock with lusty abandon.

I lay there breathing hard into Katie's neck, the afterglow washing over me in a blissful warmth. I kept stroking my cock slowly, more for the feeling of her ass on the back of my hand, than the sensation in my own loins. And my body sliding against her cum-coated back felt so sinfully magnificent.

Katie's body rose and fell in time with mine, as we lay there quietly until the drum of the rain overtook my breath as the loudest sound in the tent. Then, the sleeping bag's zipper tore through the white noise.

Katie sat up, throwing back the flap of the bag. She knelt forward, reaching for the makeshift clothes line. The sudden absence of her body chilled me, but the vision of her slender torso bent over in front of me, glistening as it was, was well worth the heat loss. She sat back down and twisted, exposing her left breast to me. I was struck with how erect her nipple was, sticking out nearly an inch.

"Hey, I'm up here." Her words jolted me back into the moment. Her expression, thankfully, was amusement. She handed me her panties, which were still damp. "Can you please clean your cum off?"

I folded her panties into a thick square and began wiping my semen off her back in gentle strokes. I'd managed to get some as high up as her shoulder blades, and elsewhere, it was dripping into the crack of her ass. I took my time, savouring the impromptu sponge bath. Then, when I could draw it out no longer, I turned her panties inside out and wiped down my front.

"Well, I'll definitely get pregnant if I wear these," she smirked, evaluating the cum-soaked panties in her hand, before hanging them back up.

Warmly zipped back up with me, Katie snuggled in facing me with her head on my chest and her leg draped across me. She was sleepily caressing the hair on my chest and stomach. Occasionally, her fingertips caught in the sticky friction of the cum I hadn't cleaned off well enough.

Reflexively, I kissed the top of her head, then caught myself. This wasn't Melissa. She wasn't my wife! What the hell did I just do? Not just the kiss, the whole fucking thing?

Before the terror and guilt of the situation overtook me, she gave one of those contented, little hums and snuggled into me harder. Her leg rubbed back up my thighs, then passed over my still hard cock.

"Isn't that supposed to go down now?" She was awake. There was no drowsiness in her tone.

"Um, sorry, Katie. Sometimes it takes a while." Yeah, when you've just wiped your own cum off a girl's back with her dirty panties, I thought to myself. That erection, I knew, was going nowhere.

"I'm obviously not going to get back to sleep," she huffed, sitting up. "Do you want to get breakfast started? I'll see if I can air out this tent a little."

"It is getting a little musty in here," I agreed. The tent reeked of sex.

I got to work on some bacon and eggs on the Weber, while Katie fussed about in the tent. I looked over to see she had it opened up and was wiping down the walls with the sleeping bag cover. It wasn't a great approach, but it was enough to get rid of the excess condensation and water that had pooled at the entrance.

When she joined me with some buttered and sauced buns, she got her first look at the car, or what was still visible of it. The water level had risen overnight, and the river had picked up speed. A white rooster tail of foam plumed up from the rear window, washing down on the front of the maroon roof where it met the waterline.

"So that's us fucked then," she observed matter-of-factly.

"No worse than we were before," I replied, flipping the crispy rashers on the hotplate. "I think the river will go a lot higher. There's no break in this rain. We're in for the duration."

Bleary eyed, a naked Katie sat back in the sleeping bag munching on her bacon and egg roll. Although obviously tired, she had a peace about her that I hadn't noticed before. She watched me intently as she ate, studying me over the chewed rim of her breakfast.

When she broke the yoke, it spilled over both sides of her roll, dribbling down her chin onto her chest, and down her forearm on the other side. She methodically traced the line of yoke on her breast with her index finger, then slowly brought it to her mouth, sucking her finger clean. When she finished with her décolletage, she proceeded to lick the runny yoke from the back of her other hand, and followed the trail down her arm.