Overly Familiar Ch. 02


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"Of course, you don't." Laila chuckled with a warm smile. "If we can get through this and you live through enough human lifetimes to see the patterns for yourself, we can have that debate later. But the point is, every day I know I should kill you and I don't. I lie. I may not be a guardian angel, but I'll be damned if I haven't spent the past sixteen years since we met protecting you."

Matt smiled, gently caressing Laila's cheek. "See? I knew you were protecting me. So, what's the big secret then?"

Laila smiled shyly at the caress and then looked away as her blush returned. "I...was so protective of you because...I...like you."

Matt paused for a second before he started laughing. "Well...yeah, Laila. I like you too. We've been friends for-"

"I like you in the sense that I hate the way you look at Mara. I hate that I can smell her on you. I hate where I can smell her on you. And...she's a demon. She could feel my jealousy." Laila grumbled under her breath.

This caught Matt off guard, and he froze for a few moments. But once his mind was working again, his eyes narrowed. "I specifically remember asking you out and being shot down quite spectacularly."

Laila rolled her eyes. "You were half kidding. And you were twelve."

"So? You were-...Ooooooh..." Matt nodded, remembering Laila's actual age. "Okay, but what about-?"

"I was jealous."

"...but you were literally disgusted by-"

"I'm an angel, Matt. I can't date...or do...any things that people who date do." Laila sighed. "No matter how much I might want to..."

"These all sound like personal problems." Matt replied with a toothy grin.

"Fuck you." Laila shot back, returning the grin.

"I could be convinced." Matt said, grinning even wider.

"Funny." Laila shot back sarcastically.

"Who's kidding?" Matt asked, closing the small gap between them.

The closeness brought a pink tint to Laila's cheeks, and Matt could have sworn her wings started to glow brighter. "Wha-? M-Matt, that's not why I told you that. You wanted to know all the information, so I told you the truth and...Matt, stop!"

The more Laila stumbled over her words, the closer Matt got to her. His lips were now mere inches from hers. "Stop me." He purred.

"Matt, please!"

"Stop me."

"I...I don't want to hurt you..."

"You can teleport. Stop me."

"Matt...I'm an angel. This is bad. This is...wrong. This is...- Matt, please..."

"Are you begging me to stop or begging me to kiss you?"


"Stop me."

Matt was so close that he could feel her breath. Despite Laila's protests, she kept her lips parted as Matt's got closer to hers. There was something of a buildup that came with their closeness, as if Laila's excitement became tangible. It was like a static charge right before the pop. When their lips were barely brushing against each other, Matt paused and grinned, giving Laila plenty of opportunity to 'stop' him. Laila stayed right where she was, her breath picking up and the panicked look in her eyes only moving him to the next step.

Laila moaned loudly as Matt kissed her. Her wings were definitely glowing brighter now, causing Matt to close his eyes. The buildup he felt earlier had grown to an electric shock that seemed to shoot through all of Matt's limbs. It wasn't painful. In fact, it was the opposite, more intense than anything else. He let himself grow accustomed to the sensation before he ended the kiss, much to Laila's disappointment as she whimpered. But as if her whimper was an invitation, he kissed her again, deeper this time, gladly inviting the shock before teasingly ending it again. "Matt..." She moaned lustfully. "This...this is bad... This is really bad..."

"Says you. I have it on good authority that I'm a great kisser. Besides. If this is so bad, then why are you kissing me back?" Matt taunted, giving Laila a few more teasing kisses, always ending the electric pecks when she seemed to start really enjoying herself.

"You're... such a perv..." Laila softly moaned. He could feel it when she surrendered. Her body's trembling calmed, and she closed her eyes, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

Matt had always found Laila attractive. He literally had a low-key crush on her since they met, but she'd always shunned even the joke of them being together. Her obvious surrender to his kiss sent a jolt of excitement through him that he couldn't stop himself from acting on. Grabbing her hair, Matt forced a much deeper kiss on her, his tongue finding hers and her whimpers only turning him on more as the electric intensity grew.

Laila didn't fight him. She just let him have his way with her as they kissed, their tongues sliding up and down and around each other, her hands resting gently on his waist in direct contrast to rough and possessive way he was gripping her.

Matt could feel it happening. There was something more than the shocking sensation that seemed to come from her excitement. There was a different spark. He could feel her pleading for it. And he understood exactly what he was doing this time as he claimed the spark that he felt from her.

Laila shrieked, immediately breaking the kiss as she backed up, grasping at her throat as the collar came into view. "Oh my God! Oh my GOD!"

"Holy shit, Dude! You collared a fucking angel!" Mara exclaimed in shock. Her eyes shot wide before she reached to her own neck, relaxing when she felt her collar still where it should be, before she watched Laila with intrigue.

"Where the fuck did you come from?!" Laila jumped, quickly looking between Mara and Matt.

Mara let out a giggle. "I've literally been here the entire time. Thanks for letting me know that Matt had grace, by the way. Made masking my demon aura so I could get in here so much easier."

"You were watching?!"

"Watching?" Mara grinned. "I was the one nudging Matt to be so forceful with you."


"See...you were kind of putting me between a rock and a hard place. You clearly wanted Matt. I wanted Matt. And you were really important to him so we couldn't just ignore the situation, so I thought it would work if I made it clear that I was willing to share. Everyone wins."

"This was your plan?" Laila screamed, grabbing her collar.

Mara raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Well...not that. I just thought we'd both fuck him. I didn't even know he could have more than one familiar, much less that he could actually collar you in the first place. I mean...holy shit..."

"He shouldn't be able to do either!" Laila wailed. "No one should! This doesn't make any sense! None of this makes any sense!"

"Mara...pushed me to be forceful but...I thought you wanted this. When we kissed, I felt that you wanted this." Matt stated demurely, a look of guilt on his face.

"Oh Master..." Laila moaned, her eyes beginning to water. "There's nothing I've ever wanted more than to be your familiar. Than to be with you. To be yours. But no one has had more than one familiar before and absolutely no one has ever collared an angel! This is worse than you collaring the demon!"

"How is this worse than having a demon as familiar?" Matt asked, clearly confused. "No offense."

"None taken." Mara replied with a smile.

"Because I serve you now, Master. Not Heaven. You stole an angel from them!" Laila groaned. "Remember what I said about their numbers?"

"Oh..." Matt pondered. "Well...do you want me to release you then? I don't actually know how to do that but I'm assuming you could-"

"NO!!" Laila shrieked, clutching her collar, her eyes wide in panic and her wings almost vibrating as she stepped back again. "It's mine! Don't-" She paused, blinking for a moment, realizing her overreaction by Matt's surprise and Mara's smugness. She calmed herself and her body relaxed again. "I...I don't want to be released. I want to be yours, Master."

"Okay...we're going to put a stop to this 'Master' thing now because it's just weird coming from you." Matt muttered.

Laila smirked back. "As you wish, Matt. I can feel how much you really like it though."

"I know, right?" Mara agreed. "Spoil sport."

Matt was about to retort when he was distracted by Laila suddenly clutching her stomach and curling over in pain as she groaned loudly.

"Laila? Laila what's wrong?!" Matt lunged to her, only to have Mara block his path with her arm.

"Remember the difference between an angel and a fallen angel?" Mara asked solemnly.

"Wasn't it-?" Matt paused, his eyes widening with realization. "She's losing her grace? Why is she becoming a fallen angel?" There was a slight panic in his voice as he watched Leila writhing in pain. Her describing it as a limb being torn off wasn't hyperbole. If anything, from the pain he was feeling for Laila, she undersold it.

"As she said, her allegiance is to you now. It sounded like it was to you anyway but with her being your familiar, it's official. It's like you fucked a nun. The church would not be very happy." Mara answered, as they watched Laila's writhing slowly ease up, though most notably, the glow of her wings faded with each second, until they were at best a faded gray imitation of their previous splendor.

Laila panted with effort on all fours trying to catch her breath, a momentary look of disgust on her face as she saw the state of her wings, which immediately faded from sight the same way they had previously when she was talking to Mara and Matt.

"Let me help." Mara offered, kneeling down to Laila and lifting the fallen angel's chin before suddenly kissing her softly on the lips. Laila appeared to be out of it at first but quickly realized what was happening and seemed to fight it for a moment before her eyes seemed to glaze over slightly.

Matt looked on curiously before he felt the change. Part of him had gone through Mara and into Laila and found himself smirking, especially when he felt slightly...uneasy and fully understood why. "Mara, did you just give Laila my grace?"

Mara ended the kiss and grinned back at Matt. "Not all of it. But I thought she'd need it more than you right now. Besides, we're all sharing the same magic pool anyway. I lent it to her."

"I appreciate that." Laila murmured, a clear blush on her face. "You did not have to kiss me to do it though."

"Nah." Mara grinned even wider. "I was just taking advantage. I'm big on kissing."

"This is true." Matt chuckled, before his face fell slightly as he helped both girls back up. "I'm sorry it was necessary. I could...feel how painful that was. How painful it still is even with the help. I didn't mean to take that from you."

Laila smiled back, squeezing his hand. "Did you notice that I didn't fall when you collared me? I fell after I refused to let you uncollar me. It was my choice. And I stand by it."

Matt smiled softly, wrapping his arms around Laila in a tight embrace. This felt so much better than the tense freaked out version of her that he'd been dealing with most of the day. That did still leave one question, "So...what now?"

"Honestly?" Laila let out an awkward chuckle. "We're fucked. It's kind of just a matter of time at this point. Heaven is going to send someone after us and...if we can't reason with them...we're pretty much dead."

"If that's the case, I think we really need to have a little discussion here so we're both on the same page." Mara stated, crossing her arms across her ample chest.

"Mara, I told you, it wasn't personal." Laila sighed, crossing her own arms as well. "I meant it when I said that I appreciate what you did with the grace and all. Without your quick thinking, I'd still be on the ground, probably on the unresponsive side until I adjusted."

Mara stepped closer with enough intent that Matt stepped in between them, at least until he felt the specifics of the intent and gave Mara a curious look to which she gave him a wink back.

This back and forth didn't go unnoticed to Laila as her eyes narrowed. "I'm not letting you kiss me again."

"But it was kinda...tingly." Mara stated with a giggle. "Besides. You don't know what I have to offer you yet."

Laila rolled her eyes. "With all due respect, I belong to Matt. Not you. There's nothing you can offer that I want."

Mara threw back her head into a laugh, "Oh, you couldn't be more wrong. However, I would like to clarify that the kiss isn't what I want from you. That's just how we'll seal our deal."

"Deal?" Laila asked skeptically.

"That's right." Mara nodded. "You see...I'm not planning to die, but what I am planning on is us making this two familiars thing work. It still goes along with my original plan. And that's that we share Matt, but we also agree that we can get alone time with him. I'd even go as far as to leave now and give you the alone time first, since I've had him to myself the past few weeks."

Laila's eyes bulged in surprise before she quickly regained herself, though not without sparing a blushing glance to Matt. "How...long would this...alone time be?"

"That's up to Matt. It ends when he summons me."

Laila glanced at Matt again and then narrowed her eyes. Matt clearly wasn't against the idea or he would have said something instead of just...giving both girls an amused look. "Okay, fine. What do you want?"

Mara grinned back wickedly. "Nothing much. It's like I said before. We're both his familiars. We all share the same magic source. You can feel how much I care about him as much as I can feel it with you. So, all I want is for you to verbally acknowledge that we're equals and to stop talking down to me. That's it."

Laila's eyes bulged again. "I-..." She stammered, giving Matt another glance.

"Don't look at me." Matt chuckled. "That sounds fair as fuck."

"Well?" Mara urged, knowing that she had Laila even without being able to literally feel her resolve weakening.

Laila let out a sigh. "Do we have to kiss?"

"It's how I know you're taking it seriously." Mara giggled. "Besides, I kinda want to kiss you again anyway. This seems as good a reason as any."

Laila sighed again. "Fine! We are equals and I won't talk down to you anymore." As soon as the words fell from her lips, Mara had lunged forward, wrapping Laila in an embrace and claiming her lips as they kissed.

Matt smirked as he watched the display, not even trying to hide how much he was enjoying the show, especially with Mara going out of her way to get as much as she could from the kiss. The fact that Laila had to keep trying to swat Mara's hands from her ass was just icing on the perv cake.

Once the kiss ended, Laila visibly scowled at the various groping while Mara was grinning ear to ear. "Yummy..." She moaned. "Have fun you two!" And like that, she was gone.

"Are you actually gone or are you just being an invisible peeper again?!" Laila growled with irritation. The blush already on her face only intensified when she realized that she was alone with Matt now...possibly. "You know if she's here or not, don't you?"

"Yup." Matt chuckled. "But it's so much more fun to let you speculate."

"Asshole..." Laila sighed, nervously moving her hair from her face.

"Are you okay?" He asked with genuine concern.

"It's not...ideal..." Laila sighed, looking at her hand as if it were alien to her. "But...I have no regrets." Laila looked up to Matt with a grin.

Matt smiled back and sat down on one of the pews, patting the empty space next to him, which Laila accepted, sitting down. "So..." Matt began. "Now that we're alone...what do you want to do?"

Leila blushed profusely, actively avoiding eye contact. If Matt looked close enough he could see her body trembling ever so slightly. She focused on keeping her breathing even as she answered, "What...ever...you want to do, Matt."

"That wasn't what I asked." Matt replied with a teasing chuckle.

The intensity of Matt's gaze only seemed to make Laila more self-conscious. Her trembling was more obvious as she replied, "It's still true, regardless. I am yours, to...serve you however you wish for me to."

Matt chuckled again. "We're not talking about what I wish. We're talking about what you want. So, I'll ask again, what do you want to do? And be specific."

Laila's face burned. She scowled at Matt ever so slightly. There was no way he couldn't feel how embarrassed she was getting. If she didn't know any better, she'd think he was enjoying it. "I...want to...kiss you again..." She finally murmured.

As Matt moved closer, Laila closed her eyes and subtly parted her lips again only for Matt's lips to end up by her ear as he whispered, "Where?"

Laila shuddered, a small moan escaping her lips. "Wha?...What do you mean?"

"Where do you want me to kiss you? Where do you want to kiss me? I told you to be specific..."

Laila let out a whimper. "Matt, you're being so mean... Is Mara telling you to do this?"

Matt chuckled softly against Laila's ear, reveling in her trembling reactions. "This is all me. But I will say that I did get the idea from a little something I felt from you when Mara kissed you that second time."

Laila snapped back, an embarrassed panic on her face as she stammered, "I...I don't know what you're-"

"Don't lie." Matt warned, a mischievous smirk on his lips as he put a finger to Laila's, shushing her. "I'll know you're lying. And I'll punish you accordingly."

"H...how will you punish me?"

Matt grinned even wider. "You'll find out once you do a punishable offense. Now answer the damn question."

Laila bit her bottom lip nervously as she looked thoughtfully to the side. "On my lips...to begin with."

"Naughty..." Matt purred, leaning forward to Laila's waiting lips.

"I'm not naughty..." Laila moaned softly.

Once again Laila waited for a kiss that didn't happen, as she heard Matt whisper in her ear, "That was a lie."

Laila snapped back again, her face panic stricken as she protested, "But I'm not!" She whimpered.

"That's two lies. Well...technically the same lie twice. Still counts. Either way, over my knee." Matt ordered, patting his lap.

Laila's eyes widened, very quickly putting together what her punishment was. She looked nervously around the room for any indication that Mara was still around before hesitantly surrendering herself to her fate and crawling over Matt's lap.

Matt chuckled darkly at the angel across his lap. Grabbing roughly at the back of Laila's jeans and yanked them down along with her panties, revealing her bare ass to him. He could feel Laila's embarrassment practically radiating from her. So, he let her wallow in it for a time, simply looking at her ass in silence before gently patting one cheek and then the other.

"For every lie you tell me, I'm going to spank you progressively harder." Matt stated, before looking up thoughtfully. "And for every spank, you must say, 'I will not be a naughty girl.'. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Matt." Laila whimpered, instinctively tensing.

Matt possessively grabbed Laila's ass until she relaxed. Like most of her, her ass was firm, giving in to his grip before he gave it a very sudden, powerful slap.

"Fuck!" Laila squealed, squirming in Matt's lap as the pain radiated through her ass cheek. "I...will not be a...naughty girl."

When Matt raised his hand for the second spank, Laila immediately tensed again, whimpering softly. Just like last time, he waited, and the moment she relaxed the muscles, he kept true to his word and spanked her harder.

"I will not be a naughty girl!" Laila screamed, instinctively kicking her legs a bit before she calmed down. Looking over her shoulder back at him, she let out a slight pout. "You didn't have to start out so hard..."

"Sure, I did." Matt grinned. "You did well though. You can stand up now."