Overly Familiar Pt. 02 Ch. 04


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"Technically speaking," Teriana chuckled, sorting the pieces again. "...neither do you."

"I'm not releasing my wings for that." Laila rolled her eyes. "Besides...if I'm going to be fucked until I pass out, I want to be fucked until I pass out. Not by proxy..."

"Awww Laila..." Matt moaned softly into her ear, softly pulling on the lobe with his teeth. "I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

Laila quivered, turning to the source of the air that was continually blowing seductively against her ear every time Matt spoke, looking him in the eye as her lips brushed his. "I'll hold you to that, Master."

"You can hold any part of me you want." Matt teased, launching his lips onto his angelic familiar and kissing her with so much intensity that she was literally breathless when he broke it.

"Master...you evil man..." Laila gasped. "...if you weren't so tired right now..."

"I'm pretty sure I pop boners when I sleep." Matt teased.

Both Laila and Teriana gave a cursory glance at Matt's groin. "Yes. You do." Laila admitted. "But it's no fun if you're not awake to enjoy it."

"Not to mention that you'd probably think she was either Mara or Lynette by what you mumble in your sleep." Teriana stated casually. "While I personally wouldn't mind you saying another name, I think Laila might-"

"I talk in my sleep?" Matt interrupted, getting another temporary jolt of awakeness. "What do I say?"

Teriana looked up thoughtfully, "It usually ranges from, 'Oh fuck!', 'Yes!', 'That feels so good!', or 'Just like that!', to 'Please don't!', 'Stop!', or 'She's had enough!'. Or you'll just keep moaning Mara or Lynette's names over and over. Sometimes it's hard to tell if you're in pain or...not in pain..."

"My God, Master! What exactly have you been dreaming about?" Laila gasped, turning to Matt again.

"Nothing I really want to get into right now." Matt had made a point of keeping his nightmares as vague as possible for a reason. Besides, he was hoping that after getting so much of it off his chest to Mara that maybe his subconscious would chill the fuck out for a night. Even so, he could tell that Laila didn't want to let that go. And as bad as it made him feel deep down, he just thought really hard about how much he didn't want to talk about it and that was that. It had been the same way with their supposed destiny and title.

Laila's eyes narrowed slightly, but she clearly got the message and followed his will. "Good night, Master."

As Teriana and Matt traded their own good nights as well, the goddess turned her attention back to Laila. "Another game?"

Laila flashed Teriana a look. "You know you won't win..."

"Oh. I don't play to win." Teriana replied, resetting the board with a wave of her hand and moving her pawn, "I just enjoy being in the game."


"You know..." Matt began with an amused smirk. "For someone who went out of their way to point out that we were in fact, not dating...when given a choice of what to do for a day...it seems very much like a date."

Laila looked up from her comfortable position, nuzzling against Matt while resting her head on his shoulder. "I never said anything about not going on dates. That isn't a prerequisite for dating."

"Uh huh." Matt chuckled, giving Laila a soft kiss on the forehead. He could feel how content she was and even he had to admit that the change of scenery was a pleasant surprise. There was a nice breeze that caused both of the duo to sigh happily under their large umbrella.

"I love the beach." Laila commented, taking in a deep breath at the smell of the ocean.

"I don't." Matt muttered with a frown. "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

Laila narrowed her eyes at Matt, instantly recognizing the quote. "You're such a dork..."

"You know you love it." Matt chuckled, holding Laila close against him. "Also, you got the reference, so..."

"I've been around since before time started ticking." Laila shot back with a grin. "I have an excuse to know a bunch of useless information."

Matt reared back with a faux gasp. "How dare you call Star Wars useless information."

"Well...to be fair, everything from the way ships move and stop without reverse thrusters, the way planets explode and even the way that lightsabers are hot enough to cut through metal that's inches thick relatively quickly and somehow not be hot enough to liquify the human holding it, if not setting the entire room on fire, is all incredibly inaccurate." Laila rolled her eyes. "And don't get me started on the fact that if Jedi can lift entire spaceships then they can fly. They can fly! And they never...fucking...fly! And don't tell me that force-jumping bullshit counts, because that is not flying!"

Matt couldn't help but to chuckle at the angel's frustration. "Okay, fair points. However, inaccuracy does not equate to uselessness."

"No, but it equates to stupidity." Laila grumbled, a smile appearing on her face despite the supposed irritation in her voice. It had been a while since they had enough quiet time together to just rant and rave about completely insignificant things. It was nice.

"This is nice." Matt agreed, responding to the aura of happiness Laila had suddenly given off. "There's only one thing that's putting a dampener on everything."

"I swear, Master. If you say that the others should be here right now..." Laila growled.

"No, no." Matt laughed. "This is our day together. The four of us can have a nice leisurely day at the beach some other time. What I'm referring to...is this ridiculousness." Matt indicated the source of his displeasure by pulling at the oversized shirt that was currently covering most of Laila's body.

"W-what?" Laila stammered, her cheeks immediately flushing a bright red as she hugged her knees. "I thought guys liked it when girls wore their shirts."

"Oh, I do." Matt agreed, a dark twinkle forming in his eyes. "But I also very much want to see what is under it."

"It was so unfair that you let Mara 'alter' my bikinis." Laila muttered, avoiding eye contact.

"We have very similar taste." Matt chuckled. "I like how she dresses you."

"She dresses me like a slut."

Matt laughed, unable to disagree. However, it was so opposing to the clothes that Laila normally wore that he couldn't help but to get more excited in seeing her dressed that way. "Would it make it better if I let you dress her sometimes?"

Laila rolled her eyes again. "It wouldn't matter. She'd just use her illusions to make it so that I'd see her dressed in whatever I chose and no one else would, or worse, she'd do the opposite."

"So...it's not that we're in public, it's that you specifically don't want me to see?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't want anyone to see me in the atrocity of straps she calls a bikini." Laila grumbled. "It would be literally impossible for me to swim in it without flashing the whole world."

"You can magically make it stick to you." Matt pointed out.

"That's beside the point!"

"Is it, now..." Matt purred in Laila's ear, gently stroking his finger along her collar. Just as Mara's gained an interesting trait of having a subtle red reflection to it once they'd been imprinted, Laila's collar reflected everything. It was basically a mirror. Something that Mara used endlessly to poke fun at, usually using Laila's collar to check to see if there was anything in her teeth before Laila swatted her away.

"...Master...?" Laila mewled softly, quivering at Matt's touch.

"The more you talk about how indecent and slutty whatever you're wearing under there is, the more I want to see it."

Laila looked away shyly. "Master, you've seen me naked, so...I'm sure that whatever you're clearly picturing in your head is probably worse than what I'm actually wearing..."

Matt grinned devilishly at the angel before him, "So...what you're saying is that...you're deliberately teasing me."

Laila's eyes shot wide in fear as she turned back to Matt. "D...does that have the same punishment as lying?"

Matt looked up thoughtfully. "Hm...no. But I do have an idea for an appropriate punishment..."

"But...you tease me all the time!" Laila complained.

Matt let out a small chuckle as he leaned back comfortably. "Yeah, I do. Good thing we aren't equals or that would make the slightest difference."

Laila growled and huffed a bit, but she couldn't fault his logic and waited for her inevitable embarrassment.

"I think..." Matt began, grinning even wider, "...that if you're going to tease me, you need to go all out. Dance. Put on a show for me."

The blood instantly drained from Laila's face. "You...want me to...strip for you...here? Completely?"

"Not completely." Matt laughed. "Just the shirt. You can do that, can't you? It's just one article of clothing. If you dance sexy enough, I'll let you cloak yourself so I'm the only one who can see you."

"I'll dance sexy enough!" Laila immediately blurted out in horror. "I promise! I'll...I'll dance really...sexy for you. If I do then can I...start out cloaked as well?"

Matt sighed over dramatically. "...fine. You drive a hard bargain. If you insist, you can do a sexy little striptease for me and only me."

Laila looked at the smug smile on Matt's face and scowled. "You were never going to let me dance like that uncloaked, were you?"

Matt grinned back at the question. "Who do you belong to?"

"...you, Master..."

Matt's grin widened. "So, who and who alone owns that sexy body of yours?"

Laila looked away at the attention, unable to turn redder if she tried. "You do, Master."

"Okay, then." Matt said confidently with a wink. "Let's get this show started."

"Yes, Master..." Laila murmured, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. There was already a low-key warding spell around them because Laila wanted them to have some privacy. She also had a feeling something like this would happen and she wanted it to be easy to take them from mostly unnoticed to completely invisible if needed. Within seconds the spell was cast, and not only would people generally avoid their area, but now they wouldn't be able to make them out if they did.

Laila glanced at Matt, who was watching her with rapt anticipation. Turning her back to him, she started out slowly. She gently swayed her hips, a beat beginning in her mind. With every sway, she gradually put more and more effort into it. At first it was mostly side to side, but now she was adding a full circular rotation to her hips. Matt simply smiled and enjoyed the show. He knew despite all her protests that she'd be amazing at this. Probably for the same reason she was so damn good at blowjobs. In the meantime, he just lost himself to her dance, his eyes roaming over her hips, which even her oversized shirt couldn't hide with the way she was moving them.

She was glancing at him now, seductively peeking over her shoulder. Matt could feel the confidence building in her as the angel slowly bent over. It was almost maddening. Even with the shirt rising from the position, he still couldn't make out any of her bikini yet. But he could see her legs and the outline of her ass, so he focused on those as she wiggled a bit for him. He narrowed his eyes at her, but he couldn't really say anything. He'd wanted her to tease him and he was sufficiently being teased. A small grin formed on Laila's face as she ran her hands up and down her shapely legs and lifted her shirt but only to her upper thighs before letting it go and focusing on her movements again.

Now it was as if the circular motion of Laila's hips were moving her entire body, slowly spinning her around so that she was facing him. Her movements were smooth and sultry, and as soon as she was turned around, her gaze remained piercingly on Matt's. It was borderline distracting. His eyes would roam to the curves that Laila's dance allowed him to see, but her staring was so intense that they would always be inevitably drawn back to those beautiful blue eyes. Every time their gazes crossed, it felt so much more intense seeing the movement all in his peripheral vision. But he would tear away from it each time, especially when Laila's hands joined in on the dance.

Most of her form was hidden by the garment, but as her hands moved up her body, he was teased yet again by the treasures that lied within. He followed her hands as they roamed her hips, her waist, and softly caressed her breasts. By the time they were in her hair and then waving in the air to whatever song was in the angel's head, Matt was fighting to urge to just make her take the damn thing off. As if she could feel his impatience, which she absolutely could, she smirked again.

It was time for her legs to join the party again as she lowered herself while still keeping the rotation of her hips going. Now that her legs were spread, Matt finally got the first glimpse of the black material. He could make out that it was barely a strip of cloth with thin strings holding it together on her hips and that made him salivate even more. He caught just that glimpse before it was taken from him again with a swift rotation that had her back to him again. Laila's hands continued to go through her blonde hair as she lewdly bounced up and down, once again showing off her ass to him, even if the thin material of the shirt was still in the way. She wasn't bouncing hard, but it was enough that Matt could see her ass jiggling ever so much. Despite the growing frustration at the teasing, he couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying the performance. There was this cocky side of her that he just didn't get to see unless she was able to show off like this. He'd have to keep that in mind.

The bikini obviously didn't leave much to the imagination when it came to the bottom half of it since as Laila moved, Matt could clearly see the contours of her ass as if she wasn't wearing anything at all. As if to confirm this, Laila gave her hips an unexpectedly hard pop as she stood up again, giving Matt a good look at the bikini bottoms from the back...or lack thereof as it were. Matt made a winded face as he whistled, and the look Laila shot back at him over her shoulder was pure gold. He didn't think she'd be 'hating' having Mara dress her from now on. Or maybe she was just lost in the moment and that smile was just her soaking up all the nonverbal adulation. Either way, it just made him smile right back at her.

It was as if there was a snap. Or the song in Laila's head as suddenly changed, because her dancing went from slow and sensual to jerky and primal. If her hips had momentarily taken over her body for her to turn around earlier, they had taken full control now. Matt had never seen a professional belly dancer before but he had to assume that this was the experience of one who knew what she was doing. It was as if Laila had become possessed by a snake and it had controlled her from the waist. Her entire body swayed with the sudden, jerky movements and quite a few times Matt had gotten a few peeks at Laila's bikini bottoms from the force of her thrusts. And then, just like that, it was gone. Matt had been looking right at Laila and he hadn't seen the motion that did it. But she'd done a waving motion with her body and her shirt was flung into the air, and by the time Matt had recognized what it was and turned his attention back to Laila, she was now dancing with her arms crossed over her chest, hiding the top from him.

Laila let out a giggle when Matt growled back at her, but she continued to dance, now unencumbered by the garment. This also meant that it was no longer a tease, and Matt could fully make out her body as it swayed. His eyes didn't even know where to focus anymore. He could see the bottoms completely now and they were simply mouthwatering on Laila's frame. As she continued her snakelike dance, she eventually decided to stop teasing him and added her hands to the gyrations yet again. Once again, Matt let out a little whistle as he saw why Laila had been so...unforthcoming about that top. It was as if there were thin strings that made out an outline for a normal bikini top, but an outline was all it was. If not for the thin strip of material that came down the outline to cover her nipples, she might as well have not even bothered with a top at all. Though Laila's breasts couldn't compete with her busty colleagues in arms, the bikini still brought out an intense sexuality about them and there was still enough there that they jiggled profusely with her sways.

Now that she had nothing more to hide, Laila's dance seemed to change course yet again. Now it wasn't so much as innately sensual as it was straight up mimicking sexual acts to a beat. As much effort as Matt had spent into trying to figure out what her bikini looked like, now he was so much more distracted by what was filling it out. His gaze became all the more intense as Laila bounced up and down, grinding her hips to the imaginary phallus inside of her. Matt didn't know if she was doing it on purpose, but it was just making his lust more focused. And she knew what happened he focused his lust on her like that.

"Ah!" Laila gasped as she continued to thrust her hips, more moans quickly following after. Well...Matt asked for it and he felt thoroughly teased. Why not give her a little reward? Now with purpose, Matt mentally joined in Laila's dance. As if he were the one touching her. As if he were the one making her body jolt. And Laila responded accordingly. She moaned and bucked even harder. He was sure she would lose the beat to the dance she was doing, but she never did. He just continued to do the equivalent of emotionally fucking the angel why she danced until it reached its inevitable climax.

"Oh my God! Master!" Laila cried out as she fell to her knees, whimpering, quivering and shaking in ecstasy. She was on all fours by the time the orgasm finally reached its plateau and she was finally able to come down from it. The only thing that jolted her from desperately trying to get her breath back was the sudden applause that came from under the umbrella.

"I asked for a show and goddamn, woman. That was definitely a show." Matt replied, grinning ear to ear.

Now that the dance was over, it was as if the cloud was lifted and Laila fully realized what she'd just done and the blood immediately rushed to her face. She looked as if she were going to cover herself before realized how completely futile of a gesture that would be at this point. "W...was that...sexy enough...Master?"

"What do you think?" Matt asked, glancing down at his throbbing erection clearly poking out through his trunks.

Laila licked her lips, and as if the protrusion were calling out to her, she began crawling to him. "I think...I should help you with that, Master..."

"If you want..." Matt chuckled. "But I swear to you, Laila... If you so much as touch my cock before I can calm down from that little display... Open your wings all you want, I am still going to fuck you so hard and for so long that every single angel will feel it and your day will be long done before you wake up from it."

Laila paused, and bit her bottom lip, looking from Matt's crotch to his eyes and back, clearly conflicted. She could see from the fire in his gaze that he wasn't kidding. As much as she'd love to just...fuck him all day long, she had wanted to do...more than that today. With a small whimper, she sat up and chose to keep eye contact this time. "So...I take it you like the bikini...?"

Matt threw back his head and let out a deep breath. "...understatement... Mark my words...I am absolutely going to fuck you in that thing."

Laila looked away shyly, unable to keep the grin from her lips. "...then I guess...I'll keep it like this... I still think it's impractical for swimming though..."