Oz Beach Boy Hypnotized...Nude

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A beautiful, older hypnotist gets Matt out of his clothes...
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AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is an entry in the Pink Orchid 2024 for Women-Centric Erotica Challenge. This story features my recurring character Matt (a muscular, well-hung, twenty-something, sex addicted male exhibitionist) being hypnotised by attractive forty-year-old hypnotist Sandrine Charteris as a means to treat his problem of premature ejaculation. This is a CFNM story featuring hypnosis-induced male nudity, female-of-male body worship, and hypnosis-induced male masturbation, but NO sexual intercourse. This story takes place before Matt began his relationship with Odessa Prince. This is a work of complete fiction. All characters are over eighteen. I am endeavouring to write a CFNM "Oz Beach Boy" story in every Literotica category. This entry: "Mind Control".


It was a mild summer afternoon in Sydney, Australia. Forty-year-old Sandrine Charteris smiled as her new client walked through the door...he was one of the most handsome young men she'd ever seen.

"Hello...is it...Matt?" Sandrine asked, looking over the top of her stylish, red-framed Burberry glasses at her day's list of appointments on her laptop, and smiling to herself at the young man's rather unfortunate surname.

"Yes, I'm Matt," the very attractive man replied, his gorgeous face crinkled in a charming smile.

"I'm Sandrine Charteris," the attractive forty-year-old said warmly. "Welcome...take a seat. How can I help you today, Matt?"

"Well...um...it's a little embarrassing for me to say," Matt replied with a frown, and sat down in the chair opposite Sandrine's neat, minimalist office desk.

"That's okay, Matt," Sandrine responded. "I help people deal with all sorts of problems...some of them are indeed very personal in nature. This session is completely confidential, and wholly non-judgemental. Try to relax, Matt...this is a safe space. How can I help you?"

"Well...I...ah...I suffer from premature ejaculation," Matt replied, clearly embarrassed.

"Mmmm...that's not a specialty of mine, but there is an approach I can try," Sandrine said quietly. "Because I have limited expertise with this, I'll only charge you half the price of a usual session. Would you like to continue?"

"Yes...thank you, that's very kind," Matt said with a smile.

Sandrine Charteris had twelve years of experience as a counsellor, life coach, and hypnotist. She specialised in helping clients beat bad habits such as smoking and over-eating, and also worked in easing clients' anxiety and social awkwardness. Sandrine had helped some clients with issues of sexual dysfunction, but it was not something she dealt with frequently.

Premature ejaculation is both a psychological and physiological issue, and Sandrine was far from certain she would be able to assist this handsome young man adequately. Always up for a challenge, however, she opted to try a technique that she thought might work...Sandrine was also very, very reluctant to turn this very attractive young man away.

Though happily married with three charming little offspring, Sandrine did enjoy ogling good-looking young men. The attractive forty-year-old had always been faithful to her much-loved husband of fifteen years, but her eye would often stray while at the beach or engaged in social functions.

Sandrine had caught her husband slyly gazing at attractive women too, so her feelings of guilt were decidedly minimal. Sandrine Charteris was all about looking and not touching, and keeping her marriage well and truly on track.

"Matt, have you sought treatment for your premature ejaculation before?" Sandrine asked.

"No, but a woman I had sex with did coach me through it," replied Matt, who appeared to be somewhere in his mid-twenties. "She taught me some breathing exercises and mental things, but I'm still, you know, orgasming very quickly." [See Story: "Oz Beach Boy Byron Bay Hippy Tryst"]

"Are you in a relationship?" Sandrine asked. "Do you have regular sexual partners?"

"I'm single, but there are a couple of women I see on a semi-regular basis," Matt replied with a smile. "I also have casual sex a fair bit."

"And your premature ejaculation is affecting your enjoyment of sex?" Sandrine asked casually.

"Yes...I like to give women pleasure," Matt said with a smile. "I like them to have a good time. I like to make them happy."

"Well, you've got a head-start on a lot of men already," Sandrine said with a gentle laugh. "You know, of course, there are other ways of bringing a woman pleasure?"

"Oh, yes," Matt said, and fixed Sandrine with a bold stare. "I really enjoy performing cunnilingus on a woman...I love it. It gives me pleasure too."

"That's great," Sandrine said, her voice quivering ever so slightly. "What about when you're bringing yourself pleasure? Do you ejaculate prematurely? Or does that only happen with a partner?"

"Are you talking about when I, um...masturbate?" Matt asked.

"Yes, when you play with yourself...do you last longer?" Sandrine enquired.

"Yes...I'm able to relax into it more," Matt replied with a cute, nervous smile, and then fixed Sandrine with that bold stare again. "There's not the same tension when I'm just naked and playing with myself."

This very suggestive statement about nudity and masturbation convinced Sandrine that Matt was flirting with her. These were very forward comments, and the attractive forty-year-old had also seen Matt stealing glances at her. Though dressed conservatively in a pair of stylish red slacks and a very expensive Balenciaga white blouse, the shape and size of Sandrine's extremely large breasts was clear to see, and she'd noticed Matt looking at them on several occasions.

"How did you find out about my practice, Matt?" Sandrine asked.

"My friend Dominique St. Clair recommended you," Matt replied. "She said you helped her quit smoking years ago."

"Oh, yes, I vaguely remember Dominique," Sandrine mused quietly. "She's a beautiful, charismatic woman. I assisted her quite some time ago. Is she still off the cigarettes?"

"She is indeed," Matt replied. "I checked your website too after Dominique told me about you...I liked your photo."

Again, when Matt said this, he fixed Sandrine with a very bold stare, which sent a shiver of pure delight racing up her spine. Now Sandrine was certain beyond doubt that Matt was flirting with her; the handsome young man had basically just signalled that he found her attractive. Sandrine was flattered and quietly excited. Again, she would not be acting physically on any of this, but it was always exciting to be desired.

Sandrine Charteris certainly turned her fair share of heads. Tall and lean at 5"9, the forty-year-old had long legs, a nicely curved butt, and a classy kind of sex appeal that moved just beyond her good looks. Always classily and stylishly dressed, Sandrine had long, straight, almost white blonde hair, finely understated features, full, red lips, and striking blue eyes.

And then there were her breasts. Very big, full and firm, they always garnered Sandrine plenty of male attention, especially when she was at the beach in a bikini. Sandrine would often catch men staring at her breasts, and she secretly loved it. Even her husband admitted that her gorgeous breasts were the first thing he'd noticed about her.

When engaging with clients at her practice, Sandrine always kept her look understated and professional. She pulled her long hair back into a neat ponytail or braid, wore only very minimal jewellery and make-up, and usually sported a simple, stylish ensemble of slacks and blouse, or a conservative but form-flattering dress or skirt.

The minute Sandrine saw handsome young Matt walk into her office, however, she'd very quickly and discreetly popped the top couple of buttons on her blouse, revealing what she hoped was an appealing look at her smooth, pale skin, and just a glimpse at the top of the considerable cleavage created by her supportive bra.

Sandrine caught Matt looking down at her breasts again, and opted to begin the session. She caught a quick look at him too while pretending to check something on her computer, checking the way Matt's muscular torso and strong, powerful arms strained against his short-sleeved, button-up shirt. The handsome young man was having such an effect on her that Sandrine feared her Burberry spectacles might fog up.

"Okay, Matt," Sandrine began, "I think the most likely successful way to treat your premature ejaculation would be through hypnosis. I will place you in a relaxed state, and then use some tools of suggestion that are designed to stay in place, and then hopefully assist with your sexual issues. Would you like to continue?"

"Yes, I'm more than willing to give that a try," Matt replied. "I'd like to continue."

"That's great," Sandrine said. "Have you undergone hypnosis before, Matt?"

"No, I haven't," Matt replied. "I'm intrigued."

"Well, it's all about relaxation," Sandrine explained. "And just so you know, despite common misconception, a hypnotist can't make you do anything that you wouldn't do in your normal life, or something that goes against your sense of morality. I can't make you crawl around on all fours and bark like a dog, or turn you into a covert assassin. That can only be done through extreme brainwashing, and that is certainly not something I practice here!"

"Oh, right," Matt said with a laugh. "That's reassuring."

"You can be confident that you won't be engaging in anything that would normally make you uncomfortable," Sandrine explained. "Shall we begin?"

"Yes, let's do it," Matt said enthusiastically. "I'm ready."

"Okay, Matt, I'd like you to lie down on the couch," Sandrine said and pointed at the long, vinyl-covered recliner positioned near her desk. "I'd also like you to be as comfortable as possible...most clients like to take off their shoes."

"Okay, sure," Matt said, and then sat down on the edge of the recliner and began unlacing his sneakers.

After sliding off his obviously expensive trainers and socks, the now sexily barefoot Matt swung his legs around and positioned himself on the recliner. He placed his big, heavily muscled arms at his side, and the buttons on his shirt almost strained under the pressure of his broad chest and shoulders. Sandrine couldn't help notice that even his feet were near-perfect and well-groomed.

Sandrine also couldn't help noticing the very large bulge in Matt's beige-coloured chinos. She hadn't clocked it when he walked into her office, but now that he was lying down and his pants had become somewhat strained, the protrusion of what was obviously a very large penis had become excitingly obvious. Again, a shiver of pleasure raced up Sandrine's spine...this handsome young man just got better and better. Though not a "size queen", Sandrine certainly wasn't averse to a large penis.

"Are you ready to begin?" Sandrine asked. "I'll go through a range of exercises which will relax you and allow me to place you in a state where I can use the power of suggestion to hopefully assist you with your premature ejaculation issues."

"Yep, I'm ready," Matt replied with a flirtatious smirk. "I already feel quite relaxed, so that might make things easier for you."

With the warmest, calmest, most pleasantly reassuring smile she could muster, Sandrine Charteris produced a collection of small, coloured crystals from a cabinet near her desk and commenced her relaxation procedure, requesting that Matt move his focus across the variety of crystals while she spoke softly and quietly, moving the handsome young man into an increasingly tranquil state.

Sandrine then redirected Matt's focus onto one single crystal, eventually swinging it back and forth on a small, gold chain until the young man's eyes began to droop and flutter. All the while, Sandrine kept talking, quietly and calmly.

As Matt became increasingly drowsy, Sandrine stole another glance at the impressive bulge in his chinos, and felt her heart skip a beat. The beautiful counsellor and life coach hadn't experienced such strong feelings of lust for a man other than her husband for quite some time...it was illicit and thrilling.

"You are feeling relaxed," Sandrine said dreamily. "All of the tension is leaving your body...every fear...every anxiety...every concern...your muscles are softening...you are completely relaxed. You feel as if in a warm, comforting embrace. Close your eyes...close your eyes...close your eyes..."

Matt's broad, strong chest rose and fell, the thin cotton of his short-sleeved shirt straining and stretching ever so slightly, the tight sleeves tested by his bulging biceps. Again, Sandrine's gaze dropped to Matt's alluring crotch, and the handsome young man then slumped down into the couch. His eyes gently widened for a moment, and then fluttered closed.

Sandrine paused briefly, and used the opportunity to drink in Matt's masculine beauty: his strong, firmly set jaw; his longish, sandy brown hair; his high cheekbones and finely shaped nose; his muscular arms and chest; and the big mound of his crotch, which sexily challenged the zipper of his chinos. Sandrine had never been so happy to have a client on her couch.

"When I gently clap my hands, you will awake," Sandrine said quietly. "You will then be open to the power of suggestion. You will follow my instructions. On the count of three, I will clap my hands. One, two, three..."

Sandrine clapped her hands together quietly, the thin gold Fendi bracelet around her left wrist shaking back and forth. Matt's eyes slowly opened, and Sandrine saw the all too familiar flat, dazed stare of the successfully hypnotised. Matt looked directly upward from his position on the couch, his soulful brown eyes fixed and unblinking. Sandrine was convinced the handsome young man was well and truly under.

Shaking ever so slightly, Sandrine knew what she wanted to do. Considering that Matt had sought her assistance in dealing not just with a sexual issue, but one involving his own orgasms, Sandrine assured herself with some level of confidence that her intended actions wouldn't be moving completely outside of the moral boundaries she had long ago set for herself as a hypnotist.

Even though perhaps not wholly necessary, Sandrine's decidedly naughty intended plan would still be set in action with the aim of attempting to help Matt with his issue of premature ejaculation. Despite being salacious in nature, Sandrine's planned course of action would not place her in contravention of her profession's codes either. The beautiful hypnotist and counsellor was confident about what she was doing.

Though nervous -- and very, very excited -- Sandrine took full responsibility for her actions, and she well and truly had complete agency in terms of her own sexual desires. For once, Sandrine Charteris was doing something for herself...she was not meeting the demands of her family for a change, but solely the demands of her own libido. It felt good.

"Matt," Sandrine said firmly, and then discreetly moved the photo of her husband from the top of her desk to inside its top drawer, "when I give you a command, I want you to let me know you have understood it by responding with 'Yes, Ms. Charteris.'"

"Yes, Ms. Charteris," Matt responded, his voice flat and near monotone.

"Please stand up...and take off your shirt," Sandrine said quietly and nervously after a long pause.

"Yes, Ms. Charteris," Matt said flatly.

With none of the obvious athlete's natural grace he'd displayed upon walking into her office, Sandrine watched as Matt slowly, almost robotically swung his long, powerful legs over the edge of the couch, and then stiffly stood up.

"Please face me directly," Sandrine said calmly, despite the fact she was shivering with nerves.

"Yes, Ms. Charteris," Matt said flatly.

"Now...please take off your shirt," Sandrine said again.

With no hesitation, Matt blankly popped the top button of his fashionable slim-fit, short-sleeved shirt, and then robotically moved onto the next. Sandrine smiled slightly at the immediacy with which Matt had followed her command to take off his shirt. He appeared to have no problem with Sandrine's first naughty command.

This told Sandrine that Matt was comfortable with her seeing him bare-chested, which was hardly surprising considering how much work he obviously put into his physical appearance. If Matt had any fear or moral issue with Sandrine seeing him without his shirt, even the hypnotist's commands wouldn't make him do it. Being under hypnosis didn't instantly just turn someone into a puppet...at their core, they had to be okay with what was asked of them.

Again, with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever, Matt blankly moved his fingers downward, popping button after button until his short-sleeved shirt hung casually open, providing the increasingly excited Sandrine with her first delicious glimpse of the handsome young man's bare torso.

Just as Sandrine began to gaze lustfully at the striking rigidity of Matt's sexily revealed body, the handsome young man wrenched his shirt back over his broad shoulders, and then pulled the garment off completely. Matt stood blankly with his removed shirt hanging limp from his right hand, obviously awaiting his next command. He really was under Sandrine's control.

"Please fold your shirt, place it over the back of the couch, and then turn to face me," Sandrine said quietly.

"Yes, Ms. Charteris," Matt said flatly, and did exactly what he was told, neatly folding his shirt and gently setting it down on the back of the couch.

Matt stiffly turned and faced Sandrine, his ripped, vein-crossed arms hanging limply at his side. Sandrine's beautiful blue eyes widened just a little as she excitingly took in the glorious, unobstructed sight of the now completely bare-chested Matt. Sandrine's eyes moved back and forth, and up and down, the handsome young man's bare torso. She liked what she saw...she liked it very much.

The first thing Sandrine noticed was how completely smooth Matt's deeply tanned skin was...there was not a single hair on Matt's entire torso. The handsome young man's skin was so silky that Sandrine assumed he'd either had it lasered, or visited a waxing salon on a regular basis. If it was a salon, oh how those women must enjoy waxing Matt!

Matt's body was in perfect proportion and his torso looked as if it had been carved from marble. His chest was broad and powerful, his pectoral muscles rock-hard and strikingly formed. Matt's abdomen was a washboard wonder, heavily and deeply ridged with muscles. His huge biceps bulged even as he stood with his arms limp at his sides, and his strong-looking forearms rippled with quiet power. Sandrine was staggered at how truly amazing Matt looked without his shirt.

"Matt, please place your hands up behind your head," Sandrine instructed quietly.

"Yes, Ms. Charteris," Matt said flatly, and then immediately lifted his rippling arms and placed his hands behind his head.

Sandrine saw just a very small, obviously well-groomed patch of hair under each of Matt's arms, maintaining his masculinity while continuing his charming practice of rather extreme man-scaping, which the beautiful older woman very sincerely hoped extended to other parts of his body.

The movement of Matt's arms as he lifted them also made his enormous biceps pop and bulge, while all of the muscles in his chest and abdomen tensed and flexed. Sandrine looked down at the top button and zipper of Matt's beige chinos, and knew exactly what had to happen next. Sandrine smiled knowingly.

"Matt, please take off your pants," Sandrine instructed quietly. "Remove them completely...don't just drop them to your ankles. Take your chinos right off and place them with your shirt."