OZone 05 : Steel Wool


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Oz began to hang up when he heard the Colonel sputter more info. "Counselor's a her? No shit! Graduated top of her class. All good! Yeah, yeah, I'm the top and I promise I'll keep her ass in clASS sacred to the Academy. We don't want this devious ole MASTER soiling that school like the old days, now do we, Arch? How is ole Sergeant Hickey-- er-- Teriki? Did they ever find her bra in the library? Course not! Nobody reads Catcher in the Rye these days. I figured that was the best hidin' place. Burnin' books ranks right up there with burnin' bras."

He chuckled then gnashed his teeth over what came next. "Your son married her? Awwwww hell! Best find that bra then cuz it's got her name on it and my stains. Yes, Sir! I surely am an evil man. I'll try and keep my charms in my pants on this one. Young and impressionable, huh! Teriki wanted to bring my boy here?"

Dhorne chuckled! "Good thing you ordered her to stand down. I'd hate to have sent her back a blubberin' idiot. She's a pleader after drinkin' a fifth. Course, I'm good for six to ten times."

Another burst of chuckles between the men went over well. "Tell Barney he married a winner. Suzie Teriki's a dynamo. What's this counselor's name? Corporal Renee Cherish? Interestin' moniker there. Ight! I'll send her home with a sense of accomplishment. Right, and her bra. I'm doubtin' once my boy gets here, I'll be focused on any Corporal-- punishment. I'll be the one punished enough by him."

Dhorne frowned at Archibald's good-natured abuse. "Now that's a safe bet, Arch! Three years of aggression built up. I can't blame him. I'll win him back; it just might take a month or five. Ah, ah, ah, Archway! Ain't in no mood to discuss my brother. He's a grown man now. Any trouble he's gotten himself in is his business, not ours. "America's Most Wanted has run his case into the ground and that's where it needs to stay. Buried!"

A moment of eye closure signaled a sadness on the subject. "I'll be sure to tell Nina you gave her yer worst. Finger eleven salute and a forearm flagpole? Got it! Tell those new cadets the story about the time me and Donwally pulled the steel wool over the eyes of Sister Monica when we spiked the Holy Water with Vodka? You should! Discipline changed our world. Her world too?"

"Huh?" Dhorne drooped his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose as he lowered his gaze. "Yer kiddin' me! She gave up the seminary to become a stripper? All cuzza me? Ummm, Arch? Does my boy know 'bout all that? Ahhhh, hell! Bet that counselor does too, don't she? Cadets used to tease Conjob tryin' to make him more like me? The Dhorne name is like a curse at Strong Academy, ain't it? So, this counselor feels like she has to prove something to yer school. Like breakin' my curse." Intense listening Oz scratched his neck while clenching his teeth. "The Cadets called my boy that? Sissy boy, huh? Ight, Arch! I'll take the hint. Told ya I'd go easy on yer Counselor Cherish. Swear I won't go beddin' her down and ruinin' her rep. Thanks for callin' Colonel. You take care. SaaaaLUTe!"

Hanging up he hesitated to look behind him knowing Gus and Babs had heard his conversation. Finally, he turned to face their emotionless gaze, swallowing hard then shrugged with a cheesy grin. "C'mon! We were kids. How was I supposed to know I'd turn a woman of God into a pole prancer." Gus sipped at his juice leaving the stern look to Babs.

Barbara in turn eased over to slide her arm under that of Dhorne's. "Garrison? Your past is just that. It's the present that needs the gift. Unwrap a whole new world for Connor. Show him how to tie a bow."

"Slipknot? Or are we talkin' archery?"

She pats his arm twice. "Christmas only comes once a year."

"So, yer sayin' change the rules and buy him anything he wants as a peace offering?"

"No, but if it settles his anger then yes. Communicate, Garrison. Let him know what you want by Christmas. Then, give him reason to do the same."

"You know I love my toys." He grinned!

"That's what I'm afraid of." She frowned! "Your toys eventually moan quite loudly I hear."

"I wasn't even thinkin' gutter, let alone cleanin' the eaves. I'm talkin' toys TOYS. You know, Choo Chooo! Damn that sounded like a bullet train. Lucky gal whoever she is. Might gotta tie her to the tracks." He winked as Babs pressured her lips to pucker on the left side of her face, "Perhaps you should suppress your inner child. Be a Man. We both know that's possible. Don't we Sarge? Go enjoy the sunshine. Speak with Nina. Definitely, reunite with Nora." She released his arm and trailed away silently to return to her husband's side.

Dhorne looks out over the lake with a troubled expression. After a healthy sigh of dread, he then turned toward the path to Nora's grave. As Oz marched off Gus pleasantly eyed his wife "Ever the wisdom, Barbara. He understands very well. He only lets us see what he wants us to." From there Gus twisted to see Trinity coming down the stone path to their table. "Finally, my Bran. It took the woman long enough."

Reaching the table Trinity sat his bowl on the tablecloth in front of him. Staring down at it he looked up quickly. "Where is my cereal?"

"I had to take a crap and my bowels were stubborn. Damn fiber goes through me like a loose goose."

"So, you bring me the empty bowl?"

"Get it yourself. The exercise will do your bowels good. Just look at me. I live for the crapper after the bran transplant." She turned away yet snapped back. "Put the bowl in the dishwasher this time."

"Calm your blood pressure, Augustus." Babs could only giggle at the expression on his face. "Colorado will be Heaven."

"If we survive to reach it."

"Faith Augie! G.O.D. is with us."

"That is so reassuring."

Two sets of eyes rolled at their conclusion.


Precisely thirty minutes earlier.

Nina LeGend Sabastian had whined and complained with literally every step of her journey, her expensive Christian Louboutin Sandale du Desert shoes getting dirty along the dirt path. With each foot fall the agony of high heels eased into emotion as the wrought iron fence surrounding the grave of her sister came into view. Tears began to well up in her eyes which she did manage to hide behind her dark Cartier Paris gold sunglasses. At $25,000 a pair Nina was too wealthy and egotistical to buy cheap.

Removing tissue from her pocket she used it to open a tiny door instead of entering through the archway. She recalled when this site used to be their childhood playground. What they lovingly called their Secret Kingdom. A place where they could escape to and act like they were Princesses. Nora would sing to the birds like Cinderella. They would always sing back.

Nina grimaces as she recalls trying to fool the birds by dressing as her sister to attempt her song. Birds would dive bomb and shit all around her. That was the beginning of her anger issues. Her younger sister was always the gifted one. More beautiful! Her voice was honey surrounded by a fleet of dancing bee's. That was the beginning of years of therapy.

Nora was the best at everything. Intelligent! She could speak six different languages. Designed her own clothing artistically. Even the little people adored her more. Those imaginary friends that Nina had claimed as her own when no one was around. Those were the days.

"Hello, Nora. It's been a while. Welcome your sister home?"

Stretching her arms out feigning an embrace, she smiled and closed them lightly with a pat to an intangible back. "At least you did not refer to my backside being fat." Releasing the emptiness, she let her arms return to her side. Silent sobs increased! "Donatello is gone. If you see him in Heaven, please inform him I'm a mess without him. I'm so very alone Nora. Not even your son could keep me from losing my mind. I pray you know I tried very hard. I still cannot fathom why you would want me to attempt replacing you as the boy's mother. I barely played with dolls growing up. He had so much anguish in him due to your passing. Amplify that anguish with the resentment of Oz leaving and he became intolerable." She noticed no birds singing. How odd! Anyway, where was she?

"Bless our parents for trying to bail my emotions out in taking him in as long as they did. He grew too much for even them. Home schooling was too claustrophobic for all of us. Mother and father did their best. He would vanish into the night and spend days lost to them. Only to be returned to sender. Not even Boston as educated and as brilliant as it is, could contain him.

"Donatello and I took him to the Boston Pop during a tribute to your life. He loved that. There was a calmness in him for a few weeks afterward. Then he would run away from us again. I fear he has his father's nomadic lust. One day he might never return to us. As much as I disliked your choice in men, I must admit the two of you did indeed produce a prodigy. I could still see daddy's relief the day Connor was born. A son. Well, a grandson. We all knew he needed someone to carry on some silly legacy.

"The pride in his eyes that day was breathtaking. I believe I noted that same gleam in the presence of Oz when you brought Garrison Ozymandias Dhorne home. That name is such a mouthful, a bad taste at that. Forgive me Nora, as much as I appall your husband... the master thing simply... shattered my tastebuds. At any rate, let them all act out their foolhardy legacy. We have much better things to do. At least I do. I think I'm going to try my hand at sculpting. You would be proud of my attention span for that. You were always more artistic than I. Mmm! Maybe the ghost of Patrick Swayze will help me like he did Demi Moore.

"Lately I have found a fascination for designing imaginary friends of my own. You should see my home in Boston. The landscape now has five new statues. All conceived by my own two hands. Yes, clay beneath my nails. You know how I so detest labor and the dissatisfaction of breaking a nail. Yet, I do not seem to mind when it comes to this. Sculpting relaxes me. Perhaps it gives me reason to believe that Mother Earth has noticed me. The clay at my fingertips is glorious. A Goddess in my own right."

She giggled then bit her tongue with a moment of silence. "How do I get over Donatello? How did Oz get over you? I could never ask such a question of him. I would only feel worse knowing his answer. He would only joke about it. My God what did you see in that man? He's a barbarian that never grew up."

Pausing in thought to feel the summer breeze roll over her and to now hear the birds singing she retraced her past leading back to childhood. Back to the days when their parents would vanish for long weeks at a time leaving them with that horrible witch Trinity Maguire to go on archaeological digs or far away auctions. Perhaps she could see why Garrison Dhorne would leave. Their similarities were closer than she had ever considered. Even Nora would leave Connor to go on tour in hopes of keeping the boy away from society.

"How could I have overlooked the connection? Nora! I'm so very sorry I was such a bad surrogate mother. Perhaps history repeats itself. Nomads, all of us. I was likely the most mature, yet my spirit could never sit still long enough to contemplate motherhood. You would think my sculpting would ground me. Alas... yes, Greek anatomy was a must. Almightius has a foot long." She could not resist giggling over it. "Silly I know, but he adores me, he remains constantly erect." Birds stopped singing again. "Ugggh! They do that on purpose to annoy me."

She realized the connections going deeper into her psyche. Mother Earth had nurtured her and now she was nurturing her in return. Taking the very clay from her bosom to breathe new life. Grounded by the ground itself. Lifting her chin, she inhaled the freshness in the air and smiled. A smile that faded quickly. The fresh air was suddenly distilled by men's cologne.

"How long have you been standing there?" She turned to see Garrison Dhorne in the iron archway. Oz kept silent, hiding his own emotions at seeing his wife's tombstone. Instead, he carefully stepped over the threshold and stood behind Nina folding his arms around her chest. She wanted to resist but she couldn't. She despised the man but also knew he was trying to show her his emotions without uttering a word. She would accept it. For now.

That silence would lead into fifteen minutes of tears. Eventually, Nina Sabastian would turn in his arms and hug her brother-in-law. As if coaxed by Nora his hand reached up to push her face deeper into his chest. She would bawl like a baby. Without words she would thank him for his concern of her own loss. Finally breaking away they shared in a much-needed sigh. The birds were back, bees too!

"I think we needed that, Nina." She nodded wiping her nose with a Kleenex. "Let's start over. Sorry 'bout the wide ass comment. You look damn good. Almightius knows it too."

She frowned over his use of her statues name. He was there far longer than she predicted. "I know I do. You too are as fit as ever. Shall we get past the pleasantries?"

He shook his head knowing the old Nina was shining through. "Ight, then! I'm listenin' Nina Lou."

With a stern expression she regained her composure. "Resuming your parental rights is a big step. Are you certain that you're ready for this? I'm sure there's some military coup waiting in the wings."

"Ready as you were, Momma Dove. Clean up the coop. I'll co-op."

"Even when I know you're serious you find ways to play on words. Coup, coo? I get it." They shared in a brief smile of respect. "Oz? I want you to know I tried. I really, truly did. I'm just glad that you realized that this wasn't just about my life and yours. We all thought of Connor's best interest. Even if it made us all unhappy. Especially him. Military school must be awful."

"Yeah, I didn't learn a damn thing. Well, 'cept that Nun's really can fly."

The reference to Sister Monica went right over her head not knowing of her. She shivered a bit then shook it off. "You know exactly what I mean, Oz. Your returning to his life speaks a volume of change. May I ask why now?"

"Ever wonder what my life was like, Nina? Third world warfare going in one ear out the rear? I hear gunfire when an engine passes gas. I see targets in crosshair's more than I saw myself in any mirror. I saw lives come and go with a blink and a wink. I reckon the good with the bad was my decision maker. I could fire or retire. Take lives or make lives. Use the scope or use it to gargle the bad taste outta my mouth. Everywhere I looked I spotted beautiful lives. Even when my targets had kids. They were parents too. I could sit in some tree eighty clicks away from one click and see the love in their eyes for each other. Knowin' they were blind to their Poppa's evil." Sorrow overcame him.

"Amazin' what you think about waitin' to claim lives." She felt haunted in his presence. "You see enough of that, and you realize it's time to change the rounds. Clean the gun and put it away. My decision was made to give life. My last target? I had a buddy finish the job. I closed my scope forever."

She admired his turn at sadness, "I cannot imagine what killing another must feel like. How did Nora live knowing what you were doing? Killing people. Bedding down other women. Always gone."

"Point is she did." He put an index finger up. "She lived. She loved. She worshipped."

"That's right! The MASTER! I never could grasp that concept. I'm far too hardheaded. Nora never struck me as submissive. Sure, she was a very good actress, but to obey someone with but a glance? I still believe you use some insane military mind control over women."

"That so?" He chuckled! "Ight! What am I makin' you do right now?"

"Give me a break. I'm serious! How is it possible for any one man to gain control of any woman in view? And please don't give me any bullshit about how a magician never reveals his secrets."

Nodding with a pucker Dhorne crossed his arms standing statuesque. She glared at him at great length when she felt a breeze tickle her behind the ear. In response to it she swatted at an invisible fly. Thinking fly she coyly lowered her gaze to Dhorne's bulging inseam. That was enough to make her shiver and sweat. Her first thought was Almightius, almIGHTius! Dear God! The tickle returned when she realized that Nora used to do that when Nina was sleeping soundly. The realization gave her the chills. "Stop that!"

Dhorne grinned, knowing she had examined a mighty big log rolling down his pant leg. "Stop what?" As if he didn't suspect!

Nina rejected the notion of Nora's spirit being present. Surely, He couldn't control a woman from beyond the grave. It was only her imagination, right? "I was only makin' you listen to yerself, Nina Lou. For the most part you controlled Donatello. You've always had men weak in the knee."

Realizing the truth in his words she retaliated. "Let's not change the subject. My men have been far fewer than the legions of nude women at your disposal. How did we get off the subject of Connor?"

"Yer right." A heavy sigh evolved! "Look, Nina. I'm back for good. The only thing that could take me away is death and payback. For his sake let's try'n get along. I know this won't be easy, but if I can survive snake infested jungles, I can handle my son. Am I scared? Hell yes! It's gotta be done though. Let's just finish our paperwork and get started all daisy fresh. You can go on back to Boston and spend Donatello's money. I can raise my boy to be a good man. You just remember how to be a good aunt. Don't forget his birthday."

"You know that I will do my best."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"Damn you!" She stomped her foot, bitterly snarling! "Why can't you accept me for who I am?"

Oz lowered his glasses to look over them at her. "Why can't you do the same?" He then turned to walk away leaving her alone as he headed down the opposing path to his own estate. He had work to do before picking up his son.

Nina Sabastian stood there in silence thinking about everything past, present, and future. "Damn, Him!" For ten minutes she sulked, recalling Nora's favorite childhood song and began humming it. Before long she attempted to sing it, her voice growing louder until the birds began leaving the treetops. She again stomped her foot at their reaction, breaking a heel. "Dang it! I know! I know! I stink!"

In a huff she turns to hobble away when she ran afoul of a rather agitated looking animal. Halting in her step she eased her hands up, taking off both heels as a defense. "Nice Kitty."

She knew of course it was hardly any feline. An oddly frisky skunk swiftly raced to her feet and hiked its tail to spray a rather pungent urine before scurrying off. Her squeals forced her into a barefoot run back toward LeGend Manor. More of a helpless flail! She knew the rest of her stay would be equally as miserable. It never occurred to her that the white stripe on the animals back meant not only did she stink, but she had been shown that she had crossed the line. Battle lines if necessary. "NOOORRRRAAAAA!" Bitch! Snow White from Hell knew she was outmatched.

At the edge of the woods Dhorne stopped to lift his nose to the wind.

"Nora ripped Nina a new one! Reek 'em and weep!"

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