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My definition of Pagansim.
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What is a Pagan?

1. pa gan (pgn)

One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, especially a worshiper of a polytheistic religion. One who has no religion. A non-Christian. A hedonist. A Neo-Pagan.

Not Christian, Muslim, or Jewish. Professing no religion; heathen. Neo-Pagan.

[Middle English, from Late Latin pgnus, from Latin, country-dweller, civilian, from pgus, country, rural district. See pag- in Indo-European Roots.]

2. paganism

\Pa"gan*ism\ (-[i^]z'm), n. [L. paganismus: cf. F. paganisme. See Pagan, and cf. Painim.] The state of being pagan; pagan characteristics; esp., the worship of idols or false gods, or the system of religious opinions and worship maintained by pagans; heathenism.

3. paganism

n : any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism [syn: pagan religion, heathenism]

Okay, all those definitions are really nice. But what IS a Pagan?

Well, being a Pagan myself, this is a very complicated answer to a very simple question. Bear with me while I try and explain. In her book "The Practical Pagan", Dana Eilers states, and quite adequately, "If you put ten self professed Pagans in a room, you will probably wind up with more than fifteen definitions of Paganism."[1] Keeping this in mind, I have included several different definitions in the section above. So how can you tell what a Pagan is if you have literally hundreds of different definitions for what Paganism is?

Let's start with the basics. What makes a Pagan, Pagan? Common ground that many Pagans share is:

1. The Worship of Multiple Gods: Pagans worship a dual deity such as the Lord and Lady in Wicca. Many Pagans choose patron deities from either a select pantheon such as Greek or Egyptian, or they select the deities that call to them from many different pantheons. We also see this divinity as a dual force, meaning those Gods and Goddesses can be both male and female. Divinity is not only external, as with the Gods, but is also internal as we are all God or Goddess incarnate. Many practitioners today, especially those of a dark path choose not to worship external deities at all and worship only themselves as a form of divine.

2. A Reverence of Nature: Pagans keep the Earth in mind when they live everyday life. This also links our idea of divinity around us in every rock, tree and creature. We work within nature because we are nature and nature is within us. We are a part of the cycle of life. Pagans also tend to be sensitive to the workings of the earth as far as the seasons, phases of the moon, and solar movements as a sort of intuition. Many Pagans have organized recycling efforts, park cleanups, and charity and food drives for humans and animals alike. We believe that the divine is in every living thing from plants to animals. Pagans tend to be large community activists, even if they are taking on just a small part of it at a time.

3. Freedom of Choice: Pagans understand that their path is not the one true way for all humans to reach divinity; it is merely the right path for them. It is this freedom of choice that calls many people to Paganism. In this freedom, we respect those who teach, share knowledge, and step forward as leaders, but do not have One Leader to rule us all. Many Pagans prescribe to the ideal of finding your own path. They will help others to find their path but refuse to do it for them. It is a highly individual system that comes together as a whole.

4. Reincarnation: Most Pagans believe that the soul transcends death. We do not truly die but our souls go on in one form or another. What happens in the actual process of Reincarnation is different depending on the beliefs. Many believe you sort through the lessons of the most recent incarnation before moving into another body. There are beliefs that souls will live in the afterlife until they have made sure their families and friends have made a smooth transition to the afterlife. While we may not know the answers, it is a common belief.

5. What Is: Pagans do not believe that each God or Goddess is complete love and light. We accept that they, too, have a dark or negative side. We also do not accept that there is an all encompassing evil force, such as the Christian Devil. We believe in what "is" and what "is not", such as a person can be a good person and still have negative traits. We also accept that the Trickster deities, who are primarily seen as negative, also have their positive side in the world. On that same idea, we do not believe in "good" and "evil", but instead choose to label it either as "positive" and "negative" or choose not to label it at all, finding labels to be too restrictive.

There is no complete universal definition for the word "Pagan". This word has different meanings to different people, depending on their tradition. At one time, the word meant "all non Christians" and then moved on to an evil term that meant Satan worship. The word can mean anything from those who follow Druidry, to the adherents to Ásatrú, Wicca, and New Age. If you live your life as a tribute to the Gods and in harmony with nature, you will be a Pagan, regardless of the titles, degrees, and initiations or if you come from a long line of Pagans. Really, the term "Pagan" is just a label that each person should be free to use for themselves to identify with others and as a way to find others of a like mind and service.

Blessed Be!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Summed it up

pretty much the best way you could have defined it tbh :3

sophroniussophroniusover 13 years ago
Another Pagan's Perspective

I don't want to be confrontational, but your definition sounds more like a definition of Wicca or New Age, which you sort of address near the end. Many Hellenic Reconstructionists, Heathens, and other reconstructionists don't believe in what you say modern pagans believe. Neo-Platonists, for instance, do not believe in multiple gods, but consider themselves and are considered pagans. Also, most reconstructionists don't believe in reincarnation, even if they believe in the immortality of the soul, but rather have their own afterlives. Neo-Platonists also problematize what you say about what is being what is, though this is more because they don't view the percievable world as being absolute - it's just an allegory, but the cave is still somewhat accurrate in what it describes.

But I guess you're right, if you put ten pagans in a room, you'll get fifteen definitions. Sorry if I sounded mean, but I just wanted to clear a few things up.

sarge13sarge13about 16 years ago

Not bad at all...I have studied Wicca for over twenty years now...

Good luck from an old Pagan.

Merry ye meet...and merry ye part.

sarge13sarge13about 16 years ago

Not bad at all...I have studied Wicca for over twenty years now...

Good luck from an old Pagan

Merry meet...and merry part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I'm an Archaeo-Pagan myself.

I am seeking to revive the worship of the Ancient Gods of various nations. That means Zeus, Hera, etc. I am definitely not New Age per se, although there is an overlap in the ideals that I share with Druids, Wiccans, and New Agers. To me, Gods are symbols for the forces of Nature and ideas we as humans have developed through evolution. That is essentially the Roman view of Deity, which was more correct than the Greek Superhuman concept. Thanks for writing this essay and getting some ideas out there.

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