Paid Vacation Pt. 02


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Kate moved over in front of him and put her arms around his neck, pulling him against her. She kissed him deeply and let her hand reach to grasp his hardening cock. When she broke the kiss she said, "Definitely. I'm ready for everything, especially the extra requirements."

David slapped her ass and said, "Well, then, let's go." They slid over the side and Alison watched with Ken as the two dropped down to the floor of the cove. Alison still wasn't sure David was serious about everything, but as she watched, Kate unfastened her tank and began to play with David's cock. David was feeling her tits and stroking her elsewhere. Once Kate lowered her head between David's legs and Alison wondered how she could possibly suck his cock under twenty feet of water. But that wasn't her intention. Instead she inhaled deeply and then let a slow trickle of bubbles out underneath his scrotum so that the rising air tickled and stimulated his cock and balls. The water was quite warm and it looked to Alison like David was hard and erect. This was confirmed when Kate spread her legs and David pulled her down onto his rigid shaft. The couple began to rock against each other and before too long they seemed to convulse and more and more frequent clouds of bubbles were released by each of them. They seemed to settle a little, David still holding her against his lap as their streams of bubbles returned to a more moderate rate. Finally Kate pulled back a little. David nodded and she removed her mouthpiece and began a slow ascent.

David waited a few seconds and then began to ascend about four feet below her. When Kate finally popped her head above water, David was only seconds behind her. As the two climbed back aboard, David said, "Congratulations. You are now a fully certified diver. Not to mention one really nice lay."

Kate turned and smiled at him. "Thank you, sir. But I really think it would be better if you didn't enter that part on my dive card."

David laughed and said, "OK, I guess I'll leave that off. Now, Kate, why don't you just wait here while I check out Alison. But I'm afraid I can't repeat the special certification test quite yet, so Ken, why don't you join us for that part. Thank you can handle it?"

"That sounds fine to me. Handling Alison is one of the nicest things I've done."

"OK," David replied. Turning to Alison, he asked, "Do have any questions? You'll do the same as Kate except you'll be with Ken while I watch. Don't try to come up until your breathing slows to normal and remember to watch your bubbles."

The three of them dropped into the water while Kate leaned against the rail to watch. When they reached the bottom Alison moved facing Ken while David watched from a couple of feet away. Alison had only been diving in the pool and, while this was deeper than she had been before, found nothing frightening in the slightly longer decent. If anything the water was warmer than the pool had been and the protected cove had no more in the way of currents. Besides, even though she was excited by the diving, the prospect of the kinky sex - yes, "kinky" was definitely the right word - was exciting her even more. She unfastened the straps on her tank and pulled them from her shoulders. The tank was still full and sank to the bottom next to her. She held the mouthpiece and reached for Ken. After a little play she tried Kate's technique with the bubbles and received a good response and Ken rose to the occasion, so to speak. Alison had never had a problem using the mouthpiece, removing and replacing it under water, and now she pulled Ken to her, removed her own mouth piece and tugged at his. He got the idea and released it and soon the couple was managing an intense underwater kiss. They broke apart and replaced their mouthpieces. Alison reached down and guided Ken inside as he pulled her down against him. As Kate and David had previously, Alison and Ken were soon rocking against each other nearing their own climaxes. When they came, almost together, they held tightly for a little bit and then, like Kate, Alison pulled back a little, removed her mouthpiece, and dropped her belt. She began to rise with David a few feet below her.

David had brought down a piece of line which Ken now tied to the two tanks and weight belts before following the couple up. When he broke surface, David and Alison were already climbing aboard. As he pulled himself up and started dragging in the gear, he heard David congratulating Alison on completing her certification. When he finished, Ken gave her his own congratulations and added, "And I can definitely certify the 'good lay' part."

The two couples got fresh tanks and set about joining the other six people in exploring the cove. This was Alison's first dive outside a pool and she found the difference incredible. With Ken she swam along the sandy bottom, examining everything: shells, rocks, plants, crabs - anything that came into view. There were a number of small tropical fish, but the largest they saw was only about a foot and a half long. Once Ken tapped her shoulder and pointed and in the distance Alison saw a shadow which she thought might have been a ray, but she couldn't say for sure. When they finally began to run short on air and started to return to the boat, Alison realized that for the first time in a week she had gone nearly a full hour without thinking about sex at all. She thought, smiling to herself, "Well, I'll try not to let that happen again."

When they finally pulled themselves aboard, they found that all the others had already returned, Kate and David a couple of minutes earlier and the others a while before them. As they were stowing their gear, James informed them, "We've decided on a cookout on the beach tonight. Maybe a little play first while things are cooking. And then if you want you can spend the night on shore. There won't be any need to stand watches, but we'll still pair up the same way."

A short time later they used the inflatable to ferry food and blankets ashore. A couple of the men spent about thirty minutes on a "hunting expedition" and returned with a number of crabs. They prepared the crabs, wrapping them in seaweed, buried them in the sand and built a driftwood fire on top.

Over the next hour, while the fire burned down to coals and the crab cooked, the men pegged out each of the girls on the sand, spread eagled on their backs on blankets. The women were then all blindfolded and the men moved from one girl to another, never spending a long time with any one, stimulating, teasing, and tormenting in an unbelievable variety of ways. There were clothes pins and other nipple clamps, feathers, some soft leather floggers, and other items and, by the time the crab was ready, all the girls were well stimulated, satisfied, and had each been soundly fucked, but couldn't say for sure by whom.

Alison, and it seemed everyone else, found the food delicious. As dark began to fall, they built up the fire and everyone sat around, talking, occasionally feeling and kissing a little, and watched the brilliant stars emerge. Once again, everything seemed relaxed and natural to Alison and the fact that all ten of them were totally naked didn't seem odd in the least.

Everyone had decided to remain on the beach for the night and as it grew later, couples moved off a little ways to establish their own areas. Allison was paired with David that night and he led her to a spot about forty feet from the fire and only a few feet above the high tide mark. They spread a blanket on the sand and placed another nearby if it cooled later. The women's cuffs had been brought ashore and David now put Alison's on her.

She had heard the sounds of some spankings or light whippings coming from some of the other couples and wondered what David had planned for her. She was not really tired and was still high from all the experiences of the day. She was also once again turned on and horny. David arranged her on her back and tied her arms widespread to stakes in the sand. Alison expected him to spread her ankles towards other stakes and wasn't surprised when he took hold of her left ankle cuff. But instead of pulling it out and stretching it to a stake, he pulled it back towards her head and clipped the cuff to the same stake holding her left wrist. He repeated the procedure with her right ankle, leaving her folded in half, her ass and pussy fully exposed and her lips pulled widely open. He spent the next hour strapping her exposed bottom, stimulating her almost to climax, pinching her nipples and clit, and in general bringing her to an intense level of frustration. Finally he pushed into her dripping pussy, but in just a minute, switched to embed his swollen cock in her tight nether passage instead. Alison pushed back as hard as her bound position allowed and soon was lost in another hot orgasm.

Afterwards, David released her legs and loosened the ties to her wrists, but left them connected, before they both drifted off to sleep with his hand resting on Alison's bare pubes.

Once more during the night Alison was awakened by the touch of David's fingers and tongue. For almost an hour he teased and tormented her before once again bringing her relief. When she next awoke it was daylight. After another half hour of play, David finally released her and the couple joined the others around a rebuilt fire for some breakfast.

The group spent the day anchored in the cove, diving some more and playing more hot sex games. In the early afternoon, for example, the girls, one at a time, were blindfolded and staked out spreadeagled on the beach. They were then stimulated orally five different times and had to guess who each of the five were. Each incorrect answer was to be rewarded with fifteen lashes from a cat of nine. Alison recognized Ken's tongue technique and thought one of the others was either Bob or David. She guessed Bob and found she had gained another fifteen lashes. She also failed to correctly identify James, Joe, and Kelly. In fact none of the women guessed more than two correctly and two got all five wrong.

Alison soon found herself stretched below a tree branch. As three of the men proceeded to deliver the sixty lashes, Kate and Sue sucked and nipped at her nipples. By the time the last blow struck, Alison had already come three times and was intensely horny. The other women received their whippings in much the same fashion with Alison sucking at both Kate's and Kelly's tits.

After a rest and another dive in the cove, another beach supper was organized. This time steaks were brought from the freezer on board and grilled over hot coals. Alison was Bob's for the night, but he and Joe, who had Sue, decided it would be fun to share. Alison found herself hanging from her wrists, Sue, also suspended, pressed tightly to her front while the two men first lashed their bare asses to a hot red and then took them in the rear while they still hung together. Before the night was over Alison and Sue had performed a hot sixty-nine for the watching men, been bound back to back while lying on their sides with a double ended dildo in their rectums as the men fucked them, and spent several hours spreadeagled side by side on their backs while the men alternated between them.

The next morning after one more dive, everyone climbed back aboard and the boat once again set sail. As they were leaving the cove, Alison realized that all ten of them - the men included - had been completely naked for the last day and a half. They settled into the shipboard routine of resting, games, and watches once more, and then, at supper on the tenth day James called for everyone's attention. "We've had an invitation," he began. "I know we told you that you wouldn't see anyone else on this trip, so I want to let you girls decide if we should accept this. But let me make it clear, if any of you aren't interested, just say so. This isn't part of the bargain and no one will be offended if you want to just continue with what we've been doing."

The girls looked at each other, but no one seemed to have any idea what James was going to say. He continued, "We talked to the boat's owner on the radio earlier just to let him know there were no problems and that we'd be bringing the boat back next week. He owns a small island in the chain here and happened to be in residence. Actually we called him at his New York office and had the call forwarded back just a few miles from our current position. Anyway, he and his wife are down here for the week and he invited us to stop over for a day. Now I expect you all know that he and his wife are pretty heavily into these games. After all, the boat is a custom made floating BDSM playground. If we accept his invitation, it will be with you five still as naked captives. We'd play some games with him and his wife and I'm sure they would want sex as well. But let me make it very clear you are under no obligation to go and if you do decide to go and play games, if you don't want sex with either of them, that's fine. No one will pressure you at all."

He stopped for a few seconds and Kelly spoke up. "Can you tell us something about them?"

"Certainly. His name is Max and his wife, who is German, is Elsa. Max is six four, about fifty, and solid muscle. Elsa is nearly fifteen years younger and looks like she's not even that. They like BDSM games and probably play a little rougher than we have been, but they're not sadistic and never do any real damage. We've played with them other times and they've been both tops and bottoms. I don't know about now, but a lot of the time they're down here they have two or three girls, about your age or a little younger, that they keep as slaves. I shouldn't say slaves - they're not into that at all. It's more like you girls: bound and naked captives. I don't know where they find them, but none of them we've met are really the truly masochistic type. They just like the games, but maybe a bit harsher than we do. And, by the way, Elsa is often a 'captive' with them as well as sometimes dishing out the punishments."

"We'll let you girls discuss this during free time after supper. If you have any more questions we'll try to answer them, but you decide what you would like to do. And, again, don't feel that we're trying to push you either way. We've been there before and will be again, so it really doesn't make too much difference to us. Let us know by about nine so we can call Max."

This was something none of the women had expected. They had known they'd be spending two weeks - often naked - with other women they hadn't met, but also knew that all of them were in the same circumstances. This was something else. When the men went topside after supper, they remained in the forward lounge to discuss it. "Well," Kelly began, "what do you guys think about this? I'll admit that Max sounds like he might be, shall I say, 'a fun ride'"

Sue laughed. "Six four and all muscle, huh? That does have possibilities." Than she turned slightly more serious. "There's something else, too. As you know this is my third trip with these guys. All during this one and even before I've kept finding myself wondering what it would be like if they were a little harder on me. Oh, I don't mean I want to be branded or whipped raw or anything, but I wonder what it would be like if they laid the cat on hard enough to leave a few welts. I don't know if I'd like it or not and I think these guys are probably too nice to help me find out. But from what I've heard, Max and Elsa can play pretty rough. James has told me a couple of stories. Still, I don't think they would go too far. James trusts them and I guess I would, too. As long as I could still have a safeword I think I might like to try it."

Kate added, "Yeah, James has told me a couple of tales, too. And I've kind of wondered what a little harder play might be like. It also might be interesting to have another woman delivering some of it."

Barb and Alison looked at each other. Barb gave a small shrug and Alison said, "I don't know what I think about playing rougher, but then, a couple of weeks ago I wouldn't have thought I'd have liked the stuff we've been doing as much as I have. When I first came down here, I don't think it had really sunk in that I'd be spending every bit of the two weeks totally naked with strange women."

Kelly broke in, "We're not that strange."

Everyone laughed and Alison said, "All right, that isn't what I meant. But, come to think of it, we probably are pretty strange. Anyway, I've found that I've loved everything - and every one. " Another laugh. "And, anyhow, I guess I'd be willing to give it a try if everyone else wants to. As long as, like Sue said, we still have safewords."

Everyone looked over at Barb. "I guess I feel a lot like Alison. If nothing else this trip has been a whole bunch of brand new experiences. Why not add a few more?"

The women continued to talk about it and finally came up with a list of questions. Kelly volunteered to go ask James about the things they had listed and was back within a couple of minutes. "We'd definitely have our safewords and Max and Elsa would honor them immediately. He said we'd probably get there early afternoon tomorrow and stay a couple of days. If we decide we want out of any part of the activities, no one will mind, so we can try what we want and skip anything we don't."

"Well, girls," Sue said, "ready to be taken into the pirates' lair?"

Kelly crossed her wrists above her head, put on a helpless look, and, in an overly dramatic voice, said, "I fear we are at their mercy, the unspeakable cads. Our fate awaits us."

This was met first by groans and then laughter as the other women threw the napkins they'd had on the table at Kelly. "OK, OK," she said. "Should I go tell James we're interested?"

Everyone agreed and the five of them headed topside.

James had Alison that night and she tried to pump him for more information about what they could expect. James, however, just gave her enough hints to peak her imagination and when they finished the watch at six the next morning, she was so excited by the ideas running through her head she couldn't get back to sleep. James took full advantage of this and spent a couple of hours teasing and tormenting her before they finally went to get some breakfast.

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JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxalmost 12 years ago

"peak her imagination" should be "pique her imagination"

exciting story with odd little spelling mistakes that interrupt the flow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

That is all I can say...and where can I find some of that? Mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmm

AfroerotiKAfroerotiKabout 20 years ago

I'm always intrigued with getting into the mind and soul of a submissive and betraying their most perverted and depraved desires. You have done this well with your words.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

Evocative and a delightful getaway! The interaction between people is just as good as the sex. ;) A pleasurable read to say the least. Keep them coming, please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
great story!

I loved chapter 1 and have been looking for 2 - it didn't disappoint!

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