Paige Ep. 029: Humpty Dumpty


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"Mrs. Carmichael? I need to go to the bathroom." Scowling Deidre waved her knuckles allowing Chelsea to leap to her feet and race out into the hall. The second she shut the door and turned she found Dewey wagging her remote.

"That was fast." He smirked.


"Nothing escapes my notice Ms. Cooper."

"Am I...are trouble?"

"Oh, yes. One final detention after final hour. I expect you to be in attendance." He turns away, "My office at 12:00 sharp." A push to her remotes button sent Chelsea's hand racing to her thighs as lightning struck, "Oh, and do not remove that...unless you want me to call your parents."

"WHAT? Nooooo! Don't...I'll be there, still wearing." The jolts kept coming as he walked away whistling. As he turned to head back toward the classroom of Drake Burrows he snapped a glance toward Chelsea. Her back to the lockers she had her skirt held up to her belly, fingers rubbing her clit like a mad woman. Seeing Dewey watch her she dropped her skirt. A wagging finger from Dewey encouraged that skirt back up. Chelsea got off in the hallway, right in front of her Principal. She was a trembling mess, a puddle on the tile at her feet. Sudden giggles made Chelsea Cooper very happy. Dewey rather enjoyed playing God.

Within Mister Burrows class, Drake found himself enamored by Paige and Trixie. Signals sent out stimulated both young ladies into frolicking in their seats. Their friend Madison darting her gaze from one girl to the next worried that their clothing would slip and flesh would be open to all eyes. Paige herself had both of her hands in her lap lifting her already short skirt to show off. The stress made Maddy whimper. This was all too much for her brain to comprehend. Fear of her own toy activating made her whine.

Trixie outmatched by her nerd boy handler constantly pushing down his button sent her hands all over her body, up her skirt, squeezing a breast, tilting her head back with held breath to avoid being too noisy. Her moans were still evident, guys wishing that she would just let it all out. Drake Burrows was having a blast as he attempted to teach his class a last day lesson. Walking about his class sporting wood beneath his slacks without care. Today being the final day of school, he just didn't care who saw a tentpole erection. Every girl in class admired and desired. This was his day as much as the girls.

Hovering next to Paige with his erection facing her, he nailed her senses with his remote. Rubbing her pussy vigorously she looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. Just as she shook like a leaf at his determined trigger finger, a secondary attack in her ass sent her yelping. Her skirt flew up and the entire class got a good look at Paige's hips and thighs. Drake stood his ground over her, his erection growing larger right before everyone's eyes. Guys were laughing under their breath, girls were cooing. Even girls not wearing a silver bullet were reacting to so much sensuality. Touching shyly, at least five other girls located their fingers into intimate territory.

In the remaining fifteen minutes of the class Paige Turner came all across her fingers. Trixie propped one leg on the desk of the boy next to her and plunged her fingers deep. Drake not noticing Trixie in favor of Paige's influence allowed Trixie to get away with more. The boy whose desk had her foot up on it was rubbing her leg all the way past the quick of her knee. Boys were drooling up a storm. Just before the bell rang Trixie found the boy rubbing her thighs planting his hand right over hers as she cum, her sinking fingers flooded by her joyous rebellion. The boy got just as wet. He had to show it off. It was then that Teacher Drake Burrows caught a glimpse. With Trixie's deafening squeal all eyes were on her. Paige however took that moment to reach over and squeeze Drake's tented cock. The man came in his slacks at her sudden confrontation. He whirled to avoid his staining tan slacks by going back to his desk. Hiding it he huffed, "Have a good summer people."

Paige relaxing more with both toys silencing within her caught her breath and stood up. Maddy by her side with bulging eyes.

"You two are crazy."

"Three. Just you wait Piglet." Paige giggled tweaking her besties nose. Maddy wanted to cry.

Trixie surrounded by boys as she tried to join Paige got hit again hard by her handler. Smothered amongst them every boy there felt her up. She was in Heaven, even if a few of them weren't her type. It was the heat of the moment. That attack on her cunt fueled her all the way out into the hall, Paige forced to peel her from them. That of course led Paige into a similar manhandling. Guys were everywhere. Maddy was literally pushed out. That is until she felt her own bullet fire up. Shocked by it she let out a loud scream that drew attention to her. The boy that had her remote had returned it to it's owner. Beau Stewart stood over her shoulder grinning. Maddy hit him on the chest laughing. "Stop that."

"Not even." He pressed it again sending Maddy into a 360 dance looking as if she had to pee. Guys laughed, but once Beau snapped a glare they contained their mockery. Sudden respect led the boys to admire Maddy more closely, her large tits bouncing about. The new Madison Daily was much more appealing.

With Paige and Trixie surrounded and pinned to the lockers. Trixie at least continued her torture. Paige not so much without Drake or Dewey to storm her. Having her ass attacked earlier she knew Dewey was nearby. Still, even without her bullets firing she was pawed up. Just when the pawing began to move up her skirt a loud voice disturbed the fun.

"TURRRRRRRRRNNNNNERRRRRRRRR!" Brett Chenowyth aggressively pushed students around trying to get through the gauntlet, "You bitch." He located her and grabbed her by the shirt, two buttons popping off and flying away in his yank. Her breasts became more visible in the process. She cringed at his anger until boys fought back in her defense. Nerds gone wild joined forces in shoving Brett. With Brett's grip still on her shirt another button zipped away from the material. Tits were visible off and on in the fiasco. She squealed knowing that her shirt was toast.

Beau Stewart seeing Paige in trouble left Maddy to relax. Watching him dart into the gathering made Maddy really wet, her man was becoming a hero. Battling his way to Brett he slammed the asshole into the locker next to Paige. Brett's grip on Paige's shirt still strong both tits fell out in front of everyone. She dropped her jaw as Beau punched Brett square in the jaw. It was then that his grip on her shirt was released. She quickly pulled herself together and hugged toward Trixie next to her to avoid the fight. Trixie in her own plight had outsider hands up her skirt rubbing her clit and boys still taunting her. Not once did her bullet stop humming. She was a screaming mimi.

With the warzone becoming louder Dewey had to intervene. As did Drake Burrows and two other Teachers now in the hallway. Ordering students to their next class Dewey managed to lessen the wall of people. Reaching Beau and Brett, Dewey and Drake pulled them from their wrestling match. Brett was thrashing wildly trying to reach Beau who calmed himself now that they weren't engaged. With a roar Dewey yelled, "ENOUGH GENTLEMEN. ONE MORE WORD, ONE MORE PHYSICAL CONTACT AND NEITHER OF YOU GRADUATE. IS THAT CLEAR?"

Both boys wore down and just sneered at one another. Behind them Trixie had an orgasm. The shrill sound of her echoing whine distracted everyone. Dewey turning Brett over to another Teacher led both he and Beau away in two different directions to calm down. This gave Dewey the opportunity to deal with Trixie and Paige. Eying Trixie's handler holding his remote Dewey called him out until he handed over the trigger. Into Dewey's jacket it went. He now had three girls in his possession, so to speak.

Paige holding her shirt together shivered, knowing her plan was not going as well as she had envisioned. Trixie nearly got raped. She herself had nearly had her shirt ripped off by Brett. He was pissed beyond belief at how she played him earlier, giving him Patrick's remote instead of her own, rather Patrick being sneaky for her. Still, Brett had it in his head that it was her fault. In the long run it was.

"Everyone...TO CLASS, NOW!" Dewey bellowed. As Paige and Trixie attempt to escape to class as well they found palms on both of their shoulders, "A word ladies." Both girls cringed with low pitched whines. They knew they were in trouble.

Waiting until the halls cleared out to avoid eyes Dewey sighed, "As beautiful as your shows were I need you two to behave the rest of the day."

"He liked our show." Paige defied Dewey smiling at Trixie. Trixie swallowed at her friends words. Trixie, although thoroughly enjoying the madness of her orgasm in the hall, assisted by a multitude of boys, worried about Dewey's authority.

"Are you...going to prevent us from graduating?" Trixie winced shaking.

"Of course not. This has been a delight."

"You're not mad?" Trixie flared her eyes.

"This should give you a clue Trixie." Paige patted Dewey's crotch, he was fully erect, barely masked by his coat. Trixie dropped her jaw at Paige's revelation. "Hi." Paige bubbled up playfully pinching his erection as if introducing herself to it. Dewey turned pale.

"AHEM! He...says hello back."

Trixie expressed awe more vividly, "Wow!"

Releasing his palms from their shoulders he eyed Paige's shirt, held together her cleavage was still alluring. In a bold move Paige opens her shirt and she pouts, "My buttons are missing. Well, except for these two." She releases her shirt and pinches her nipples, those buttons were really pointy.

"Yes, well, I suppose I cannot allow you to attend class with no...buttons."

"You could if you acted as if you didn't know about it." Paige's kiddy like voice made him groan. Trixie was blown away.

"Two more classes in your day." Dewey stressed, "Just remember, I have the remotes." He actually wiggled his eyebrows at both girls.

Paige took it upon herself to move closer and play with his tie. Peering up at him with ever so innocent eyes she pleaded her case, "You could torture us." Trixie shook her head and made her own bold move. Stepping next to Paige she places her hand on Dewey's erection and makes her own really cute childlike murmur of, "Really, really HARD." Yes he was.

"Go before I...change my mind. I'll be...watching you two."

"Chelsea too." Paige reminded him.

"I believe at day's end the two of you should join Ms. Cooper in my office for a final detention."

Paige whispers flipping his tie under her chin, "I brought extra remote batteries...just in case."

"Oh, Dear God! Go..."

Both girls wiggled away hugging each others arms, Paige's shirt wide open until she reached her next class. She and Trixie went in together, even though it wasn't Trixie's class. Who cares, right?

Standing there sweating Principal Dewey heard Patrick and Timothy groaning loudly in the distance. His erection went down...finally. Patting his jacket pocket he smiled. Two more hours and all hell was going to break loose. Dewey was ready to retire anyways, why not go out in style?

With classes separating Beau Stewart from Brett Chenowyth the anger had subsided for now. Sitting in the back of his next class Beau was consoled by his girl Madison. This, their only class together out of three before school's final bell appeared to be a bust. With Maddy's egg having the only free remote not in the possession of faculty members he just wasn't in the mood to torment her now that he had reclaimed it. She was thankful. Brett's hostility drained Beau to no end.

"You were so brave. You saved Paige, Beau."

"I guess. Her shirt's busted open though." He frowned at Maddy, "All I did was prevent her from being pushed around. I feel like sending that douchebag the video of him and the guys. The only problem with that is I'll make things worse for Patrick and his buddies. You just know Brett will beat their asses."

"I don't think that her shirt matters to Paige. You shouldn't send the video. Save it as a last resort."

"You're right. Only two more hours and we're free." He changes the subject, reaching over to caress her cheek before class officially began. With the disturbance in the hall things were off to a slow start, hearing the whispers of fellow students talking about Paige and Trixie, while others spoke of Chelsea. Everyone wondered where the girls were and if they were in trouble. Even Beau stressed that this might end their senior year badly, possibly losing their diploma over Paige's pushy hijinks. Convinced of the worse Beau grew depressed. Not even Maddy pampering him by going so far as to sit in his lap holding him to her chest was enough. Although the boys in the class did admire her sudden boldness. Seeing him defy a smile she slapped his chest with a, "Stop it." Feeling the remote in his shirt pocket Maddy pondered the option that if she used it on herself maybe Beau would break out of his funk. Worth a shot, she took a deep breath and snatched it from his shirt and wagged it in front of his troubled gaze. That brightened his eyes at least.

Pressing the button herself, Madison jumped at the sudden pulses. Squealing within seconds of activation she stretched out over his lap, his right arm holding her waist to prevent her sliding on to the floor. Ordinarily the boys would be harsh on Maddy for her plump body size, not obese, hardly thin. Still, a newfound respect for the fact she was willing to wear a bullet like Paige and Trixie kept their attention. Beau did indeed smile.

"You're crazy." He laughed suddenly.

"Over you." She giggled.

"Give me that." He reached for the remote but she defied his claiming it with her jaw wide at both being mischievous, and of the surging vibrations tormenting her G-spot. In their wrestling the remote flew from her grasp, to be caught by another boy. Chuckling, the boy pushed the button again, her moment of relief ending as fast as it had began. Beau held her in his lap even though she was squirming and whimpering sporadically. The boy watched Maddy rise and fall, arching her back, legs parting and feet slipping on the floor, breast cleavage like melons ready to pop free of their lacey prisons. Beau could not stop laughing at her dire predicament.

"OH MY GOD! Stoooooop!" She whined just as the Teacher Danielle Cordoba entered her classroom, having spoke with Drake Burrows over the hallway fight. The remote ceased the second the Teacher presumed more fighting had occurred while away. Instead she spots Maddy in Beau's lap and frowns. Releasing Maddy's waist she slid to the floor sitting between Beau's legs, her own legs wide, panties shining for all to see, very wet panties at that.

"Miss Daily? What are you doing?"

"She dropped her pen...I mean pencil." Another boy chuckled.

"Please return to your seat Madison." Danielle scowled, pointing at the vacant seat next to Beau. As she crawled to her knees to begin her way upward, facing Beau's lap, the boy holding her remote slyly activates it again. Losing her balance Maddy fell forward face first into Beau's lap. Looking as if she were giving him a BJ the entire class burst into uncontrolled laughter. Beau shocked by this merely grinned around the room. Maddy herself lost her color, now beet red and embarrassed beyond measure. "MISS DAILY!" Cordoba fought off her own laughter, trying to maintain order. With the pulsing intensifying between her legs she found her hand sliding under her skirt, her face muffled in Beau's lap a moment longer. Finally, Beau had sympathy and attempted to help her up. It took encouragement to ease her away and allow him to stand up. The boy firing her remote stopping just long enough for her to relax with Beau standing over her, leaning forward to help guide her up. The second her feet were on the tile, while still crouched the boy destroyed her again. This time Beau in trying to lift her up fell victim to her clutches. Both toppling backwards Beau Stewart found himself laying on top of Maddy, appearing as if they were fucking missionary.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE?" Danielle Cordoba couldn't resist laughing along with the class. While the inopportune wrestling match frolicked without even trying, the Teacher had not realized the arrival of Trixie and Paige, excused back to her class by Dewey. Cordoba decided best to offer assistance in helping the contorted teens to their feet. With her back to Paige and Trixie the girls giggled and added gasoline to the fire. Paige whipped her button free shirt wide open and shared her tits with the entire class, shaking them to even more laughter. Trixie not to be outshined mooned everyone, literally prying her cheeks wide to offer a wet glimpse of paradise. Guys were going nuts in their seat, girls were blushing and sensing the boys arousals. Gentle coaxing by Paige pointing at girls winking, led to more girl flashing their tits to boys. It was group chaos.

Cordoba managed to help Beau to his feet when Maddy thrashed on the tile like a dog scratching its back. Soggy thong gone wild, her legs just could not stay together. Concern that Maddy might be having an epileptic fit due to her eyes rolling back in her head Cordoba knelt next to Maddy.

"Madison? Are you alright?" Danielle Cordoba tried her best to comfort Maddy, pulling Maddy's skirt down to prevent prying eyes. The remote ceased long enough for Maddy to channel reality. Eyes teary but returning to normal she slowly sat up with the aid of Danielle. "Do I need to call a Nurse?"

"N-no. I...just think my blood sugar is low."

"I might have a piece of hard candy. You just sit there I'll go get my purse." Danielle stood up and darted toward the front of the class. Paige and Trixie took their seats quickly to avoid being questioned. With Danielle's private locker just outside the door she had to leave the class. The second she was gone Paige jumped up and ran to Maddy's side. Flashing Maddy to more laughter Paige grabbed her own tits and tossed them about.

"Stop before I pee." Maddy laughed, just as another jolt sent her reeling back. Paige playfully lifted Maddy's skirt and expressed awe toward the class. Yelping at her sensations Madison Daily had an unexpected orgasm. Squirting through her thin panties out over the tile. Beau was blown the fuck away, jumping from his seat to reclaim the remote from the boy a few seats away. Enough was enough.

Danielle Cordoba returned to find Paige fawning over Maddy. Seeing the puddle on the floor the Teacher pouted, "You poor child."

"She couldn't wait to use the potty." Paige pouted with her in her kiddy voice.

"I'll go get a mop. Here Madison, I have a peppermints, you sit there until your sugar comes back up. Stay with her Miss Turner."

"I'll never leave my bestie."

Cordoba raced out of her room again, students were no longer laughing. Now it became more serious. Trixie joined Paige and Maddy on the floor as Maddy caught her breath and unwrapped a peppermint.

"That was bonkers." Trixie smiled patting Maddy on the shoulder. "Welcome to the party."

"Your shirt is toast." Maddy pinches Paige's blouse.

"Toast...eggs...toast...eggs." Paige giggled fanning her shirt back and forth to share her breasts with Maddy. Maddy in turned snorted like a pig at her goofiness until a boy added, "BACON." That made Beau agitated, the vocal young man zipping it before it grew any worse. The fat jokes were just too easy. Maddy was used to it. In response to clear the air Paige lifted her cell and called Maddy's phone, enter the Geico Pig squeals. Maddy sneered at her bestie then snorted again. Everyone laughed together.

The rest of the class went by quietly. Miss Cordoba mopping the floor and fawning over Maddy. Bell ending things she dismissed her students with a proud "Congratulations."