Panties, Panties, Panties


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It was around the ninth grade when I first realized I was different from my friends. It seemed like it was overnight that instead of arguing over who the best third baseman or pitcher was, they began arguing about which girl in our class had the best boobs or butt.

I didn't understand their newfound interest in girls -- I still wanted to talk baseball.

Growing up we called ourselves 'The Gang of 8' but by the time we graduated from high school I was no longer close to any of them except Billy.

I don't know how or why it happened, but he and I became 'outsiders' to our friends and then one day they began ignoring us completely. The loneliness would have been soul-crushing if we hadn't had each other.

He and I were both shy and kinda introverted, but we had similar interests and our conversations evolved beyond baseball to more worldly subjects.

We became inseparable. We even got jobs together after school.

We worked as part-time stockboys at Dullard's Department Store. I worked in Sporting Goods, and he in Ladies Lingerie and Fragrances. We even timed it so we could take our breaks together.

Mid-way thru our senior year it became obvious to both of us we wouldn't be able to go to college. Neither of our families had the money, and our grades were such we could never get grants or scholarships. We began plotting our post-high school lives.

"Johnny, I need to move out of the house after graduation," he said to me one night when we were on our break. "My parents are such control freaks I can't take it anymore -- I need my freedom!"

I nodded sympathetically. I knew his parents and 'control freaks' was a mild term for them. I've always thought of them as assholes.

"Yeah, I want to get my own place, too," I said. "The twins are going to be juniors next year, and Jenny is going into the eighth grade...the last thing my folks need is me at home sponging off of them."

My parents are great people but they don't have much money. The little income I earn wouldn't help them, but they'd be able to better afford my three sisters. I'd be able to save them some money if I had my own apartment.

Billy's eyes lit up. "Why don't we share an apartment together? We could get a nice, two-bedroom place if we split the expenses!"

I became serious and said, "You know what this means though, don't you? The job market is pretty rough - we might have to keep our shitty jobs here for awhile!"

Billy nodded and said, "Mrs. Hanson already offered me a full-time job after you think you could go full-time, too?"

I sheepishly said, "I already told Mr. Anderson 'yes' when he asked me."

We smiled and shook hands.


Even though we were best friends, there are still some adjustments to be made when you live with someone. For instance, I never knew Billy was such a slob.

I worked days and he worked nights and when I got home the place would be a mess!

Clothes strewn about everywhere; dirty dishes in the sink; he never cleaned anything! It was up to me to keep every room of the apartment livable. I even did his laundry for him after he complained all the machines were taken every morning.

The one thing I didn't mind doing was the cooking. Growing up with a mother and three sisters I learned quite a bit about cooking from them.

"Sweetie," my mom would say, "a boy like you needs to know his way around the kitchen!" She would cough and quickly add: "I mean, when you meet a nice girl she'll be impressed at how well you can cook!"

That always struck me as a strange thing to say. Why would a girl be 'impressed' by my cooking?

I really didn't mind doing the work. I don't watch much tv, and there wasn't anything else to do at night.


One thing I never knew about Billy was that he liked to drink alcohol. Would never have guessed that in a million years!

The third night after we moved in he brought home a bottle of Jack Daniels. It surprised me because we weren't old enough to go to a liquor store.

"Oh, I have my contacts," he said when I asked how he got it.

He filled two glasses with ice then poured two healthy shots. He poured water into one glass then opened a can of Coke we had in the frig and filled the other glass.

"Here," he said giving me the one with Coke. "I don't think you could handle it with water!"

He drank his down fast and sat at the kitchen table to eat the meal I had prepared earlier. I choked mine down slowly watching him eat.

When I finished the drink, he gave me his glass and said, "Make us two more, will ya!"

After the third drink I muttered "I gotta go to bed" and stumbled to my room.

He laughed and said, "It's good to know you're such a cheap date!"

I squinted at him wondering what he meant by that remark.

Well, unfortunately, that became a nightly ritual. I say 'unfortunately' because I found, much to my chagrin -- I liked getting high from the liquor. It made me feel good, and I was able to temporarily forget about my mind-numbing, boring-ass, minimum wage job!


It was exactly one-week later when Billy insisted I have another drink before I went to bed.

"Johnny, we're both off work tomorrow -- live a little -- have one more!" he said while handing me my fourth drink.

I followed his example and gulped-down my drink. I became so light-headed and dizzy, bright stars danced before my eyes. I fell when I tried to stand. He laughed and helped me to bed.

I lay on my back in the dark bedroom unable to sleep. I was not only dizzy but sick to my stomach, as well. I heard Billy taking a leak in the bathroom and hoped he finished soon because I was afraid I was going to throw-up.

After the toilet flushed, I listened to his movements. Good, I thought, he went into his bedroom instead of going back to the living room. I waited a few minutes before I stood on my unsteady legs. As quiet as I could be, I went out into the hallway. His door was cracked open and I could see his light was on. I crept into the bathroom and shut the door.

I never did vomit, but felt much better. Back in the hallway I heard voices coming from his bedroom television. His door was open a crack for me to see him laying on his bed.

Huh? What am I looking at???

Oh my hell, his pants and undies were down to his knees and he was masturbating! I wanted to run and hide in my room but I was frozen in place.

What's he doing? I wondered. He had something yellow in his hand and was stroking himself with it -- what is that?

I squinted hard and recognized a pair of women's, yellow panties wrapped around his dick. Oh my God, he's jerking-off into panties!!

For the life of me I was unable to move. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the spectacle before me. Except on the internet, I had never seen a man's hard cock.

I stared at him until I had the creepiest thought of my life: He's got a nice one -- it's at least two-inches longer than mine!

I fled back to my room in a blind panic. I couldn't catch my breath as I lay on my back staring into the darkness. I tried squeezing my eyes closed as tight as I could, but it was no use -- I couldn't get the image of his hard, manly cock out of my head.

Ten-minutes went by until I knew it was hopeless. I wouldn't be able to sleep until I took care of my throbbing erection. I pushed my briefs down my thighs and flipped over onto my belly and began grinding my hard dick into the mattress.

Yeah-yeah, I know it's not the 'manly' way to beat-off, but let me tell you, when you trap your jizz inside your foreskin while you climax -- OH-MY-GOD -- the orgasm is spectacular! No comparison to shooting-off in midair -- not even close!

I was grinding away using my favorite fantasy: My old girlfriend, Mary Ellen, giving me a handjob in the front seat of my mother's car. Sure, it only happened a couple times but I'll never forget it.

In my fantasy though, the handjob became a blowjob...something I could only picture in my dreams.

I was frantically grinding my dick into the mattress when the mental image abruptly switched from watching Mary Ellen's head bobbing up and down my dick to simply seeing Billy's hard cock standing majestically straight up from his belly and my head slowly going down on him.

Before I knew what happened, my balls exploded and my body flopped about on the bed like a fish out of water. OH-MY-GOD-OH-MY-GOD-OH-MY-GOD-OH-MY-GOD -- it was the greatest climax EVER!!


In the foggy recesses of my mind I imagined Billy's baritone voice calling out my name. "Johnny -- Johnny - Johnny..."

My eyelids fluttered open. It was daytime. A sudden, excruciating pain shot thru my head. My bedroom door suddenly opened.


Oh my God, this isn't a dream! I passed out lying on my stomach and my undies were still down around my knees. My limp dick was stuck to the cum-crusted mattress. I couldn't imagine what Billy was thinking as he stared at my bare butt. I thought I was going to have a heart attack!

I imagined I heard him laughing.

"Pull yourself together, boy, I don't want to see THIS!" he said.

I couldn't look at him. The shame was so strong I didn't think I'd be able to look at him ever again!

"I got a call from work -- they want me to come in for a few hours..." he said.

"Okay," I said in a weak voice.

"You still doing laundry today?" he asked.

My heart was beating so fast all I could manage was a very soft, "Yes."

"You gonna cook the roast for dinner?" he asked.

"Yes," I softly replied.

"Good, I should be home by six, okay?"

"Okay," I answered.

I heard him laugh then say, "Hey Johnny, you gotta a real cute ass for a boy!" and he closed the door behind him.

I had a sinking feeling our relationship would never be the same.


I saved doing the laundry for last. I cleaned the apartment, took a shower then went to the store.

My heart was heavy with dread the whole time. My nerves were on edge all day. I had no clue what to expect from Billy when he got home from work.

My hangover was down to a dull ache as I went into his bedroom to fetch his laundry basket.

OH MY GOD -- right on top were the yellow panties I'd seen him masturbating with -- he hadn't even tried to hide them! Worse, they were still damp with his, uh, ya know, his jizz.

Well, I told myself, if he's not embarrassed about them why should I be?

In the laundry room I threw my stuff in a washer and his in another one. Something snapped in my head when I gingerly picked up the panties. I stood and stared at them reveling in the sheer and smooth feel of the material then suddenly brought them to my nose and sniffed at the damp area. I sprung a boner then ashamedly tossed them into the washer.

What the hell is wrong with me? I wondered.

It didn't get any better after the clothes were dry, and I was putting his stuff away. I held the dainty panties out in front of me, and damn if I didn't get another hard-on! I shook the cobwebs from my head and wondered where he kept them.

His top drawer contained his boxers; the second drawer was socks; the third drawer was miscellaneous stuff and when I opened the bottom drawer I was in for another shock -- I found four more pairs of nylon, white, powder-blue and pink!

I'd been doing his laundry since we moved here and had never seen them before! What is going on with him?

Handling the panties caused my prick to pulsate and throb. I wondered what it would feel like to wrap them around my hard-on like he had the night before. It took all the strength I could muster to keep myself from doing just that.


We drank wine with dinner instead of Jack Daniels. It was a much more mellow buzz. I hadn't known what to expect from him when he got home. Lucky for me, the subject of this morning never came up.

We were mid-way thru dessert when he said, "I saw you looking at me last night."

It never occurred to me he saw me staring at him. My face turned ten shades of red and all I could say was, "Well, uh, uh, uh..."

"Don't be embarrassed, I know you look at my cock whenever you get the chance!" he said. "You always have ever since we showered together after gym class and I caught you peeking at it..."

Oh noooo, this is bad -- this is very, very bad...

"Billy, uh, I'm sorry..." I mumbled softly. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Johnny, don't be silly, it's very flattering...I see that you washed the yellow panties today and found where I keep them," he said.

My face burned bright. I couldn't look at him. He suddenly placed his hand on mine.

"You know what I was fantasizing about last night?" he softly asked me.

Oh God, no, this can't be happening -- nooooooo...

"I pictured you wearing the yellow panties -- posing for me with your hands on your hips -- your little boner poking out the front of the soft material...Johnny, I've been fantasizing about you for a long time...what it would be like to take you in my arms and kiss those soft lips of it would feel to have your small hand wrapped around my prick while you masturbate me..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Billy please..." I softly protested.

"Johnny, let me finish, okay?"

I heard myself tell him, "Okay..."

My fragile world of self-deception was crashing down before my very eyes. I was suddenly face-to-face with my greatest fear in life and there was nowhere to hide.

"Johnny, you and I have been dating for a very long time..." he said, "and I would like to take it to the next level...but only if you're ready for it."

We've been dating? DATING??

He saw my stunned expression and continued. "You and I have been inseparable for three-years. We've done everything together and we are able to talk about whatever comes to mind...we've told each other our deepest secrets...we make each other laugh, and a couple times even cry...Johnny, we're a lot more than best friends -- we're soulmates -- we belong with one another!"

I looked at his handsome face for any sign of insincerity. Is he playing a game with me? Is he trying to coax me into saying something I would regret and he would hold it over me for the rest of my life?

"You and I went out with what? A grand total of three girls in high school? And that didn't know what Mandy Miller said to me on our second date? She didn't want to see me anymore because she knew I wasn't serious about her -- her exact words were "You're better off with John -- you guys make a good couple!"

I felt my head explode. Is he telling me the guys and girls in our class thought we were gay? He sensed the alarm bells creating havoc in my mind.

"Johnny, you and I have never done anything sexual but I know we belong together. A lot of men go thru a phase where they experiment with a guy or two, but being gay isn't about having sex with another man..."

"It isn't?" I softly said.

"No..." he replied, "being gay is emotional, not's about love -- not sex...and I know deep down that you love me as much as I love you!"

Oh my God, he loves me? I tried hard to blink away the tears in my eyes but a few drops rolled down my face.

"I understand the struggle you're going thru -- some guys can't believe they were born gay -- they'll go to absurd lengths to try and convince themselves they like females, but you know what John? The longer they refuse to accept who they are the more miserable they heart aches for you, Johnny -- I want nothing but happiness for you!"

I felt so lonely I thought my insides would burst.

His voice softened. He had difficulty getting out the words.

"I can't tell you how sad I feel right now...and I don't want to make you feel any worse than you already do...but I can't be with someone who cannot return the love I have for's doubly painful when I know you love me as much as I love you...but I can't take your indifference anymore...I have to be with someone who is able to return my love..."

"Billy," I said, my voice cracking, "I love you...what do you want me to do?"


It is our three-month anniversary and I want to do something special for him.

I soak in a hot bubble-bath until I'm sure the depilatory liquid has worked its magic and my body is soft and smooth and completely free of those annoying stray hairs.

I go into our bedroom and slide the yellow nylon panties up my legs. I smile to myself when I spring a boner inside them. I pull the sheer, matching yellow babydoll nightie over my head. I smooth it into place and admire myself in the mirror.

I go to the kitchen to check on dinner. The pot roast is tender just the way he likes it. I turn down the heat then pour two glasses of his favorite wine then wait for him on the sofa.

I feel as giddy as a schoolgirl. My heart begins pounding with anticipation.

I look around our new apartment to make sure everything is clean and in its place.

I really like it here, I think to myself. We are able to afford a much nicer one-bedroom apartment than that ratty-old two-bedroom place.

I hear the jingle of his keys at the front door. I leap up and play with myself until I spring another boner. I reach inside my panties and adjust it so it is poking the sheer material straight outwards. I stand with hands on my hips and a smile on my face.

He doesn't see me at first. He takes the keys out of the door, turns and closes it then he see's me. His wide smile brings joy to my heart!

He takes me in his arms and we kiss. A long and passionate kiss. I reach down and caress his masculine thighs.

When he breaks the kiss, he asks, "What did I do to deserve such a nice greeting?"

"Happy Anniversary!" I say.

I saw a perplexed look on his handsome face.

"It's exactly three-months ago today I spent my first night in your bed!" I said beaming proudly.

"Ohhh, yes, Happy Anniversary to you, too!" he says. "You look beautiful, sweetie...and something smells wonderful!"

"I made a pot roast with everything you like with it!" I tell him.

"Oh nice, I can't wait -- I'm starving!" he says.

I boldly grasp his erection thru his slacks and run my hand back and forth on it.

"I want to give you your present first!" I tell him and drop to my knees before him.

I kiss the outline of his hard-on while I undo his belt and open his slacks. I pull down the slacks and his boxers and as always, my heart leaps into my throat when his gorgeous erection pops into my view. My own prick begins throbbing inside the panties.

I'm going to give him one of my 'express, no-frills' blowjobs - suck him hard and fast and get him to shoot his load in my mouth as soon as possible. Later tonight in bed, I will kneel between his legs and take my time making love to his hot pole of manly flesh.

I intentionally make loud, slurping noises while I suck him. For some reason it makes him more excited.

He is soon gently thrusting his hips forcing more and more of his hard cock inside my mouth until the head is banging against the back of my throat.

I feel his balls begin to rise. I furiously bob my head back-and-forth-back-and-forth until I feel his cock swell in my mouth. I plant my tongue directly on his slit to await the onslaught of sperm and semen.

His body stiffens. I trap his hard-on between my lips.

He cries out "Oh-God" and I masturbate his shaft while he ejaculates directly on my tongue.


When his flaccid penis finally pops from my mouth I clean the excess fluids from it.

"I love you, Johnny," I hear him say above me. "That was fantastic!"

"I love you too, Billy," I respond, then add: "Thank you for your patience with me...and for being my best friend."