Paper Matches


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Bill murmured his acceptance of her suggestion, and then lay there watching her sexy ass gently shift from side to side as she walked into the bathroom. When she closed the door behind her, he let his eyes close, and it was only a matter of seconds before he drifted back into a light sleep.

He probably hadn't slept for very long at all when he was aroused from his brief sojourn with a gentle kiss on the cheek and whispered instructions in his ear.

"I hate to have to wake you up, Bill. Breakfast is on the stove, and should be ready right about the time that you finish your shower and get done in the bathroom."

By the time he joined his wife in the kitchen she had his favorite breakfast on a plate at his normal place on the kitchen table. The two eggs over easy, sausage links, hash browns and toast had long been his preferred breakfast, although there was rarely time to prepare it. Most mornings he joined Linda for cereal before their cups of coffees.

"I really appreciate all of your work with this breakfast, Linda. I know it's going to be as tasty as ever." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and moved to sit at the table, anxious to eat the meal she had prepared before it got cold.

"Thanks, Bill. I wish I had the time to make you a breakfast like this every morning. You do deserve it."


There was no time during the morning to even think about going to his combination home office and computer room to start checking the stored audio and video files. He didn't even have the opportunity to go downstairs to retrieve or switch the memory card in the telephone line recorder.

It was almost 1 o'clock in the afternoon when they had a light lunch, and Linda announced that she wanted to go to Dayton Mall to find something for her parents' 45th anniversary. She reminded Bill that they were expected to be there to celebrate with them on Sunday afternoon, something he had known for weeks, but had completely forgotten because of the time he spent worrying about his concerns over his wife. They briefly discussed possible gifts, but in the end he left it to Linda's judgment.

Linda left for the mall at about 1:30, and just before she went out the connecting door to the garage she warned him that it might take her a little while to find just the right gift. He quickly told her to take her time, realizing that the opportunity to check the results of his surveillance system was now at hand.

The moment that Bill heard the sound of the garage door closing he got up from the kitchen table and started purposefully walking towards his computer room, apprehension and anxiety his most prominent emotions. The first thing he did as he pushed the door open was look to see that the power light on the tower unit of his desktop computer system was on.

He was mostly happy to see that it was on, although a small part of him had hoped that his system had failed and not recorded anything while he was away. It didn't take him long to check and see that there were four large video files in the directory assigned to hold the files his surveillance system had created.

It took only seconds for him to stop the input from the four cameras and start the program that would start time synchronized viewing from all four of the files at once in a combination window on his monitor. He had found that the way it worked was it started with a small sample from each of the four files, getting enough information that the start time of each of the four files was now known.

The monitoring software would begin with the file with the earliest timestamp, switching to the others automatically as their start times were reached. It was entirely possible to have all four small screens displaying images at the same time if activity took place in all four locations simultaneously. Bill was also able to fast forward through the files, with each of the four screens displaying a sequence of still photos as they sampled the video files.

If there was a particular camera that captured his attention, Bill simply had to click on the small screen to enlarge it so that it would fill the full window. He could then continue at fast speed, displaying a slideshow-like series of images, or he could begin watching the video at normal speed. In the enlarged mode a time and date stamp appeared in the lower right-hand corner of the window

He started slowly, watching images of himself as he left the house on Wednesday after resetting the system, and then proceeding to let the four small screens roll by quickly. Periodically he stopped an active image to check the time stamp, finally letting all four of them scroll by at normal speed as the time approached 9 p.m. on Wednesday night. He was able to watch his wife take the kitchen phone and could actually pick up enough words to recognize parts of the conversation they had that night.

He was mostly interested in what happened after the call, but as he watched the video scroll by, it was obvious that after his wife had hung up from his call she had gone about perfectly normal activities, straightening up in the kitchen and their bedroom until finally, at 10 o'clock in the evening, she undressed, left to have a shower, and then got into bed. Two minutes after she reached up to turn off the bedside lamp, the video ended.

After a very brief time when all four screens were black, new activity began in their bedroom. When he enlarged the screen, he discovered it was now Thursday morning, and his wife was getting up at her normal time to go to work. By quarter to nine she was gone and all of the video screens were black again.

Images once again returned quickly, and a quick check showed him that it was video of his wife returning from work at her usual time of 5 p.m. Once again everything was normal until, while he was speeding through at a fast pace, he realized unexpected things were showing up. He quickly stopped the playback and carefully reversed to the start of the unexpected action.

At 8 o'clock it appeared that his wife entered the bathroom carrying some clothing that she had pulled from a drawer in her bedside dresser. He couldn't tell what she took, as she walked off camera into the bathroom quickly. After a brief moment of black screens when all four cameras were timed out, she reappeared from the bathroom. He now had the bedroom camera showing a full screen image, and he could see that she was wearing her half cup blue bra and the matching thong.

It was 15 minutes before nine when she had come out to the bathroom in her lingerie, with her hair and makeup done, and by five to nine she was dressed in one of her black skirts, this particular one coming about 3 inches above the knee. Her light blue sheer blouse went on over her bra, leaving her bra visible. He had seen her wear these same clothes before, but she had always worn a blue camisole over the bra to hide it.

As she faced the camera, looking at the mirror behind it, he watched as she undid the top four buttons of the blouse, exposing her cleavage down to the point that the fancy lace at the middle of her bra was just visible. He assumed she would change her clothing, and that what she had just put on was part of the trying-on process women often go through, but that wasn't the case. He watched as she left the bedroom and turned toward the kitchen.

Bill switched to the living room camera when she appeared on it, clearly visible in the background as she was walking over to the telephone. When she stood there without touching it, he realized she was waiting for him to call. Once again he was able to watch her answer the phone, listen to a few of the words she spoke to him, and then watched as she immediately hung up the phone and made a brief call.

It was obvious that her actions were not the ones he had expected of her, and deep down he already knew that Linda was going out somewhere, intentionally without letting him know, and almost surely to meet someone. This wasn't a smoking gun, but the bullet had been put in the chamber and the hammer was cocked.

He continued watching as she paced slowly back and forth in the entranceway, until she suddenly reacted to something outside; a knock, or a horn, or perhaps something like a voice. There was no way for him to know what got her attention, but she immediately walked to the door, opened it and then left the house.

Bill paused the playback during the two-minute timeout period, with the camera showing an empty room with no activity. He suddenly realized that the pain in his stomach had returned, and left the computer room to go to the bathroom and take a small handful of antacid tablets. For a brief moment he thought that if this kind of stomach upset continued, he could imagine himself getting an ulcer.

When he got back in front of the computer he clicked on the icon that restarted the playback. He didn't bother trying to speed up the remaining minute of the no-motion time out, and when it ended, a brief moment of blackness descended on the screen. He knew that the next activity would be captured by the camera in the living room, since it covered the only two ways that anyone could enter the house, so he kept that camera in full screen mode.

It only took perhaps 10 seconds of video for him to see that his absolutely worst fears were confirmed. He watched as four people entered the house, Linda, her friend Denise, and two young men he didn't recognize. He froze the screen for a few seconds, attempting to get his breathing under control, and noticed that the timestamp showed it was just minutes before midnight when the four of them entered the house.

In the next five minutes he saw things that he hadn't even considered in his worst case scenarios. Denise and one of the young men moved into the living room, clearly visible perhaps 10 feet in front of his camera. Linda and the other man, blond haired and wearing a Dayton University jacket, soon joined them.

Bill periodically froze the screen so that he could absorb the details in front of him. The man with Denise removed a tan jacket that was emblazoned on the front with three symbols that he realized were Greek letters. When the blond haired man removed his jacket as well, activity picked up. Denise moved into a tight embrace with her man, grasping his ass as she pulled him close to her. In seconds he could see that she was grinding her crotch into the one she held to hers.

Linda and her 'friend' had been temporarily hidden by the bodies of Denise and her 'date', but when they moved aside he could see that his wife was imitating Denise's actions. In fact, Linda's breasts were being mauled by the young man's hands, and he watched as his wife pushed them away and said, "Slow down! We have all night." He could hear her giggle and then continue, "I bet you wish mine were as big as Denise's."

"No, I like yours just fine." The man's hands moved to Linda's chest and he began undoing the remaining buttons of her blouse. Bill was praying that she would push his hands away, and put an end to what was happening, but he watched as she stood there looking down at the two hands that were carefully undoing her buttons. When they were all undone he spread her blouse open and moved his hands back to her breasts, gently squeezing and caressing them through her bra.

It was hard to hear clearly, but he was certain Linda had said, "Mmmm, that's much better." Bill was watching what took place like he was in a trance, until finally motion on the right of the screen caught his eye, and he watched as Denise removed her own blouse, followed quickly by her bra. He could finally see the breasts Denise was so proud of, but they did nothing for him; instead all he could think of were the grotesquely large breasts of an internet porn star.

The man with her immediately focused all of his attention on her breasts, using both hands and his mouth on them. Bill listened as Denise encouraged him while she worked on his zipper, finally putting her hand inside his pants when the zipper was fully down. It was soon obvious by the motions of her hand and arm that she was stroking his cock.

It was at this point that Bill froze the playback, because the tears that had been forming in his eyes were now interfering with what he could see. He took out his handkerchief and tried to dry his eyes, but when he looked back at the screen and could see Linda's hand had moved between her and her partner, her intent obvious, his tears interfered again.

For the next 15 minutes Bill turned off full screen mode and watched in fast play as the activities in the living room and then the two bedrooms took place. He periodically stopped and switched to full screen mode, watching full screen sized frozen images display like a slide show, showing him what was happening. Bill was almost in shock at some of what he saw, and knew that he couldn't possibly watch what had taken place in his own bedroom at normal speed. He saw more than enough to know that.

Bill couldn't see any way his marriage could possibly survive this, and he knew that if Linda showed up while he was feeling the way he was, he doubted that he would be in control of his actions. He knew he had to leave the house for both their sakes, to think and to decide what he had to do.

He wasn't going to bother to leave Linda a note, but quickly realized that if he didn't do that she would be out there looking for him, calling the neighbors, or eventually she might call the police to report him missing. To prevent all of that he left a note on the kitchen table that simply stated, "Gone for a walk." Bill left the house without even remembering to lock the door, and started down the sidewalk with absolutely no destination in mind.

Chapter 4

Bill hadn't walked more than a couple of blocks when his feelings of sorrow at the loss of his marriage, and his anger with his wife, began to transform into more of a cold rage and the desire to find a way to exact some needed revenge.

It hadn't taken long for him to accept that there was really very little he could do except to confront Linda, and then tell her that he was going to seek a divorce. He began to realize that this was what would eventually happen, but he also began to accept that jumping into a divorce action immediately might work against his own best interests, and would certainly diminish the opportunities to plan for some payback.

He decided it would probably be better to explore his options and make a decision based on facts and logical thought instead of a rush to the lawyer's office for a quick divorce. Then there were the health tests for STDs that he knew would have to be arranged.

As he walked he began to think more clearly, and he quickly decided that the last thing he wanted to do was push for a divorce when he didn't know what his rights and responsibilities were. He knew he was going to have to talk to a lawyer, and soon.

He had walked about half an hour when he came to a small children's park, complete with swings and open grassy areas in which to play. It was almost deserted, and he noticed that there was a paved path that wandered through it, with benches placed under the shade of some of the scattered trees. It didn't take him long to decide to find a bench to sit on, a place were he could sit and think.

He began by reviewing in his mind the shocking events his surveillance system had recorded, and realized that at some point he was going to have to fully watch everything that was recorded, maybe even more than once. In some of the scenes he had already witnessed he was finding it difficult to accept that his wife was even included in them. During this time, as he replayed the details in his mind, another emotion continued to build in him; the desire, no, the primal need, for some payback.

Once he began to consider that trying to get even might restore some of his lost pride and self confidence, he was able to calm himself down a bit. He immediately began thinking of ways that he could punish his wife for what she had done to their marriage, but it wasn't long before he realized that she wasn't the only one at fault. He would have to consider her friend Denise Grady, and how to make her pay for what was obviously something she had played a very big part in.

The two men who had starred in the videos that he had watched also deserved some of his retribution, but that might present a problem considering he didn't know their names or where they lived. Then there was the bar that provided a venue for his wife to so easily hook up with someone to cheat on him with. It seemed logical to him that they should pay part of the price as well. The next half hour was spent trying to imagine what might be suitable forms for his revenge to take.

By the time Bill had spent well over an hour and a half on the bench in the park, enjoying the warm weather and the solitude, he had made some decisions. Although seeking payback wasn't going to do anything about salvaging the almost 10 lost years he had spent in his marriage, he was already starting to feel a little better since having made the decision to get a little of his own back. There must be some reason people would say that revenge was sweet, and he decided to see if it was true.

Time was passing quickly, and a check of his watch showed him that he had been gone from home for almost 3 hours. It was obvious to him that he couldn't stay away for much longer than this without really arousing his wife's concerns, something he had already decided he was going to have to avoid. He had made some tentative plans, but there were a lot of things he hadn't decided, and even more thinking was necessary, with more decisions that he would have to make.

Finally he decided that he was as ready as he was likely ever going to be to return home and face Linda. Bill knew he was going to have to do a remarkable acting job, and he was really unsure if he was going to be able to pull it off. There weren't any other options though, except to try hiding what he knew, or to immediately confront her. With the decision made, he got up and began to walk purposefully back home.


When he arrived home Bill was lucky that his wife was busy making supper. She did ask him why he had gone for such a long walk, but his answer must have satisfied her curiosity, because she didn't ask him any more about it. He was able to maintain his calm outward appearance even though he was seething inside, angry with her for doing the things he had seen on the surveillance video.

He did find that whenever his anger and hurt threatened to take over his feelings, reminding himself that he needed to be calm and not give away the fact that he knew what had been going on was crucial, if he intended to try and set up a situation that he could be in control of. There wasn't just a matter of getting some revenge; there was also the need for self preservation, a need to protect his rights, finances and other best interests in the divorce.

The evening went by quickly, considering the images and thoughts that were flashing through Bill's mind. Just after nine o'clock he told Linda that he was feeling quite tired, and that maybe the fresh air and exercise in the afternoon had caught up to him.

It seemed rather ironic that she was playing the mother hen part with him now, worrying about whether he was coming down with something, and insisting on taking his temperature before letting him go to bed. It was too bad she hadn't been so concerned about him on Thursday night.


Just after noon on Sunday, Bill and Linda Phillips pulled away from their home for a pleasant drive to her parents' home near Franklin. They were invited for an afternoon get-together with family and friends in the backyard, and then a quiet supper with Jim and Patricia Baker, Linda's parents.

Bill was pleased that he was able to maintain the façade of a loving and happy husband. He was sure that Linda didn't suspect anything about what he now knew about her, and her slutty ways. He had even been able to kiss her lovingly, and interact with her physically in a way that he felt was pretty close to his normal way, even though he did find it very difficult.
