Paradise Island Ch. 02


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Dad Spoke, "You guys should have told us you took these, they are great, you two have some great photography skills. Maybe sometime you can shoot us like this."

Mom added, "I couldn't resist framing them, they really are lovely. Can We keep the one of you two together for in here? And you two can have the other ones?"

Susie said, "Ah.. I guess. They are good, and I did want the one of me, it looked really great."

I said, "I think what I want a redo, one of the couple one, with the one of us on each side. I mean I like these and all"

Dad said, "I really like that idea. You know what might be nice too, and I know it would require some more work, but maybe put together a coffee table book with some of your works and have your idea collage shot for the cover. Maybe less awkward if someone else sees it than nude picture of you guys hanging on the walls."

Susie said, "I like that idea, we can get some more shots of the island, Sam has some great ones already."

"I might have close to enough shots for a book like that. That's a great idea, What do you say Susie, you up for spending some time with your favorite brother looking for things to shoot? We can Call the book "Paradise Island" I mean it is just for us." I said.

Mom Said, "Can we still keep this one, it's very beautiful and makes us proud of you two."

"I don't see why not." And with that, I took the other two picture in my hands, "Susie, it looks like we have a date tomorrow, what do you say sunrise?"

"Ugh... Just kidding I would love to go shooting with you if you want me along again." She replied.

Dad said, "Good, now I know mom and I are tired, so why don't you guys go ahead and hit the bed too."

We exchanged hugs and good nights and left their room, standing outside their closed door we heard Mom say, "They remind me of us so much at that age, right now though get over her I see that hard on you have and I want it!"

Susie made a shushing gesture with her finger to her lips, and we soon heard the bed creaking in the most primal rhythm known to mankind, the rhythm of sex. I was hard and tenting my pants out I pressed it up against Susie whose eyes got big. She took me by the hand, leaving the sounds of our parents having sex behind, and led me back to my room.

"We can't what if they.." I said, standing at the door to my room.

Susie Cut me off, "You kidding me, did you hear them going at it, we are the last of their concerns tonight." With that off came her shirt, and her pajama shorts. Standing topless in front of me, her nipples sticking out, she had her thumb on the waist band of her panties and said, "But, if you don't want to."

I took her hand and closed the door. I replaced my hand on her panties and slid them down, saying, "Just be a little quiet." Every time I see her red pussy hair is such a big turn on. I led her to my bed undressing myself on the way. I then laid her down and proceeded to eat her out. She was dripping wet, and tasted sweet and fresh. Eating my sister never gets old, but I didn't let her cum this way, I slid up her body, my cock trailing along her thigh coming to rest between her legs where I grinded the head of it against her clit a few time before the unexpected happened. She came and she came hard, my cock found its way inside her tight pussy one of my arms was below her one of her legs and her right leg ended up resting on my shoulder as I started fucking her hard. Her leg up over my shoulder was distracting me to the point I just had to kiss her ankle, now running my hand along the back of her thigh, watching as my cock enters her pussy, her clit sticking out reaching for my cock on each downward thrust. So tight that it milks my cock. She goes wild, cumming a second time, when I open my mouth and give the front her ankle and kiss involve my full mouth and tongue. I lose her leg this time and I'm on top of her in a missionary position, pounding into her.

She pulls my chest into her bringing my face closer to hers, l ooking me in the eyes and says "I love you so much!" and kisses me. For the moment all movement stops, and we just lay there, my cock buried deep inside her. Her kiss has every nerve in my body on the verge of giving into orgasm. As still as we were holding one another, I felt something on my cock, She wasn't moving, but I felt her heart beating around my cock. No I wasn't that deep inside, I felt her pussy contracting with her heart beat. I knew I loved her, but this connection was amazing, She felt me become still and looked into my eyes as is askng "what", without saying a word.

I softly said, "I can feel your.. your heart beating around my cock." She smiled and it the beat increased a little, and then I came.

When I rolled off of her she told me, "Your eyes went glossy and sort rolled back for a second, I felt you cum hitting inside of me."

I replied, "oh my god.. that was so different than anything we had ever done. Lets get some sleep." She held my head to her breast, my leg over hers, my limp cock pressed against her leg I drifted off into oblivion.

We woke up about an hour before sunrise, somehow.. Showered, and headed downstairs. Mom and Dad were not up yet. We knew it was risky sleeping together last night, but they hardly ever come to our rooms so we figured we could risk it. Part of me wanted to climb on top of the house and scream out our love, but figured they would freak if they knew.

We went to their room to see if they were up to let them know we were leaving, the hall was dark and their door was open. Mom was lying across Dad's chest, naked, her hand was wrapped around his cock and it looked like they were sleeping. What I saw of mom was outstanding, her breast were bigger than Susies, but not as smooth and creamy looking, and that was about all we saw. Dad wasn't in bad shape for an old fart either. His cock was very much like mine just with brown hair at the base. We just backed away back down the hall, got my equipment and left headed for the east beach.

It was Beautiful, by now you are probably getting tired of the photography descriptions, and more into the sex, so I won't bore you. We got great picture of the sunrise, Her with it behind her, me with it behind her, and us as a couple using the tripod and remote. We wound up getting a little kinky with it, we got a blowjob shot where she wanted me to cum all over her face. Which we found out later is called a facial.

We sent the day out and about on the island, took the boat out again to the reef, this time with an couple tanks. We saw a nurse shark that spooked us a little as we were naked again. This time I went down and got some close up pictures of the coral. We tried to fool around underwater, but turns out while water is wet, you can't actually have very good sex underwater because it washes away the natural lubrication. That and it's hard to keep a boner when you have to remember to breathe underwater.

Back to the office we went, this time dressed in swimwear. I loaded the images into the computer, and then thought, about separating them for showing. I took out any incriminating pictures I had and put in on password protected drive. Susie watched, and was learning some of the Photoshop and Lightroom commands. When I got the images how I wanted them, I loaded up a program called DARKROOM wish is a photo program for doing albums and photo books.

About 2 hours later I had our books made, I used the one of us as a couple for the cover, on the back I used the one I took of her underwater, with the one I liked of her on the rock, and one she took of me as inserts above and below her. On the front In a gold lettering I called the book "Paradise Island". The book I wanted to use a lay flat album design, there the middle of the page is not a fold, but more seamless. For each page I used a panoramic e shot of the island, either a sunset/rise, ocean, or landscape of the island. On top of these I used varying configurations of inserts, The ocean ones tended to get fish, the jungle ones got wildlife shot.

Susie went and got us dinner, and we ate it by the lagoon. She asked how it was coming as she wasn't as much into the album design as I was. And I said "Okay, just a little time consuming. I might have it done tonight."

She went to the main house and spent some time with mom and dad, She let me have at it until about 9pm or so and came to check on me. I had the album done. The most time consuming part was getting all the pages in order to be pressed into the book by the heat press. I actually had 4 of them done, one for each of us. We even had boxes for them, so I boxed them up and together we took them to the house. Susie had seen the covers only and liked them.

We found our parents casually dressed in their pj's watching tv in the media room. I told them I had something for them, and I gave each of them a box, as well as Susie hers. They opened it, and Dad said, "I knew you was busy but this is amazing."

"I had a lot of the pictures, and we took some more today." I said.

Mom said, "This one on the back cover, is amazing, that was out by the reef?"

"Yeah, We forgot our swimsuits that day and decide to just bare it all, and I was down below photographing the reef when I saw that and could not resist capturing it. Wasn't she beautiful there?" I asked.

Dad said, "Just like her mother at that age." Susie blushed red for a second.

Mom was the first turn actually open the book, Our island was on display in the pages, occasionally one of us was in the pictures, or more likely Susie was topless, or one of us was bare assed facing away from the camera. The last page was a landscapes with both of us toe to toe with our backs propped up against a palm tree. Naked as the day we were born. My cock was visible as was the Red tuft of hair between Susie's legs. It was a nonsexual images, showing two lovely youths with the sunset in the background.

Mom spoke first, "I don't know what to say, these are beautiful. Thank you so much."

Dad added, "I didn't realize the island was this beautiful. You did a great job catching the beauty of it, and the beauty of you two. I love your pictures in the book, it ties it together as a story as to why it is Paradise island."

Mom said, "You two look very comfortable together without any clothes on in these."

Susie spoke up, "I was a little shy at first, I mean nothing I haven't seen or shown before, just not that close up, and not focused on the nudity. Now I find it pretty comfortable to be naked."

Dad said, "Believe it or not we used to be almost completely nudist around here. We just thought it was not right around you kids."

I said, "Come on Dad, it's only skin. If you want to go around naked, do it. I know around the pool we all do it at times, so not like we are not already scarred for life by having seen a naked body."

Susie said, "Right, not big deal really to me either. It was kinda freeing to be honest. Once I got over seeing Sam's ah... junk swinging that is. But that was just a little odd for the first 2 minutes, and we wound up in the water out by the reef."

Mom was sitting on the couch next to Dad, and said, "The kids are right, we are all adults now and it is not big deal." With that she pulled her top off, and slid her bottoms down, "Now this feels better."

My mouth dropped a little, as Susie shed her clothes, followed by Dad, who was slightly erect. Being the last clothed person, I slid my trunks off, then my shirt. I wasn't even starting to get hard yet. I said, "So we are not a Nudist Island I guess." Looking over at Mom, Dad was right she looked just like Susie, just older. Her red hair was shoulder length where Susie's covered part of her Breasts. And the Red pubic hair was a bit thinner, and she has some stretch marks.

Susie halfway joked, "Okay, two minutes are up, you guys get your tongues back in your mouths." Our tongues were in our mouths but I was checking mom out, and Dad was checking Susie out, and I think Mom was checking us both out.

Dad said, "I need a cold drink, anyone else want one?"

I Said, "That and a snack would be good."

Dad replied, "Come on give me a hand."

In the kitchen dad had the "Second" talk with me. We did the whole sex thing years ago, This one was to remind me that Susie is a pretty girl, a very pretty girl, but to remember she is my sister. I told him I know, and she is also a great model."

That night Susie came into my room, naked as the day she was born. We actually slept that night.

We made love in the morning and kinda went on separate ways for a while. We are a close family, just being on an island can get a little boring if you don't keep busy. I went out shooting again, and got some good pictures. And I wanted to work on a photobook I could maybe sell. I took a few days of doing this. I meet up with Susie a few times during the day, the nudity thing was great. I'd catch Mom and dad laying around at the lagoon, and a time or two back at what Susie and I call their spot.

About a week passed and I thought Susie and I was busted once, but we pulled it off. We were in the "Jungle" down by the beach on a blanket making love, I had just cum inside her about the time Mom and Dad walked down the beach and saw us standing there. The walked over to us, and my cum was running down Susie's leg, just a little. Dad told us the next Monday they were leaving again for a few days to go sell some books, something to do about some deal with Amazon. And when they get back they want to maybe have a shoot done of them like I did for Susie.

I swear, I think I saw dad look at my cum running down Susie's leg but he said nothing. I know I saw Dad's in mom's pubic hair. Nothing was said, no big deal about anything.

Come Monday, We got dressed and took the golf cart down to the dock, were Jim and Chrissy, were going to pick up our parents. We don't really know them that well, but we've sent some time twice a year with them and their trip. Meaning we have the big boat if we wanted to take it to the mainland.

Well the boat pulled up, with a third and forth passenger in it. It was Kelli and Marc. They were cool but I think I knew where this was going to go. Right down the crapper. Susie had a look on her face of, "GREAT! NOT"

We all passed greeting and hugs, and the Parents all took off leaving the four of us on the dock. We started to the main house with their two bags, when Kelli noticed the sign "Clothing Optional beyond this point" We added last week to the trail leading up to the house. She pointed it out to Marc who said, "For real!"

Susie said, "Whatever you want to do is fine." And with that Kelli and Marc looked at one another and shrugged, We started down the trail in front of them, about 30 steps in I said something to Marc, and he didn't answer, we turned around and two naked teenagers were catching up with us.

I said, "Really, cool" and we slipped our clothes off too.

Over the few days, we got to see a lot of them, there were not sexual and we were not either with them around, Marc took over the guest room, and Susie gave Kelli her room and bunked in with me on a "Roll away" we had.

We all actually had a good time visiting, Marc and Kelli was a little younger than us. Kelli was cute, but that was about all I would say about her, Marc was a skinny kid. We got to play some games, went scuba diving at the reef, and I got some killer pictures of the fish and reef. I missed being able to have Susie when I wanted to. We were always either baby sitting them or afraid of waking Kelli in the next room up.

Needless to day we were glad to see the boat pull back up. We got on the boat, and we all went to dinner on the main Island. We agreed not to mention the nudity the last 3 days to their parents. Dinner was good, steak and lobster! We got back to the island about an hour before Sunset.

Dad was serious back at the house, "Guys, we got to talk about something."

We were both thinking we were busted. I said "Good or bad?"

Mom said, "Not just good but Great."

Dad continued, "You know the photo book you made for me to take with me to pitch. I have a publisher They wanted to pay 200,000.00 dollars for the right to it."

I said, "Wow! That's a lot."

Susie gave me a hug, "See I knew you were good"

Dad said, "Only glitch is they saw the wrong copy! The like the copy with you two in it. Says it defines why it is Paradise island."

I said, "So they want to buy our book."

Susie said, "Cool!"

Dad Said, "I didn't think that was enough, I told them 400k and 10% and they accepted but only giving us 5%. Congratulations, They want the digital files to make them, and said they will transfer the money to your account as soon as they get them and the signed contract."

We went to the office, signed and emailed them the contract that evening, and the next morning I had 400k in my bank account.

We got a copy of the book done up about a week later in our weekly mail, The really moved fast. They put barcodes on the back, and a little preface in the beginning, but kept pretty much to my format.

About a week later, we had news for our parents that we wasn't sure how they would take it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good Story

Would have been nice if Sam had eaten his pretty ginger haired Sister Susie after he had Lovingly carefully and full of love had caressed and shaved her ginger haired pussy bald and smooth! I would have loved to see him gently and affectionately shave her cunt hair and have their Mom walk in and catch them and approve her kids affection though sexual!

May be Dad can repeat the performance for MOM after Susie shows hers off to the family! May be in chapter 3

They all are rich now!

diverbossdiverbossover 5 years ago

Great read. More please

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
i like the story

its a clever storyline, and Susie and Sam are fun characters. i gave it 5 stars - but - as you know - you do need someone to proof and edit these stories. sometimes the poor grammar and typos take away from from whats a very good story. I'm looking forward to chapter 3......and hopefully more

cincy4fun6cincy4fun6over 5 years agoAuthor
Paradise Island v/s Blue lagoon..

I never thought of the comparison. Interesting connection. New story should go up tomorrow, It's sent in already. I do see the connection, and loved the movie. The island I'm more thinking of is Gilligan's Island, More what I picture when I see it, just without the slapstick comedy, volcano, head hunters, and lack of modern conveniences. Brook shields would have been perfect as Susie if she had been a red head, Maybe Kirsten Dunst.

I know I could use a proof-reader at times.. Really use one. But it is what it is, When I get it complete if there is more interests in my stories I will proof it better and have someone else to it too. The next couple chapters of this story will be interesting, more sex and different. Keep the comments up and I will continue to post more. I have and idea for a couple of

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Paradise Island vs Blue Lagoon

As per Ch. 02: , last sentence,is she ?

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