Parallel Lives of Jim & Linda


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The court awarded Jim his divorce, all assets, and custody of the children, and noted that he was now a resident of another state. If and when the family home is sold, then the wife would receive fifty percentage, held in escrow until a time in when she may resurface into society, or if pronounce dead, then assets would be held in trust for the children. Divorce would finalize in thirty days. Linda's visitation would have to be court supervised initially until she could be proven a fit mother.

After the court concluded, Jim and the In-laws went to a late lunch, and by the old house on the way to the airport. Between the official end of his marriage, and looking at the empty house. Jim wept for a few moments. He had moved on, he acknowledged that he hopes that Linda is well. He doesn't like her for what she easily did to the children, but he would try to be the better person.

He clicked the light on in the garage to see if he has left anything that he wanted behind, when he found Linda's car still filled with trash bags just as he left. The hood was up with a trickle charger keeping the battery charged.

He looked at his father-in-law.

"Hell, I didn't want it setting in my driveway. At least in here, it won't get broken in to, and it'll be ready if she needs it."

Jim patted him on the shoulder as he walked by. It was time to get home to the children.

The Third month of Linda's fantasy romance, fantasy because it was only in her mind. In the three months with 'Him', she had more sex, in more place, in more holes, than she had in the last seven years with Jim. Cocaine and alcohol were in an endless supply for her. Her days were sleep to almost noon then worship Marc's dick either orally or vaginally. Have brunch, lay around the indoor pool. Fuck Marc in the pool or the loungers, sometimes hot tub. Take some downers and have a nap. Evening meal then out to the clubs, then back home for some good night sex. She never thought of herself as sexual, but for some reason, she wanted it all the time.

It might be a coincidence that possibly something was added to her meals that could, maybe, increase libido. Just as 'He' was using a blue item to help him keep his reputation as a serious stud, she was being groomed as a hot wife for everyone to see. Especially when they danced dirty in some of the clubs.

During this month when her monthly visitor came, she didn't want a repeat of Dee. She was so jealous of Dee. That bitch did everything she could to take Linda's spot as number one. Linda didn't know that 'He' was seeing Dee at least once a week. He planned to fuck her in front of her husband soon when he could arrange it. No, Dave doesn't know.

This time she invited Jane. Plain Jane, who dressed as a ole time school marm. Her in a bun, never show cleavage, Long skirts to her below her knees. Plain Jane, it was. Jane surprised Linda and Marc. Linda was shocked when 'He' told Jane to suck his dick. She laughed in his face, and being a tall woman, she pushed him onto the sofa where she almost ripped his pants off to get to his junk. She could tell that he was very excited by Jane. She pulled out his semi, and started stroking it. Boy, did she talk dirty. "Show me the tenth wonder of the fucking world, big boy." She pulled her skirt off revealing no panties. "That's all you got?" She screamed as she impaled herself onto his manhood. "Ha, I fucked bigger! I thought you were something. Hear Dee, you are." She pounded up and down as she demeaned Marc until he threw her backward onto the floor, and fucked her as hard as he could go.

As he finished, he smugly stated. "How's that bitch?"

Jane looked at him with an evil grin. "I get better fucking from my husband. I'll give you one more chance if you can get it up."

All Linda could think of was 'WTF?'

'He' made Linda eat his spunk from Jane's snatch before he copulated with Jane a second time. Linda didn't want to do it. She had never been interested in females, but she needed to keep her number one position.

Jane tormented her as she cleaned her. Telling her she wasn't doing it right, how she get needed to get in there and get that 'pussy' ready again.

Linda left the room to clean her face. She didn't need to watch them again, but she unfortunately had to hear Jane. Jane had hidden what a cruel person she was on the inside.

After her monthly visitor, Linda stepped up her plan to reconnect with Marc, and secure her place as number one. There wasn't a room in the mansion, or a car in his collection that they didn't fornicate within. Yet, deep within her, she had really realized that her orgasms were never as intense as their first time together. She didn't realize how she had been turned into his submissive. Jim made her his equal, but 'He' wanted her to be broken when he finally tired of her.

Month Three had ended with Linda thinking she overheard a conversation with 'Him' and his buddies where Andre and Cole wanted to know why she was still hanging around. That he never had 'pussy' stay this long. Did he fall in love with her?

"No, you know that I can't love anyone, but She tries real hard, and never ever says 'no'."

Never says No became her mantra.

The following week, she attended a dinner with 'Him' and two executives from a Sportswear company. His agent had put together a shoe deal for him. It wasn't a big company like Nike, but it could be a great source of extra money with the endorsement, but he needed to cement the contract.

After dinner, they retired to the executive's hotel suite where he would leave Linda behind to 'complete' the contract so it could be signed tomorrow. She understood what Marc was asking her to do. She didn't realize that she was 'whoring' herself for him, she only wanted to make him happy by getting his deal signed.

"He' kissed warmly, and slid down the zipper on her little black dress leaving her nude except for her heels. She never wore underwear for Marc's night outs. 'He' touched her shoulders and pushed her down onto her knees. She knew what he wanted her to do.

The two executives unbuckled their trousers and walked over to her. "I bid you a good evening, gentlemen. I trust that I will see you tomorrow at the signing?"

The men looked at each, and at Linda, then nodded 'yes'.

Linda was alone with the men as she heard the door latch as Marc left.

She looked at the faces of the two excited men, then she looked down at their erections. Each man was pulling on theirs as they stared at her. Linda reached out and took bother penises into her hands, one in the left and one in the right, and stroked them with a fake smile. She knew that 'He' needed her to do this for 'him', to help secure their future.

The men didn't get any bigger as she continued to stroke each of them. The closest penis that she could remember seeing this size was a high school suitor that she turned down when he tried to seduce her. She'd heard, "I'm grower, not a shower", but these two weren't growers either. Similar in size with one being thinner, these were the smallest that Linda had ever personally touched.

She paused, and fake smiles then started sucking the men off. A minute on the left man, then a minute on the right man. This went back and forth for nearly fifteen minutes until Lefty pushed her over onto her hands and knees. He rubber his small penis across her surprising wet snatch, then slid it in.

Linda gasped a little as he fucked her from behind. It surprised her that she enjoyed it so much. So much that she sucked on Righty with passion.

His small penis felt nice to her. Pleasurable without any pain. It had a larger plump head, and she liked how it rubbed inside front to back, and back to front as he stroked. She felt a small orgasm building, and pulled away from sucking cock. Concentrating, she climaxed as Lefty ejaculated. Inflamed, she looked at Righty, "You need to fuck me now!"

He raced around her, and took his place behind. Fucking Linda in his friend's sloppy seconds. It was okay for Linda, with the 'lubrication from Lefty, and the man's thinner penis, she wasn't getting the friction that she needed to come again.

Righty didn't last long as he soon filled her up with more.

Linda cleaned up and joined the two men in the king sized bed. She stayed the night, and each man fucked her during the night. In the morning, Linda showered with Lefty, and enjoyed a nice fuck in the shower.

She breakfasted with them, and she was given 'His' copies of the signed document for the License for Apparel. She was proud of herself. She had gotten a million dollar deal signed.

Her phone buzzed with a message that Cole and Andre were coming to pick her up. Upon arrival, Andre took the documents, and locked them away in the glove-box while Cole drove.

Upon arriving at 'home', she leapt from the backseat of the SUV and darted for the garage door with Andre following her with the contracts. "Honey, I'm home. It's me back no worse for the wear, with your signed contracts."

No reply came.

As she climbed the stairs, she could hear the sounds of passion coming from 'their' bedroom. She started to run down the hallway, and she pushed the bedroom door open to find a twenty-something woman riding 'Him' cowgirl.

Linda screamed like Banshee from a horror movie at the scene, and ran toward the bed leaping on it grabbing the young woman by the hair, yanking at the roots. The young woman screamed back in pain. Linda pulled her off the bed by her hair. "He's mine, Bitch!"

'He' watched for a few moments as the women fought. Linda was a tiger, and whatever is her name is only a lamb.

His dick swinging he sat up, and got off the bed to break up the fight. He took Linda by the arm, and lead her into the hallway. She held her breath to calm down. Tears ran down her face. 'How could he?' 'he loves me.' were her thoughts.

The smile helped calm her. "Sweet Linda, thank you for securing my contract, and for that I will be forever grateful, but also, our time has come to an end."


Her world was falling apart.

"I love your passion for sex, it was almost too much for me. I will always remember you, but it is time for to return to your husband and children. I am sure they have missed you."

Linda balled her eyes out. "Can we still see each other?"

"No, it would not be wise. I am what I am. There are many women out there for me to meet, and I am a bull that cannot be domesticated. You have not known but there have been many others since you came to stay here."

"No there hasn't!"

"Yes, but you were entertained by Others while I visited them."

He turned and walked back to the bedroom, and stopped at the door. "Gather your things, and I will have either Cole or Andre drop you at your home." He closed the door to comfort the crying young woman.

As usual, Cole got stuck driving her home. As they entered the once familiar neighborhood, it seemed strange to Linda. Like it was something from a fairy tale so long ago..

He pulled into her driveway.

He opened the passenger door for her, then grabbed the duffle bag from the back seat. "Sorry, how it turned out for you, but this what always happens... You made it longer than must because you couldn't get pregnant. Just so you know."

"What?" She had her tubes tied after Tommy was born. Did that really make the difference.

"Yeah, 'He' worries about having any bastard children out there. He could get off with you without that worry. Sorry again."

Tears came from her eyes again. "Thank you, Cole."

He got in the vehicle and backed out into the street and sped away quickly. Job completed.

Linda stared at the door not knowing what she would find inside. She wouldn't know that only two hours ago, Jim and her parents stood inside while Jim looked at the home that was never to be his again.

She opened the door, and the door alarmed was chirping the countdown, she applied her old code and the speaker state "home disarmed, ready to arm". The house was dark and had a closed up smell to it. The furniture was dusty, with a table lamp on, yet it looked unlived in. She went into the kitchen where she turned on the faucet. Water poured out. Utilities were still on.

It was too early for Jim to be home from work, so no need to call and bother. He wasn't living here it seemed. Taking a breath, Linda began to look around the house. The master bedroom looked exactly as it did the last time she was here. The bed was unused. It looked picture perfect except the obvious amount of dust. She drew a breath as she noticed all of Jim's favorite photos missing from the bedroom. She went to his closet, and open the doors. Empty. All of his clothes, were gone.

She stumbled as she raced to the children's rooms. Emma's closet empty, and all of her favorite toys were gone as well. She found Tommy's room was the same.

Where were her family? What did Jim do? Where did he take them? Her Babies.....

Though she could not understand that Jim would never be second fiddle to another man, and his children were way too important to be as unimportant to their mother as she was treating them. Had taken the children.

She went to her purse and dug around in it for her old phone. She had used a phone that Marc furnished to her. Of course, her phone was dead. The battery, a long time ago, out of charge. She took the phone to the master bedroom where her charging cables were on her side of the bed. After plugging it in, she laid back onto the dusty bedspread. The quiet of house began to creep into her mind. With that came a intense feeling of loss, the only real feeling of loss that she had since she left that Saturday.

Was IT, the feeling of loss, the loss of her family, or the fact that 'He' was tired of her, or possibly both?

She went back to the kitchen, Jim had left her bottles of wine in the wine rack. She looked for a bottle opener but all the small kitchen tools were gone, as were the glasses and dishes, but the furniture was here.

She was almost disgusted until she found a bottle of wine with a screw top. She twisted the cap off, and drank a huge gulp then entered the bedroom again, and drank and drank some more.

It was a few minutes later with the power cord connected to her phone, she powered it on. She looked at her messages, it was full of messages from her parents going back through these past months. Her voicemail showed voice messages going back until then as well. She did noted that when she looked at the date stamp on the voice messages, that Jim had left several messages each day for the first week, then down to one message a day for several weeks to finally one every few days for another month then none until today.

The surprise that her mother left her a daily voice message had continued. Her father hadn't left any messages and that didn't surprise her. He was disappointed in her. He would only talk to her face to face.

She finished the wine bottle before drifting off to sleep.

As Linda was sleeping, Jim got off his plane and turned his phone back on. He saw an alert from the alarm system on the old house. The system was disarmed. He quickly call his father-in-law. "Jeff, I hate to bother you, but I just got off the plane, and saw that someone turned off the house alarm. Can you check it out for me?"

He got his wife, and off they went back to Jim and Linda's house. He brought the wife because even though Jim didn't say it, there was only one person that could turn the alarm off.

He couldn't get out of his wife's way fast enough as she quickly went into the house. Searching for her baby. "Jeff, back here quick." she called to him.

Linda was unresponsive as her mother tried to wake her.

A good father, he grabbed his daughter up, and carried her out the door and loaded her into the backseat. No words spoken as two parents attempted to get their daughter to the nearest hospital.

Jeff carried his daughter into Collins Regional Hospital Emergency Room where he was met by several nurses. A gurney was quickly rolled over, and Linda was taken back to the Trauma Area. Her mother went back with Linda while Jeff took over getting her admitted.

He didn't call Jim. He wouldn't until he knew something. They were divorced now, but he knew that Jim would always care. He was that kind of man.

He felt a hand shake him awake. His wife was standing with a doctor. He looked at the clock on the wall, it had been over four hours since they arrived.

The doctor explained that Linda was dehydrated and was on fluids. Her body was covered in obvious body secretions. A rape kit had been administered. There was no bodily bruising either on her body or private regions, but what bothered the doctor was Linda's blood levels. She had high levels of various drugs and alcohol in her system.

Linda was not in any danger, but the Physician offered that Linda should probably go to rehab, and suggested a couple of facilities nearby.

As a father, Jeff watched the tearful reunion as mother and daughter held each other and cried. He did come sit beside her and hold Linda's hand. He wasn't happy with her behavior, but she was his baby.

She wanted to know about her children. Where were they? Why aren't they at home? Make Jim bring them to me.

Sternly, Jeff looked at her. "You don't have the right to demand anything of that poor man. You did this to yourself. You've been God knows where for the last few months.. No calls, No texts! Hell, I thought you were dead."

He reached into his pocket and retrieved her phone. "Maybe you should read your texts or listen to your messages to get an idea of what been going on while you've been on your drug induced vacation."

He stood to walk away. He paused, "Linda, you're going to go rehab for as long as it takes." And walked out the door.

A quick call by the nurses showed that Linda was still on Jim's health insurance. He didn't tell Jim more than Linda was alive. She's wasn't doing good, and they had found her passed out in the house. She was on a lot of drugs, and he was going to put into rehab. He promised to keep Jim posted.

Her mother stayed by her side as she waited to be transported to St Mary's Rehab Center. With shaking hands, she went to Jim's message from that 'day' when he sent her packing and she didn't go to her parents but to Dee's house. The disappointment in his voice as he talked about the humiliation that she dropped on him and the children. She couldn't listen to anymore and moved to his next message. 'Where are you? Jeff said you never made it.' Then to the next day message. 'It's ten am, I've had a job offer, I'd like to talk with you about it. Call me.'

'It's 1 pm, you haven't called so I guess you're doing what's best for Linda, and not the family. We're about to get on a plane. I took the job. Good bye.'

She cried. "Mom, where are they?"

"Baby, that's a conversation for when you're better."

"My babies need me!"

"Linda, I don't want to hurt your feeling, but you haven't been a mother in months so don't play the mother card with me, young lady. Your children are fine. They're happy and healthy with their father. The man that you forsook and ran around on."

During his evening phone call with Maria, Jim told her about the divorce hearing, and how as strange as it seemed that his Ex had shown up at their home shortly after he left the city. That she was strung out on drugs, and her parents were putting her into rehab.

"Does that mean that you're giving her another chance?"

Without hesitation, "No. She burned that bridge. No way, Jose."

She was glad that he couldn't see the happiness on her face. It would embarrass her.

"Jim, I know it's short notice, but could a girl take you out to celebrate your divorce this Friday? It's the last day of the school year, and I can celebrate 'summers off' with you."

"I would love to go out with you. Let me see if I can get a sitter."
